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Wired play through all of Too Human


JordoftheDead said:
From NZGamer:

The Good:
Killer gameplay, gorgeous loot.

The Bad:
You can't customise your appearance.

The Ugly:
Fanboy haters.

So, August is pretty close according to the calendar but after playing this build, it feels so very, very far away. If you're amped about Diablo 3 (face it, who isn't?) and you want something to fill the gap, keep a very close eye on this one. Too Human is going to blow people's socks off when it hits and certain forumers (sup Neogaf) had better get their best cutlery out because I sense a lot of crow in their diets when it hits on August 19. Too Human is coming and it's the real deal - I just hope Diablo doesn't feel old in its wake.

Hey look at me !! HEY !! Someone please ! GAF PLEASE GIVE ME SOME HITS PLEAAASE ;_;


Dragona Akehi said:
The entire backdrop for the game looks wrong, unfortunately. Denis might claim some crap about legends and myths "corrupting" over time to account for these things, but you don't fuck up major parts of the story. To see a proper "corruptiong" of a mythology within gameworld look to Grandia. A JRPG of all things.

"Re-telling" doesn't mean "take the names, setting, maybe some interesting backdrop/background (I still really like the reinterpretation of Hel in Too Human) and completely make everything else up". The fact that SK apparently prides themselves on being "Guardians of literature" (I'm not making that up) is why I continually throw this crap in TH's face.

It isn't like GoW or Glory of Herakles where you know they're not interested or attempting to be true to the mythology; there it's just a backdrop for a good game. I can easily accept that. It's when SK claims all this bullcrap (see quoting Poe or now Nietzsche) and can't walk the walk. That's why I'm "all up in arms".

Wow. Just.. wow.
disappeared said:
And I stopped watching there. This shit looks absolutely fucking boring. Running around gigantic empty areas hacking at enemies, performing the occasional "super move" isn't my idea of fun or engaging.

Those gigantic empty areas are screaming 4 player co-op.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
The entire backdrop for the game looks wrong, unfortunately. Denis might claim some crap about legends and myths "corrupting" over time to account for these things, but you don't fuck up major parts of the story. To see a proper "corruptiong" of a mythology within gameworld look to Grandia. A JRPG of all things.

"Re-telling" doesn't mean "take the names, setting, maybe some interesting backdrop/background (I still really like the reinterpretation of Hel in Too Human) and completely make everything else up". The fact that SK apparently prides themselves on being "Guardians of literature" (I'm not making that up) is why I continually throw this crap in TH's face.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you are hating on a game because they broke rules that don't exist. I think the writing team at Silicon Knights is one of the best in the industry. With that said, I am all for creative freedom. But this is a gaming forum full of constant A vs B cynicism. Blind fans vs blind haters.

At the end of the day, I think it is important to enter an original game with a blank slate. What good does it do to press start while idioticallty murmuring Denis Dyack expletives. I have been looking forward to this game for a long time, I hope Silicon Knights delivers.
Nolan. said:
You have a point there. It doesn't even seem that interesting even if the player has no knowledge of norse mythology though. Thats why i'm a little confused because of their insistance on epic story telling. So I could understand why they'd take out bits and substitue it for another to impact. Though i'm not seeing it.

But none of the "substitutes" they're making work whatsoever with the source material. Instead of filling gaps within the original stories, Dyack has added MORE. It's just really depressing, because you have no idea how much I'd adore a game that would retell or reinterpret some of the greatest stories to grace mankind.

And it isn't like I'm against any and all reinterpretation, and that it MUST BE 100% by the books. Some of the changes are fine and make sense, such as reimagining the Frost Giants as mechanical goblins. But there's way too much fucked up here, and it's depressing.


Ramenman said:
Man, the bullet time in Part2, it hurts :/

Tis true. :lol

Projectjustice said:
Its too bad too, I really like the art style.

You're a rarity. That red head's design was just horrid. Is she supposed to invoke that kind of reaction? If so, then mission successful.


Teknopathetic said:
""DIE LIKE HEROES BROTHERS, OUR LIVES... *unintelligible*""

Pretty sure it's "Our lives for Odin."
Be an hero brothers! Free up some resources for the two player mode!

Projectjustice said:
Those gigantic empty areas are screaming 4 player co-op.

I don't even know if co-op would make Too Human any better. Everything at this point just looks like a loot-centric, collect-a-thon dungeon crawler. This took more than ten years to develop? Really?


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
NemesisPrime said:
10 hours.. nothing wrong with that guys.

Halo 3. 10 hours.
MGS4. 10 Hours (forget those cutscenes)
DMC. 10 hours.
Gears. 10 Hours.
Drake. 10 hours.

Want more?

What a joke, Halo 3 was way shorter than DMC, Gears, MGS4 and Drake.


Gamespot article on Too Human back in 1999.
Too Human, a new 3D RPG from Silicon Knights, will officially be unveiled at next week's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), but we've got the first word on some of the game's details. Set in 2450AD, Too Human is a futuristic psychological thriller that has you contemplate the effects of genetics, prosthetics, and the struggle of humankind to deal with the symbiosis of man and machine. By letting the player cybernetically enhance his own strength and invulnerability, Too Human will provide a unique twist on the action/RPG genre.Silicon Knights is claiming that Too Human will feature more than 80 hours of gameplay, along with 60 minutes of cinematics; the game will span 4 CD-ROMs. Stay tuned to videogames.com next week for additional screens and details from the E3 show.
Link http://www.gamespot.com/news/2451246.html




looked completely different back then.
that intro is so cliched its not even funny. Seriously, did we really need the "silent main hero character gets harassed at a bar by a couple of regulars, only to kick everyone's ass" thing again? And of course he's wearing a big cloak hiding his face to maximize the "badass-ness". Shits been done to death going back to Luke and Obiwan in the cantina.


Kittonwy said:
WHY THE FUCK would they SLOW-MO a reload when said reload consists of Baldur merely touching his belt with his pistols? Is that such a fucking monumental event that I need to see it in slow-mo? And then they SLOW-MO him shooting ONE flying thingie and THEN they SLOW-MO him shooting the other flying thingie, like it takes some kind of superhuman skill, it's like some sort of Yoji Shimomura-style cutscene except everything is dumbed down and made for retards.
Exactly what I thought. The direction of that scene already sucked when they showed it for the first time almost a year ago. Also, the facial expression/animation is just wrong.

Too bad, I still like the awesome setting and environments of the game. I might still give it a chance when it's out, but I'll definitely wait for reviews and GAF impressions...
duckroll said:
Because that's the same game right? Or are you stupid?

That was kinda my point. No clue how the game went from that to what it is today. It looks like they were trying to rip off FF7, then Diablo 2/PSO action rpgs got popular and they moved on to ripping those off instead.

It would be slightly interesting to have someone ask him about that old gia preview, what became of those ideas.
Sounds about right from whats been shown...action looks generic and its being held up by the theme, art, and story.

Of course i havent played it yet, but it probably wont be much different from the videos that have been shown. Its sad, because i was hoping this would be a fun game to go through(like eternal darkness), but i guess things are different when you have an action game on your hands...flaws arent so easy to forgive, especially when its dealing with being repetitive, and or generic in nature. The animation and collision doesnt seem all that great either, which matters a lot more in an action title.

Rolf NB

What's with the framerate on those Gamevideos.com clips? I mean it's constant, but it's also low. Do I blame my hippie rig, do I blame gv, or do I blame Silicon Knights?

edit: nm, much smoother in Firefox.

Doc Evils

bcn-ron said:
What's with the framerate on those Gamevideos.com clips? I mean it's constant, but it's also low. Do I blame my hippie rig, do I blame gv, or do I blame Silicon Knights?

Well it happens to me too, so it must be the game.

Zenith said:
this is my favourite bit. the guy in gold just floats over the ground:



A game just kind of being shitty is no fun. It's not funny.

But this. This is funny. Thanks for the laughs, Denis and guild.

Doc Evils

Draft said:
A game just kind of being shitty is no fun. It's not funny.

But this. This is funny. Thanks for the laughs, Denis and guild.

Can you imagine his office right now? GAF must of given him meltdowns.

dralla said:
MGS4 has some competition for best cutscenes in a game

Stop killing me GAF.:lol :lol


Doc Evils said:
Can you imagine his office right now? GAF must of given him meltdowns.

Stop killing me GAF.:lol :lol
And remember, a meltdown is a little more dangerous in the SK office. Lots of broadswords and battle axes all over the place :lol


Doc Evils said:
Can you imagine his office right now? GAF must of given him meltdowns.

I could see him throwing things around in his office in frustration. He tries but his team is just not talented enough.
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