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Wired: Hardcore Console Gamers Don’t Want Much, Just the Impossible


Really? Because i can pull up any number of threads here complaining about the GPUs in the consoles, how COD Ghost looks bad, the new games dont look like true next gen, my maxed PC games look better than this, etc....................


Come this fall you'll see just as many threads or more with people saying how <insert Xbox One/PS4 game> has the best graphics ever. People have knee-jerk reactions to everything.

The only reason people are picking apart the specs now is we have nothing else to talk about.
Entitled stinking gamers wanting games and not all this wonderful TV that they already pay for.

I mean seriously all things point to the PS4 being a rather conservatively designed piece of hardware that didn't cost Sony massive amounts of money in R&D.
You're going to get games. People need to stop acting like the Xbox One won't get any games, it will.

And people want features like TV in their system. Yes Apple TV's exist, and Smart TVs exist, but how many people own them? The appeal in this comes from it being all in one, a GAME CONSOLE (for the kids/gamers) with Netflix, and Internet Browser, TV, Hulu, etc for everyone else. It appeals to everyonem


the same o'l "consoles are dead argument" when some one makes the wrong prediction.

consoles are no where near dead. and don't say phones and tablets are the future of gaming .. if those people weren't playing cut the rope they'd be on twitter or facebook.


Console gaming dead? I wouldn't say so. Companies just can't bank solely on graphical power to sell their systems anymore. But turning a console meant for gaming into a television remote to try and offset this is not the answer. If anything, isn't traditional TV dying?

It comes across as backwards compared to PS4's focus on internet streaming.

Microsoft's anti-consumer stance and their emphasis on being a fucking TV remote have overshadowed the outcry about the machine not being high end [enough] by far.


Super Member
Ben Cousins thinks he’s figured it out: because the console is dead, a sentiment with which I would strongly agree.
For fuck's sake, no it's not. These things that sell themselves as consoles don't actually fit the original definition of the word.

Why is the article insisting Nintendo bailed out when the Wii U is the platform most dedicated to selling/playing games? Maybe they're the only ones still in!


Sony and Nintendo, obviously.

I don't really see the point of this article beside rehearsing the same old tired argument about how smartphones and tablet killed consoles and praising the direction chosen by MS. Well, we will see if there is a still a future for gaming-centric hardware by the end of the year, anyway.

Except that's not what the author is saying at all and it's amazing that people who post on this site are pretending like they don't know what the guy is talking about. There are threads made seemingly daily talking about the shrinking AAA and console market; this isn't coming out of nowhere, nor is it just someone trying to praise Microsoft.
How did the most loyal consumers to these companies suddenly turn into the bad guys?

Xbox fans are asking too much for a video game console to focus on video games.
Nintendo fans are "insatiable" for asking for more hardcore games at Nintendo's E3 press conferences.

It's not our fault if you're not even willing to try to live up to our expectations.


People act like the "gaming-first" crowd doesn't also watch movies, listen to music, and like to stream TV shows from Hulu/Netflix.


I am a gamer. I want to play games on my console. I do not need to browse the web, or watch tv, or make a skype call or link my fantasy team to some NFL partnership. I just want to play games.

In my home, I have my living room with a nice TV and FiOS box. I watch all my TV there. In my basement, I have my "game" room. This is where my WiiU, PS3, 360 are located, this is where I game.

I do not want a console that has all these bells & whistles that I am never going to use. I just want to game, that's it.
Apparently wanting to not get treated like cattle with anti consumer measures and just wanting games instead of waggle is 'the impossible'

Next up , book enthusiasts want the impossible, they want to read stories! Who the fuck do they think they are?
I agree with the article.

Both Sony and Microsoft are making these super powerful machines and they're only going focus on games? No chance. They're going to bring in as many other features they can to hook someone that isn't a hardcore gamer like ourselves. For example, at Microsoft's conference, they're partnership with the NFL, whatever it is. Someone who isn't a big gamer might pick one up just for that exclusive content. It's a smart move for both companies.


The impossible?
I just want a machine that isn't ad big as a building a decent hardware (I'm ok with everything as long as it isn't only a spit better than last gen hardware) and doesn't want to fuck me over with always online, no used games or shit like that

On the software side i'm perfectly ok if it can manage to offer me 4-5 important games every year whatever it's first or third party, but you know aside of what i think it's only their profit if they can offer multiple blockbuster every year

It really isn't hard and thank god this turn it seems that there is a company that gets that


Sony's console wont be under 400 bucks.

I know i posted 500 but it was a typo.

I am not expecting it to be, but it sure as hell will not be $600 this time around, either. All I know is that they are delivering exactly what I want. A gaming system that is more PC-like than ever, but with all the conveniences of a console. Any other features are merely additives. Their focus is on games first and the entire system was designed with this in mind by developers, for developers and gamers alike. Thanks for achieving 'the impossible,' Sony!
While I (grudgingly) agree with the sentiment, the article is written in such an aggressive tone that every fibre of my being wants to tell the author to go fuck himself and run off crying. It's like someone telling you your dog was run over and insulting you and laughing as he does it - yeah the dog may well be dead, but you don't have to be so mean about it.


Do you read the npd or media create threads? It's worse and worse every week/month. I don't blame Microsoft, Sony, or even Nintendo (with how shitty their non-game stuff is) for trying to find other ways for their boxes to make money.

Gamers don't control the prices of consoles.

Both HD consoles should be $150 at this point.


Yes, but changing that console into a glorified TV remote is not the solution to the problem. Gamers at large would be happy with what each the PS3/360 offered as a system, only with new technology inside.

Where is your evidence that it isn't the solution?

I don't pretend to know. If your prediction is right then the Xbox One will crash and burn like it deserves to (as a misread of customer desires) if not then it'll do well enough to stick around. Maybe Sony will be trying to do the same in a couple of years similar to how they and MS tried to emulate Nintendo a few years ago.

Very hard to tell at this point.


The issue is profitability which is basically this articles point. He's saying there's simply not enough money to follow this path and expect a decent profit. Sony seems to still have not made back all the losses it made with the PS3.

This article is basically saying it's not worth it. You can do it but from a business point of view it's not logical.

But maybe the difference is that time around Sony doesn't have any new tech blowing up production costs (the RAM maybe?). I'd be interested in seeing the cost break downs.


Sony essentially wanted to do what Microsoft is doing now. They've changed strategy because of how things went.

Really the the only that bothers me is DRM going forward. I welcome all the multimedia options by any of the companies.
Yeah watching HBO Go is awesome on the 360!!!! Sure its behind a fucking 60 dollar paywall when its free on your fucking phone but yay 360 so much easier than just watching it on cable!!!
It's so viable that both sony and MS had to sell their consoles at massive losses at the beginning of last gen. The PS3 did not even make it's money back. Many game developpers struggled with the increased investment costs to be competitive in terms of production values.

There is a reason the new consoles are not bleeding edge, it's not financially viable.

Yep, along with devs moving into mobile and browser shovelware, laying off staff or increasingly having to close the doors. It's becoming less and less financially viable as time goes on.


For fuck's sake, no it's not. These things that sell themselves as consoles don't actually fit the original definition of the word.

Why is the article insisting Nintendo bailed out when the Wii U is the platform most dedicated to selling/playing games? Maybe they're the only ones still in!

Unless you are defining "dedicated" by Wii U's inability to play blu rays, how do you figure? Last I checked, Wii U had an internet browser, offered Netflix/Hulu/Amazon movie and TV streaming, offered video chat services, and featured its own integrated social network. It might not have gone as far as the Xbox One in becoming a general multimedia box, but lets not pretend it's the SNES either.


Gold Member
It is viable - the console business isn't 'dead' or even shrinking, when platforms struggle it's for reasons other than that it's a game console.

This isn't true. The 360 took off once they redesigned the system and switched focus to non-game stuff.

I'm with most of the people here, but the article makes good points. The fact that the PC is more popular these days is probably evidence that to get the power hardcore gamers want, you need to spend more money than the manufacturers can justify. And building superpower PCs is far outside the mainstream, no matter what it seems like on NeoGAF or HardOCP or whatever.

And manufacturers cannot justify a narrow focus on games when they can easily write code to get their hardware to do a bunch of other stuff.

My HTPC cost around $800 + $300 video card, yea it's way more powerful than the 360 and can probably hold up against the One for a while but, again, I spent $1100.


Saint Titanfall
I agree that the bleeding edge cheap box paradox was always going to run into major issues, and that the profitability factors of it make choosing this approach less appealing, though ignoring to mention stuff like used games and always online will rightly bring some outrage to the article.


The Xbox One wouldn't be so hated if not for the always online, mandatory installs DRM bullshit.

If Microsoft had the exact same event but stated that used games would function exactly as they currently do and the console won't require an Internet connection, I'd be fucking stoked. They didn't show games, but whatever, the potential is there and the OS looked snappy as fuck. The games will come.

The problem is the anti-consumer bullshit, not the TV-centric reveal event.


Kohler seems to be willfully missing the real issues, so he can go on a long rant about 'entitled gamers'. Disappointing focus at the conference has been an easy target for jokes, but it's everything that came after that's caused the uproar.
What people who play games what is to see the damn games, is that so hard to understand?
And Microsoft knew that! That's why the announced before hand multiple times "This Reveal is for the hardware and it's features, E3 is all about the games."

Why did you watch the reveal if you wanted games? The Reveal wasn't for games. I don't understand how GAF can complain about the lack of games shown during the reveal when we knew the games are going to be saved till E3!


I don't disagree with the main premise (power bit wise), but I think he's missing the point on the conference. It was stupid and aimed at no-one. Casuals aren't dropping 400 - 500 dollars for a glorified, power hungry, Roku they can talk to. Even if it can switch inputs by itself (when working properly).

So why shouldn't gamers be pissed at it? It was layers of crud onto TV (that nobody wanted or needed since it's done better with a tablet), no games, and Phil Harrison confirming everyone's worst fears on connectivity/used games.

To sit there and complain that hardcore gamers can't be pleased is missing the point. Much like MS' conference did.


Gamers don't control the prices of consoles.

Both HD consoles should be $150 at this point.

I'm not just talking about hardware numbers, software hasn't been selling that great either and that is with consoles that have huge bases. Now, I don't think that the console market is doomed but when you see the lack of sales, it makes sense for companies to make sure they have alternative revenue streams built into their system.


So consoles are "dead" because gamers have been waiting 8 YEARS for a hardware increase?


I guess if Apple did do that and people stopped using the device as much 4-5 years down the line then that would logically mean nobody wants tablets anymore, right???

I absolutely cannot stand these people who think that console gaming is "dying" because sales are down year over year. OF COURSE THEY ARE DOWN. We are hungry for something new and tired of waiting for it.
Apparently wanting to not get treated like cattle with anti consumer measures and just wanting games instead of waggle is 'the impossible'

Next up , book enthusiasts want the impossible, they want to read stories! Who the fuck do they think they are?

Yeah, the article is really disingenuous, it's frustrating almost.
How about they write stories on how Microsoft are trying to screw the very people who paid out of their assess to see them succeed in the gaming industry? How about they write an article about how Microsoft are trying to obfuscate truths surrounding anti-consumer policies with vague and fluffy PR statements? Is that impossible?


Reads like Xbox One specs damage control

Every article I've seen seems like this...the media is looking like MS Apologists. Then you read the comments and its a whole different story. The mob is speaking their mind this time.

This will be the most important E3 ever, for all 3 console makers. Ones on the verge of being forgotten, one wants the crown back, and the king is looking a little off kilter. I'm expecting great showings from them all.


I just want a console that don't block used games and forces me to pay a fee. Also, I want a console that I can take anywhere without worrying about connecting to the Internet.

The sad thing is that I'm okay with Xbox One not being graphic leap, and unlike this bunch of "motion control" haters to the point insanity. I found the idea of Kinect being packed in every console along with a controller really good and bring a lot of possibilities to expand core game experience.

But online connection requirement and the war against used games is so fucking disgraceful that I can't bring myself to support such a anti-consumer instance.


Unconfirmed Member
Agree with everything said.

It is increasingly difficult to sustain a business where you're making a powerful machine, selling it at a loss and having it only focus on gaming. They have to go after a wider market to recoup costs. This is also where I think Nintendo has been smart in seeing this ahead of time and decided to opt out of the power race if they do want to focus on the games experience only. That being said, they have embraced the "other" stuff with Netflix, Hulu, Nintendo TVii, etc, but have not put nearly as much focus on that stuff as Microsoft.

It's a lot easier for them to gain revenue on machines with some older hardware, so long as they have a solid output of games. The pain is less significant than it would be with a higher powered machine.

Though I do think moving forward past this generation we'll likely see a big shift in what happens in the industry. I don't know if consoles will die; but I think the scope of what defines a console might change. My thinking is we'd be moving to a hybrid device that works at home or as a portable, sort of like a laptop/tablet. Either that, or consoles will focus on the "other stuff" more so than the gaming aspect to move units.


How did we get to only from main.

Ok main...

Im just saying an open platform is what people are asking for. If you want a device to only do certain things and not bug the hell out of you with ads and stuff for none gaming shit than its pretty much the only option.

TRios Zen

I don't think any system could get by that JUST does games (no Netflix or similar, no other media integration) especially at the prices these systems cost.

I also think the $60 pricing model is going to be hard to sustain given the number of resources necessary to complete high-end games.

In short, I don't think this article is far off from the mark, even if worded rather sensationally.
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