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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Urara Meirochou 01

If you have high blood sugar do not watch because of how sugary sweet and cute it is.

I know what you mean, I'm on the fence, I sort of like it. My wife though? It's bait for her, pure bait.

Seiren - 01


Is Amagami equally as boring? If yes, I question you folks watching it (ironically or not).

I actually kinda liked Seiren, especially how weird the girls could be. Though my wife was like you, pretty darn bored.


There should be plenty of "action" later sonce it's ecchi, lol

Oh is it? I couldn't find it listed as Ecchi, but I guess that would make sense with some of the angles.
Demi-chan wa Kataritai 01

You know I was ready to trash this show for nothing being the kind of monstergirls I like, you knwo the type more monstrous than girl. But I enjoyed what I watched here. It is amusing that the MC just wants to talk and interview the monstergirls and doesn't actually have any ulterior motives.

Interviews With Monster Girls 1

Nice premiere. A kind of SoL show about monster girls and their daily school lives. Basically, a more low key and maybe realistic approach than something like MonMusume. Hopefully it will remain enjoyable.

i have to reiterate how much i like that the teacher seems to have his goddamn head on straight

Monster Girls is probably my favorite new show of the season so far. It really surprised me with how engaging, innocent, yet fun it was. If it can keep that up for the season I'll be super pleased with it. Heck even my Wife felt it was a solid opening compared to a lot of the other bland stuff we've tried.
Mob Psycho 100 1-6

The first episode sucked but the last few episodes have been great.

The art style sucks, sometimes theres little to zero animation and the fight scenes aren't really all that special (oh look energy ball thing explodes yay whatever) but the humor is working on me. Show started to have some substance as well as it explores both Mob and his brothers motivations and goals.

But geez everyone looks so ugly in this show.


Finally went and posted my AotY votes in the thread. I'll be really interested in seeing how this one turns out.


Danganronpa villains -
Junko is like the Joker. She's pure chaotic evil with genius level planning abilities. What makes her interesting to me is that she builds flaws into her plans inherently just on the off chance she can fail because that would bring her the greatest despair. She's also just a fun villain with her bouncing around personalities and dialogue.

Nagito is a far better villain though. Like not even close.

About the Tragedy, yeah it was better as just a narrative framework. When they started to really focus on it (and show how it happened in DR3, massive mistake) it became oddly serious for something that started as Monokuma heads on the Statue of Liberty and the Sphinx

I'll be fighting spoilers with spoilers.

Yeah, Junko's pretty fun as an antagonist, and it was only DR3 that kind of made her look bad because of how mind-dullingly bad the Tragedy was.

As for Nagito, he's also okay, but the "oh, looks like I got lucky" thing is an awful ability for him to have since it's always about how he'll get his desired outcome in the end (even though it can lead to convoluted things that get handwaved by "yeah, he just got lucky", which is funny at times). Oh, and that reminds me that giving him only a minor role in DR Hope Side was downright preposterous, because his motivation was watching hope and despair clash against each other and, despite us getting exactly that for the finale, his appearance was as brief as the rest of the 77th class' (since Hinata wasn't actually part of it, anyway).


Mob Psycho 100 1-6

The first episode sucked but the last few episodes have been great.

The art style sucks, sometimes theres little to zero animation and the fight scenes aren't really all that special (oh look energy ball thing explodes yay whatever) but the humor is working on me. Show started to have some substance as well as it explores both Mob and his brothers motivations and goals.

But geez everyone looks so ugly in this show.
This is a DTL-tier post.
Mob Psycho 100 1-6

The first episode sucked but the last few episodes have been great.

The art style sucks, sometimes theres little to zero animation and the fight scenes aren't really all that special (oh look energy ball thing explodes yay whatever) but the humor is working on me. Show started to have some substance as well as it explores both Mob and his brothers motivations and goals.

But geez everyone looks so ugly in this show.

Are you trying to make me rip my hair out?
Beyblade Burst Episode 1

I hope the day comes when Shu will make some of the same type of faces as Valt does, until then, though, Shu will remain the coolest character thus far. Pretty epic and skilled, though sometimes these animes like them make suffer pretty huge/embarassing loses to crush them...Other characters of interest was the one guy in the skull and headband, great design.

For Valt, also, he sounds exactly like Todoroki Kakeru in Chosouke Henkei Gyrozetter, even his whining, moaning, and depressingly excited moments too.

Monster summoning, well sign me up for more, watching tops spinning didnt seem that exciting of a concept on paper but in action and with this going on, they definitely know what I want in my animes. I wonder what Valts or even Shu's will look like.
Seraph of the End rewatch

Man rewatching this with now having further knowledge about the universe of Seraph itself through the manga and the light novel makes for such a difference experience. It makes the things that seemed little so much cooler to notice. Also wow Crowley just trolled everybody so hard...god damn.
So uh this is a weird question but

Looking for a title of an anime clip that I saw

It's a sequence of a killzone-like soldier staring at what appears to be a schoolgirl who's clutching a backpack. He raises his gun at her when she pulls a thread of it, and when more soldiers appear she blows herself up.

It looked interesting....any idea what it would be?


So uh this is a weird question but

Looking for a title of an anime clip that I saw

It's a sequence of a killzone-like soldier staring at what appears to be a schoolgirl who's clutching a backpack. He raises his gun at her when she pulls a thread of it, and when more soldiers appear she blows herself up.

It looked interesting....any idea what it would be?



Okay, where were we?

Toradora 18 -rewatch-

After last episode's armour-piercing questions we open with normalacy apparently restored, Ryuuji and Taiga helping out with the party. A glimpse of Yuri-sensei's more serious side, and though there's a slight jab at her expense it's a nice look at her as a dependable adult instead of a side gag character. Note the change in perception of both Taiga and Ryuuji, both who Yuri-sensei actually straight up feared at the beginning of the series.

Minorin drops by to say hi to Taiga and pointedly avoid/escape from conversation with Ryuuji. They proceed to the gym, some minor Ami/Taiga playfighting, the side characters drag Kitamura and Taiga out, and it's time for another Meaningful Conversation™ with Ami!


With low light levels, the off-kilter camera, and Ami sitting on a dias, it's almost like Ryuuji has come to some dark priestess for advice.

Ryuuji complains basically that he's feeling dissatisfied with the whole situation, though he doesn't put it like that. Ami's voice, surprisingly enough, is really gentle throughout this scene.


Pretty hypocritical, Ryuuji. We see this scene from something approaching Ami's POV, from just over his shoulder. On the animation-saving side, it's a still frame for almost 4 seconds!

Ami thinks for a while (5 whole seconds!), and realisation dawns (as does the sun. Pretty blunt!)



Ami is out of focus in the first shot, but as she pieces it together, she takes centre stage - but we don't get to see her expressions - only her words.

In the web of relationships between the five main characters Ami is an outsider, an observer, so it makes sense that she can see the shape of the whole and judge it. She rocks childishly in the centre of frame as she spells out her logic - that Taiga, Ryuuji and Minorin are merely 'playing house' - then passes on her advice as she lies down and turns away from Ryuuji.


Ami acting like a kid while proclaiming that Ryuuji should grow up encapsulates her contradictory motivations.

Of course, Ami isn't being completely selfless here.


Foetal position, eyes closed, like she's tired of it all.


Very nearly biting her thumb, too. Remember that Ami is the one constantly praised for being adult, except by Ryuuji, who once called her surprisingly childish.

Ryuuji, being Ryuuji and still despondent over Taiga, doesn't hear her confession. Ami accepts the truth that she's already lost ("If you didn't hear me, it doesn't matter") and leaves, but not before hitting us with the theme of this arc (and perhaps of Toradora as a whole):


Close-up for emphasis, slight smile on Ami's face, she may be in shadow but the overall palette of the scene is still very warm. Ami may not understand herself, but she understands the other characters very well.

She steps out, back into the light, leaving Ryuuji to contemplate her words.

Cut to end of exams, Minorin avoids Taiga and Ryuuji. They try to press her a little, but she runs away again. This time Taiga notes it. Kihara tries to grab Ryuuji, but he flees too, dragging along Taiga, who didn't want Ryuuji to help with her post office chores.

He finds a pile of presents at home that Taiga is planning to send home to her parents. After her dad's betrayal two arcs ago, he's backflipped on his position, basically asking Taiga why she's doing this. She slumps over a chair.



Taiga fills the frame, but as she avoids the problem, we cut to a distance shot that emphasises the emptiness and strangeness of her apartment. The angles are all jacked here by the way, but it serves to make her apartment look massive, so it doesn't hurt that much.

She leaves to get the cart and Ryuuji spots an odd-looking present.

We montage over the post office (ah, I remember this tedium well...) as Taiga explains to Ryuuji that she used to go to a Catholic Girl's school, but was blocked from progressing to High School for her bad behaviour; she also used to volunteer helping less fortunate kids, and is sending presents to them as Santa. Ryuuji doesn't understand, and Taiga elaborates: she wants them to know that someone, somewhere, is watching out for them.


The conversation takes place as v/o; we pointedly don't see them actually talking this out. They walk along the sunlit street, but the colours are washed out and faded. Ryuuji is completely out of shot in these frames, and when he is in shot, he's merely following behind.

Taiga admits she knows she's doing this partially for herself, because she wants to believe that someone is watching over her. This is a fantastic use of something that initially comes up as a comedy trope - the idea of a high-schooler or 'someone who should know better' who still believes in Santa - by the way, by connecting it back around to Taiga's emotional journey and past. Ryuuji asks if she really does believe in Santa, and she speaks around the question, saying that Christmas is a time when on the surface everyone looks festive and happy and joyous.


Their solemn, wistful conversation set against the 'childishness' of play. Ryuuji is still following, even though they're supposedly speaking to one another now.

Taiga tells Ryuuji she's met Santa, recollecting a Christmas from when she was young; we cut to dark blues and cool colours (heavy contrast with the current scene) as strings swell again. There's a particular shot of a crystal star on top of the tree... She admits it was probably a dream as we cut back to reality, but the overall message is clear: she wants to believe.


Ryuuji is open to her, but Taiga still isn't looking at him here. A very adult pose from the impetous, impulsive Taiga.

Ryuuji says he wouldn't say it was foolish, and Taiga says it's okay, because she isn't relying on ('clinging to') anybody real. Pan up to sky.

To recap: Ami has a conversation with Ryuuji about a serious topic, but acts like a child; Taiga has a conversation with Ryuuji about a childish topic, but acts the most adult we've ever seen her. Hmmm.

Back to school as we set up the party. More jokes on Yuri-sensei and adult concerns like... financing for retirement (as far as you can get from Toradora's teenage melodrama). Taiga offers Ami a genuine compliment, even if she still calls her an idiot in the same breath, but Ami accepts it with a smile. Ryuuji watches Taiga having fun and reflects that she has reached happiness here, acceptance with the class, friends and a new family. "It'd only be right for everyone to be happy," he thinks to himself.


The star doesn't even have outlines or look like it belongs in this artstyle, that's how otherworldy true happiness is here.

Taiga offers the ornament from home (when she was last happiest?) to put on top of the tree, linking it symbolically with her own happiness. Kitamura climbs up and puts it on, and the class sees how the tree looks all lit up. They bask in its rays for a second as the music builds to its climax.


Ami even turns to Taiga for a second to confirm that she's happy, just like Ryuuji does.


Crunchyroll chose this moment to embed its watermark.

Everything's going fine! And if everything's going fine in the middle of an arc, you know it's just so they can pull the rug out from under you.


All the audio shuts down so that you hear the sound of the window breaking, pre-empting the viewer for the sound of shattering crystal.


A similar shot to earlier but the change of expressions and lack of music is jarring.


The star falls and the background fades into Taiga's shocked face, before...


Confirmation of what the viewer fears will happen.

Minorin opens the door, her cheerful, embarrassed voice cutting through the audio silence before she realises the enormity of what she's done.


To Minorin, the message is clear: she has shattered Taiga's happiness.

There's no doubt that Minorin is sorry. Taiga doesn't even seem that phased, honestly; she is more disturbed by Minorin's desperate, hand-shaking actions to try and apologise. A quiet, sad music box tune begins as she tries to explain her feelings.


Again, we don't see her eyes.

Taiga tries to put Ryuuji forward to help her, but Minori tells her she needs to do this herself. Ryuuji's having none of it.


Minorin says she sees it as not letting her take responsibility, but it's also about some degree of self-flagellation. The first time we see her eyes in this scene.

She protests, but Ryuuji tells her that he's not doing this for her, he's doing it for himself - in other words, he's lying to try and spare her feelings, but helping anyway. Or does she read him as being truthful, and saying he's only working for Taiga's sake? I think the former more likely than the latter.


Her reaction immediately after he tries to spare her feelings. I read the expression as "I don't deserve this... I don't deserve this kindness you're showing me". Immediately after she ducks her head out of frame and hides her eyes from him again.


Just repeating his name.

Ryuuji pieces most of the star together and holds it aloft.





Obvious metaphor talk, but do either of them realise it?

Taiga hugs Minori, letting her know she's forgiven her, but Minori clearly hasn't forgiven herself.


What a shot! The pillar cuts off half the frame and boxes Minorin in, the trees are skeletal, the shadows harsh.

Ryuuji runs out to invite her to the party, finally taking direct action, but we don't see Minorin's face for the rest of the scene as she tells Ryuuji she won't come and not to bother waiting for her, and strolls away, back to the camera. Ryuuji yells that he will wait anyway as the energetic first beats of Orange start up and we pan up into ending credits.


The open sky here seems isolating and desolate instead of freeing

This episode works mainly in metaphor and mystery, the fragile crystal star being the most obvious but also the recurring child/adult theme and the big question for this arc: what's going through Minorin's head? Why is she avoiding Ryuuji? Ryuuji also fails to grapple with the question Kihara presented him at the end of the last episode; in fact, we don't really get inside his head at all this episode. Taiga, for her part, is a lot happier and more comfortable all up than normal even around her crush Kitamura - in fact the whole arc revolves around trying to hook Ryuuji up with Minorin and there's almost zero focus by the main characters on trying to get Kitamura and Taiga together. There's a reason for that. It all comes to a head in the next episode.

I should've watched this on Christmas.


Ill probably vote in the last week.
Most votes come in during the final few days.
I don't think everyone on here is even done voting yet. Most folks are probably waiting until the very last day to do it. Some may even be catching up on stuff

That makes sense. I'll probably have to change my own list, lol. Ther's still three weeks, so hopefully they start rolling in.

I really want to change my Game of the year list as well, but I can't find my post


How thr fuck do you find this shit so fast? I did about 50 searches in that thread and couldn't find it, lol

First, click on the magnifying glass at the upper right corner of the top of the thread you want to search. In the expanded box, click "Advanced Search", like so:

Once you've done that, you'll be in the Advanced Search page for the thread. The easiest way to find posts you've already written is to enter your own username in the "User Name" field like I did here, searching through the Autumn Anime OT:

Once you've done that, it should be easy for you to find the post you're looking for:

Mob Psycho 100 1-6

The first episode sucked but the last few episodes have been great.

The art style sucks, sometimes theres little to zero animation and the fight scenes aren't really all that special (oh look energy ball thing explodes yay whatever) but the humor is working on me. Show started to have some substance as well as it explores both Mob and his brothers motivations and goals.

But geez everyone looks so ugly in this show.

are you sure you're not confusing animation with 'I dislike the artstyle'?

Because the show was gorgeous and normally looked great animation wise.
I don't think everyone on here is even done voting yet. Most folks are probably waiting until the very last day to do it. Some may even be catching up on stuff

Yeah, I'm still watching stuff that I missed out on (which was almost everything, since I watched very little new anime last year prior to Fall).

The very top of my list is set, but I'm not sure about the rest yet.
That makes sense. I'll probably have to change my own list, lol. Ther's still three weeks, so hopefully they start rolling in.

I really want to change my Game of the year list as well, but I can't find my post

I've already made one change since posting it. Contemplating making another one, but for now that thought is still marinating for a bit. Maybe I'll look at it again before the deadline and see whether or not I should make the change.
are you sure you're not confusing animation with 'I dislike the artstyle'?

Because the show was gorgeous and normally looked great animation wise.

Not really. I mean I hate the art style but there were many instances early on where it was maybe a few frames repeating (or just still) or it looked like the drawings looked rushed. Lots of panning character shots too. Its apparent in scenes were characters are screaming or doing something ridiculous. The first episode is a big offender. The battle scenes were much better.

Maybe it gets more consistent later on but the early episodes were pretty gross to get through visually.

is your ideal artstyle cute moe girls per chance?

The artstyle isn't made to make the character attractive, but it's far from an ugly looking show.

I dont think I have an ideal art style. I like Kyo Ani but I also like HQ, Rakugo and FMA's art style as well. *shrug*
I'm not sure how to respond without being rude or condescending but like...you're wrong

Like its probably the most consistently good looking show last year

Did you think it looked great and consistent outside of the fight scenes? I'm not trying to be smug or an ass either but I'm not seeing what everyone else is.

I've watched episodes 1-6 so far. I dont know if things improve later on but my impressions are from those episodes.
Mob Psycho 100's animation is by far some of the best I've seen in the medium.

There was so much freaking motion in episode 5 I felt like I was going to get blown off my seat from all the action.


Did you think it looked great and consistent outside of the fight scenes? I'm not trying to be smug or an ass either but I'm not seeing what everyone else is.

I've watched episodes 1-6 so far. I dont know if things improve later on but my impressions are from those episodes.

I definitely thought so. There's a reason Sakugabooru's blog gave Mob Psycho weekly posts to highlight its animation. The show's consistently strong animation was highlighted from week 1.

Sakugabooru said:
It’s over-the-top, flashy and incredibly fun. Especially Reigen, the most hyperactive and loudest character, who gets his fair share of exaggerated scenes like that. And it’s not just crazy faces! Reigen constantly moves, changes his expressions and there’s a lot of effort put into his hands. He gesticulates a lot and his limbs constantly distort into smears. Earlier I mentioned Kameda’s adoration of Imaishi, and that’s evident in the wild poses and timing of his animation. Rather than in the big action moments, in this episode those similutes and influences are at their strongest during the more light-hearted and comedic scenes.

I get not liking the show's art style (I mean, I strongly disagree, but at least I can imagine it), but Mob Psycho 100 is without a doubt the strongest animation showcase this year. I'm not sure what show you could put against it.
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