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Wii have taken over! From a reliable source..

So much for Microsoft's first to 10 million worldwide argument.

Sure, they DEFINITELY beat Sony in that regard.

All hail our Wii overlords! HD am cry. :(


nintendo has found the secret to world domination

Bowen_B said:
I'm with you on this issue.

The 360 is like a home cooked meal: Not perfect but good quality and what you love.
The Wii is like a McDonalds meal: Cheap, low quality trash for the masses.
i dispute that comparison. more people eat home cooked meals every day than eat mcdonalds. ergo... it is a bad metaphor.


at the risk of upsetting certain aspects of the community, the only thing this makes me remember is that people were indeed predicting that a console would pass the 360 before the end of the year... just not this one.

the wii really has done just about everything i never dreamed it would. selling out for 10 months. fasting selling console ever. overtaking the 360 in less than half the time. completely reversing Nintendo's position last gen.

i didn't think it would do it. i just hoped it'd be succesful enough somewhere that interesting enough games would keep coming through.

i mean, i'd still love to see a three way tie in terms of hardware and software sales... but i appreciate now that's never going to happen.


Xisiqomelir said:

:lol :lol :lol Wow I would never think that situation would be used in a gaming gif. Well played.

You know, the video game industry is a lot like Rocky movies. It's like, Nintendo is Rocky, Microsoft is Ivan Drago and PS3 is Apollo Creed.


As a long time Nintendo fanboy from the SNES days (SMW RULEESSS!!), this both saddens me and delights me all in one go. I longed for the day when Nintendo was back on top, except I expected their success would go hand in hand with shitloads of games that make SMW, YI SMK etc look dated.

Sadly Nintendo have forsaken its fans and soldout to the grandpa crowd.

I love you Ninty but please in 2008 I want to see games that justify your success.

Also 3rd parties pull your socks up and release some AAA stuff!
kammy said:
As a long time Nintendo fanboy from the SNES days (SMW RULEESSS!!), this both saddens me and delights me all in one go. I longed for the day when Nintendo was back on top, except I expected their success would go hand in hand with shitloads of games that make SMW, YI SMK etc look dated.

Sadly Nintendo have forsaken its fans and soldout to the grandpa crowd.

I love you Ninty but please in 2008 I want to see games that justify your success.

Also 3rd parties pull your socks up and release some AAA stuff!

Yeah I have hopes for 2008 since it seems Nintendo has given up on 2008. Don't hold your breath, I think Wii Fit is the only 1st party title for 2008.



Loves the Greater Toronto Area
kammy said:
Sadly Nintendo have forsaken its fans and soldout to the grandpa crowd.
MP3:C, SMG, SSBB, BW2, and Z:pH say you have no clue what you are talking about.

edit - SERIOUSLY!!?!?!?!?! how the hell can you say SMW rules and then turn around and say Nintendo has given up with SMG right around the corner??? WTF?????? It's like saying George Lucas was a one trick pony in 1977 with Star Wars among a ton of early screening reviews of Empire Strikes Back.
<weeps for 3rd parties>

Gasp! The casual-priced system sells more units to casuals. Whoda thunk it?
It's not like MSFT or Sony priced their systems to place first in the industry.
MSFT wanted to make $$. Sony wanted to sacrifice market leadership for Blu-Ray.
Kudos to Nintendo for masterfully exploiting the situation to their own benefit.

Just remember, guys... Wii still has some catching up to do to take over 1st in North America.
Next objective... market leadership in Canada. :D


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
B-Rad Lascelle said:
<weeps for 3rd parties>
I think the third party thing on Wii and DS is compounded by relatively uninteresting games. This is JUST hypothesis mind you, so if I'm wrong then prove it.

We've seen really creative third party games sell well on Wii and DS. Trauma Center, Phoenix Wright, Resident Evil, even Godfather: Blackhand for a port. Madden sold well last year and I expect to see even better numbers this year.

The point is that while first party games certainly sell the lionshare on the Wii, third parties overall numbers are slightly brought down by the "by comparison" uninteresting titles on the systems. On the 360, a third party can make just as interesting of a driving title as MS can. Or a first person shooter. or an adventure game. etc. On Wii you have to compete with Brain Training, Mario Party, Metroid Prime (which so far seems to be the only game that has perfectly nailed FPS controls), etc. on DS you have brain training, nintendogs, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Pokemon... it's much harder to stand out against Nintendo's incredibly distinct titles than it is against MS' or Sony's. And that's not even a knock against their titles' overall quality. In a sea of shooters, likely buyers are going to buy one of them. Get enough good word of mouth going and you get a sale. How do you compete against titles which you have nothing like?

It's not even just Nintendo. Guitar Hero has been doing it for two years now. Running amok virtually unchallenged. The only difference is a third party came out with that one. Still, Guitar Hero is the perfect example of the same thing that Nintendo has done as a publisher. They are just saddled with the responsibility of being a manufacturer as well that has to entice third parties to their system.
B-Rad Lascelle said:
Just remember, guys... Wii still has some catching up to do to take over 1st in North America.
Next objective... market leadership in Canada. :D
I think Wii can be leader in every market but US before 2008.
Also US 360 leadership won't last till end of 2009.
Good point is that there's enough 360 and PS3 so we can all have good games (the market has grown a lot since last gen).
Now it's time for dev to show good games (even for Wii you fuc***g lazy third party devs !)


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I had a wii-velation on Sunday. My special lady came home (from a baby shower, natch) and said "so-and-so said her husband was at home playing Madden Wii with their son and they were having so much fun. Don't you want a Wii for your birthday?" I had no idea she knew the Wii existed, and her only knowledge of Madden comes from sentences like "stop playing Madden so much."


Won't stop picking the right nation
kammy said:
Sadly Nintendo have forsaken its fans and soldout to the grandpa crowd.
This line of reasoning has never made sense to me. I mean you think it would benefit Nintendo trying to appease its fans and the hardcore crowd the same as they do everybody else. That's more money for Nintendo, and last time I checked, Nintendo likes money. Essentially they don't have games, but at least they're not irrelevent with no games like they used to be. But it's not like their "nongames" out number their other games anyway, so the point is essentially ridiculous.


Bowen_B said:
I'm with you on this issue.

The 360 is like a home cooked meal: Not perfect but good quality and what you love.
The Wii is like a McDonalds meal: Cheap, low quality trash for the masses.
If McDonald's served the culinary equivalent of Fire Emblem I'd eat there.
-COOLIO- said:
personally, im for nintendo because im all for their philosophy and i love the wii mote.

I just prefer the idea of playing games with waggle moreso than the other advances in technological capacity. Those advances are still in their infancy, otherwise they would be fueling the industry instead of catering to a minority.
I think it's funny that it's apparently impossible to want success for the Wii because you want to see what developers can do with the Wiimote technology.
mentalfloss said:
I just prefer the idea of playing games with waggle moreso than the other advances in technological capacity. Those advances are still in their infancy, otherwise they would be fueling the industry instead of catering to a minority.
I prefer playing games with 'waggle' then counting lines of resolution, watching streaming video or doing a jigg in virtual worlds or recording the latest repeat episode of The Simpsons.


Sony had made so much $$ so far with the PS3:

2,487,063,600 Billion $
(i have count 600 $ for a console)

Nintendo made with the WII this count of $$:
2,590,321,750 Billion $
(i have count 250 $for a console)

pretty close, dont you think so?


Obaid said:
Sony had made so much $$ so far with the PS3:

2,487,063,600 Billion $
(i have count 600 $ for a console)

Nintendo made with the WII this count of $$:
2,590,321,750 Billion $
(i have count 250 $for a console)

pretty close, dont you think so?
Chinese parts manufacturers must be overjoyed.


I can't understand for the life of me why people still think that the 360 and PS3 are going to lose 3rd party support to the Wii. I can see added support in the future coming for Wii, but it wont be at the expense of those 2 systems.


Obaid said:
Sony had made so much $$ so far with the PS3:

2,487,063,600 Billion $
(i have count 600 $ for a console)

Nintendo made with the WII this count of $$:
2,590,321,750 Billion $
(i have count 250 $for a console)

pretty close, dont you think so?

Yeah, but only one of those has walked away with a profit, which is really the only thing that matters when you have a business.


Obaid said:
Sony had made so much $$ so far with the PS3:

2,487,063,600 Billion $
(i have count 600 $ for a console)

Nintendo made with the WII this count of $$:
2,590,321,750 Billion $
(i have count 250 $for a console)

pretty close, dont you think so?

Joke, right?


Obaid said:
Sony had made so much $$ so far with the PS3:

2,487,063,600 Billion $
(i have count 600 $ for a console)

Nintendo made with the WII this count of $$:
2,590,321,750 Billion $
(i have count 250 $for a console)

pretty close, dont you think so?
kpop100 said:
I can't understand for the life of me why people still think that the 360 and PS3 are going to lose 3rd party support to the Wii. I can see added support in the future coming for Wii, but it wont be at the expense of those 2 systems.

2 words: Opportunity cost.

Same thing happened with PS2.


Hates quality gaming
Holy shit.
Andy787 said:
What is Nintendo's philosophy?
-COOLIO- said:
giving smaller developers a chance
As if previous generations weren't host to the most diverse software lineup to date, the highest number of budget titles created, and host to homebrew gaming (Yaroze to Linux), this still isn't unique to Nintendo. XBLA and PSN both provide means to do the exact same thing.
stopping the industry from becoming too hollywood
Absolutely false.

That is unless you want to ignore all the hype that the Wii got and continues to get on all the talk shows and other media outlets.

And if you want to ignore the epic games that they continue to make, like TP.
expanding the audience
Right, whereas the philosophy behind Sony or Microsoft is to contract the audience.

Whereas the PS1 selling to 100 million people didn't do the same.
ignoring hd
Do you like videogames?

I have to ask, because if you did, I really am at a complete loss as to why you wouldn't want them to continuously evolve and expand.

Just look at the phrase you used: "ignoring hd". You are praising ignorance. Why would any rational person do this?
the wii-mote
is the best thing they could come up with when the writing was on the wall and they realized that they were incapable of competing solely on technical prowress, which they did two decades prior.
and free (but shitty i admit) online service.
Again, how is this uniquely Nintendo's philosophy.

"Free online service" is something PC gamers have had for decades now and should be considered a baseline standard for all videogames. It certainly isn't distinctive enough that a company should be praised for providing it. Praising Nintendo for having free online service is like praising them for having the Wii output color graphics. It's taken for granted now.

Ah, Nintendo fans.


So yeah guys, congrats on helping the Wii reach this milestone. How about having some games that I would actually want to spend money on, when will that happen.
Obaid said:
Sony had made so much $$ so far with the PS3:

2,487,063,600 Billion $
(i have count 600 $ for a console)

Nintendo made with the WII this count of $$:
2,590,321,750 Billion $
(i have count 250 $for a console)

pretty close, dont you think so?

You're right. Also, did you know the PS3 has sold more in raw material than the Wii?

27,975,474.9 lbs for the Wii

45,596,166 lbs for the PS3

See? It's not close at all if you don't spin things.


DeaconKnowledge said:
2 words: Opportunity cost.

Same thing happened with PS2.

The PS2 was on the same level though as far as hardware.

Do you really think all the money that developers sunk into creating engines and assets for the 360 and PS3 will just be tossed. The Wii will get more games, but it wont be cutting into the number of games for the 360 or PS3.
dog$ said:
Do you like videogames?

I have to ask, because if you did, I really am at a complete loss as to why you wouldn't want them to continuously evolve and expand.

Just look at the phrase you used: "ignoring hd". You are praising ignorance.

Ignoring HD gave me a USD 250 console as opposed to another USD 300+ console. Reason enough to praise it, as far as I'm concerned.


Hates quality gaming
It's just money on frivolous entertainment after all, right.

The money you've spent on a DS could have went towards a 360, but it didn't. That was your choice.

I'd get a PS3 today if I thought I had the time to use it and it had enough games worth playing. The price doesn't keep me away. I know how to budget what money I have.


kpop100 said:
I can't understand for the life of me why people still think that the 360 and PS3 are going to lose 3rd party support to the Wii. I can see added support in the future coming for Wii, but it wont be at the expense of those 2 systems.

limitless resources confirmed.


Rancid Mildew said:
You're right. Also, did you know the PS3 has sold more in raw material than the Wii?

27,975,474.9 lbs for the Wii

45,596,166 lbs for the PS3

See? It's not close at all if you don't spin things.

you all kinda didnt get my point. the consumer paid almost the same amount of money for both consoles. The only def. is that they got more WIIs because it is cheaper then the PS3.
You cannot compare WII with the PS3 from that point of view. It is like to say Mercedes has lost the car market because people buy more Toyota then Mercedes, for that reason mercedes is unsuccessful and owned.
Obaid said:
Sony had made so much $$ so far with the PS3:

2,487,063,600 Billion $
(i have count 600 $ for a console)

Nintendo made with the WII this count of $$:
2,590,321,750 Billion $
(i have count 250 $for a console)

pretty close, dont you think so?

Only when you don't consider that Sony doesn't get a single penny from selling the PS3


Why would you be happy about Wii beating 360? It's not like the 360's "599!!!" or is in a game drought like both the Wii and PS3.

The 360 has awesome games coming out right now (across all genres), everyone that would be cheering for the Wii hates real gaming and is a nintendo fanboy.
dog$ said:
It's just money on frivolous entertainment after all, right.

The money you've spent on a DS could have went towards a 360, but it didn't. That was your choice.

Whether or not I can afford it has no bearing on whether or not I think it's worth the cash.
Obaid said:
you all kinda didnt get my point. the consumer paid almost the same amount of money for both consoles. The only def. is that they got more WIIs because it is cheaper then the PS3.
You cannot compare WII with the PS3 from that point of view. It is like to say Mercedes has lost the car market because people buy more Toyota then Mercedes, for that reason mercedes is unsuccessful and owned.
Tabris said:
Why would you be happy about Wii beating 360? It's not like the 360's "599!!!" or is in a game drought like both the Wii and PS3.

The 360 has awesome games coming out right now (across all genres), everyone that would be cheering for the Wii hates real gaming and is a nintendo fanboy.

If you want to troll, could you at least be funny about it? Sheesh.
Tabris said:
Why would you be happy about Wii beating 360? It's not like the 360's "599!!!" or is in a game drought like both the Wii and PS3.

The 360 has awesome games coming out right now (across all genres), everyone that would be cheering for the Wii hates real gaming and is a nintendo fanboy.
I am a Wii-only owner, I have not "jumped in" yet, but I regularly recommend 360 to gamer friends.
Tabris said:
Why would you be happy about Wii beating 360? It's not like the 360's "599!!!" or is in a game drought like both the Wii and PS3.

The 360 has awesome games coming out right now, everyone that would be cheering for the Wii hates real gaming and is a nintendo fanboy.

What? I simply like Nintendo games better. It's sad when games like Brawl and Galaxy are no longer considered "real". Games like that are killer apps to me in the highest order. I don't see any problem in cheering on the console that will get your favorite games that won't appear anywhere else.


Hates quality gaming
Rancid Mildew said:
It's sad when games like Brawl and Galaxy are no longer considered "real".
Links please? I haven't seen this.
Pureauthor said:
Whether or not I can afford it has no bearing on whether or not I think it's worth the cash.
So then why praise one product over another solely on price?


Obaid said:
you all kinda didnt get my point. the consumer paid almost the same amount of money for both consoles. The only def. is that they got more WIIs because it is cheaper then the PS3.
You cannot compare WII with the PS3 from that point of view. It is like to say Mercedes has lost the car market because people buy more Toyota then Mercedes, for that reason mercedes is unsuccessful and owned.

Well, I would think that luxury cars like BMW and Mercedes has a larger profit margin than a typical Toyota, but the converse is true for Nintendo and Sony. Wii makes money whereas PS3 doesn't.


Rancid Mildew said:
What? I simply like Nintendo games better. It's sad when games like Brawl and Galaxy are no longer considered "real". Games like that are killer apps to me in the highest order. I don't see any problem in cheering on the console that will get your favorite games that won't appear anywhere else.

You're playing Brawl and Galaxy right now? Wow! Can I borrow your time machine sometime?
dog$ said:
So then why praise one product over another solely on price?

...Because as far as I am concerned, the only worthwhile difference in the Wii and the 360 is in software available for the systems.

Now, as of right now, neither system holds sufficient titles that would cause me to purchase either one of them, however, the Wii, being at a lower price point, has a potential of reaching the price point and/or software level for which I would be willing to purchase the system. Thus, a lower price point is a good thing.

Who cares? I haven't touched my freakin Wii in months.

Needs more games. BIG TIME.

I understand you might not care, but why enter a thread solely dedicated to talking about sales in order to inform us that you don't?
dog$ said:
Links please? I haven't seen this.
So then why praise one product over another solely on price?

Tabris implies it by saying that by cheering on the Wii, I hate real gaming. As for myself, my support comes from the fact that I'll be enjoying those two games more than anything other this winter. That should be enough reason for praise.

Tabris said:
You're playing Brawl and Galaxy right now? Wow! Can I borrow your time machine sometime?

Is there a reason they need to be out now to justify my enthusiasm for the system?
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