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Wired: Hardcore Console Gamers Don’t Want Much, Just the Impossible

The Xbox One wouldn't be so hated if not for the always online, mandatory installs DRM bullshit.

If Microsoft had the exact same event but stated that used games would function exactly as they currently do and the console won't require an Internet connection, I'd be fucking stoked. They didn't show games, but whatever, the potential is there and the OS looked snappy as fuck. The games will come.

The problem is the anti-consumer bullshit, not the TV-centric reveal event.
It’s not hard to figure out what the gaming-first crowd wants: a super-powered box that connects to the TV, has a handheld controller and has a huge library of games from the biggest-budget epics to the breakout indie hits. They don’t want a PC because they don’t want to mess with settings and deal with crashes; they want a standard platform that Just Works. It can do other things, sure, but games are the meat and everything else is somewhere between the gravy and the pepper shaker.

Having jumped back in to PC gaming recently, I've found that for the most part it does Just Work, a lot better than it used to and good enough for me on that front. What the PC lacks though is Japanese developer support- if Japan-made games would be ported to the PC as often as Western ones are, I'd be done with consoles.



They didn't add obstacles lol

But why would I willingly buy a compromised experience? All these streaming services are on every platform anyway - creating a worse gaming machine for the strange allure of additional hardware to support cable TV (HDMI in, processing power to handle that consistently, huge investment in broadcast TV sideshow-content) is what's the issue, and what seems like a misstep.


I don't pretend to speak for hardcore gamers, but I think I'm not alone in being hugely more focused on the used games and online connection things. The lack of games at the show was unfortunate and it's fun to laugh about, but obviously E3 is coming. It's the terrible fuck you consumer policies that ensure I won't be getting this console.

Exactly. And the parred back hardware to bloat the system with other shit I don't need, as well as Kinect being mandatory. But hey, I obviously need an Xbox to enjoy Game of Thrones, right?
All of them do.

But the article suggests such a thing in this day and age is impossible - when it's not. They conclude that a platform needs a shit load of bells and whistles to appeal to gamers because a console that plays only games is 'dead'. That is bullshit - yes people enjoy the various entertainment offerings (Netflix etc) but first and foremost people just want games, everything else is comparably insignificant. With the Bone, Microsoft are catering to a customer that demands all of these different things in equal measures, when such a consumer does not exist - because there are other devices which specialize individually in catering to those different things.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Wow at all the butthurt people, I didn't think the article was that unreasonable. Isn't that one reason given for the homogenizing or CoD-ing of so many AAA games: the costs are so high they have to ply it safe to try to ensure profits? I mean it is real that it's expensive to make consoles and AAA games for them

It's so viable that both sony and MS had to sell their consoles at massive losses at the beginning of last gen. The PS3 did not even make it's money back. Many game developpers struggled with the increased investment costs to be competitive in terms of production values.

There is a reason the new consoles are not bleeding edge, it's not financially viable.

Also this


But the article suggests such a thing in this day and age is impossible - when it's not. They conclude that a platform needs a shit load of bells and whistles to appeal to gamers because a console that plays only games is 'dead'. That is bullshit - yes people enjoy the various entertainment offerings (Netflix etc) but first and foremost people just want games, everything else is comparably insignificant. With the Bone, Microsoft are catering to a customer that demands all of these different things in equal measures, when such a consumer does not exist - because there are other devices which specialize individually in catering to those different things.

Just imagine playing Battlefield 4 and you tell someone to use a TV guided missile. Xbox One switches to TV, you shout at the fucking thing to go back to game but you already died.

This is my main issue with the XBox One actually. It requires Kinect plugged in at all times.

Every single time i'm watching Netlfix or Youtube on my 360, if someone happens to say anything, Kinect picks it up and does everything from fast forward to plain stopping what i'm watching and starting again.

It's either going to run into the same issue again or i'm going to have to go into the settings each and every time to disable voice commands when I just want to watch a movie.


Console gaming dead? I wouldn't say so. Companies just can't bank solely on graphical power to sell their systems anymore. But turning a console meant for gaming into a television remote to try and offset this is not the answer. If anything, isn't traditional TV dying?


We just want something that plays games as its main function, not much to ask for, is it?

Haha what a ridiculous demand. Fucking GAF. Drama queen.


No, we want a console as powerful as the most top of the line PCs, in a small box, and for under 500 bucks.

Thats impossible.

I just built a pretty badass gaming PC for $700. I'm sure they can do better, and focus on GAMES is the only thing a console needs to be, otherwise it's a waste of hardware.


Most consoles sell at a loss when they first release, its expected. It is ALSO expected by the hardware maker that they will not make much profit on the console until mid-late in the cycle.

They make money on the software sold. It has been this way for well over a decade, probably longer. This is why the "software attach ratio" is so very very important to judge how well a console is doing.

While the Wii sold like hot cakes, its software attachment ratio was well below its competitors for quite some time thus resulting in Nintendo taking huge revenue losses.

Consoles are their own animal, they cannot be lumped into other categories. Its like saying the bicycle industry is failing because cars are outselling bikes. As much as every tech "nerd" journalist out there wants to lump every device that can "play games" into the same business segment, you simply CANT, it doesn't work that way.


Sony consoles = Impossible

The PS3 already served as a proper multimedia machine with gaming as a primary focus.


The heck is that suppose to mean?
It means that as a German, if you want a superpowered machine that connects to the TV and works, you obviously use your fucking PC because it does just that. :D The "not wanting to deal with settings" is a negative for most here, not a positive (i.e. it reads that you can't customise your experience).

It's just a very different culture in America, where the PC isn't as big as consoles.


No, we want a console as powerful as the most top of the line PCs, in a small box, and for under 500 bucks.

Thats impossible.

That is not what I am asking for at all. I just want a nice step up from the previous generation and the main focus to be on games first, as usual. Thankfully, that appears to be Sony's philosophy with the PS4 and that is why I will be more than happy to buy one.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
What a dumb article.

Sony is no longer "shitting cash" by any means, and they turned that PS3 ship around. Better yet, by getting a guy onboard to make the PS4 who is at the top of his knowing his shit, the PS4 seems to be exactly what gamers want. Just took employing the right person to do so, who knew.


It is viable - the console business isn't 'dead' or even shrinking, when platforms struggle it's for reasons other than that it's a game console.

I thought that in 2 generations MS is yet to break even and that Sony lost all the profits they made on the PS1 and PS2 with the PS3.

That combined with research showing how much video streaming and the like happens on modern consoles.

That is bullshit - yes people enjoy the various entertainment offerings (Netflix etc) but first and foremost people just want games, everything else is comparably insignificant.

You got data to back that up? You seem very confident that you know what the 150+ million people who own consoles want. I'm sure they want games but some of them might only want a couple a year or games and video streaming or etc, etc.


No, we want a console as powerful as the most top of the line PCs, in a small box, and for under 500 bucks.

Thats impossible.

That's exactly what the PS4 is going to be.

Also, that article is disingenuous as fuck to push his anti-console agenda. PS3 isn't bleeding cash now and the reason why Sony lost their ass on it in the first place wasn't because of its gaming focus but their obsession with shoving CELL (which they wanted to use for many, non-gaming functions) and Blu-ray (new movie platform) into a $600 box.


But the article suggests such a thing in this day and age is impossible - when it's not. They conclude that a platform needs a shit load of bells and whistles to appeal to gamers because a console that plays only games is 'dead'. That is bullshit - yes people enjoy the various entertainment offerings (Netflix etc) but first and foremost people just want games, everything else is comparably insignificant.

No, the article article says the opposite. Gamers want a console that just play games, and everything else is an extra or unnecessary, but it's also arguing that pure "console gamers" aren't a big enough demographic to sustain consoles with the modern production values. I'm not sure about the basis of that conclusion though.
That is not what I am asking for at all. I just want a nice step up from the previous generation and the main focus to be on games first, as usual. Thankfully, that appears to be Sony's philosophy with the PS4 and that is why I will be more than happy to buy one.

Sony's console wont be under 400 bucks.

I know i posted 500 but it was a typo.


It means that as a German, if you want a superpowered machine that connects to the TV and works, you obviously use your fucking PC because it does just that. :D The "not wanting to deal with settings" is a negative for most here, not a positive (i.e. it reads that you can't customise your experience).

It's just a very different culture in America, where the PC isn't as big as consoles.

But what if I want to play a Japanese game?

(suggested response - something about how I should get a Japanese cell phone since they barely make console games any more)
Yeah, after you got through all the TV and other non-gaming related stuff.
You HAVE to go through it? No. You don't.

Buy the system, insert your game, play. Don't load or open the TV portion.

GAMING is still the main focus of the Xbox One, just it WASN'T for the reveal. Microsoft said so. E3 was for games.
But the article suggests such a thing in this day and age is impossible - when it's not. They conclude that a platform needs a shit load of bells and whistles to appeal to gamers because a console that plays only games is 'dead'. That is bullshit - yes people enjoy the various entertainment offerings (Netflix etc) but first and foremost people just want games, everything else is comparably insignificant. With the Bone, Microsoft are catering to a customer that demands all of these different things in equal measures, when such a consumer does not exist - because there are other devices which specialize individually in catering to those different things.

For me, I'd argue, that the reasons I use my X360 for entertainment purposes are a) Lack of INTERESTING exclusives on the system, and b) Non-interest in the majority of multi-platform titles. If it's one I really want I will just get it on the PS3 because of how I have my systems set up. Everything else is PC. PS3 has the exclusives. So, now my 360 is the device my wife and I use to watch Netflix/Hulu/HBO Go etc...

What I want is a console that focuses on great games, and I was concerned Microsoft would not feel the same.


But the article suggests such a thing in this day and age is impossible - when it's not. They conclude that a platform needs a shit load of bells and whistles to appeal to gamers because a console that plays only games is 'dead'. That is bullshit - yes people enjoy the various entertainment offerings (Netflix etc) but first and foremost people just want games, everything else is comparably insignificant. With the Bone, Microsoft are catering to a customer that demands all of these different things in equal measures, when such a consumer does not exist - because there are other devices which specialize individually in catering to those different things.

I'm repeating myself because my post was at the bottom of the page but:

The PS3 did not make money for sony, they are still in the red.

The 360 broke even only a year or so ago - and that's with a fee for playing online.

A game only console is not financially interesting. The core demographic is significant, but it's not big enough for a 500$ high spec console to be profitable.
No, we want a console as powerful as the most top of the line PCs, in a small box, and for under 500 bucks.

Thats impossible.

You're putting too much focus on a supposed demand for PC parity on consoles, I don't really think that's the case. Yes there is an expectation for improved specs each generation, but that's the case with every market, not just the gaming industry.

I think most gamers are happy with what exists now. We expect the same from next gen systems.

This is asking the impossible?
No, the article article says the opposite. Gamers want a console that just play games, and everything else is an extra or unnecessary, but it's also arguing that pure "console gamers" aren't a big enough demographic to sustain consoles with the modern production values.

Yes, but changing that console into a glorified TV remote is not the solution to the problem. Gamers at large would be happy with what each the PS3/360 offered as a system, only with new technology inside.
Console gaming dead? I wouldn't say so. Companies just can't bank solely on graphical power to sell their systems anymore. But turning a console meant for gaming into a television remote to try and offset this is not the answer. If anything, isn't traditional TV dying?

I'm pretty sure all of the functionality they displayed aside from tv listing fancery can be done with Hulu or Netflix or HBOGo apps (switching between, etc).
Entitled stinking gamers wanting games and not all this wonderful TV that they already pay for.

I mean seriously all things point to the PS4 being a rather conservatively designed piece of hardware that didn't cost Sony massive amounts of money in R&D.


Did I miss the part of the article where they address the anti-consumer stance?

It's neatly tucked away in the third paragraph in a dismissive tone. "Sure MS hates you, but come on, get real"*

*Not an actual quote

Piper Az

No, the article article says the opposite. Gamers want a console that just play games, and everything else is an extra or unnecessary, but it's also arguing that pure "console gamers" aren't a big enough demographic to sustain consoles with the modern production values.

Yeah. At the end of the day, both MS and Sony are trying to reverse the shrinking core-gaming consumer community by expanding the capability of their console. It's a big business but also not very profitable. How each of their strategies will pan out is to be seen.


Microsoft’s strategy has shifted from gaming to everything. It won’t be happy until you’re doing everything in the living room through your Xbox One, and if that means it has to take steps that impact its performance as a pure gaming machine, well, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

And this is what hardcore gamers have a problem with
Say, do you know how many companies — in the entire world — currently offer such a product?


Sony and Nintendo, obviously.

I don't really see the point of this article beside rehearsing the same old tired argument about how smartphones and tablet killed consoles and praising the direction chosen by MS. Well, we will see if there is a still a future for gaming-centric hardware by the end of the year, anyway.
You're putting too much focus on a supposed demand for PC parity on consoles, I don't really think that's the case. Yes there is an expectation for improved specs each generation, but that's the case with every market, not just the gaming industry.

Really? Because i can pull up any number of threads here complaining about the GPUs in the consoles, how COD Ghost looks bad, the new games dont look like true next gen, my maxed PC games look better than this, etc....................

People want high end PC graphics but want to pay budget PC prices.

Unsubsidized cell phones will be more expensive than these consoles even if they were at the 500 buck level.


But what if I want to play a Japanese game?

(suggested response - something about how I should get a Japanese cell phone since they barely make console games any more)

And to be fair, the article in the OP doesn't mention Japanese games anywhere, so that's another reason to call it Americentric (biggest franchises: CoD/Gears/Halo/Madden)


I just want the same DRM policy that is already in place with the PS3 and 360.

If that isn't going to happen then I will go elsewhere.


Saint Titanfall
That's exactly what the PS4 is going to be.

Also, that article is disingenuous as fuck to push his anti-console agenda. PS3 isn't bleeding cash now and the reason why Sony lost their ass on it in the first place wasn't because of its gaming focus but their obsession with shoving CELL (which they wanted to use for many, non-gaming functions) and Blu-ray into a $600 box.

The issue is profitability which is basically this articles point. He's saying there's simply not enough money to follow this path and expect a decent profit. Sony seems to still have not made back all the losses it made with the PS3.

This article is basically saying it's not worth it. You can do it but from a business point of view it's not logical.



I think most gamers are happy with what exists now. We expect the same from next gen systems.

This is asking the impossible?

Do you read the npd or media create threads? It's worse and worse every week/month. I don't blame Microsoft, Sony, or even Nintendo (with how shitty their non-game stuff is) for trying to find other ways for their boxes to make money.


We just want something that plays games as its main function, not much to ask for, is it?

Just about to post that. Personally I can do without having a music player, TV and Blu-ray player all rolled into one. I know this is what the WIIU is but I am not a fan of the Wiiu's games.
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