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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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A Good Citizen
You are right... the issue is that I haven't found any trusty enough review of them to take the definitive step in purchasing. Have you seen any of those releases? I was also interested on the Five Star Stories one.

Oh! Now I've seen your post edit, nevermind then...
Also incidentally some Harmagedon screenshots went up about 3 hours ago: http://www.imagebam.com/image/549e84165585117 http://www.imagebam.com/image/629e04165585228 http://www.imagebam.com/image/6d6a2e165585135

Looks good as well.


sealed with a kiss
Ultimate Girl 2

One thing I forgot to bring to light in my previous post about this is the transformation scenes.
First, the girl must grab UFO-man's stick. (it's better if they blush while doing this). Cue numerous suggestive and sensuous gaspings, while white fluid rains down on the girl, slowly erasing her clothes. not really any censoring, either. then, she get's a skin tight suit, and animal ears, and a different hair cut. For some reason, the transformation pretty much changes everything about the girl - they don't even keep her untransformed theme colour.

This description really pales when compared to what the actual scene is like.

anyway, this episode, the cosplay girl wants to transform, but
she doesn't get embarrassed enough being naked to activate her special attack, so she gets defeated. the probable yuri girl takes the stage, and oh god what is up with that preview dialogue, that's not suggestive of anything at all.

I blame cajunator entirely for this.


Milky Holmes 6


Golgo 13 likes Milky Holmes so much that he guest stars in it. Awesome episode.


The Light of El Cantare
MARU! 07:

For all the uproar, the majority of the fanservice was pretty tame. It was all certainly out-of-place, which I realize is the main criticism, but other than the
it wasn't particularly worse than anything the show has done thus far. The show's biggest mistake was drawing so much attention to the service by having an entire second half full of it instead of the usual moment or two per episode, and the
were especially below the usual level of class. Really contrived and uncreative.

As for the half of the show that had actual merit, the various set pieces that comprised
Muginami's backstory
were fairly lovely and, along with the near-silence and cinematic aspect ratio, did a good job of
depicting the brutality of Mugi's prison colony planet
simply and without the need for extraneous backstory. I certainly have a lower opinion of
Space Tiger
after this episode,
awesome pants
be damned.


sealed with a kiss
Ultimate Girl 3

In this episode, we find out the reason for the Ultimate Girls' power.
The more embarrassed they get, the stronger they get. Fascinating.
The three girls also get their official names: Ultimate Girl Big Boobs (Vivianne), Ultimate Girl Little Boobs (Silk), and Ultimate Girl Loli (Tsubomi). This is a well thought out show.

For the climax of this episode, poor Silk must
defeat the monster's core. This core is conveniently placed right on his crotch, in the shape of a protruding, red, jiggling car. Unfortunately, her crush is bouncing up and down on this car, and so she can't simply blast it with her forehead beam. after the monster transforms into Thomas the tank engine, there's a short chase scene, and then they fall into the water. Silk grabs her falling crush, and suffocates him with her now bare breasts, moaning with glee as she does so. Filled with love and embarrasment, she firmly grasps the protruding car, and shakes her hand along it, all the while moaning her beloved's name. in a glorious white flash, the monster is defeated. In the post-monster-defeating glow of happiness, UFO-man reminds them that they will will still have more monsters to defeat. Silk complains, but UFO-man reminds her that a girls "no" means "yes", so she doesn't have a choice. Fin~

This is only 3 episodes in, I wonder how much worse it will be by the end.

Cajun, you devil.

Andrew J.

Revolutionary Girl Utena 02

Are there going to be the same panning shots of the Ohtori grounds in every episode, too?

Wakaba's funny. I bet actually being friends with someone like that would be a lot less enjoyable than just watching it, though.

Chu-Chu's pretty weird. I liked the penguins better.

Dat Takehito Koyasu voice. I recall Touga was actually one of Crispin Freeman's favorite roles, which is the only reason I might check out the English dub one day.

Saionji, you could not possibly have deluded yourself into thinking that Anthy genuinely liked you, right?

This duel was weird, but not a quarter as weird as the song accompanying it.


A Good Citizen


dat typo
I assume you're talking about the lips
which indeed are retarded looking
woops. yeah, the lips certainly ain't helping.

I tried watching this, but got Eiken flashbacks and had to bailout.
it's not that bad... yet

Revolutionary Girl Utena 02

... I recall Touga was actually one of Crispin Freeman's favorite roles, which is the only reason I might check out the English dub one day.
don't do it


Melody of Oblivion 15

Bocca used his motorcyle to jumpstart a robot boy. Where did he learn this? Better yet, why did he learn this? And this week's villain holds a horse race to determine which children get eaten by monsters. I don't even.

Super Robot Wars OG The Inspector 18

Nice tranquil episode after the madness of the past few.
Shame about Daitetsu's death
Finally, Shu Shirakawa appears, Masakai gets pissed as a result, and I nerded out a bit when Axel's theme kicked up and he arrived to wreck shit in Soulgain. Looks like KoRyuOh next ep too!

Armor Hunter Mellowlink 2

Mellowlink finds his next target in a colosseum setting where AT pilots fight one another for the crowd. He wants in to get a shot at his target but on the condition he doesn't have to pilot an AT, just man vs machine. Super satisfying arena fight to end the episode.

Texnolyze 10

Fuck you, Yoshii. Fuck everything.

Infinite Stratos 1-2

I don't think I've ever seen anyone as uninformed as Ichika.


Kills Photobucket
Melody of Oblivion 15

Bocca used his motorcyle to jumpstart a robot boy. Where did he learn this? Better yet, why did he learn this? And this week's villain holds a horse race to determine which children get eaten by monsters. I don't even.

And the show hasn't even gotten weird yet by comparison!

Andrew J.

Revolutionary Girl Utena 03

Touga, you are not "normal" by any stretch of the imagination.

Does Anthy ever get through a single episode of this show without getting slapped? It seems unnecessarily cruel.

So if Nanami is Touga's sister...and Ikuhara loves incest...then that means...I'd rather not think about this right now.

U-oh, got the feeling Nanami's trying to pull a Carrie on Anthy here. And she doesn't even have the right girl!

Utena changed outfits awfully fast, even if she was wearing parts of it underneath the dress.

Nanami's kind of a bitch, isn't she? Hope she tries messing with Utena just so her shit gets wrecked.


Oniisama e Series


Oniisama e is one of those shows that I would have never looked into if it weren’t for others posting about it in the thread. The whole Idea of an exceptionally dramatic show never really attracted me and with that in mind I thought that at best, I would only watch the show for the experience and because It would have grabbed me the way it did.



The setting of a high school is tried and true, but the inclusion of a 1% (If I’m being topical) into this already tense environment, creates an incredibly compelling situation for Nanako to maneuver herself through. The show its self actually addresses a lot of issues that I didn’t expect to see:
Suicide, drug abuse, incest, homosexuality, death, divorce, abandonment, disease.
With all this in mind, what I think makes the show so interesting are the relationships and where they go with them. There is only a vague hint of connections between the characters at first, but this turns into an entity of its own by the end.

SPOILERS: A little diagram I made to illustrate this point http://i.imgur.com/q0Vhql.jpg

The characters themselves are well developed (Even Tomoko) which makes every one of their actions significant and the outcomes even more so. I almost feel like the show is misrepresented buy people like myself who only talk about the dramatic aspects, its’ much more than that. It’s a show about relationships that span the entire series and pay of in satisfying ways, and about characters that deal with their not-so-individual problems. It’s about maturity, crying, and lots of coffee.


Also, I would be doing a disservice to the show if I didn’t talk about how gorgeous it is. The way it goes from vivid still images to beautifully animated characters is something everyone should see.


Overall a really amazing show, even if
the OP and ED are terrible
Andrew said:
Nanami's kind of a bitch, isn't she? Hope she tries messing with Utena just so her shit gets wrecked.

I wonder if someone can go through Utena without liking Nanami at the end.

I could rank Utena characters, but I probably should not, since I am a perverted otaku who thinks Miki's sister is hot.


Subete no aware
Oniisama e Series
The characters themselves are well developed (Even Tomoko) which makes every one of their actions significant and the outcomes even more so. I almost feel like the show is misrepresented buy people like myself who only talk about the dramatic aspects, its’ much more than that. It’s a show about relationships that span the entire series and pay of in satisfying ways, and about characters that deal with their not-so-individual problems. It’s about maturity, crying, and lots of coffee.

Honestly, I'm not really sure how I feel about the
fake lesbian
stuff any more. I imagine it's a product of its time, and I don't know why I'm willing to forgive MariMite for doing the same thing - if not in a worse way.

Just reading about the manga ending arc, I still don't know how I feel about how the ending happens either - whether or not
Rei commits suicide
pretty much changes the whole reception of the end, even if the end result is the same.


The Light of El Cantare
Arjuna 03:

Juna's no Bear Grylls, that's for sure.

School Days 03:

Ah, Japan, where regular restaurants staff themselves with half-naked teenagers.

I hope that there's a reason for
red-eyed monotone girl (seemingly) wanting Makoto
, though if it's just to
help facilitate his rampant infidelity later in the series
that's good enough.

Blood-C 03:

School, cake, monsters. The cycle continues. Saya still HNNNNNNNNNG, but this really is like watching the same episode over and over and over.

Andrew J.

Revolutionary Girl Utena 04

Oh look, a musician, just like every other emotionally sensitive male anime character.

Jesus, I meant that thing about getting slapped every episode as a joke! At this rate it seems like it might literally be true.

I think that, in certain respects, Utena is too sensible for the rest of this show.

These shadow-puppet girls get sillier every time.

Nanami's dissolving dress prank was at least effective at causing humiliation. This snail thing is just...stupid.

...and it backfires in the weirdest possible way.

You'd think that Nanami would realize the 'Anthy has weird animals, ew!" route won't work after the second time, at least.


Honestly, I'm not really sure how I feel about the
fake lesbian
stuff any more. I imagine it's a product of its time, and I don't know why I'm willing to forgive MariMite for doing the same thing - if not in a worse way.

Just reading about the manga ending arc, I still don't know how I feel about how the ending happens either - whether or not
Rei commits suicide
pretty much changes the whole reception of the end, even if the end result is the same.

The way I saw it was less
fake lesbian and more indifference to the situation (Homonormativity if you will). Like you said, a byproduct of the time, but now it's what I wish more homosexual relationships could be like.

I would also have proffered her commit suicide in the show. It would make more sense than her accident.


Subete no aware
You'll just have to watch to find out.
Damn it! Never!

Rinne 7

Not yuri at all. :(

Smile Precure 3
So, another recruitment episode, which is fine. There are two things I can only say about this episode.

1) It feels like, at some point anyway, the director thought about what they were doing and planned some good shots.

In context, this stood out to me as "impressive"... at least for a girl's cartoon show where the last thing you need to do is worry about fancy visual storytelling techniques.

2) I really can't stop thinking about Madoka Magica and the absurdity of having an animal creature tell you to take a pact and collect Cure blossoms (GRIEF SEEDS!!!!) and then believing the animal creature without hesitation. The whole idea of magical girls really IS pretty stupid, and I almost feel like this show is making fun of the whole concept as much as it is embracing it. Like, at some point, the writers are just telling the girls who are watching this that they know the whole scenario is stupid, but that they should still stick around anyway. I don't know if it's because it feels genre savvy or if it's because it is so self-serious that it becomes parodic, but it seems to work at the moment.

Also, they went out of order. Here we get Sailor Venus Cure Peace in all her fabulous blush-powered glory:

Just two more to go!
You'll just have to watch to find out.

Damn it I marathoned through High School DxD just because someone posted something about episode 7 ( I do not even remember what it was, but it was in this thread)

Post like these are the reason I do not sleep at night.
But enjoy trashy anime instead.

Which reminds me I wanted to watch through Eiken, Arjuna and Glass Fleet in the next time probably also School Days.


Damn it I marathoned through High School DxD just because someone posted something about episode 7 ( I do not even remember what it was, but it was in this thread)

Post like these are the reason I do not sleep at night.
But enjoy trashy anime instead.

Which reminds me I wanted to watch through Eiken, Arjuna and Glass Fleet in the next time probably also School Days.

I like this guy already.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Yuri no Lagrange 07:

Man, they just won't quit trying to make me care about Muginami. And it worked a little, I at least feel some sympathy for the fact that she had a shit past. But beyond that... meh. Beyond that... this episode was Yuritastic, which I'm A-OK with. Lan's doing her best not to let Muginami steal her precious Madoka from her is pretty amusing, especially at the end with
the whole stripping her pajamas bit. The pose was like "TAKE ME I'M YOURS!" which I'm sure was quite intentional, but still weird. XD Poor Lan.

Amusing, if completely insubstantial episode.


Setec Astronomer
Urusei Yatsura is a Harem Show

Nobody would dispute that Ataru wants a harem, but ultimately he's entirely unsuccessful. No harem is actually created except in his own mind. Of course,
over time it's debatable whether this desire is what he still really wants or something kept out of pride as he tries to convince himself that being with Lum isn't what he really wants.


Langrage 7

lol that ending, wtf. The tone shifts in this one were a bit too weird at times, particularly because it would switch from serious backstory to fanservice stuff. Entertaining though.
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