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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Vampire Princess Miyu TV 11

No happy end in Miyu-land!

There were a lot of jarring cuts, which I suppose suits the main character's experience, but in combination with the generally lacking execution made it difficult to sympathize with him.


Shin Getter Robo vs Neo Getter Robo 1-2

Another franchise I'd been meaning to explore after becoming enamored with Armageddon forever ago. Evidently (according to wikipedia once again), this is an alternate universe sequel to the original tv series where the primary antagonist was the Dinosaur Empire. Seeing as the formula for the show is super robots vs robot dinosaurs I've faith I'll be entertained.

That said the show was far more comedic than I anticipated given how dark Armageddon was. So far it's been great with some wonderful action. Character development is secondary but that's to be expected in a four episode OVA with a name like this.

Episode 2 introduced Jack and Mary King, pilots of the USA's super robot Texas Mack. I think they're rather hilarious given their particular manner of speaking, the cowboy motif that translates to their robot itself with its tasseled vest ,and a gattai that's effectively using Mary's ship as a hat for Texas Mack. But don't take my word for it.
Jack & Mary King

Texas Mack
Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei 8
Oh look, our first art change of the season.
Fun episode, with finishing up last episode's final act, destroying all storytelling in anime by having everyone confesses and art change by taking the easy way out.
I do like how somebody literally drew what the Let's Draw Zetsubou Sensei song is saying.


Went to this tonight. Definitely enjoyed it; there's really no replacement for the full theater experience. Just wish it would have been showing somewhere closer than 75 miles away. :p

As expected for a Ghibli film, very solid dub. Enjoyed the story, but I did leaving wishing there was something 'more' to it... Both the main conflict and the general 'resourcefulness' parts felt like they lacked punch or something.

Oh, right, and the song during the credits - what the hell? Talk about out of place...

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Revolutionary Girl Utena 01
For all that she's an archetypical tomboy, Utena's voice is surprisingly high.
Quoting for when you finish the show.
I'm a perverted otaku who likes rinne and proud of it.
I'm a perverted otaku who likes rinne and I am ashamed of it.
I dunno, personally I get a lot of 'just friends' vibes from that OP.
You are not living up to your tag, icarus.
Nise fans = Rinne fans
I love Rinne but hate Nise. That means I'm all in your imagination.
Revolutionary Girl Utena 02
Saionji, you could not possibly have deluded yourself into thinking that Anthy genuinely liked you, right?
I don't think Saionji ever actually believes this. He's just trying to manipulate her.
Revolutionary Girl Utena 03
So if Nanami is Touga's sister...and Ikuhara loves incest...then that means...I'd rather not think about this right now.
Quoting for posterity too.
Revolutionary Girl Utena 04
You'd think that Nanami would realize the 'Anthy has weird animals, ew!" route won't work after the second time, at least.
Nanami has a thing with animals, yeah.
Arjuna 03:

Juna's no Bear Grylls, that's for sure.

School Days 03:

Ah, Japan, where regular restaurants staff themselves with half-naked teenagers.

I hope that there's a reason for
red-eyed monotone girl (seemingly) wanting Makoto
, though if it's just to
help facilitate his rampant infidelity later in the series
that's good enough.

Blood-C 03:

School, cake, monsters. The cycle continues. Saya still HNNNNNNNNNG, but this really is like watching the same episode over and over and over.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Rinne no Lagrange 7

Worst episode of so far, predictable plot development, terrible attempted or possible fanservice with
naked baths, in home and the ocean...
I didnt sign up for this, I want a swift return to mechs by nissan now.
Vampire Princess Miyu TV 12

This show is teaching me that if you own a cat, you're asking for trouble.

The sound direction in this episode was top-notch. Several of the character close-ups had an odd sheen and thicker outlines than I've seen previously:



Setec Astronomer
Plus, you never sent me any...pictures like you promised. I don't remember about what, or if this even actually happened and I didn't just imagine it, but still. Last time I asked a mod (White Man) for such they were sent immediately and I was able to regret that request immediately.
Fff.. I forgot.


Arrietty was solid. Lots of visual imagination. Not deep or thought provoking, but well-directed. Probably a notch above Howl's in quality?

Level E 2

I still love this show, and its strange mix of creeping horror and off-the-wall comedy. It's good to see more characters, and get a better sense of the underlying dynamics at work in the world. The way the whole coffee shop scene was handled was great.

I sure hope they can maintain this tone!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I also think
he wasn't the one who stuck that love letter from Wakaba up
though it's just a hunch & I don't really have any evidence for it.

I don't think Saionji thinks in schemes like certain other characters in the show; he's pretty straightforwardly emotional.
Saionji has something of an inferiority complex (lol) going on regarding Touga, so it's not surprising that he unleashes some of that frustration on Anthy. It's not that he believes she actually loves him, but he's trying to guilt her with that declaration. While you can say he is very impetuous that doesn't mean he doesn't have ulterior motives for his actions.


Lagrange 07

Awww yeah, great episode! End was cute and for some reason I find myself liking lolinami against my own inhibitions. Also, if it's who I think it is coming next episode (based on the website), it should prove to head in an interesting direction and set up some of what i've been wanting to see.
Mirai Nikki 19

My prediction was
dead wrong, though it doesnt even make sense. How is Gasai Yuno dead, the imposter is not Yuno?! The plot of this show has gone over my head again, though Im glad we had a consolidation and trimming of diary users. Oh well hopefully this means, Akise is finally back in the plot, missed him for so many episodes, maybe team up with this epic Yuki now.

Action wise pretty epic, with a memorable moment.
Cure smiles 3

Glad they got the heartcatch character design person back. Peace has such an adorable henshin =)

Precure peace lightning... I better not think too deeply about this...


This week's Smile was Suite bad; they need to come up with a better excuse for the "the Precure are in danger!" shit.

Cure smiles 3

Glad they got the heartcatch character design person back. Peace has such an adorable henshin =)

Precure peace lightning... I better not think too deeply about this...

It's the Yes 5! girl, actually.
Aquarion Evol 8

Possibly tied for best episode of the series. The anime still does great at balancing the school stuff with great comedy and then excellent action and another cool powerup, even Amata.
When Aquarion dodged those 50+ bullets mindblown, and poor Jin, destroyed! Kagura was pretty cool too if all he did was watch and scream/be angered Did chuckle when Amata got the Andy pic.


Trigun: Badlands Rumble

Pretty good, makes me want to rewatch the series. It needed more Meryl and Milly though. Also felt the English dub wasn’t as good as I remember the series dub being but that’s probably nostalgia.
Also felt the English dub wasn’t as good as I remember the series dub being but that’s probably nostalgia.
I didn't feel it reached the same quality, despite being technically better. The hammy, overly-done western draw that all of the extras had in the show felt oddly fitting. It was severely missed when I watched Badlands.

Plus, I felt that the writing for Vash didn't really lend itself to JYB being able to really recapture how he did Vash originally, but it may have been too difficult after all these years. I felt that M&M managed to have decent covers for the original english dub, but Jeff Nimoy's Wolfwood wasn't matched by Brad Hawkins. It felt too bland to me, and (even though Nimoy's isn't terribly unique) it had a flavor to it that set him apart from the rest of the voices in the show. Wolfwood just sounded like they used one of the guys doing the extras to voice him. All of the voices felt really safe and traditional, which isn't really a bad thing, but it could have been much better.

I'm hoping they'll get around to blu-raying the series at some point, but I don't see it really happening any time soon. : (



Really, that was JYB still doing Vash's VO? I admit I didn't watch the credits I just assumed from the way he sounded it was a completely different voice actor. Yeah, something wasn't right at all if that was JYB. You're probably right in it being to long for him to recapture his original Vash, plus he's had many other roles since then.

I completely agree on Wolfwood. There were a few good parts but it mostly sounded like he was just reading his lines and not even bothering with acting.

As far as blu-raying it goes I highly doubt it. FUNimation just re-released the series in a thin-pack and if there isn't a blu-ray avaliable in Japan for them to work with I doubt they'll go through the trouble of doing it themselves. Hell, FUNi canceled their current release of the DBZ blu-rays (not Kai, just regular DBZ) because that method wasn't going to work for them.


Subete no aware
Usagi Drop: The Movie

So after zeroshiki's hype, I finally had a chance to watch the film.

Because of what I remember of the anime, the opening of the film psyched me out. What was an iconic moment in the anime was underplayed:
In fact, the film made it a bit of a joke, because right after that scene
the film cuts to Daikichi wondering if he just ruined his life
. Certainly it's an interesting way to reframe that moment of impulse and sets the tone for the rest of the film.

Whereas the anime felt more balanced between Rin and Daikichi's experiences, the film places a greater emphasis on Daikichi becoming father (figure) and the sacrifices he has to make in order to fulfil that role.

I quite liked this shot because it emphasizes the change in his life in a very quiet manner:
Of course, the last shot of the film really sells how he has grown into role in a nice way, but I'll leave that for you to see for yourself if you're so inclined.

One thing that was funny was that the director really liked binaries. A lot of things happen in "twos" or in parallel, so you'll have scenes that cut from Daikichi and Rin doing the same things, such as trying to fit into a new peer group:
There's a lot of old life/new life comparison shots and character comparison shots.

Another plot related point to make is that
the movie invents its own ending in order to force the characters closer
. I didn't quite like how it was handled, but I guess I'm okay with it. Also, for you manga people, the new ending
pretty much goes out of its way to set up Daikichi + Milf
, so no worries there. :p

It was interesting to see another rendering of the story, especially one that relies on the "real world" with all its advantages and disadvantages. I mean, while zero loves the girl who played Rin, I thought the kids were all right, but nothing to write home about. The new ending hinges on an
emotional scene between Kouki and Rin
, and I could almost see the director trying to tell the actors what to do in that scene. It's much easier when you can have adult actors voice the kids anyway.

Of course, seeing real human beings interact with each other in real 3D space is a much easier way to have an audience connect to the actors on screen. There are some good uses of space that you could do in a cartoon, but it's just so much easier to have a camera not only film people moving through a room, but move through a room itself.

Anyhow, I think if you liked the anime, the film serves as a nice compliment. It's a retelling of the story that offers a different enough take on the source material that you don't feel like it's simply rehashing the manga or the anime.

That much, I promise you!


The Light of El Cantare
Why is Cure Peace's hair so awful.

You used to be stylish Precure :(

If anything I kind of want Cure designs to be even more insane. They get slightly hard to keep track of when the costumes reuse the same colors and same general style each season.

I was personally too busy dying of moe to really notice Cure Peace's hair, though:


What does animuGAF think of Binbou Shimai Monogatari? Worth watching?

Rinne no lagrange 07

That does not look like a penal colony, that looks like a planet that was bombed to hell.
Further evidence that creepy Brock eyes is not on the up and up.

Lan being super moe. Skinny dipping by moonlight.
Think I have whiplash from the tonal shifts.


And here's that detailing that I promised from the Innocence scene I linked. I'm not going to strictly just detail parts that allow me to say "AND THIS IS WHY SAC SUX" (actually I don't mention SAC at all) nor only detail the original reason I linked it but rather I'll just go for a full breakdown of that part of the scene. (note that the link uses the dub and I'm going off the subtitles) ...

Things that I think are important (& use in my analysis) to note to help understand the visual coherency of the scene, due to their identifiable qualities: The Arch Entrance, The Funny Hat Guy, The Shirtless Tattoo Guy, The Blue Counters, The Doorway, Afro Man, The Railing

Oh and you have to click on the black bars to see the good stuff.

And that concludes my analysis. 10 bux says the "lol pizzaroll" people (you know who you are) ignore this and continue to think I'm some troll who don't know shit about shit.

I just want to say this is a lot better than when you make posts saying "BLANK sucks and you should be ashamed of your fondness for it."
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