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Will MS overtake Sony in North America now?

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Short-term? No. PS4 will be ahead for the foreseeable future in NA (well, Canada might be a bit different as XB1 is cheaper there?) but long-term, it depends too much on content released and further price drops.


We're only talking NA here though. Even with the $100 higher price etc. the PS4 is only like 300k ahead in sales over here.

Only 300k? The majority of the gap between the PS4 and XBO happened over the period of just 3 months (Jan, Feb, March) did it not? Creating a gap of ~300k in a period of just 3 months is not insignificant in my opinion. Consider that in January the Xbox One only sold, what was it, 150~k units?


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
I mean really this gif from another page just needs to be the first post in these threads..

xbone+kinect+titanfall = $450
PS4 standalone = $400
Sony wins

xbone standalone = $400
PS4 standalone = $400
??? wins

Starting June you actually get a worse deal than you had in March.

You would be surprised there are so many people who don't want the forced game bundle. And don't have time to sell it once they buy it. 400$ standard price would change a lot for those people who aren't willing to spend 450-500$ bundle.


No, the Xbox One was cheaper in February and March at $450 with a game, plus the Kinect for a majority of that time frame. I bought mine at $450, with TitanFall ($60) and 13 months of Gold (at $5 a month, $65). That puts the console at $325, and even if you want to argue that you can find Gold subs cheaper then MSRP I still ended up with a better deal and stuff like that was all over the place the last couple of months and Microsoft was still riding the TitanFall hype machine.

Microsoft doesn't have an easy way to get back into the lead, they're going to have to do it over the long haul much like Sony had to with the PS3.


I don't see why price parity would make the Xbox One over take the PS4.
What is it offering for that price that the PS4 isn't? In terms of exclusives, neither system has anything that impressive in my opinion right now. In terms of third party, the PS4 is more powerful and thus has the better looking games. I could see XBO sales picking up somewhat from people who wanted it but couldn't get it because of the price, but I don't see PS4 sales slowing down.

Microsoft has halo and the ability to secure exclusives relevant to the US while Sony doesn't.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Only 300k? The majority of the gap between the PS4 and XBO happened over the period of just 3 months (Jan, Feb, March) did it not? Creating a gap of ~300k in a period of just 3 months is not insignificant in my opinion. Consider that in January the Xbox One only sold, what was it, 150~k units?

I think the PS3 has outsold the X1 every month hasn't it? So that gaps been building slowly since launch.

But even if you're right, the other side of the coin is that the gap can be quickly reversed now that they cost the same and MS will have more exclusive shooters to bring in the mainstream US gamer this fall than Sony will.

Point being, don't underestimate the power of the dude bro online shooter market in the US console sales race. Sony's failure to get an exclusive shooter to build a fanbase on par with Halo or Gears hurts them a lot in the NA market. CoD, Battlefied etc. can be played anywhere, having some big exclusives that appeal to those bases in huge in swaying sales.
the only region in where I see MS being able to gain new traction (not over take) in is the UK

not anywhere else

the US feels as if they've already cemented their choice for consoles this gen
This will help, sure. But it might be too late- I think the meme even among "normal people" is that the PS4 is better, driven less by price/power and more by the fact that it's still pretty difficult to find. It's the "cool" console now, and that's not something a price drop can fix on its own.


Microsoft needing exclusives is obvious but they need some market for JP dev games. (Atlus, NIS, etc). They had some in the early life of Xbox 360, then it dried up...Without JP dev backing, they're gonna have a more lacking library. Although, the loss of JP backing COULD be fixed with a library of western indie games but that's already hamstrung by their parity policy...ms needs to fix that or they gonna fall behind in the library list, which is what people look for when it comes down to mid generation life cycle


I think the PS3 has outsold the X1 every month hasn't it? So that gaps been building slowly since launch.

But even if you're right, the other side of the coin is that the gap can be quickly reversed now that they cost the same and MS will have more exclusive shooters to bring in the mainstream US gamer this fall than Sony will.

Point being, don't underestimate the power of the dude bro online shooter market in the US console sales race. Sony's failure to get an exclusive shooter to build a fanbase on par with Halo or Gears hurts them a lot in the NA market. CoD, Battlefied etc. can be played anywhere, having some big exclusives that appeal to those bases in huge in swaying sales.

(assuming you meant PS4)
The PS4 slightly outsold the XBO in November. And the XBO outsold the PS4 in December (in the US of course). So no, the gap hasn't really been slowly building since launch, the majority of it has come since January.

Microsoft has halo and the ability to secure exclusives relevant to the US while Sony doesn't.
If all they needed was Halo then many people would be out of a job. And I'm not sure what you mean by Sony being unable to secure exclusives relevant to the US.


get some go again
it would take a ton of really great exclusives for that to happen. what is the reasoning for it overtaking the ps4 even if its the same price now? ps4 is the lead system and that is what people tend to buy. the xbox one will end up selling a ton of more systems over its lifetime now though.
I also wonder how much hype the next Halo will garner, seeing as its known Bungie is working on something else in a similar vein and Halo 4 fell off so quickly. System sellers don't remain system sellers forever, and I feel that Halo, under a new developer, will continue to decline. Like CoD, or NFS, or FF, the development team may have an impact on sales.


No, I don't see it happening anytime soon or if ever this generation, but I think the direction that they're taking now will definitely close the gap. Will see how E3 goes as it looks like Microsoft is gearing up for an all games conference.


Short-term? No. PS4 will be ahead for the foreseeable future in NA (well, Canada might be a bit different as XB1 is cheaper there?) but long-term, it depends too much on content released and further price drops.
It's super weird to think about how the Xbox One is now cheaper here in Canada than the PS4... Thankfully I work retail (/s) and will be able to see first hand if it actually changes anything.
They have a better chance now than before. I'm hesitant to say they will overtake Sony because of the mindshare. People know what they're getting with them. They will definitely close the gap though. I don't see the XBOX brand breaking down like that. In North America? That would be spine breaking.

E3 this year is absolutely vital for them.


They have a chance. It's not impossible. Too soon to say.

I will say that it's over when it comes to worldwide sales though. That was a wrap before the console reveals to be honest.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
I think you forget about Gran Turismo. A next-gen GT will move more units than HALO, especially with Bungie not being involved.

Not anymore. I believe the Gran Turismo brand has took huge hit after 5th. Numerous delay, and end result wasn't spectacular as everyone hoped for. Though it did sell really well. But then came GT6 and its a huge flop. The problem with GT games are simple, they are taking a lot more time to develop a game with less innovation. So I don't think it has power to move units anymore. But for me, GT6 on PS4 would be a day one purchase :p


Probably not. PS4 is still a better deal at $399.


It's a value proposition, not price. If they want to compete on value, they would've targeted a sub-$399 price since multi-platform titles seem to struggle compared to the PS4 and (in my case), I've traditionally liked Sony's first party offerings on the whole more than I've liked Microsoft's... but I know that quite subjective.


I think it will be much closer to a 50/50 split as time goes on just as the PS3/360 are worldwide.

Xbox One still has the stigma of being the weaker system to the people in the know. To the people on the fence, they are going to get the system based on what their friends have or for an exclusive game.

The console war definitely got more interesting but Microsoft has a lot of ground to make up.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
(assuming you meant PS4)
The PS4 slightly outsold the XBO in November. And the XBO outsold the PS4 in December (in the US of course). So no, the gap hasn't really been slowly building since launch, the majority of it has come since January.

I did. And thanks for the correction.

So my point stands, the lead can flip just quickly as it was built now that the price difference is gone and MS will start rolling out more exclusives that appeal to mainstream US gamers.

I'd love to be wrong, but Sony's failure to get any shooter exclusives on par with Halo or Gears, as well as the biggest chunk of the CoD base being 360 fanboy types, is tough for them to overcome without a price difference IMO.
I think it will definitely make up some ground. It'll probably be neck and neck for a while. I just feel that at this moment the Xbox One has more games people are interested in, and that with the lower price is going to drive sales up.


no, it's too late. a lot of people (non-GAFers) pick the console primarily based on what their friends have, and a TON of people already jumped ship to the playstation nation.

that said, the recent changes (kinectless SKU, can use media apps w/o gold) will save them from being a total failure.


The gap is probably closing in at 500k in NA. WW, it's 3 million+ I think.

Edit: Not 500k in NA, mistake.

I really don't feel that is all that much...

Granted if their adoptions rates maintain consistent we will see that gap grow. But people buying both will probably keep it from ever getting too big. Unless a significant amount of people forgo that second console for a PC this gen.
(assuming you meant PS4)
The PS4 slightly outsold the XBO in November. And the XBO outsold the PS4 in December (in the US of course). So no, the gap hasn't really been slowly building since launch, the majority of it has come since January.
So, what this statement is more or less highlighting, is that as more people have gotten their hands on the XBO, as more is known about it, more people are choosing the PS4?

Makes sense.


Probably, but only by a little bit and it won't start outselling PS4 until a few years from now. It's going to take a while before people realize just how fraudulent Sony's first party lineup really is.
Microsoft has way more money to burn on marketing and deals, and now that the price issue is gone, they can certainly work around the tech specs issue by getting more exclusives and doing that marketing blitzkrieg they're so well known for (Halo and Gears marketing).

To address the key word in the title, no, I don't think they will overtake Sony in North America now, but they're certainly getting ready to try. It could take them a few months to do so. If Microsoft plays the cards right, they could achieve it next year, perhaps in time for the holidays (Halo 5, Gears reboot/etc).


$450 with Titanfall didn't cut it. I don't see how $400 will with no game will.

To be fair, Titanfall's not a game for every single consumer. Now a person can get a system and whatever game they want for $460.
Microsoft did pretty well despite their price disadvantage. But clearly the software sales are in Sony's favour. It's going to be much closer in the US, but I don't think it will change their fortunes in the rest of the world. To Sony's credit, Microsoft kinda should have been winning in US sales the whole time with the amount of mindshare they gained with the 360.


You would be surprised there are so many people who don't want the forced game bundle. And don't have time to sell it once they buy it. 400$ standard price would change a lot for those people who aren't willing to spend 450-500$ bundle.

And then one day when there are some Kinect games they will have spent $500+ without a game instead of $450 incl. a game. A shitty deal, but yes there are enough people that think that official new cheap SKU actually is a good one.


Cumulative US sales. Numbers from NPD threads.

I love how everyone is using the weaker hardware logic. When time and time again the "weaker" system usually comes out on top.

In the end, if MS can provide a stronger software line up than Sony, then yes they'll have a good chance.
MS hasn't released any of their big established IP's yet. Titanfall was still new and a lot of people didn't know anything about it. I'm pretty sure once a Halo or Gears comes out, they'll get a good push.

It's true about most consumers not really caring that much about hardware differences, but it's also not a guarantee that the weaker one will come out on top, either. Once price is squared away, it's always all about software and marketing. Good thing is, both are now in a position to fight it out all generation long instead of seeing things go lopsided in a way that doesn't really help enough smaller developers succeed well enough and create a thriving independent console ecosystem where anyone going without a deal can more likely last into a second or third project, leading into a possible renaissance of the mid-tier developer who would be able to feed the demands and desires of console folks who need more content and more polish than most smaller devs can manage. These two doing well helps everyone not exclusive to either.

*cue dumb 'NES/PS2 dominating gave us awesome games' posts*
I don't think it will be so simple to catch up and surpass Sony, but it also depends... are we talking the odd month or lifetime sales?

It's been said before that NA is more important to one brand than the other so each company's focus will have an effect on how hard they go for sales in NA.

I wonder how many confused potential customers will show up at retailers in June thinking they get to do the cool "Xbox On" thing they heard about for $399 only to be disappointed that they have to pay more for that feature.


I like how some are ignoring the ability to drop the price for ps4. If xbox suddenly explodes sony would have to react. This is their chance to take NA. They may never get another chance. Next year they can drop the price and have the price advantage again. This year they have on lock down. All major games will be advertised as ps4 exclusives. SO, QB, DC, and the order will be irrelevant compared to the big franchises. Those are all new ips. If titanfall didn't do anything those four will do nothing for both consoles.


Probably, but only by a little bit and it won't start outselling PS4 until a few years from now. It's going to take a while before people realize just how fraudulent Sony's first party lineup really is.

But I think Xbone's shortcomings in the visual capability will prevent it from ever cumulatively outselling the PS4. Not to mention that PS+ is a *much* better value than XBL Gold.


Sony still aligns more with my feelings about what a console should be, so I think a ps4 at $399 is still the better machine. It'll definitely cross off one of the comparison points, but doesn't make them equal though.
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