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Wired play through all of Too Human

Dirtbag 504 said:
Is this something you are just making up as you go along, or do you actually have some rough fact this is based around?

this is what I think that will happen, SK is dev but MS owns rights to Too Human.
U K Narayan said:
Heh. I just did.

.... Huh.

I don't want to junk up the thread more than need be, but basically it's a) supposed to be the BIG REVEAL and b) it never ever happens in mythology.
Baldr only returns from Hel after Ragnarok, and becomes one of the few gods to rule over a new golden age
. As mentioned earlier, taking liberties is one thing (Baldr, fight? AHUAHUAHUAHUA), but for a game that Dyack has promised is a "proper retelling and faithful to the mythology", it's just facepalm.gif.


there is joy in sucking dick
I just started watching the Opening Cinematic video and lol @ the video opening with a Nietzsche quote. Guess the tone of the game has been set!


Cmagus said:
Thing that makes me laugh though is people say the character models look bad and the animations are terrible yet turn around and give GTA 4 amazing praise when the character models don't looks as good as these and the animations are no better in their cutscenes.

I hate GTA4 for what it has done to the series, but it's models and animation are leagues above this. The animations look like they're from a low budget late 90s PC title.
Technosteve said:
diablo 2 was only ten hours of gameplay
Maybe if you've played the game before and know exactly how to craft some kind of crazy min/maxed build. There's no way most realistic gamers could get through Diablo II in ten hours. Hell I've played the game a billion times and I just reinstalled the other day, and I've already put in probably 15 hours, and I haven't even fully finished Act III.
Son of Godzilla said:
This years Crackdown confirmed. That was like four hours of the exact same thing over and over again that everyone loved because of it's boring co-op. I mean because of it's co-op.


They're called Orbs. You should try and look for them. Then you can triple your 4 hours.
AgentOtaku said:

Looking at the videos and it just screams to me 4 player co-op. Look at the sizes of that stage and how empty it is. I dont understand how the word hectic can be even applied to this game.

Dennis if you really want this game to be sucessful you have to push this back and add 4 player co-op. Anything less and this is a complete and utter flop.
Cmagus said:
Thing that makes me laugh though is people say the character models look bad and the animations are terrible yet turn around and give GTA 4 amazing praise when the character models don't looks as good as these and the animations are no better in their cutscenes.

GTA4s animation is probably one of the best in the industry, have you played it?


This thread is depressing. =( 10 hours is ok as long as you still have a reason to replay. PSO had lots of little details that kept me coming back.

For those who played can you answer a questions on the loot

How is the loot system? Did you have any "FUCK YEAH!" finds?
OnBackOrder said:
What forum are you talking about? Everyone here was pretty positive about that cutscene back then.
Nah, I remember the bad reception as well.

Mind you, I've almost never frequented Too Human threads, and this is likely only my third or fourth reply in one -- and it'd be zero yet if I didn't like Diablo and Norse mythology. The game has just never entered my radar.

But I do remember that thread, and while I don't know what sort of positive reaction there was, there was definitely a lot of very poor reception to the pt.2 video. A tonne of criticism of the animation, the use of slow motion, and so forth. I genuinely expected a revamp of the entire cutscene.


Dragona Akehi said:
I don't want to junk up the thread more than need be, but basically it's a) supposed to be the BIG REVEAL and b) it never ever happens in mythology.
Baldr only returns from Hel after Ragnarok, and becomes one of the few gods to rule over a new golden age
. As mentioned earlier, taking liberties is one thing (Baldr, fight? AHUAHUAHUAHUA), but for a game that Dyack has promised is a "proper retelling and faithful to the mythology", it's just facepalm.gif.

I was wondering what he'd do with ragnarog but to be honest I don't think I care anymore. To be fair though he did say ''re-telling'' maybe we just read it to mean he'd stick strictly to all that happens. Still though I was really looking to see a modern take on the mythology and my excitement is gone. I'm still getting it in support of sk. It's hugely disappointing.


I disagree the animations in GTA 4 are like stiff robots there is no way you can say these are some of the best in the industry they are not even close.Does that mean its bad absolutely not they excel in their presentation skills but animations are not amazing in GTA 4
2 Minutes Turkish said:

They're called Orbs. You should try and look for them. Then you can triple your 4 hours.
I can see how somebody would find that aspect to be annoying, but seriously, the orbs were Crackdown for me. I loved that shit.
Dragona Akehi said:
I don't want to junk up the thread more than need be, but basically it's a) supposed to be the BIG REVEAL and b) it never ever happens in mythology.
Baldr only returns from Hel after Ragnarok, and becomes one of the few gods to rule over a new golden age
. As mentioned earlier, taking liberties is one thing (Baldr, fight? AHUAHUAHUAHUA), but for a game that Dyack has promised is a "proper retelling and faithful to the mythology", it's just facepalm.gif.
Yeah. I know what you mean. It's pretty ridiculous.
From NZGamer:

The Good:
Killer gameplay, gorgeous loot.

The Bad:
You can't customise your appearance.

The Ugly:
Fanboy haters.

So, August is pretty close according to the calendar but after playing this build, it feels so very, very far away. If you're amped about Diablo 3 (face it, who isn't?) and you want something to fill the gap, keep a very close eye on this one. Too Human is going to blow people's socks off when it hits and certain forumers (sup Neogaf) had better get their best cutlery out because I sense a lot of crow in their diets when it hits on August 19. Too Human is coming and it's the real deal - I just hope Diablo doesn't feel old in its wake.


Cmagus said:
Thing that makes me laugh though is people say the character models look bad and the animations are terrible yet turn around and give GTA 4 amazing praise when the character models don't looks as good as these and the animations are no better in their cutscenes.

You're crazy. GTA IV cut scenes look much better than this.


This idea that you have to play it more than once to get the value out of the game is ridiculous. 10 hours is a failure. MGS4 has pissed me off plenty with its huge time suck of movies. More gameplay and less movies please.

I wonder how long TH is after you take out the cut scenes.


there is joy in sucking dick
Teknopathetic said:
""DIE LIKE HEROES BROTHERS, OUR LIVES... *unintelligible*"

Pretty sure it's "Our lives for Odin."

I kept playing it back and it wasn't registering. Sounds about right though


Behind The Games
drohne said:
that's an irresponsible understatement of the difference between mgs4's cinematic accomplishment and too human's standard-issue videogame puppetshow horseshit

totilo is joining cliffy b on my list of blasphemers against mgs


Nice! I still have something to shoot for!


Sounds like this game will be the next Assasin's Creed. Very divisive; some will hate it, some will adore it, and review scores will be in between.


JordoftheDead said:
From NZGamer:

So, August is pretty close according to the calendar but after playing this build, it feels so very, very far away. If you're amped about Diablo 3 (face it, who isn't?) and you want something to fill the gap, keep a very close eye on this one. Too Human is going to blow people's socks off when it hits and certain forumers (sup Neogaf) had better get their best cutlery out because I sense a lot of crow in their diets when it hits on August 19. Too Human is coming and it's the real deal - I just hope Diablo doesn't feel old in its wake.

I'm sorry but... :lol :lol :lol

Nolan. said:
I was wondering what he'd do with ragnarog but to be honest I don't think I care anymore. To be fair though he did say ''re-telling'' maybe we just read it to mean he'd stick strictly to all that happens. Still though I was really looking to see a modern take on the mythology and my excitement is gone. I'm still getting it in support of sk. It's hugely disappointing.

The entire backdrop for the game looks wrong, unfortunately. Denis might claim some crap about legends and myths "corrupting" over time to account for these things, but you don't fuck up major parts of the story. To see a proper "corruptiong" of a mythology within gameworld look to Grandia. A JRPG of all things.

"Re-telling" doesn't mean "take the names, setting, maybe some interesting backdrop/background (I still really like the reinterpretation of Hel in Too Human) and completely make everything else up". The fact that SK apparently prides themselves on being "Guardians of literature" (I'm not making that up) is why I continually throw this crap in TH's face.

It isn't like GoW or Glory of Herakles where you know they're not interested or attempting to be true to the mythology; there it's just a backdrop for a good game. I can easily accept that. It's when SK claims all this bullcrap (see quoting Poe or now Nietzsche) and can't walk the walk. That's why I'm "all up in arms".


JordoftheDead said:
From NZGamer:

Too Human is going to blow people's socks off when it hits and certain forumers (sup Neogaf) had better get their best cutlery out because I sense a lot of crow in their diets when it hits on August 19. Too Human is coming and it's the real deal - I just hope Diablo doesn't feel old in its wake.


And yep, it's Too Human all right.


Those gameplay videos didn't do the game any favors. Part 1 of the opening cinematic was repulsive. Part 2 was interesting.


the disgruntled gamer said:
Sounds like this game will be the next Assasin's Creed. Very divisive; some will hate it, some will adore it, and review scores will be in between.

You don't mention sales.


Jealous Bastard
The Experiment said:
10 hours? Fuck, Dyack spends more time daily at the Golden Corral than you can play through Too Human.

cold, dude. don't act like you don't go running when the bell rings to signal the release of new hot rolls into the wild.


ok seriously I just watched gameplay vids on Gamevideos and all I can say jesus christ when he climbed that mech thing and hit it over the head....umm no words.


Dragona Akehi said:
The entire backdrop for the game looks wrong, unfortunately. Denis might claim some crap about legends and myths "corrupting" over time to account for these things, but you don't fuck up major parts of the story. To see a proper "corruptiong" of a mythology within gameworld look to Grandia. A JRPG of all things.

"Re-telling" doesn't mean "take the names, setting, maybe some interesting backdrop/background (I still really like the reinterpretation of Hel in Too Human) and completely make everything else up". The fact that SK apparently prides themselves on being "Guardians of literature" (I'm not making that up) is why I continually throw this crap in TH's face.

It isn't like GoW or Glory of Herakles where you know they're not interested or attempting to be true to the mythology; there it's just a backdrop for a good game. I can easily accept that. It's when SK claims all this bullcrap (see quoting Poe or now Nietzsche) and can't walk the walk. That's why I'm "all up in arms".

You have a point there. It doesn't even seem that interesting even if the player has no knowledge of norse mythology though. Thats why i'm a little confused because of their insistance on epic story telling. So I could understand why they'd take out bits and substitue it for another to impact. Though i'm not seeing it.
WrikaWrek said:
You're crazy. GTA IV cut scenes look much better than this.

I gotta agree. Too Human's cutscenes really do need a lot of work.

There are times when the animation in the cutscenes is fine, but then others when it's really not handled well.

GTA4's cutscenes were much much stronger.


Man, the bullet time in Part2, it hurts :/

Cmagus said:
Thing that makes me laugh though is people say the character models look bad and the animations are terrible yet turn around and give GTA 4 amazing praise when the character models don't looks as good as these and the animations are no better in their cutscenes.

Character models are not that better than GTA IV, but on the animation standpoint, this is far worse. It's like 10-15 FPS sometimes, and looks clunky everytime they show the character's feet.


there is joy in sucking dick

"Put em' up, Put em' uuuuupppp!"
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