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Wired: Hardcore Console Gamers Don’t Want Much, Just the Impossible

Piper Az

Did a search and didn't find this.


It’s not hard to figure out what the gaming-first crowd wants: a super-powered box that connects to the TV, has a handheld controller and has a huge library of games from the biggest-budget epics to the breakout indie hits. They don’t want a PC because they don’t want to mess with settings and deal with crashes; they want a standard platform that Just Works. It can do other things, sure, but games are the meat and everything else is somewhere between the gravy and the pepper shaker.

Hey, that sounds like an awesome product! Tuned precisely to our very needs. Say, do you know how many companies — in the entire world — currently offer such a product?


Nintendo bailed the hell out of that business in 2006 when it shipped the Wii. Nintendo had been graphically competitive, if not superior, up until then. But it saw the writing on the wall and opted out of the more-power arms race. So it’s down to just Microsoft and Sony. And as we are all now aware, Microsoft’s strategy has shifted from gaming to everything. It won’t be happy until you’re doing everything in the living room through your Xbox One, and if that means it has to take steps that impact its performance as a pure gaming machine, well, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

If it’s possible to create a superpowered game box, why hasn’t anyone been able to do it successfully for almost a decade? Why did Nintendo quit, why is Sony hemorrhaging cash and why is Microsoft putting all of its effort into pitching Xbox One as a TV-enhancement device? Ben Cousins thinks he’s figured it out: because the console is dead, a sentiment with which I would strongly agree.

All indications are that the math is not working out on this deal anymore, and has not for a long time. It’s looking more and more likely that what the gaming-only crowd wants is, as a financial matter, simply impossible. There may be no way to make money selling a bleeding-edge $500 games-only box with $60 games anymore. The expense of producing it all may be well out of whack with what players are willing to spend to get it.

By broadening the functionality of the Xbox 360, Microsoft hoped to attract more users (and dollars) from outside the core. By positioning the Xbox One as an everything device right at launch, it’s hoping to widen that circle even more. I’m not saying it will necessarily prove to be a successful strategy. But neither is it the obvious misstep that people think it is. Maybe my household is just another cliche, but we’ve been using our Xbox 360 at home to binge-watch Game of Thrones, and the HBO GO app on the 360 is an infinitely more appealing experience than navigating Comcast’s On Demand menu. And yes, I have heard a lot of people do like sports.

Having games as just one part of a broad entertainment device with multiple, diverse revenue streams might not just be Microsoft’s (and Apple’s and Google’s) preferred outcome. It might be the only way that high-end game machines survive at all


Membero Americo
Nintendo "bailed the hell out"? Last time I checked, they still do consoles that play games.

Sure it's not "super-powered", but it does everything else.
Maybe my household is just another cliche, but we’ve been using our Xbox 360 at home to binge-watch Game of Thrones, and the HBO GO app on the 360 is an infinitely more appealing experience than navigating Comcast’s On Demand menu.
I don't know how much confidence I can put in the opinion of someone who still buys cable TV to understand market trends. Especially when a menu can be "infinitely" more appealing than another menu.

Don't worry, I'm sure Microsoft will show games being played on the Xbox One eventually.
It's not about whether it plays games, it's about how much of what you're paying for is the "gaming" aspect of the machine. I have a Wii U, and I would be much happier if the system cost $100 less and came without the damn Gamepad. It does nothing for me. I tolerated the cost because I know Nintendo makes great software, and some good stuff is coming from Platinum Games. If the PS4/XBone cost ~$500 each, they really need to show me that it's worth spending that much to play their games.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
All indications are that the math is not working out on this deal anymore, and has not for a long time. It’s looking more and more likely that what the gaming-only crowd wants is, as a financial matter, simply impossible. There may be no way to make money selling a bleeding-edge $500 games-only box with $60 games anymore. The expense of producing it all may be well out of whack with what players are willing to spend to get it.
I buy this. Well, except I'd say the issue would be that not enough people would be interested in paying for it.
It’s not hard to figure out what the gaming-first crowd wants: a super-powered box that connects to the TV, has a handheld controller and has a huge library of games from the biggest-budget epics to the breakout indie hits. They don’t want a PC because they don’t want to mess with settings and deal with crashes; they want a standard platform that Just Works. It can do other things, sure, but games are the meat and everything else is somewhere between the gravy and the pepper shaker.

every gamer's wet dream


Nintendo "bailed the hell out"? Last time I checked, they still do consoles that play games.

Sure it's not "super-powered", but it does everything else.

That's what they were meaning. They were saying that they aren't cutting edge with their graphics like they once were.
I'm pretty sure all of the consoles have plenty of media-box functionality in addition to gaming, and most people are just fine with that. Wired is attacking a straw man.
Unless I'm missing something they already said exactly what you are saying and then go on to say why it's not viable anymore.

It is viable - the console business isn't 'dead' or even shrinking, when platforms struggle it's for reasons other than that it's a game console.
Bullshit. Anyone who absolutely demands the highest levels of graphical output isn't frothing at the mouth for a console. If they are, they're hopelessly delusional about what PCs can achieve and have achieved for so long.

I look at systems like the NES, the SNES, the PS1, the PS2, etc, and I don't see the absolute latest graphics for their respective times. I see self-contained systems that were relatively affordable and completely or at least largely focused on a singular goal: playing a large number of incredible games.

That's what I want.


Unless I'm missing something they already said exactly what you are saying and then go on to say why it's not viable anymore.

I'm sure the market of people that are cable TV enthusiasts and are just bursting at the seams for an additional product they can install between their TV and cable box which will overlay a third interface on top of the existing two (TV/set top box) is a huge and profitable one.

I give you: Xbox One

It fits your criteria

More targeted products (more powerful, more interesting first party) are available, that's why the Xbone isn't all that interesting to most hardcore gamers.


PS3 and 360 are not gaming only boxes.

PS3 is used as my main Blu-Ray/DVD player, music player in the living room, showing photos on a big screen when extended family is over and downloaded movies/shows. Sometimes quick webbrowsing.

Need I say I dont watch live TV or live sports? I realize that other people do and MS needs those features. I just dont get the huge focus on TV.

I like the look of the system, the controller and even the OS and fast switching looked amazing.

But NFL, fantasy football and cable TV wont work here in Sweden, and Im not interested.

What are they talking about?


Nintendo bailed out because 3 hardware manufacturers were competing in the same space.

Now 2 of those have left that space.

Edit:That space being bleeding edge graphics.


GAF's Bob Woodward
All indications are that the math is not working out on this deal anymore, and has not for a long time. It’s looking more and more likely that what the gaming-only crowd wants is, as a financial matter, simply impossible. There may be no way to make money selling a bleeding-edge $500 games-only box with $60 games anymore. The expense of producing it all may be well out of whack with what players are willing to spend to get it.

He seems to be presupposing that creating a satisfying game box requires the kind of investments Sony and MS made with PS3 and 360.

Not so.

He also seems to suppose that creating a good all-in-one box requires 'breaking some eggs' - sacrifices on game performance.

Not so.

Microsoft's 'sacrifices' ultimately turned out not to be necessary. It gave them guaranteed capability back when Xbox One was on the drawing board, but their approach turned out to be conservative and there were what turned out to be better alternatives that would have maintained extra-gaming capability while increasing gaming performance.


I can already watch TV and don't need an Xbox in order to do so. But yes, I do want a dedicated gaming system, with any other features in the background. Thankfully, that is what the PS4 is looking to offer, so I guess Sony is indeed achieving 'the impossible' as far as my needs go. Enjoy watching Game of Thrones on your Xbox, I'll just tune in to the HBO service that I already subscribe to on Sunday nights.
Maybe my household is just another cliche, but we’ve been using our Xbox 360 at home to binge-watch Game of Thrones, and the HBO GO app on the 360 is an infinitely more appealing experience than navigating Comcast’s On Demand menu. And yes, I have heard a lot of people do like sports.
So what do you need an Xbox One for if you can already do these things?


The premise seems to be built on strawman arguments.

edit: or maybe it's just not targeted at me. PC is for me as is. Not sure of these console only hardcore gamers really exist, though. Wanting anything superpowered but being unwilling to game on PC is basically an irreconcilable juxtaposition to me.

edit²: or maybe this is not a strawman but just a very American perspective on things.


Yes Wired, gamers are the evil boogeymen out to terrorize those rich, multi-national companies who just want to get richer. *eyeroll*


Elden Member
I dont agree with that.

if you polled Gaf, I bet you 90+% of the people here would glady drop Kinect from being sold with the one in order to boost its specs.

Its not that its financially impossible, its that companies would rather put the money else where. I think this has a lot to do with the people making the choices about the machines. You saw it on stage, the people pulling the strings in the xbox division arent gamers, and they probably dont give a damn about games. They see gaming only as a trojan horse into the living room, if they could drop it completely from the system at some point they would without blinking an eye.


Nintendo bailed out because 3 hardware manufacturers were competing in the same space.

Now 2 of those have left that space.

Edit:That space being bleeding edge graphics.

I know i want 8 companies fighting over exclusives to make sure i have fewer games to play, let's open the industry up! This article is crazy, a large reason why we don't have more companies trying to get into the hardware space is content. First party games and only so many third parties to try to grab exclusives from.
All indications are that the math is not working out on this deal anymore, and has not for a long time. It’s looking more and more likely that what the gaming-only crowd wants is, as a financial matter, simply impossible. There may be no way to make money selling a bleeding-edge $500 games-only box with $60 games anymore. The expense of producing it all may be well out of whack with what players are willing to spend to get it.

I don't know. For this to be true you'd have to see evidence in other aspects of the gaming ecosystem and these days developers and studios are thriving. I just don't buy it.

Hang on, my phone is ringing for some reason.


They don’t want a PC because they don’t want to mess with settings and deal with crashes

That´s exactly why i dont want a pc.

This and confy couch.

And PC does have cheaper games! But no. Cant deal with PC.


One of the more ridiculous articles I've read in a while. Right up there with that article by Leigh about how "bored" she was prior to the XB1 event starting.

You know, if the dev's really aren't making money because the cost of creating has gone up so much then CHARGE ME 80 BUCKS U.S. PER GAME! I would GLADLY pay 80 bucks for a full product with no day 1 DLC and no blocking of me re-selling the game when done.


It is viable - the console business isn't 'dead' or even shrinking, when platforms struggle it's for reasons other than that it's a game console.

It's so viable that both sony and MS had to sell their consoles at massive losses at the beginning of last gen. The PS3 did not even make it's money back. Many game developpers struggled with the increased investment costs to be competitive in terms of production values.

There is a reason the new consoles are not bleeding edge, it's not financially viable.


I don't pretend to speak for hardcore gamers, but I think I'm not alone in being hugely more focused on the used games and online connection things. The lack of games at the show was unfortunate and it's fun to laugh about, but obviously E3 is coming. It's the terrible fuck you consumer policies that ensure I won't be getting this console.

The actual content of the article seems good. I just had a knee jerk reaction against painting the core gamer as mad because of the games, then a paragraph or two later conceding two or three big fucking deals for the console as if they barely matter.


I would be happy if its just powered up X360
But they feel obligation to fuck us with this requiring online, no used game.. I don't even think that shit work without Live subscription, crazy.
I think all anyone asks for is that their gaming console has a lot of cool games on it. We didn't see that on Tuesday, and that's been why there has been so much backlash.

That and all the DRM bullshit.
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