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Wii U Shipped 160k Units Worldwide Between April and June 2013


It's quite pathetic but I guess this is what happens when you do zero advertising, I just hope more games don't get cancelled because of the horrible sales.
I guess I'm in the minority but I really like the Wii U and want to see it do much better. Price cut please and relaunch it with a new name.
That's a pretty bad analogy because:

1) Ferrari gives you "power for price" while "looking sexy"/supercars!
2) Because of the above people want it.

Compare to the WiiU which:

1) Has no competent online system
2) Has no third party support which leads to
3) No games. Outside of Nintendo game releases which makes the calender tumbleweeds.gif

Oh... yes, let's not forget:

4) No "power for price."

If the "Wii U is a Ferrari" what does that make the PS4/720? Bugatti Veyron and Veyron Supersports?
Okay, I tried. :(

My advice for Nintendo: Partner with Apple and make games exclusively for iOS and iTV.

Or I can see MS purchasing them to gain a foothold in Japan. All the popcorn in the world couldn't prepare me for THAT GAF thread.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
It's not necessarily a bad thing, it wasn't a fad for many but I mean when you look at it overall.

An intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, esp. one that is short-lived; a craze.

It depicts Wii perfectly doesn't it?

Nintendo clearly havn't retained (nearly) any of the userbase that bought the Wii.
hwy_61 said:
Is there a problem with calling the Wii a fad? I sure don't think so.
We've just had the "fad" conversation a million times on here. I think the length of time it was successful definitely couldn't be described as "short-lived." It was dominating for 4-5 straight years.

That said, Nintendo didn't do a good enough job retaining those fans. Look at how many people bought cheap 360s/PS3s recently. I think they moved on to those.


If I remember correctly, N64 actually did really well in its first couple of years, sales-wise.
I remember the N64 doing okay - not bad - but there's a lot of hyperbole these days where Nintendo is concerned and I was pretty young at the time. Gamecube didn't sell gangbusters either from what I remember, but I don't think it was ever in the predicament that Wii U is in.


Really Really Exciting Member!
The games I want Metroid, proper 3D Mario, Zelda are not coming out for YEARS! Which is why I got rid of my Wii U, I'll pick it up again when those games are out.

Couldn't you have just... keep it for when that time comes instead of paying for the console a 2nd time?


I am sorry but the IGN article mentions this figure of 160.000 consoles as being sold to customers/consumers...
Can they be really so incompetent?

Anyway, I think Nintendo should just start praying that the PS4One will be so popular that the PS360 are taken off the shelves and they become the cheap alternative.


They need new leadership. The company is stagnant. They should still make new games like Mario, Zelda, etc., but they also need to take way more risks with new IP that targets different demographics.
The games I want Metroid, proper 3D Mario, Zelda are not coming out for YEARS! Which is why I got rid of my Wii U, I'll pick it up again when those games are out.
Proper 3D Mario is coming out this December, actually. Zelda is coming out in October, but obviously you meant a new one.


Gold Member
Wii U was a retarded name.

There are no killer apps.

The price is too high.

The hardware is unimpressive.

Online architecture is 10 years out of date.

My family and I have had every Nintendo console (except Virtual Boy) in the launch window since 1985...I saved up for months prior to N64 coming out and waited a month after my 11th birthday to spend my birthday money when it launched. I stood in line at midnight for my Wii. I make more money now than I ever have and still couldn't justify buying a Wii U for $350.


Neo Member
Very sad. It will be hard to resist the urge to sell mine until Mario Kart and Smash Bros are out. They focused way too much on 2D platformers.


It depicts Wii perfectly doesn't it?

Nintendo clearly havn't retained (nearly) any of the userbase that bought the Wii.
The Wii and its software sold very well for much of its lifespan, right up until the major 1st party efforts dried up. So it wasn't really a fad in any meaningful sense.

But Nintendo's complete inability to retain that audience in the next generation is one of the biggest fumbles there's ever been.
They need new leadership. The company is stagnant. They should still make new games like Mario, Zelda, etc., but they also need to take way more risks with new IP that targets different demographics.
What do you think they were doing with all those Wii and DS games that people on internet forums don't consider new IPs because they don't like them? Wii Fit, Nintendogs, Brain Training, Sonic and Mario Olympics, etc.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
They need new leadership. The company is stagnant. They should still make new games like Mario, Zelda, etc., but they also need to take way more risks with new IP that targets different demographics.

Even releasing IPs that would bring in core gamers. A Smash Bros at launch would have gone a long way in helping that. Series like Kid Icarus and F-Zero bring in core gamers. I still believe Twilight Princess helped a ton with the Wii launch. Everything they release recently is just so similar--even the games that are coming.


Don't worry, Iwata is going to do another Nintendo Direct soon. That will fix everything! *laughs*

The thing that hurts is that I really like Iwata, he's clearly a gamer CEO, and I don't wish him to go anywhere from Nintendo. Yet they do need change.

Miles X

We've just had the "fad" conversation a million times on here. I think the length of time it was successful definitely couldn't be described as "short-lived." It was dominating for 4-5 straight years.

That said, Nintendo didn't do a good enough job retaining those fans. Look at how many people bought cheap 360s/PS3s recently. I think they moved on to those.

4 years, and compared to other fads it had ongoing support so you would expect it to last longer.

I don't like how fad is seen as a bad word or thing, it is what it is, it was hugely successful and an IT product then it tanked, I don't see how that isn't a fad, look at the audience it attracted.


The thing that hurts is that I really like Iwata, he's clearly a gamer CEO, and I don't wish him to go anywhere from Nintendo. Yet they do need change.

Why is he a gamer CEO? It's not like the "core gamer" has been the target audience of the last two systems.


Proper 3D Mario is coming out this December, actually. Zelda is coming out in October, but obviously you meant a new one.

It seems only the hardcore fans buy a Nintendo console to get more of the same. Nintendo needs to create something new if they want to win back the casual gamer; they should just forget about the PS3/360 COD audience.

The thing that hurts is that I really like Iwata, he's clearly a gamer CEO, and I don't wish him to go anywhere from Nintendo. Yet they do need change.

So you think gamers are shortsighted, ignore market trends, and just want more of the same? I disagree. Especially the last point. The Last of Us, Assassin's Creed, Wii Fit, and Heavy Rain have shown that new IPs can find some huge success - when they are marketed.


Would buy a bundle with an elite Wii U and game for $199. :p
I'd take that gamble and would too.
But it sure would be nice to get some assurances that the library is going to continue beyond titles already announced and that this console is not going to get dreamcasted after two or three years.
A purchase sure looks like a very big gamble right now.


We need a new word for the U, bomba doesn't cut it anymore.

Power Bomba?

Again, just like I questioned him (and he still hasn't responded to): Did the audience "Get tired" of playing games at that exact time, or was it a result of Nintendo basically abandoning the system at that exact same time?

Seems a little coincidental, don't you think? Nintendo's release list was barren right at that time. No new games = no new console sales. I highly, highly doubt it was just a matter of "welp, the casuals just got tired all at the same time!" Nintendo wasn't releasing any games.

As for Iwata: I was hesitant with him sticking around but thought it was ok until next year. However, the fact that they aren't revising sales estimates is absolutely INSANE. Talk about head in the sand.

Most Wii owners I know moved slowly towards zero interest, with only the real hangers-on left by 2010, which is exactly when Ninty apparently had nothing left in the tank and completely fubar'd the Wii and all future chances of success.

If I were to graph it, it'd be a long, asymptotic curve where you start to lose gamers one at a time based on their usual gaming habits- The mildly curious left by 2009 (mom & grandma), the casually inclined left by Jan 2010... and when the drought began in 2010, even the most ardent Wii aficionados (which includes me) started to look around the now-obvious wasteland and contemplate moving on.

You could almost argue that Nintnedo MADE their competition- Mobile gaming wasn't big at all when Wii landed; people who would never have considered gaming as a hobby previously were suddenly finding it enjoyable. Once capable handheld tech became readily available in daily life, those newfound gamers -gamers that Nintendo helped create- quickly moved to the most convenient games they could play. Numbers support that:


Perfect storm kinda thing, where George Clooney plays the part of Iwata.


It would be helpful if Nintendo could release just one game that graphically looks ahead of 360/PS3 games, I was expecting Retro to deliver that title but Donkey Kong isn't it. Until they do then people are just going to stick with the thought that the machine isn't any better than 8 year old hardware.

Stuff like the Watch Dogs port and Ghosts are going to be very interesting.
Couldn't you have just... keep it for when that time comes instead of paying for the console a 2nd time?

I got the 8gb version at launch, figure by the time I get it again it will have a larger HD and they might have fixed the shity OS by then. Plus I hate looking at it collect dust from non use.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Most Wii owners I know moved slowly towards zero interest, with only the real hangers-on left by 2010, which is exactly when Ninty apparently had nothing left in the tank and completely fubar'd the Wii and all future chances of success.

So anecdotal evidence.
Ouch. What a terrible quarter. Doesn't the PS3 sell close to that weekly? Wii U at least has some games coming out for it in the second half of the year, but it will have megatons of competition (GTA, Pokemon X/Y, Xbox One, PS4) to go up against. Hey at least they got Cod: Riley right?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
4 years, and compared to other fads it had ongoing support so you would expect it to last longer.

I don't like how fad is seen as a bad word or thing, it is what it is, it was hugely successful and an IT product then it tanked, I don't see how that isn't a fad, look at the audience it attracted.

Just a disagreement on the time needed to call something a "fad." I'd argue 1-2 years tops. No big deal. They brought a ton of people into the industry. They just failed at retaining them. Horribly.
It seems only the hardcore fans buy a Nintendo console to get more of the same. Nintendo needs to create something new if they want to win back the casual gamer; they should just forget about the PS3/360 COD audience.
I definitely agree that they should strive to create new IPs, but I feel like the WiiU hasn't been around long enough for them to really try. They have to get their big hitters out first. Personally, I think their first order of business should be to give Smash Bros a working online infrastructure, so it's the sort of game that people can really get behind.

But Nintendo does make a lot of new IPs, they're just not things that a lot of players really identify as games, although that could just be because of the unique userbase of the Wii. But also, a lot of new IPs from Nintendo don't look new, like Kid Icarus: Uprising. And to their credit, of the four Nintendo games I can think of on WiiU, two are new IPs: NintendoLand and Game and Wario. I guess you could say the second one is a Warioware game, but it really seems to be something different. I haven't played it, so I can't say for sure.


I might pick a couple up if they drop the price, leave it wrapped and sealed and stick it in the loft someplace, and sell it to a nintendo collector in 5 years time for 10x the price when the consoles all but extinct, might end up being worth a lot considering it stands to be the worst selling home games console from nintendo of all time.


Raises hand

If you want to see the REAL massive Nintendo fanboys, go hang out with them in the Wii U Miiverse, because that is where they all are, unless they cannot afford to be (or have another preventive reason to not be there). MASSIVE Nintendo fanboys are not scared of regurgitation when the resulting game is GOOD (see NSMB Wii U).
Jeebus fuck.

Um. Not sure what to say. I like my WiiU. I think the Xbox One will cone close to bombing this hard.

Nah, not even close man. In Japan, sure, maybe. Here in North America they will do just fine, they reversed everything that was terrible and are reporting that their pre-order numbers are skyrocketing. All is forgiven, it seems.

Sucks to be the Big N right now though. Sorry bros, make better hardware with more games.

Miles X

Just a disagreement on the time needed to call something a "fad." I'd argue 1-2 years tops. No big deal. They brought a ton of people into the industry. They just failed at retaining them. Horribly.

Have to agree to disagree then, I don't think Nintendo brought a tonne of people into the industry, rather they went to the people, the only way they could have retained them was to come up with something unique and commercial as Wii, and even then that could have come from any of the big 3 and they would have gone where the goods are. Nintendo didn't create any new 'gamers'
Everyone knows the 20 reasons Wii U is underperforming.

My favorite is the controller. "People like iPad, let's just do an odd, half version of that. That'll be unique enough to be the #1 selling proposition."
"more gimmicks" is not what nintendo needs. They already have the stench of "gimmick platform" after the wii and wiiU.

a VR helmet won't help things.

A gimmick is only a gimmick if the idea is not integrated into the experience naturally. Technically, controllers were gimmicks at one point too, but game design has made natural use of them so we don't see them that way. Analog sticks were gimmicks, but Mario 64 made us believers. Rumble was a gimmick, but Gran Turismo and Ape Escape made us believers.

Hell, even 3D was a gimmick at some point, but then arcade games like Virtua Fighter and the PlayStation, and it became a valid thing. And if more core games used motion control as well as the Galaxy games do, a lot more of us would be believers of that as well.

Nintendo needs some tech to get people's attention quickly. Maybe holographic 3D, something fresh and innovative. So yes, it would be a "gimmick", but it doesn't have to remain one if it's adapted well enough.
Wii U was a retarded name.

There are no killer apps.

The price is too high.

The hardware is unimpressive.

Online architecture is 10 years out of date.

My family and I have had every Nintendo console (except Virtual Boy) in the launch window since 1985...I saved up for months prior to N64 coming out and waited a month after my 11th birthday to spend my birthday money when it launched. I stood in line at midnight for my Wii. I make more money now than I ever have and still couldn't justify buying a Wii U for $350.

It may as well have been me that wrote this (except 3DS - I just bought that a couple of months ago). I like buying new gadgets, but what point is there in owning one? These results are one of the least shocking things I've ever read. Their fall/winter lineup will help, but it isn't going to solve their problems. There will be too much excitement over the PS4/Xbox One, and since third parties actually give a crap about those systems, they will have a much more steady stream of games.


With the Wii U Nintendo has alienated everyone:

- Casual gamers - High price, lack of games, confusing, button ridden tablet controller

- Hardcore gamers - High price for system specs, poor online, many 3rd party games not appearing on the console, worst version of multiplats (in the future vs. next-gen)

- 3rd parties - Low install base, low system power, poor online

It's no surprise that it's languishing in the market. It provides a poor value any way you look at it.


I have not turned on my Wii U since April and have not purchased a game since March....these numbers are not surprising at all.
Kind of like how Sunshine is the GC version of Mario 64? The first three 3D Mario games are much more similar than people acknowledge. 3D Land was actually the first 3D Mario to break away from the mold that Mario 64 laid down on more than a cosmetic level.

Sunshine had the FLUDD pack, and Galaxy had the ability to play Mario in new ways because of the interactivity of the environments.
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