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Wii U Speculation Thread 2: Can't take anymore of this!!!

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I still wish for a 2D Mario pack-in game. It'd be the perfect game to have a very wide appeal. Casuals are obviously comfortable with Mario, but at the same time, he's not too casual so as to turn-off many core gamers.

Also: Nintendo has a successful track record where they have packed-in a Mario game showing-off what their new systems can do.

(and yeah.. I'd wet myself if they ever revealed a new F-Zero on the scale/quality of GX.)
Why Zelda will never again reach approval consensus: the message board

Don't make me post the Miyamoto/whatzeldashouldbelike images.

Ah go on then, they're always a laff.


If Zelda took place in a Portal 2-like environment where you were just walking forward and solving puzzles, I'd consider that to be an improvement. Other people would see that as the worst possible step backward from the open, epic, exploratory nature of the games they treasure.

No Zelda game is ever going to be approved by everyone again, unless they specifically go back to A Link to the Past and make the exact same game with different dungeons, story, and items. Then only a vocal minority will outright hate it.

The best Nintendo can do right now is finding the biggest market Zelda can appeal to and make the series just for them. Everyone's just vying to for their tastes to be that market now.

Whatcha say, GAF? Saw this in the GTAV thread. Guess it belongs in here..

What worries me about that is the fact they're stated as 'Wii U' titles, which would suggest nintendo haven't changed the name of the system... then again, when is this from?

*EDIT* I only see relevant trademarks under the Nintendo section, and then obviously the Wii U titled games... how do we know GTAV is coming for Nintendo's system?


Unconfirmed Member
"§Wii U"

The hell?
I can't answer what that means as Japan's IPDL (http://www.ipdl.inpit.go.jp/homepg.ipdl) isn't exactly the most user friendly site I've seen. I don't know how to access any marks as I'm just constanly being reverted to error pages. The English version of that sites states however that the following applications were published on the 17th of January:

Appl. No.2012-002228, Wii U
Appl. No.2012-002229, Wii U
Appl. No.2012-002230, Wii U

In addition to that, Nintendo has got two registered marks (registered on the 20th of January, 2012), one word mark and one design (a monochrome Wii U logo).

That character looks however like a Section Sign (UTF-8 c2a7), it shouldn't have any certain meaning.

And to another subject.

I've been thinking about what kind of design Nintendo could use for the cover template of the Wii boxes. There has been some confusion arising regarding the Nintendo 3DS boxes as some people can't tell a difference between 3DS and DS boxes, so Nintendo is probably going to choose for Wii U boxes a design to differentiate it from Wii. I decided to do a small mockup to a design I would appreciate. It is based on the NTSC/PAL template for the Nintendo Gamecube boxes (the NTSC-J version is fine too, but less appealing to me). To the left is a comparison image of the Wii box (Kirby's Return to Dream Land), to the right is my mockup image of an HD version of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword:


I used GIMP (it can't handle vector images well) for this as I currently don't have access to my default program suite Adobe Creative Suite 5.5. So that's why the quality is below standard. Also to note is that the "HD ready 1080p" mark is used for monitors, and not software, but I found it exceedingly difficult to position plain text (in an appropriate typeface) anywhere else to make the image compelling.

The Wii U logo I can mention is tricky to work with, at least when you are trying to fit it with geometrical shapes. It doesn't align with quadrilaterals at all, but circles work ok. The best example I could find is with the faux-ellipse of the Gamecube boxes. Here I have removed the metal border. It works, sure, but it's not as nice as the shape the Wii boxes house. But to fit the Wii U logo in the Wii shape would be dumbfounded for reasons I mentioned earlier. It also wouldn't look good, unless you decreased its size but that would hurt its intelligibility.

I wonder how Nintendo is going to crack this nut. If they do change the name (or at least the logo) they would probably open up for many more design choices. Well, that is if they choose to use the RVL-007 cases (Wii cases) in y-axis. They could resort to using for example Amaray's Vortex 11mm Blu-Ray Case (not that Wii U will use Blu-ray, but it's a great case) or perhaps something as exotic as the Nintendo 64 cases, but then in plastic probably.
For the sake of discussion, after Donkey Kong country: returns's huge success, do you think Retro should as well have a try bringing Metroid to its roots with a 2D platform-adventure for a change this time around?

From a videogame enthusiast's viewpoint - at least on my part most probably I would dribble over a 2D Metroid by Retro - I suppose that would be everybody's wet dream, but on the other hand, as far as Nintendo is concerned, I suppose it all essentially boils down business-wise to whether they think that said game should have a commercial appeal even bigger than Donkey Kong country.

A 2D Metroid may gain supposedly general praise and many fans have been long asking for it, but Nintendo may have to choose since they cannot release supposedly too many 2D lest they might overlap and cannibalize each other.

How do you think of it?
For the sake of discussion, after Donkey Kong country: returns's huge success, do you think Retro should as well have a try bringing Metroid to its roots with a 2D platform-adventure for a change this time around?

From a videogame enthusiast's viewpoint - and on my part most probably I would dribble over a 2D Metroid by Retro - I suppose that would be like everybody's wet dream, but on the other hand, as far as Nintendo is concerned, I suppose it all essentially boils down business-wise to whether they think that said game should have a commercial appeal even bigger than Donkey Kong country.

A 2D Metroid may gain supposedly general praise and many fans have been long asking for it, but Nintendo may have to choose since they cannot release supposedly too many 2D lest they might overlap and cannibalize each other.

How do you think of it?

Whatever Retro is working on will likely have one purpose.
Bring in the crowd that bought the 360.
There are other studios that can make a 2D Metroid or another DKCR just as well.
But Retro is Nintendo's big western studio, and they need a big western game to entice the more "core" crowd into the Wii U.


Neo Member
Highly unlikely for native WiiU games (where the devs might use the upad in any way they could think of), but I do hope they do it for BC games.
Multiplatform games are good candidates. The first thing a developer ought to do when bringing a multiplat game to Wii U is get it up and running normally on the controller screen, and keep that in as an option. After that they can worry about adding dual screen stuff.

Certain games that are designed specifically for Wii U aren't necessarily out of the question either. A Metroid game that basically combines Other M with Prime such that you have a third person view on the TV and a first person view on the controller might be a mindfuck at first, but I think that would be badass. For those who can't handle that, or just want to play on the controller screen alone, it would be easy to include a single screen option where you simply switch between the views manually.

Quick n' dirty minimalistic attempt. I always think boxes should be clean, simple, unobtrusive with the placement of their logos and thin...
Or a crossbow.
A crossbow gun.
A mother fucking cross bow on a giant mother fucking gun.
That shoots master swords.

A cross bow armed with arrow that have a nuke strapped to the head. The nuke itself would be encircled by combat knives that makes sure it'll stick on the target.
Whatever Retro is working on will likely have one purpose.
Bring in the crowd that bought the 360.
There are other studios that can make a 2D Metroid or another DKCR just as well.
But Retro is Nintendo's big western studio, and they need a big western game to entice the more "core" crowd into the Wii U.

Yeah, that's essentially what I meant, although I worded it in a slightly different way.

Retro's purpose is essentially to appeal Western "enthusiast gamers" - or "hardcore" if you like it - and they are expected to do just niche successful games gaining praise from press and fans - hence not necessarily competing with mass market-bound blockbusters such as Mario kart.

Overall sales are obviously not that essential from this standpoint - at least not as much important as for Pokemon, Mario or WiiSports - but for all we know Metroid prime 3 on Wii has performed worse than previous iterations, whereas Donkey Kong country returns has been doing surprisingly well both in the West and in Japan, so ultimately Nintendo may take this into some account when they're taking a decision.
Yeah, that's essentially what I meant, although I worded it in a slightly different way.

Retro's purpose is essentially to appeal Western "enthusiast gamers" - or "hardcore" if you like it - and they are expected to do just niche successful games - hence not necessarily competing with mass market-bound blockbusters such as Mario kart.

Overall sales are obviously not that essential from this standpoint - at least not as much important as for Pokemon, Mario or WiiSports - but for all we know Metroid prime 3 on Wii has performed worse than previous iterations, whereas Donkey Kong country returns has been doing surprisingly well both in the West and in Japan, so ultimately Nintendo may take this into some account when they're taking a decision.

Actually, MP3 sold more than MP2.
And while DKCR2 sold exceedingly well, that isn't the kind of game they need at launch.
Especially not BEFORE they release a Mario game.
Actually, MP3 sold more than MP2

I stand corrected then, although I am under the impression that its reception has been a little underwhelming.

And while DKCR2 sold exceedingly well, that isn't the kind of game they need at launch.
Especially not BEFORE they release a Mario game.

You may have a point here - in fact DKCR launched quite late during Wii's lifetime - by the way mine was meant just as a wild speculation on what Retro's going to do in the foreseeable future, not necessarily in the launch window.
Well sure.
They'll probably make a new DKCR. Though, I'm betting it'll hit the 3DS.
But most of our Retro talk is about their first Wii U game, which seems likely to hit within the first few months of launch.
And that is probably not going to be anything like DKCR.
I don't think that would be part of the box, though. Unless it's going to be mandatory for every game like XBL is.
Plus, they already have a logo for the covers.
I bet they'll use the BluRay cases for their games.
If you've taken a little care, you'll notice that the 3DS cases are already about the same thickness as blu-ray cases - actually slightly slimmer. I'd love if Nintendo made the cases for 3DS and WiiU games the same size and shape, just change the inner plastic to support a disc. I have always disliked tall disc cases since they give the disc so much room to shake around and get scratched if they come loose from the hub.

They also waste a lot of space being so tall. I get that the original DVD case design was made to make it easy to identify the product as being video since it's the same height as a videocassette, but it's time to drop that.
They should make them the same size.
I mean, they don't need to include manuals anymore, since they can include digital ones like they are with 3DS games.
Really no reason for giant cases anymore.
Also, have you seen the Vita cases? Holy crap are those things tiny!
Well sure.
But most of our Retro talk is about their first Wii U game, which seems likely to hit within the first few months of launch.
And that is probably not going to be anything like DKCR.

As for that, I think we're all quite at a loss about what Nintendo is going to show at next E3, and if we are to exclude Metroid Prime and DKCR Retro could be up to anything really, it could be Metroid 2D, Wave race - that could make a nice suitable launch title - or Star tropics, I must admit I haven't got the slightest true about it.
The positions and people they've been hiring certainly point to something that is a bit larger in scale than a 2D game, and less cartoony than DKCR.
I mean, with artists from Uncharted and Darksiders, you get them because you expect a certain style from them.
They should make them the same size.
I mean, they don't need to include manuals anymore, since they can include digital ones like they are with 3DS games.
Really no reason for giant cases anymore.
Also, have you seen the Vita cases? Holy crap are those things tiny!

Most of the 3DS manuals are really brilliant. Have you unfolded the SM3DL one? Absofuckinglutely brilliant.


Unconfirmed Member
How about this as a basis for a DS2 case, use a modified Wii Logo on the top right, but put it on a case the same dimensions as a 3DS case.


I'd go with this: http://www.darksiders.com/images/bkg_agegate.jpg or http://www.darksiders.com/images/bkg_teaser.jpg

And as for a modified 3DS case for Wii U games, that would be great. It would save Nintendo some money and also be better for the environment. Only problem is of course that some people would mistake a Wii U game for a 3DS game, but Nintendo can surely work that out somehow.

Nice cover by the way, Ubermatik.
I think the logos should have colors.

I would take the current Wii logo that's on the top of wii boxes, add the U (or 2 or Super) to it, but have several different color schemes available depending on the tone of the game. Casual games get the White, Mario games get the Red, Zelda gets Gold, E for Everyone and T for Teen games get either Blue or Green, and gritty games get black.

Rösti;35076337 said:
I'd go with this: http://www.darksiders.com/images/bkg_agegate.jpg

Nice cover by the way, Ubermatik.

Wrong emotional message for the marketing. They should be emoting something other than solitude or sadness.

EDIT: The second image is great, but is too iconic. The character of death in the context of this game isn't yet iconic.
I would take the current Wii logo that's on the top of wii boxes, add the U (or 2 or Super) to it, but have several different color schemes available depending on the tone of the game. Casual games get the White, Mario games get the Red, Zelda gets Gold, E for Everyone and T for Teen games get either Blue or Green, and gritty games get black.

Wrong emotional message for the marketing. They should be emoting something other than solitude or sadness.

I don't think having a color coded system of boxes for ratings and franchises would work all that well.
It would just create market confusion.
They did fine with the Red = Mario on the DS and Wii, but they even dropped that on the 3DS.
I don't think having a color coded system of boxes for ratings and franchises would work all that well.
It would just create market confusion.
They did fine with the Red = Mario on the DS and Wii, but they even dropped that on the 3DS.

Ok, How about Black and White then? Simplify it. CoD and DS2, and AC, and RE6 get Black, but games not targeted at the hardcore teenage gamer get white? Later on, Mario gets Red and Zelda gets Gold.
Ok, How about Black and White then? Simplify it. CoD and DS2, and AC, and RE6 get Black, but games not targeted at the hardcore teenage gamer get white? Later on, Mario gets Red and Zelda gets Gold.

That could work.
Kind of like MS does purple for Kinect games and green for everything else.
That's how they do it in Japan.
Never got why they never brought it over.
The positions and people they've been hiring certainly point to something that is a bit larger in scale than a 2D game, and less cartoony than DKCR.
I mean, with artists from Uncharted and Darksiders, you get them because you expect a certain style from them.

Right, that's a very good point actually, in fact we know they're currently hiring 3D programmers and designers, so that should bring us to rule out 2D games obviously - although they may be working at several different projects at the same time for all we (don't) know.

Crikey, hype is going to kill us by next E3 at this rate :p
Right, that's a very good point actually, in fact we know they're currently hiring 3D programmers and designers, so that should bring us to exclude 2D games obviously - although they may be working at several different projects at the same time for all we (don't) know.

Crikey, hype is going to kill us by next E3 at this rate :p

Haha, no different from any other E3.
I've been on this site since E3 2007, and it's just been crazy each year.


Unconfirmed Member
That could work.
Kind of like MS does purple for Kinect games and green for everything else.
That's how they do it in Japan.
Never got why they never brought it over.
Europe uses this system as well, and it's a very convenient way to show customers what games are made especially for Kinect and what games are not. PlayStation 2 had a system with three colours for covers. Blue was the default, black for a few games (God of War II for example) and silver for the Platinum series.
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