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Wired: Hardcore Console Gamers Don’t Want Much, Just the Impossible



Kohler seems to be willfully missing the real issues, so he can go on a long rant about 'entitled gamers'. Disappointing focus at the conference has been an easy target for jokes, but it's everything that came after that's caused the uproar.

Totally agree...the games will come, the system may not be cutting edge but the games will look good enough and most of us don't care about all the non-gaming crap, it's all this DRM/online check BS and the whole PR fiasco afterwards that created all the negative reactions to MS's new system.

Sadly I don't see MS changing any of this as the system is probably too close to release to make any substantial changes to their horrible DRM/used game model.


It's silly no? DRM/ALWAYS ONLINE should be the only legitimate complaints. All the other shit is just how the systems are marketed.

Microsoft can market it completely different from one day to the next. Same with SONY.

It's getting worse than silly. The DRM/ALWAYS online things are legitmate issues and concerns even if we don't know the answers to either yet. However, saying the xbox won't have games, when the 'terrible' conference said they'd have like 13 exclusives in the first year.. that's just misinformation. Why are the mods allowing bullshit stuff like this?
I guess Sony pulled of the impossible then since the PS4 is exactly what I was looking for. A game machine first and also does some other things. They did not gimp the GPU to include something like Kinect 2.0. They did not let the OS eat up 3 god damn gigs of ram. As long as Sony does not screw it up price wise or DRM they built the hard core gaming machine. This was machine designed and budgeted around playing games.

You want a game machine for FPS shooters. The wii u has always been a games machine first . Nintendo just has a different philosophy of what that machine needs for games.

Nintendo added the tablet controller because they personally felt adding a second screen would add something.

The problem in the industry is what customers say , what sells, and what games are fun to play are different.

Example The Zelda games. They sell a ton of games yet Get constantly bashed on hardcore game sites .

Also the ps3 went for pure power and look where that got them. They are making the same gamble with the gddr5 in the ps4.


I was talking with a friend about this, but a decent Steambox would have a massive back catalog on release, a vibrant indie scene, and the capacity to be the most robust "virtual console" in existence.

...and that's discounting the fact that it can run any program a PC could. Something that comes with a certain base level of ease of use, but is so highly configurable that, in the right hands, it becomes the ultimate gaming device.

As much as I would hate to see it, this generation might shake out Sony. Nintendo can afford to keep doing their own thing as long as they price down, but Sony can't compete in that space. Meanwhile, the general trend seems to be shifting toward premium, do-everything devices that can also run games. (phones, tablets, and PCs.)

If Sony can cinch up a pile of exclusives, they'll hang on--Microsoft's strategies are antagonistic in a lot of ways, and might come around to bite them in the end. It's hard to call at this point.


Im unwilling to say I think Sony has taken the right lessons from history considering their most recent release, but I agree they'll heavily market to the enthusiast crowd before the average crowd.

SONY would be doing the same shit as MS if they were still on top. They've been humbled.
They were always about the games and never about pushing their multimedia formats like blu ray or memory sticks. There is plenty of dickery from every company. Heck at least their trying I guess.
This article doesn't make sense. "Hardcore gamers" don't want a super-powered box that plays games and nothing else. How many of us are quite happy these things have Netflix, Video on Demand, and can play disc media? Do any of us wish those things would go away?

Nobody is upset that Microsoft is building in this whole TV thing, unless it somehow gets in the way of games. Its not the addition of "everything in one box" that concerns us, its the potential subtraction of great games to play.

If I can have great games, plus TV, plus all this other shit, I will be very happy. But without the great games I won't be. It's really as simple as that.
It's partially the developing industry's own goddamn fault for aiming for the stars and the moon and suddenly realizing that they aimed too high. Who is asking for games that cost into $100 million dollars and took an entire generation to make? Would the sales be impacted if that were halved or quartered? Is there enough sales potential (realistic, actual sales potential, none of this "it might sell better than Pokemon" bullshit). We've seen good looking games made on smaller budgets. Look at the stuff coming out of Eastern Europe for god sakes.

The industry aimed too high, suddenly started ballooning budgets, and then went "oh god there aren't any sales here to cover it up." Their response to this? Homogenize, wring the AAA space of any creativity and put the advertising on full blast. But we can't have smaller budgets, oh no. We've got to have our mo-capped dogs and celebrity voice actors that nobody fucking asked for. We've got to cover the cost of letting you develop your game for five years because you have no direction. We've got to cover you trying to wedge into an already saturated market of shooters and brown, and then failing miserably.

And then, time and time again, the consumers are expected to show up at the door every time these developers come out with some new way to make the package look worse. Oh, now you get half the content. Oh, now we're going to sell you that content back to you over a period of a year. Oh, now we're placing your game's access on computers you don't control, and then those computers won't work. Oh, now the game doesn't actually belong to you, it never did.

If the industry was smart, they would have had a linear progression of costs, but they're run by idiots who don't understand the market. Instead, they're baking these stupid anti-consumer things into the console, and selling the console on silly TV fluff and apps that half your entertainment center already runs. Because, sure, that will get people to buy a $500 monolith instead of a $50 Roku. Who the hell comes up with this shit?

Thus we're left with the consumers having to continue putting up with shitty decisions that negatively impact their side of the transaction because the fish move out of the way. It's about time people started getting pissed off.

Hats off, sums up current gen and potentially next gen perfectly.


I love how these articles take and lump all "hardcore" console gamers into a group of whiny self entitled brats. It must have taken years and years of research to interview enough people to be able to definitely say, "yes they are all exactly like this." Useless journalism and the sooner we have less people getting paid to write this drivel the better writing can be for all mediums.

People are upset because, once again, they are being force fed something by a major corporation. Gamers I know are perfectly happy just getting a new game system every few years. Nothing more, nothing less. I do not think it is asking the impossible. Expecting us to pay upwards of $500 for something we did not ask for in the first place simply to play games is what I consider to be the real impossible request.

Look at all the xbone threads and i come to same conclusion they did.
It's getting worse than silly. The DRM/ALWAYS online things are legitmate issues and concerns even if we don't know the answers to either yet. However, saying the xbox won't have games, when the 'terrible' conference said they'd have like 13 exclusives in the first year.. that's just misinformation. Why are the mods allowing bullshit stuff like this?
People are saying the next Xbox wont have games? Literally no games at all?
It's getting worse than silly. The DRM/ALWAYS online things are legitmate issues and concerns even if we don't know the answers to either yet. However, saying the xbox won't have games, when the 'terrible' conference said they'd have like 13 exclusives in the first year.. that's just misinformation. Why are the mods allowing bullshit stuff like this?

The negativity on GAF this week is at an all time high. It's unfortunate, as I do think it's an exciting time for the industry.


This article doesn't make sense. "Hardcore gamers" don't want a super-powered box that plays games and nothing else. How many of us are quite happy these things have Netflix, Video on Demand, and can play disc media? Do any of us wish those things would go away?

Sometimes I wonder based on these responses.


I guess Sony pulled of the impossible then since the PS4 is exactly what I was looking for. A game machine first and also does some other things. They did not gimp the GPU to include something like Kinect 2.0. They did not let the OS eat up 3 god damn gigs of ram. As long as Sony does not screw it up price wise or DRM they built the hard core gaming machine. This was machine designed and budgeted around playing games.

Not to sound like a fanboy, even though I own a PS3,360. I feel Sony has the right idea. They play to their strength's. WHich is they are a hardware manufacturer, not a Media giant like Microsoft. I think Microsoft is trying to play to their strength's as well, they are all about media and OS interaction integration. But I feel with the Kinect they are taking a step backwards.

I feel developer's who have jumped ship and are developing for Sony get it, and know that their game won't be hidden underneath tons of TV ad's, shows, music ect. Their game will get shown when it releases on either the default front page for Indie, or day one digital, or depending on the customized store by the player could be on their home screen.

I believe Sony took away some things from their ill fated partnership with Steam. They looked at their ecosystem and business model, and said " Hey, that works, big picture Mode works, the store show cases games only that player is interested in, it works!"

I mean in terms of making money on software features and services Microsoft is a pro at it, it's what they do as a company outside of their xbox division. Sony is about hardware, and games.

Microsoft use to be about that with the original xbox, but like a lot of poster's here, I think they just did that to get into the living room. Because there is more straight profit in services for them, then there is off of a game.

Just wish Microsoft would have just created and Xbox inspired streaming box just for that, services, tv, social media and launched it with Windows 8. Then they could have a dedicated gaming box with only services on it being Netflix, hulu, amazon and maybe one other, but that should be it. But they have Steve Ballmer as a CEO and he's not to bright, aka Windows 8 debacle.

I mean both are going to have their own franchises, and some of them are going to be console buy worthy. But I feel in terms of focus on gaming, Sony and I hate to say it Nintendo.

Best combo this gen is Wii U, PS4,PC. But if Nintendo doesn't get their act together and show games this year, or surprises, then it's going to be PC AND PS4 for me.

But god damn it I want Wonderful 101, and SMASH Bros.


Well of course it's impossible to please every "hardcore console gamer", they/we are not a hive mind so each person wants something different and has differing tolerance levels for what they're willing to put up with in order to get that.


You want a game machine for FPS shooters. The wii u has always been a games machine first . Nintendo just has a different philosophy of what that machine needs for games.

Nintendo added the tablet controller because they personally felt adding a second screen would add something.

The problem in the industry is what customers say , what sells, and what games are fun to play are different.

Example The Zelda games. They sell a ton of games yet Get constantly bashed on hardcore game sites .

Also the ps3 went for pure power and look where that got them. They are making the same gamble with the gddr5 in the ps4.

PS4 is appealing to a niche audience of "Hardcore gamers" while MS is going for the casual gamer who is also into sports and wants a more streamlined TV experience. My GF doesn't play video games but watched the conference with me and is interested in playing around with the Xbox One when I pick it up, which is a relief because I can justify whatever price tag it's going to have to her with all of the other features outside of gaming while I get to enjoy the games.


I don't pretend to speak for hardcore gamers, but I think I'm not alone in being hugely more focused on the used games and online connection things. The lack of games at the show was unfortunate and it's fun to laugh about, but obviously E3 is coming. It's the terrible fuck you consumer policies that ensure I won't be getting this console.

The actual content of the article seems good. I just had a knee jerk reaction against painting the core gamer as mad because of the games, then a paragraph or two later conceding two or three big fucking deals for the console as if they barely matter.

They are creating their own story as to what gamers are unhappy about. What concerns you is what concerns most everyone who had a problem with the xbox one reveal. What they are doing with that article is very Washington DC.
Dude all they have is game about a dog. THAT'S IT. I guess I will only be able to watch Price is Right.

No, but you will be paying for the ability to watch the Price is Right, and your games' performance will be taking a massive hit because a huge part of the system's RAM is devoted to non-gaming things.

So why not actually listen to what people are saying instead of arguing with a silly straw man? All of this stuff gamers don't want comes at a cost, and they're being forced to buy it if they want the game-playing part. That is a legitimate complaint. And I think you know that.


I really don't care if a machine can or cannot play netflix, because we (Euro) never get that shit either way.
IF they want to have TV and Sports in my console they can have those, i'll just not use them.

When it gets to restricting me with blocking used games and other shit, however, then it becomes a problem that has really nothing to do with broadening the offer, and everything to do with being greedy dicks.


So Hardcore Console Gamers is a legit distinction now? Or is that just an easy way to dismiss PC? Because that's the platform of choice for the demographic they describe, and Valve is tinkering away on delivering that experience to the console space as well. Saying we want the impossible feels like waving off real issues people have just because there's a lot of noise and hyperbole accompanying it.


Idiotic piece that I seriously wonder wasn't a result of MS getting pissy at Wired over the negative reaction to their X-Bone reveal.
Not only do we want the impossible, but apparently the things we don't like are actually GOOD for the industry:


The next thing is that the used-game market all but disappears. GameStop may not be able to aggressively hawk used games for $5 less than the new price to customers under these new controls, which is great if you're a developer or publisher. Once that secondary market is removed you can suddenly profit from every copy of your game sold, and as profit margins rise it's possible we'll see prices drop. Some stodgy publishers will likely stay with the $60 model, but they're dead companies walking already. The smart companies will see this opportunity to play with pricing and see what works and what doesn't.

Pray tell, Ben Kuchara, what in the last six years has made you think that gaming companies are capable of being smart when it comes to pricing their own games?

It needs to be made clear, if all the studio closings and constant lay-offs haven't made this explicit: The current economics of game development and sales are unsustainable. Games cost more to make, piracy is an issue, used-games are pushed over new, and players say the $60 cost is too high.

Don't blame the morons who ballooned the costs beyond what gamers actually cared about. Nope, just point and said, "the market did it."

These things are just scapegoats. Fix those and you bet there will be more coming down the pipe.


I understand why Microsoft is taking the route they are, they want to secure a larger portion of the market and make more money. However, as a selfish gamer, I want game companies to cater to my tastes. Having purchased an Xbox and a 360 it sucks to see Microsoft move away from what what brought me to their consoles. But focusing strictly on the core gamer might not be the best business decision.


No, but you will be paying for the ability to watch the Price is Right, and your games' performance will be taking a massive hit because a huge part of the system's RAM is devoted to non-gaming things.

So why not actually listen to what people are saying instead of arguing with a silly straw man? All of this stuff gamers don't want comes at a cost, and they're being forced to buy it if they want the game-playing part. That is a legitimate complaint. And I think you know that.

Oh yeah? God help me.


Xbone does play games though.

I had a 360 and it was my go-to console for the first couple years of the cycle. After Halo 4 I packed it all away. At the end of the generation the 360 is floating on third party titles that quite frankly look better on the PS3. That's the track record of this company thus far. They didn't deepen their 1st party relationships, rather they cut them loose. Which company is better positioned to capitalize on first party titles based on what we've seen over the past several years?

Playing games is okay. My iPhone plays games. Who is driving the industry? Who is creating the best environment for games to grow out of? It's not just what's in the box, it's also the long-term development strategy. Microsoft started losing the game war when companies like Bungie broke away and they didn't really do anything about it. They didn't have a replacement or legacy strategy.

Fifteen new titles at launch, eight of them new IPs is interesting. We'll see how that goes, we'll see for how many years that lasts. What we know now is the X-Box will play Call of Duty and Madden and Halo. It will play the games that made them tons of money last time. Those second tier titles got no mention. At all. But you're right, it will play some games.


Neo Member
It's in the transition from the 5th to the 6th generation of consoles that things got out of hand. Before that, console hardware had never been cutting edge, never been loss leaders.

What Nintendo does (successfully) with their handhelds and (less successufully now) with their home console is nothing new: they go for sustainable production cost, and for comparatively lower software development costs (Does the low res screen hurt that much the 3DS, compared to the benefits it gives in terms of low resources required in complex games? I would say it doesn't at all).


Not Banned from OT
What is with the press and spinning this amazingly for MS?

Penny Arcade just did an article titled

The Xbox One will kill used games and control second-hand sales, and that’s great news (Really!)


What a joke of an article. Claiming all this DRM will get us steam like prices lol. All the DRM will get us is 59.99 long term rentals that need to be checked in daily. The good news about this MS disaster is we can find out who is in MS pocket and who is not. There is not 1 good thing about all this DRM. They have DRM on Xbox games on demand how those prices compare to steam again?


Who is this theoretical "expanded market" user who will pay ~$400 to switch from games they supposedly don't play to live tv? Why would this theoretical user want to squint at their tv screen's snapped view of IE when that same person who would squander money on a device with novel-at-best features probably has an iPad in their lap already?

This is the same Microsoft that jumped the gun on people having touch screens on their desktop hardware. They live in this weird bubble that the average consumer doesn't.


What is with the press and spinning this amazingly for MS?

Penny Arcade just did an article titled

The Xbox One will kill used games and control second-hand sales, and that’s great news (Really!)

So you go buy Forza, you bring it home, is everyone who has an account on that box able to play it? “As far as I know the answer is yes. The answer is yes,” Microsoft’s Matt Booty told me.
“As far as I know the answer is yes. The answer is yes,”

As far as I know the answer is yes.

As far as I know



G***n S**n*bi
Sony is offering exactly what I want as a core gamer.

I want a god damn game machine catered to my needs. Nothing more, nothing less. There is nothing impossible about what I want.


Who is this theoretical "expanded market" user who will pay ~$400 to switch from games they supposedly don't play to live tv? Why would this theoretical user want to squint at their tv screen's snapped view of IE when that same person who would squander money on a device with novel-at-best features probably has an iPad in their lap already?

This is the same Microsoft that jumped the gun on people having touch screens on their desktop hardware. They live in this weird bubble that the average consumer doesn't.

A lot of that stuff won't be used, but it's thrown out there anyway to fluff the options. I mean who used HOME? I didn't. Will I surf on Xbox One? Probably not.

Will I use Skype? That is far more likely.


Good Art™
The thing mentioned in the article as impossible could well be possible now.. With Sony being the only one aiming at it. The potential market is huge.


Sony is offering exactly what I want as a core gamer.

I want a god damn game machine catered to my needs. Nothing more, nothing less. There is nothing impossible about what I want.

Pretty much. Nothing impossible about it at all. All you have to do is make games your priority instead of services. That goes through to the hardware, software and services. Pretty simple.


The thing mentioned in the article as impossible could well be possible now.. With Sony being the only one aiming at it. The potential market is huge.
They refer to Sony as bleeding money.
I am not sure they're bleeding from the game division as much as they're bleeding from others, but we'll see how the Ps4 goes.


Microsoft's war on hardcore gaming begins.

The wired and penny arcade articles are hit pieces. They're meant to turn public opinion AGAINST hardcore gamers - meant to make us look unreasonable.


I don't want to buy a £400 piece of equipment then be made to feel like I'm being demanding, a pain or 'entitled' when I have to ask questions to the manufacturers like:

- Do I need to connect this to the internet, if so how often?


- That camera it seems to always need with a microphone. May I disable it please?

Coupled with the said manufacturers not giving a straight answer, being evasive or not thinking it was prudent to announce at the launch conference of the said machine when they are PRETTY FUCKING BASIC QUESTIONS
What is with the press and spinning this amazingly for MS?

Penny Arcade just did an article titled

The Xbox One will kill used games and control second-hand sales, and that’s great news (Really!)


Looks like I found another site I will never visit. Time to forward this article to my fiancee and hopefully her love of Penny Arcade will crumble.

I will not be going PAX either, I was planning to for the first time next year, but not now.
How can wired claim that what gamers want is impossible when Sony is offering what gamers want. All anybody wants is a game console with upgrades to its power that at least come close to reflecting 7 years of hardware progress since the last consoles released. ANd without an unwanted add on like a tablet controller or Kinect 2 they can do that at the same price as the other 2 consoles.
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