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Wii have taken over! From a reliable source..


Rancid Mildew said:
Is there a reason they need to be out now to justify my enthusiasm for the system?

Yes. A real gamer would go to where the games are, and all the high quality games OUT right now are on the 360. So a real gamer would be cheering for the 360 (which he would have purchased) until those 2 games on the Wii came out, which he would then cheer for both consoles to do well.

Only reason I want Nintendo to fail is because of people like you :) I still own a Wii and will cheer on those specific games.


Rancid Mildew said:
What? I simply like Nintendo games better. It's sad when games like Brawl and Galaxy are no longer considered "real". Games like that are killer apps to me in the highest order. I don't see any problem in cheering on the console that will get your favorite games that won't appear anywhere else.

I think most people that grew up with nintendo eventually saw the worth of non-nintendo property.

True, I first came into Nintendo with games like super mario brothers and zelda,
but I came to love games from konami, capcom, and square far more.

And I think western games have come a long way. I have never had so many western games as I do now with the xbox 360. Gears of War, Halo, Bioshock, Call of Duty are just awesome.

Nintendo games are can still be good, but I no longer consider them THE BEST.
But if you have never played games before, Nintendo is not a bad way to start.
Tabris said:
Yes. A real gamer would go to where the games are, and all the high quality games OUT right now are on the 360. So a real gamer would be cheering for the 360 (which he would have purchased) until those 2 games on the Wii came out, which he would then cheer for both consoles to do well.

Only reason I want Nintendo to fail is because of people like you :) I still own a Wii and will cheer on those specific games.

A real gamer would be happy with a Wii right now, as there are games existing on it to justify its existence.


RiskyChris said:
A real gamer would be happy with a Wii right now, as there are games existing on it to justify its existence.

I wouldn't be happy with just a Wii right now. I would be pining for a 360. Luckily I don't have to.
Real gamers don't go around telling people what you have to do or be to be a real gamer, or making judgements about what is and isn't a real game.

oh fuck.


A real gamer would know there isn't shit for the Wii still. Yeah, the waggle hype is great and all - but you need games to go along with it.

Wii is a barren wasteland as far as I am concerned. Needs way more good software.

I've only bought Legend of Zelda for it, I'm waiting for Super Mario Galaxy.

Pretty weak.


fake gamers post in sales threads while real gamers are playing bioshock right now.

So I guess we're all fake gamers :)
RiskyChris said:
A real gamer would be happy with a Wii right now, as there are games existing on it to justify its existence.

If all I had to play video games on was a Wii, I'd just play war/board games instead. The system is a festering pile of shit for anyone with remotely sophisticated gaming tastes provided they aren't VC-mongering nostalgia monkeys.

I'm not saying it doesn't work for a lot of people-it does, hence its success, but that statement is flat out wrong as a blanket statement.


plagiarize said:
Real gamers don't go around telling people what you have to do or be to be a real gamer, or making judgements about what is and isn't a real game.

oh fuck.
oooooooo QFT, I was about to state that with all the "real gamer" talk. I own a 360 and IMO there are only 3 triple A games in terms of design. Oblivion, Gears, and Bioshock. everything elses is mediocre to good. Lets face it people, PS2 was were it was at. All the current gen systems are weak sauce right now.
Jesus Christ I love this objective statements on how the 10 million Wii owners should feel.

I have more Wii games than 360 games, and I've owned a 360 for an extra half a year. I've got more Virtual Console games than Live Arcade. I've sold many 360 games and not one Wii one. I prefer Excite Truck to Bioshock. But I love my 360 and my most played game by a big margin this year is on it. These retarded "REAL gamers hate the Wii!" bullshit posts need to stop.
I've got to be honest:

Whenever I look at the PS3's or 360's library, I see "FPS, FPS, FPS announced, FPS, racer, Sandbox game..." to the point that It becomes redundant to me. Not that I don't like FPS', but such a steady diet of them is wearing thin for me. I don't particularly care for the 360's online capabilities as I only play online with a handful of Games (Madden, the odd racing title) and while the 360 does have compelling games, the library doesn't seem diverse to me at all.

I realize that this ISN'T the case with a lot of other people, and that's cool. But I can't help but notice that a good many of the games that GAF is anticipating on the HD consoles are FPS', and I just plain don't like that genre enough to pick up a system for it right now.

MS is doing some fantastic things with the 360 (finally) and they're realizing that diversity is the key to success rather than appealing to the "mature" market, Bioshock looks fantastic, I've wanted Gears for a while, and Mass Effect may tip the scales to get me to buy one eventually, but for the most part, I much prefer what the Wii is offering or set to offer in comparison.


TheGreatDave said:
Jesus Christ I love this objective statements on how the 10 million Wii owners should feel.

I have more Wii games than 360 games, and I've owned a 360 for an extra half a year. I've got more Virtual Console games than Live Arcade. I've sold many 360 games and not one Wii one. I prefer Excite Truck to Bioshock. These retarded "REAL gamers hate the Wii!" bullshit posts need to stop.

wow amazing, it's the exact opposite for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I played excite truck for like 60 min, and sent it back to gamefly.


TheGreatDave said:
Jesus Christ I love this objective statements on how the 10 million Wii owners should feel.

I have more Wii games than 360 games, and I've owned a 360 for an extra half a year. I've got more Virtual Console games than Live Arcade. I've sold many 360 games and not one Wii one. I prefer Excite Truck to Bioshock. These retarded "REAL gamers hate the Wii!" bullshit posts need to stop.

You have failed. Go back to the end of the line.


Hates quality gaming
Rancid Mildew said:
my support comes from the fact that I'll be enjoying those two games more than anything other this winter. That should be enough reason for praise.
The phrase about "real gaming" is pretty useless, and your support might be solely on those two titles, but that support of the Wii is no different in this regard of sales than the people who buy it just to play fake tennis every three months. I can appreciate the difference but that isn't reflected in any sales trend. I'm guessing that you consider there to be a wide gap between yourself and people who only like WiiSports, but such ferverent support makes most people associate you with them. Sorry to say.
Pureauthor said:
neither system holds sufficient titles that would cause me to purchase either one of them, however, the Wii, being at a lower price point, has a potential of reaching the price point and/or software level for which I would be willing to purchase the system. Thus, a lower price point is a good thing.
Inexpensive shit is still shit.

What you're saying is that you're willing to put up with different (I won't even say "lesser", relax) quality hardware just because it's cheaper. When one considers how the Wii was able to reach the price point its at, it doesn't offer any better deal than the other systems available at very least. That the Wii is cheaper than the other systems should make no impact on the games you would want to play on it.
Dr_Cogent said:
You have failed. Go back to the end of the line.

You don't have gaming opinions contrary to the masses?

Neither Bioshock nor Excite Truck hold much appeal whatsoever for me.

Inexpensive shit is still shit.

Don't see what that has to do with my statement, but let's go on.

What you're saying is that you're willing to put up with different (I won't even say "lesser", relax) quality hardware just because it's cheaper. When one considers how the Wii was able to reach the price point its at, it doesn't offer any better deal than the other systems available at very least. That the Wii is cheaper than the other systems should make no impact on the games you would want to play on it.

Bolded statement - 'put up'? I dunno, what's inside the shiny casing of the consoles is not an issue for me at all. If that counts as 'putting up', then, I suppose that's the way it is.

I do not care how the Wii reached its price point - all I care about that it is cheaper, and that I will likely be able to justify a purchase for one sooner than either the X360 or the PS3 (at the very least, this was how I felt until rather recently, when we received information that MSoft decided to ungimp the Core pack. Now I suppose the race is far more even.)
Dr_Cogent said:
You have failed. Go back to the end of the line.

At least I tried Bioshock. I never usually buy first person games (Prime included, so I'm taking a risk there too) but thought I'd give it a chance. The fact is, people assume a "real gamer" is one that hates Mario Party and Wario Ware and love Bioshock and GRAW, which is just bullshit. I'm valid, dammit!
Tabris said:
Why would you be happy about Wii beating 360? It's not like the 360's "599!!!" or is in a game drought like both the Wii and PS3.

The 360 has awesome games coming out right now (across all genres), everyone that would be cheering for the Wii hates real gaming and is a nintendo fanboy.
That sounds like douchebag talk to me. Cheering for Nintendo in no way means (at least for me and many others with functioning brains) that we're 1) Nintendo Fanboys, or 2) 360 Haters. I own both, play both, and support both. I'm just stoked to see Nintendo doing very well having developed the most different/controversial/graphically-limited console of the 'new 3'.
Xisiqomelir said:
LMAO! :lol :lol


DeaconKnowledge said:
I've got to be honest:

Whenever I look at the PS3's or 360's library, I see "FPS, FPS, FPS announced, FPS, racer, Sandbox game..." to the point that It becomes redundant to me. Not that I don't like FPS', but such a steady diet of them is wearing thin for me. I don't particularly care for the 360's online capabilities as I only play online with a handful of Games (Madden, the odd racing title) and while the 360 does have compelling games, the library doesn't seem diverse to me at all.

I realize that this ISN'T the case with a lot of other people, and that's cool. But I can't help but notice that a good many of the games that GAF is anticipating on the HD consoles are FPS', and I just plain don't like that genre enough to pick up a system for it right now.

MS is doing some fantastic things with the 360 (finally) and they're realizing that diversity is the key to success rather than appealing to the "mature" market, Bioshock looks fantastic, I've wanted Gears for a while, and Mass Effect may tip the scales to get me to buy one eventually, but for the most part, I much prefer what the Wii is offering or set to offer in comparison.

Actually I've noticed an interesting phenomena. When you are on the outside looking in (on consoles you don't own) it is easy to overgeneralize the available library. I thought DS was all brain games and non game fluff until I bought one earlier this year, and since my perception has changed.


I just find it funny that now that Nintendo is dominating I find even LESS games I want to play on the system.

Been all downhill since SNES for me.

I do however LOVE my ds and gba. It's like the snes keeps on living in the palm of my hand.
Tabris said:
Yes. A real gamer would go to where the games are, and all the high quality games OUT right now are on the 360. So a real gamer would be cheering for the 360 (which he would have purchased) until those 2 games on the Wii came out, which he would then cheer for both consoles to do well.

Only reason I want Nintendo to fail is because of people like you :) I still own a Wii and will cheer on those specific games.

Where did I say that I don't like or own the 360? I have one for the four RPGs and finished and enjoyed Bioshock after GAF recommended it. At the same time though, I recognize that the Wii will likely sport my two games of the year by this December. It's a simple matter of divergent tastes. I see absolutely zero problems in rooting for a console that will probably have two games I enjoy far more than most other games released for the rest of this generation.

dog$ said:
The phrase about "real gaming" is pretty useless, and your support might be solely on those two titles, but that support of the Wii is no different in this regard of sales than the people who buy it just to play fake tennis every three months. I can appreciate the difference but that isn't reflected in any sales trend. I'm guessing that you consider there to be a wide gap between yourself and people who only like WiiSports, but such ferverent support makes most people associate you with them. Sorry to say.

I recognize that I may be supporting a type of gaming that is now considered antiquated but I don't see why everyone else feels so threatened by it. The same goes for the WiiSports enthusiasts that you talk about. Why should anyone not support the console they find the most enjoyment on?
kpop100 said:
Actually I've noticed an interesting phenomena. When you are on the outside looking in (on consoles you don't own) it is easy to overgeneralize the available library. I thought DS was all brain games and non game fluff until I bought one earlier this year, and since my perception has changed.

That is an interesting phenomena. I will say though that my "FPS Heavy" diatribe wasn't focused on the 360 library as it stands now, but the future of the 360 (and PS3) Library. Here on GAF the majority of games that get their own threads seem to be FPS or Sandbox titles. Now I know that's only a cross-section of the entire 360 market, but that's the market that I and i'm sure a lot of other people are seeing.

I see what you're saying though, people talk alot about "mini-game collections" for the Wii and while there does seem to be a disproportionate amount, there is still a ton of content that doesn't fall under that umbrella.


Xisiqomelir said:

We should talk less about sales and praise more about this awesome gif :lol

But seriously, even though I'm with Nintendo and I only own a Wii, I don't hate the 360. In fact I always recommended 360 to my friends who can't decide what to get.


the wii served a good purpose.
to get my girlfriend into gaming! we play that together.

but when she's not around, I just play 360.


DeaconKnowledge said:
That is an interesting phenomena. I will say though that my "FPS Heavy" diatribe wasn't focused on the 360 library as it stands now, but the future of the 360 (and PS3) Library. Here on GAF the majority of games that get their own threads seem to be FPS or Sandbox titles. Now I know that's only a cross-section of the entire 360 market, but that's the market that I and i'm sure a lot of other people are seeing.

I see what you're saying though, people talk alot about "mini-game collections" for the Wii and while there does seem to be a disproportionate amount, there is still a ton of content that doesn't fall under that umbrella.
eh...DS was a minigame fest in its birth...when it comes down to it , we will be getting great games on all systems, though as a 360 owner I'm most disappointed with how long its taken for the great games to start rolling in. Over 2 years, PS3 an Wii are starting to roll them in within a year.

RobertM said:
But where the games at?
damnit...your avvy is distracting too.
DeaconKnowledge said:
That is an interesting phenomena. I will say though that my "FPS Heavy" diatribe wasn't focused on the 360 library as it stands now, but the future of the 360 (and PS3) Library. Here on GAF the majority of games that get their own threads seem to be FPS or Sandbox titles. Now I know that's only a cross-section of the entire 360 market, but that's the market that I and i'm sure a lot of other people are seeing.

I see what you're saying though, people talk alot about "mini-game collections" for the Wii and while there does seem to be a disproportionate amount, there is still a ton of content that doesn't fall under that umbrella.
just go look at the 'bioshock needs company for game of the year' thread. i'd say well over 50% of the suggestions are FPS and they aren't remotely all the same ones.

the PS3 looked like it had a nice diverse line up of AAA titles, but it's looking like a few of those aren't AAA, and right now it's all Warhawk and Killzone 2 (which i won't pretend to not be really really excited about) in gaf hype. Why Uncharted isn't the poster boy for the winter line up, i haven't got a clue... but that's another discussion.

that's the thing, the overall libraries are pretty diverse, it's just that for whatever reason the best games this year are looking to be FPS, and the most exciting games over the horizon are looking to be FPS.

the way the cards fell, the wii's most promising looking games are more diverse than the 360's and PS3's. doesn't reflect the library on a whole but i can see why you'd feel the way you do.


I do reckon this race is pretty much over. Good thing 360 software sales are so strong or HD gaming would be dead. Thank God for Western PC devs (and certain 3rd parties).
Tabris said:
Yes. A real gamer would go to where the games are, and all the high quality games OUT right now are on the 360. So a real gamer would be cheering for the 360 (which he would have purchased) until those 2 games on the Wii came out, which he would then cheer for both consoles to do well.

Only reason I want Nintendo to fail is because of people like you :) I still own a Wii and will cheer on those specific games.

What the hell is a real gamer suppose to mean? You play what you want to play, there's no real or fake, stop being so ignorant. Stop crying bitter tears, Nintendo has succeeded.
I just prefer the idea of playing games with waggle moreso than the other advances in technological capacity. Those advances are still in their infancy, otherwise they would be fueling the industry instead of catering to a minority.

Why even use waggle if it rarely brings with it new games that are impossible on other consoles?
It's all wel and good that the Wii is doing as well as it it. But if most of the games just end up being ports and mini games fiascos, then it doesn't really matter.

And funny enough, I still want a PS3. Just because a console isn't good in terms of systems sold, it won't stop it from being awesome. I learnt that lesson with the Gamecube and the N64 before it.

And well done to Nintendo.
RiskyChris said:
A real gamer would be happy with a Wii right now, as there are games existing on it to justify its existence.

Being 100% honest, if all I had was a Wii I would be a pretty sad gamer. There absolutely nothing out on the Wii right now that justifies it's existence for me.


wow this thread is a clusterfuck.

and it's amazing how great the Wii has done. Great prospects for motion controls in the future of home entertainment. I can't imagine how big it'll be this Christmas season once the major games have finally launched
bigmakstudios said:
Why even use waggle if it rarely brings with it new games that are impossible on other consoles?
the exact same thing could be said about improving the power of your system. why even bother when it rarely brings with it new games that are impossible on other consoles?
Jirotrom said:
eh...DS was a minigame fest in its birth...when it comes down to it , we will be getting great games on all systems, though as a 360 owner I'm most disappointed with how long its taken for the great games to start rolling in. Over 2 years, PS3 an Wii are starting to roll them in within a year.

But that's the thing: The DS WASN'T a mini-game fest. It was a "Oh shit, let's cram touch screen and mic controls into everything and see what sticks" machine in its infancy. But as developers got Acclimated with the system, we started seeing gems like Final Fantasy 3 and games like Contra. The Wii is no different.

This is why the latest troll attempts of "Real gamers like X" are completely nonsensical. Real gamers like diversity. This is why the NES, SNES, Playstation, PS2, and now Wii are so successful. Nintendo has hit everyone with such a huge shotgun of games that they'll catch a huge magnitude of people. Some will stay for the casual parlour games, others will stay for the 40 hour grindfests, and others still will stay for the mature offerings.

If Nintendo learned from any mistake they made last gen (and this is a lesson MS should learn as well) It was to stop focusing like a laser beam and start shotgunning. THAT was the reason the Playstation line was successful, that's why the XBOX and 360 are pulling in mediocre hardware numbers, and that's why the Wii is and will kick ass for the rest of the gen.


What's wrong with wanting to see Nintendo do well? Unlike Sony or Microsoft, this company actually depends on games to stay in business... I'm glad they're wiping the floor with everyone for a change.

Only thing better would be if it was the SEGA DS & Wii doing it. :lol


plagiarize said:
the exact same thing could be said about improving the power of your system. why even bother when it rarely brings with it new games that are impossible on other consoles?

more power is not just about graphics, but they do immerse you in new worlds previously thought impossible.


poor, homeless and tasteless
It all just comes down to our tastes in gaming. Coming from owning 40+ PS2 games and 25 gamecube games, by the end of the year the Wii will have almost a dozen games I want to own/play (I own several of them already), while the 360 will have 2 (Armored Core 4 and Eternal Sonata), and the PS3 only 1 (Armored Core 4). So far my choice to invest only in the Wii for a home console seems to have been the right choice. :)
the exact same thing could be said about improving the power of your system. why even bother when it rarely brings with it new games that are impossible on other consoles?

Yes, but waggle comes with a sacrifice in graphical capabilities on Wii.
Jesus Christ you guys are fucking ridiculous. Did I just warped to a freaking System War forum all of sudden ? What with the pathetic elitism ? Facts : "real gaming" or "phony gaming" don't exist, the world doesn't revolve around your opinion, and finally, you certainly do not hold the ultimate truth about video games, how people should play them, and what they should play.
Now get over it and stop acting like a bunch of assholes. Jeez, or go play a video game or something.
Stormbringer said:
Jesus Christ you guys are fucking ridiculous. Did I just warped to a freaking System War forum all of sudden ? What with the pathetic elitism ? Facts : "real gaming" or "phony gaming" don't exist, the world doesn't revolve around your opinion, and finally, you certainly do not hold the ultimate truth about video games, how people should play them, and what they should play.
Now get over it and stop acting like a bunch of assholes. Jeez, or go play a video game or something.

No, YOU shut up! My Optimus Prime Transformer can beat your lousy Megatron anytime!
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