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Witcher 3 Gets New Game+ Mode as Final Free DLC


There is nothing substantial enough about the free DLC that would suggest it was cut because of time constraints. Nope, they had plans on releasing 'some' of the paid DLC but decided to remove a few tiny side quests and then add a little more to the paid DLC.

They saw dollar signs.

I'm still going to buy the DLC when it hits. I just don't like having the wool pulled over my eyes.



How entitled are you? Seriously?

You have this 100+ hour RPG that is brimming with content. Then, you're given 8 weeks of free DLC concluding with a new game mode. This is shit that other developers/publishers would be charging $5 a piece.

This is the attitude that publishers see when it comes to DLC and so they think, "Fuck it, they'll complain if it's free anyway so just charge'em for it. Someone else will gladly pay for an alternate character outfit."

Just be glad that a developer is doing some things while keeping the gamers wishes and wallet in mind. Maybe if others communicate good will, then other publishers will pump out free DLC to earn some gamer loyalty back.

Never mind the fact that people who work in the industry has stated many, many times that stuff like the free DLC CDPR is offering is stuff that is easily put together by artists and such who are the first to be freed up when the game is nearing the final polishing stage.

The fact that so many people think this stuff was all ripped from the main game as a sort of publicity stunt boggles my mind.


I'm glad you have access to their development process and can pass on this valuable information.

Finally someone call's him on it.


Even if it's small potatoes which it is by looking at what's been released so far for free DLC. It falls in line with what they did for The wither 2. But I believe Witcher 2's DLC was made after the fact, or dlc that had to be finished once the game shipped.

There is nothing substantial enough about the free DLC that would suggest it was cut because of time constraints. Nope, they had plans on releasing 'some' of the paid DLC but decided to remove a few tiny side quests and then add a little more to the paid DLC.

They saw dollar signs.

I'm still going to buy the DLC when it hits. I just don't like having the wool pulled over my eyes.

You do know that their work load is 10x larger than it was the last game right? They have XBox, PS4 and PC versions to worry about, not just mainly one platform like they did for Last game.

With all the hours of content, great post support, and community interactions, your going to really bitch about free dlc, and it's creation?


Seriously, what's the conspiracy here?

Those sinister fucks cut imperceptibly small and unneeded portions of one of the most content filled games we've got in recent years in order to make us happy enough to swallow the fact that they're going to try and sell us one of the most content packed expansions in years, too!

Damn you CDPR!


Dreams in Digital
I'm glad you have access to their development process and can pass on this valuable information.

Did I miss some DLC? They're all sidequests and luckily there were locations inaccessible or empty to fit them into. Very convenient. The Pig Quest is such a damned give away. I came across that door many times in the hope it would eventually open ... but had to wait for the DLC for that to happen LOL.

I'm looking forward to playing the DLC in one of my favourite games but I'm not easily fooled.


Did I miss some DLC? They're all sidequests and luckily there were locations inaccessible or empty to fit them into. Very convenient. The Pig Quest is such a damned give away. I came across that door many times in the hope it would eventually open ... but had to wait for the DLC for that to happen LOL.

And that means it was finished beforehand because...?


Did I miss some DLC? They're all sidequests and luckily there were locations inaccessible or empty to fit them into. Very convenient. The Pig Quest is such a damned give away. I came across that door many times in the hope it would eventually open ... but had to wait for the DLC for that to happen LOL.

I'm looking forward to playing the DLC in one of my favourite games but I'm not easily fooled.

Then play a different quest then?



It's all marketing. Providing new content free of charge isn't something only CD Project does. They simply act like it's revolutionary, and people seem to believe them.

Titanfall players got whole new modes and gameplay mechanics (Black Market) months after release. Burnout Paradise had amazing post-release support even back in 2008 with hundreds of free challenges, cars and even the introduction of bikes. Evolve got new Maps and Modes free of charge. Halo 5 will have free Maps post-release. And those are BIG publishers: EA, 2K, Microsoft.

Difference is. They don't pander to their audience quite as much as CD Project does. CDP know that they are loved - and rightfully so, they are an amazing studio! But with their "Free DLC Campaign" I really felt like they sold something that's slowly becoming an Industry standard like a big, new revolutionary thing only they would ever do because they love their fans so, so much. And the community ate it up because it was another chance to celebrate CDP while shitting on other publishers - even though they were often doing exactly the same thing already. Kind of rubbed me the wrong way, especially because much of it was just "Here, have a new skin/animation".

That's one way to spin it. Are you forgetting Evolve and Titanfall are pretty barebones as is? I mean evolve's whole dlc campaign was a fucking joke for a game THAT HAS NO CONTENT TO BEGIN WITH.

Witcher 3 is a game that has a shit load of content. Some of those free dlc's are just something extra, and have no impact on the games quality other than having too much content.

PR/marketing? Sure. However, Evolve had bad PR before the game even came out. Even if they wanted to "pander" they couldn't because they look like greedy fucks out of the gate. Throwing content after the game is dying is like giving pennies to the all the suckers who had their wallet sucked dry.

It's not revolutionary, it's respecting a company that doesn't nickle and dime their customers in an age where it's acceptable to pay for horse armor, and pay to play online for console. They can get away with it, but you know what they did? Gave it for free.
15-20ish if you're in a rush.

Lol, your only
just over halfway

LOL, these posts make me laugh every time. I think every one that gets to this point thinks the same.

You're only about half way to about 2/3rd of the way through.

Who to believe? I might just go straight through the main story since the side missions in Skellige started to feel like padding to me compared to the ones in Velen and Novigrad.
I'm absolutely sick of the DLC demons corrupting our games like this. Reel us in with the free stuff, then make us pay for things that should have been in the game anyway... dear lord please hear my prayers and smite these demons!


Who to believe? I might just go straight through the main story since the side missions in Skellige started to feel like padding to me compared to the ones in Velen and Novigrad.

Get's better when they have the banquet after your return from
killing the Giant

I THOUGH it was up there with the Red Barren.


Dreams in Digital
Then play a different quest then?


What? Errr ... what? I've done every single main quest/sidequest (including those removed to add as 'free') and collected every single item in the game. I was about to finish the game but decided to reload an earlier save because I recalled hearing about NG+. I could have finished it but I wasn't certain I would then be able to use NG+

This is one of my favourite games this gen.

I can just see what they did as soon as I started playing the DLC.


This isn't like Mass Effect 3 where you could do a quick hex edit and bring the DLC character straight into the game day one. The content clearly wasn't finished 100%, to some degree or another.

Personally I don't care what was finished 100% or not.

If a game's worth it's $60 and you think it's a good game, does it really matter if they maybe finished a bunch of other shit while they were making that? Does that somehow make the game worth less?
Get's better when they have the banquet after your return from
killing the Giant

I THOUGH it was up there with the Red Barren.

Oh yeah played through that part already, loved the
random bear attack
! I consider those type of mission to be main story since they seem to have the same production values.

I was talking about the contract side missions from the bulletin boards. In Velen and Novigrad they seemed more plot focused. Starting in Skellige they all seemed to be go follow the monsters tracks, kill it, and get your reward.


Unconfirmed Member
They really are spoiling us with such great post game support, as if the main game wasnt content rich enough. I paid 39 dollars for this game, almost feels like i robbed them.


Well now, this certainly gives me a reason to make a comeback. I'm gonna have to finish grabbing that cool ass Wolf School gear on my current playthrough, then do a NG+ run and see how a Triss romance plays out.

Can't wait to sink another 100+ hours into this game.
Well thats good. I totally screwed the pooch in terms of romancing. Also I kind of wanted a different ending.



Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Personally I don't care what was finished 100% or not.

If a game's worth it's $60 and you think it's a good game, does it really matter if they maybe finished a bunch of other shit while they were making that? Does that somehow make the game worth less?

Nah, see it was all a part of their master plan. See, first they make a game with upwards of 100 hours worth of content. Then they pack it full of voice acting, branching quest paths and top-notch visuals. After that, they bring it to consoles and PCs alike. But that's like, all a smokescreen, see? Their actual purpose for releasing The Witcher 3 wasn't to make a game they could then sell for 60 bucks a pop.

No, what the The Witcher 3 really is a content management system for their free, no-strings attached DLC! That's how they make their money. That's how they get you. Think about it.


Dreams in Digital
Yeah, you've presented such a convincing argument with such absolutely rock solid evidence.

I'm not in a court here, I'm on a forum. An empty village and a door that just seems to have no purpose ... Then along comes DLC and the village is filled again because of a door that wouldn't open suddenly opening. Come on.

I've noticed people bringing the 'value' argument into it. It's got absolutely nothing to do with value. There was a plethora of content on offer and I was more than content. This is about 'lying'.


I think they should ad an option to make all enemys level up to your current level

the game would be so much better


Nah, see it was all a part of their master plan. See, first they make a game with upwards of 100 hours worth of content. Then they pack it full of voice acting, branching quest paths and top-notch visuals. After that, they bring it to consoles and PCs alike. But that's like, all a smokescreen, see? Their actual purpose for releasing The Witcher 3 wasn't to make a game they could then sell for 60 bucks a pop.

No, what the The Witcher 3 really is a content management system for their free, no-strings attached DLC! That's how they make their money. That's how they get you. Think about it.


Dat free DLC simulator.


What? Errr ... what? I've done every single main quest/sidequest (including those removed to add as 'free') and collected every single item in the game. I was about to finish the game but decided to reload an earlier save because I recalled hearing about NG+. I could have finished it but I wasn't certain I would then be able to use NG+

This is one of my favourite games this gen.

I can just see what they did as soon as I started playing the DLC.

So they did this for The witcher 2, and Witcher 1 with their post support?

You knew how their post DLC was made for both those games as well I suppose? You must have some good contact's at CDRED.


Except W3 had various choice and consequences that mattered. I got a bad ending previously, I just might go through NG+ while selecting other choices.

I'm not sure how that's related to NG+ though. It's not Pokemon with 1 save slot lol.

I guess there is the advantage to not have to gather herbs/ingredients again, so eh, sure why not.


Well, this is the first piece of DLC I'll never use. I'd rather just replay the game the way it was actually designed to be played. Wish they had spent the time on something new. At least the paid DLC is coming this fall. So excited for that.


I'm not in a court here, I'm on a forum. An empty village and a door that just seems to have no purpose ... Then along comes DLC and the village is filled again because of a door that wouldn't open suddenly opening. Come on.

Yeah but how do you know that door was ready before release?
I'm not in a court here, I'm on a forum. An empty village and a door that just seems to have no purpose ... Then along comes DLC and the village is filled again because of a door that wouldn't open suddenly opening. Come on.

I've noticed people bringing the 'value' argument into it. It's got absolutely nothing to do with value. There was a plethora of content on offer and I was more than content. This is about 'lying'.

They have said waaaaaaay before the game released that they would not do paid DLC unless it would be expansion sized.

So what lying exactly?

That they had plans to make an expansion seemed pretty clear to me and it makes sense to me to make a hook in the game to tie into it.


I'm not in a court here, I'm on a forum. An empty village and a door that just seems to have no purpose ... Then along comes DLC and the village is filled again because of a door that wouldn't open suddenly opening. Come on.

I've noticed people bringing the 'value' argument into it. It's got absolutely nothing to do with value. There was a plethora of content on offer and I was more than content. This is about 'lying'.

You've still yet to prove they lied.

"Hey Karl, we're shipping, how far along are we on that quest your team was working on?"

"Well, we have an outline of what we want to do in the quest, but there are a few models we haven't finished, the script is on its first draft, then we'll obviously have to do some testing. Who knows if we'll find a bug that'll need to be ironed out. It's about a week out."

"Looks like we won't make the deadline then."

"Well, should I delete the house and this door?"

"Why the fuck would we do that and risk introducing more bugs and using up time?"

"Some guy on the internet might get angry that we cut something unfinished."


So NG+, if i was to play the entire game on easy on PS4 and do everything 100% then enter NG+ on the hardest difficulty would i keep all my stuff? making it easier then it would be if i started it on the hardest difficulty from the get go?

I am literally a baby when it comes to playing games i can't handle the heat. Just wondering if i should go for that platinum or not.
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