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World Cup 2010 7/02: Netherlands Vs. Brazil, Ghana vs Uruguay |OT|

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ezrarh said:
Gyan will forever be remembered as the guy who missed the penalty kick to his people, poor guy. His only chance is to somehow redeem himself in 4 years.

And Kumano. That was that Japanese guy who hit the crossbar too didn't he.
ReyBrujo said:
That is the difference between European and American soccer. In America, after everything fails, you play with your heart and soul. A player from down here will do anything to prevent his team from losing. An European one will likely let the ball in, pick his pay and go back to his mansion to rest ;)

I agree, and thats the biggest weakness for the brasilian team: they've turned into europeans.

A great example is to watch the UEFA Champions league final and the Libertadores final. The champions league final is low energy, everyone has made their money, they just need to show up and pass the ball around. The LIbertadores final, theyre playing for EVERYTHING.


Contains Sucralose
Pachael said:
And Kumano. That was that Japanese guy who hit the crossbar too didn't he.
Penalty kicks are the worst. The pressure must be unbearable and if you mess up, than you're scared for life.
like C.Ronaldo... he doesn't give a shit about the national team, doesn't play with heart, doesn't have the will to win, doesn't have the creativity to adapt to the match situation

he makes his gazillions at Real Madrid, he has money to burn. He gets frustrated and shuts down and disapears.

in the Uruguay match, you saw Floran everywhere, Floran here, Floran there, Floran everwhere

where the fuck was C.Ronaldo in the vs Spain game? why can't he be present? fuck him

and Wayne Rooney too was on the same boat C.Ronaldo, fuck them both



To address a few of the talking points in this thread: Ghana outplayed Worstguay. They were better, but so were South Korea, and they both lost to Worstguay.

Re: Suarez's handball. Two sides to this. On the one hand, it was disgraceful. It was cheating, not playing by the rules (HINT: Breaking the rules is not playing by the rules. Idiots. :lol ). On the other hand, he really did show brilliant presence of mind. I'm not predisposed to cheating, and if I were in that same situation I'm not sure if I would've been quick enough to calculate the utility cost of a handball. I probably would have went for the header and my team would be out of the World Cup.

In Y2Kev's words: Evil genius. Yes, it was evil/cheating/shameful/etc. It was also genius. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth and a knot in my stomach, but know this: Ghana are not innocent. They would have done the same thing. They also cheated (shameful simulation which went unpunished) against the US. Granted, they outplayed the US and this is several orders of magnitude worse as far as changing the outcome of the game, but it shows that they're not above doing the same thing: winning at any cost.


ccbfan said:
Suarez did nothing wrong. I would expect every player from my favorite team to doing some similar.
As would I. Would I be pissed if I saw the other team to that to my team? Damn skippy. That said, this happens in EVERY sport ALL the time. Commentators, who usually were players, say they would have done the same thing.

You do everything in your power to win, and if you break the rules, you get punished. He wasn't hurting anyone. He wasn't ending anyone's career. He effected a game and not a life.

I have no issue with what he did.


Neo Member
Why is everyone arguing about the player and the actions committed. The real problem is the rule. He thought the ball was going in and in desperation he stops it from going in knowing he's giving his team a second chance. I have no problem with this. The real argument is why, if under the discretion of say the referee, a goal is not awarded when a violation is being committed to prevent a clear goal. It's the rule I have a problem with.

For example, I remember the past Arizona-Pittsburgh superbowl. Before halftime there was that play where the Pit defender was running a clear path to the endzone with :00 left on the clock. People wondered why someone on the Arizona sideline in theory couldn't "take one for the team", run out, and trip the guy up before he scored. The answer is that the rules let the referee award the score if in his mind that violation stopped a clear path to a touchdown.


Just watched the match. Wow. Whatever cost controversy is will be dulled magnificently by any victory (fortunately or unfortunately). That said, people don't forget and karma's a bitch - I can see Worstguay losing by a similar contentious decision next game.


Xeke said:
I'd never want you defending for my national team.
:lol Exactly.

Insane Metal said:
Me neither. I understand that he was punished for that and Ghana had the penalty, but that was not fair, and I will never support such attitude. It's football, not handball.
Which is why Ghana got a penalty...

Don't blame Suarez. Blame FIFA for not having an automatic goal rule.


Just finished watching both games. :lol Ghana :lol :lol Cheaters got cheated. Suarez is my hero of the week. gg Worstguay, gg


Technically, field players cannot use the hands, so it could be considered cheating. However, there is a punishment for that and is straight red card (which enables the discipline table to suspend the player for more than one match, contrary to double yellow card which is only one match).

So, it is the last minute of the second extra time, the ball comes straight to you. If it scores, there is no way to recover (only a penalty kick can be executed after the time ends). Your goalkeeper has been beaten, and if you lose, you are out of the Cup. If you block it with your hands, you are expelled, and they get a penalty. There is the possibility of your goalkeeper catching it (or the executor missing the mark), which would allow your team to go to penalty kicks. But even if your team wins, there is a good chance of being suspended for one or two matches, which would be goodbye to the World Cup. There is nothing bigger for a soccer player than the final match of a World Cup, and Uruguay hasn't been there in 50 years.

What would you do?

From a South American perspective, if you doubt, you don't belong to the national team. The team is first and foremost, no matter if it means you will be watching the final match with the audience.

As mentioned before, it happens in every sport. Don't basketball players make faults when a member of the other team is running alone to score? Do they all end the game with 0 faults? No, they know they can commit 5 or 6 faults, so they use them to benefit the team. In soccer there is no goal tending (or penalty try as in rugby). To score the ball must cross the line, it is this simple. Giving a goal and expelling a player for doing this would be an exaggerated punishment (for example, a player punching an opponent to death in the midfield would be punished only with expulsion, but not with a goal).

Most of the times these matches end with a team with one less player and losing the game because the opponent scores. Ghana had its opportunity and missed it. In the World Cup, there is a line which divides teams between those that are prepared for the glory and those that must walk away and try again in the future.

Pachael said:
That said, people don't forget and karma's a bitch - I can see Worstguay losing by a similar contentious decision next game.
I doubt it. However, they managed to get the English referee replaced because they feared an English referee would bring problems after what the Uruguayan referee did to England.

Besides, if Netherlands/Holland/Lowlands/How_many_names_you_got? does something similar, I have no doubt Uruguay would score the penalty.


ReyBrujo said:
Technically, field players cannot use the hands, so it could be considered cheating. However, there is a punishment for that and is straight red card (which enables the discipline table to suspend the player for more than one match, contrary to double yellow card which is only one match).

So, it is the last minute of the second extra time, the ball comes straight to you. If it scores, there is no way to recover (only a penalty kick can be executed after the time ends). Your goalkeeper has been beaten, and if you lose, you are out of the Cup. If you block it with your hands, you are expelled, and they get a penalty. There is the possibility of your goalkeeper catching it (or the executor missing the mark), which would allow your team to go to penalty kicks. But even if your team wins, there is a good chance of being suspended for one or two matches, which would be goodbye to the World Cup. There is nothing bigger for a soccer player than the final match of a World Cup, and Uruguay hasn't been there in 50 years.

What would you do?

From a South American perspective, if you doubt, you don't belong to the national team. The team is first and foremost, no matter if it means you will be watching the final match with the audience.

As mentioned before, it happens in every sport. Don't basketball players make faults when a member of the other team is running alone to score? Do they all end the game with 0 faults? No, they know they can commit 5 or 6 faults, so they use them to benefit the team. In soccer there is no goal tending (or penalty try as in rugby). To score the ball must cross the line, it is this simple. Giving a goal and expelling a player for doing this would be an exaggerated punishment (for example, a player punching an opponent to death in the midfield would be punished only with expulsion, but not with a goal).

Most of the times these matches end with a team with one less player and losing the game because the opponent scores. Ghana had its opportunity and missed it. In the World Cup, there is a line which divides teams between those that are prepared for the glory and those that must walk away and try again in the future.

I doubt it. However, they managed to get the English referee replaced because they feared an English referee would bring problems after what the Uruguayan referee did to England.

Besides, if Netherlands/Holland/Lowlands/How_many_names_you_got? does something similar, I have no doubt Uruguay would score the penalty.

That's a good write up but it just explains the obvious. I guess some people need it.


I don't think Suarez's move was calculated. It was desperation and reflexes. The situation was very chaotic and stakes were high.

A lot of players and goalkeepers have acted similarly in such a situation (GK handballing out of their area). I think Suarez's move was probably much less calculated than the usual fauling against advancing attacking players.

I'll be enjoying the dutch team, they're probably the european team who want it the most and play with the most heart. I just hope their wanting doesn't make them fuck it up now that they're this far.


I believe™ the action starts around post 2700.

ReyBrujo said:
Besides, if Netherlands/Holland/Lowlands/How_many_names_you_got? does something similar, I have no doubt Uruguay would score the penalty.

Yup, I believe™ the Orange will win easily so it won't come down to such a play, but if it does...

They'll need simultaneous reds to prevent the goal and take out Forlán's magnificently sharp knees.
I just want to say that Maxi Pereira, the Uruguay midfielder or whomever who totally shanked the ball way over the goal post in penalty kicks is now my hero. His face reaction after he misses it is PRICELESS.


In fact, when I get FIFA 11, the first thing I'm gonna do is get him on my team.


Amazing, disturbing, extraordinary, entertaining, epic, brilliant, legendary... that's how I describe today's game between Uruguay and Ghana.

Give everything to the team and in a World Cup victory is everything!


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
MMaRsu said:
And what a lovely goal that first goal was. If you look back at the replay you can actually hear the crowd go wild with no vuvuzela's.


I feel sorry for anyone watching that on a 3D TV. Must have been some scary shit.


MrPink93485 said:
I just want to say that Maxi Pereira, the Uruguay midfielder or whomever who totally shanked the ball way over the goal post in penalty kicks is now my hero. His face reaction after he misses it is PRICELESS.


In fact, when I get FIFA 11, the first thing I'm gonna do is get him on my team.

Joker face right there.

I was so fuckin mad at him i punched the wall, glad the best goalkeeper in the WC saved his ass.


Damn, Ghana should really practise penalties. I don't get how you are supposed to score a goal when you only take 1 or 2 steps as a run-up.


South African police officers say Paris Hilton was detained for possession of marijuana.

That dumb cunt. :lol :lol


HybridMonkey said:
Why is everyone arguing about the player and the actions committed. The real problem is the rule. He thought the ball was going in and in desperation he stops it from going in knowing he's giving his team a second chance. I have no problem with this.
Seriously. Every player on every team would have done this -- and if Gyan hadn't missed, I don't think anybody would even talk about Suarez. He did what he had to do.
SalsaShark said:
Joker face right there.

I was so fuckin mad at him i punched the wall, glad the best goalkeeper in the WC saved his ass.



Nah. If Uruguay lost because of him, you couldn't honestly be too upset about it, because they were damn lucky to be in that situation in the first place. But he took that shot like a champ. He didn't cry after he shanked that ball. He smiled. He grinned.......because you know what, that was a hilarious shot.
the amount of beer consumened (and just thrown in the air) in The Netherlands Yesterday reallly made it a great year for beer brewers and bars instantly
Some of you still don't get it.

This is the equivalent of going studs up and intentionally snapping the knee caps of the opposing team's star player. Just because there's a mechanism in place to handle dirty/cheat plays like this (giving a straight red card), doesn't excuse the behavior. Doing something like this goes totally against the spirit of the game.

It's not the "ultimate sacrifice", "noble", "smart" or whatever you want to call it. It's cowardly. He thought he was beat so he gave up and grabbed the ball instead of taking it like a man. As I said before, it's like knocking over the board in chess right before you get check-mated.

Ironically, if he reacted with his body instead of his hands, he might have been able to poke/block the ball with a valid part of his body. Don't say every other play would have done the same thing because they wouldn't. Many times I've seen defenders hurl their bodies at goal-line shots. Heck, there is a popular GIF from this WC of the English player throwing his head at the ground trying to stop the shot. He didn't bitch-out like Suarez and use his hands, he stayed within the spirit of the game trying to make the play.

Obviously not everyone is going to agree on what Suarez did because some people have "win by any means necessary" attitude. Of course if you have that attitude then you'll think Suarez was a hero and hold him in high regard. But it also means you're in the same group of people who thinks it's okay to break someone's legs as long as it improves your team's chances of winning.


Meh, what Suarez did was intelligent in my opinion. Ghana was the better team though, their midfield was rock solid through the whole tournament. Anthony Annan is definitely moving to a bigger club this summer, next Essien indeed. Probably the best DM in this whole tournament.

Gyan must feel absolutely horrible. He probably thinks he let down the whole Africa.


MrPink93485 said:
Nah. If Uruguay lost because of him, you couldn't honestly be too upset about it, because they were damn lucky to be in that situation in the first place. But he took that shot like a champ. He didn't cry after he shanked that ball. He smiled. He grinned.......because you know what, that was a hilarious shot.

We got on that situation because of the damn horrible referee :p but i wont get on that again :lol i totally get you though, el mono Pereira is awesome :D

And man, i know we couldnt be too mad afterwards, but you cant even begin to imagine what those penalties were over here.

This was outside, everywhere outside





These are DURING the game, its not even the celebration :lol there were screens showing the match everywhere.

3 Million people population.. i think everyone was there.


Stekelenburg & Sneijder are the heroes of the nation right now. I can only imagine the speech Van Marwijk gave in half-time, because the team played incredible after that. We were waiting for the 'good' Dutch match, this was it, right when we needed it. I still get goosebumps thinking about it. :lol


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Jinjo said:
I can only imagine the speech Van Marwijk gave in half-time

At the beginning of the second half it looked like he had been shouting a lot. Probably fire and brimstone sort of stuff, with a few clogs thrown at the walls for good measure.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
Just got up to date with the thread... shit, the bitter tears about Suarez are so goddamn tasty :lol


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Jinjo said:
Stekelenburg & Sneijder are the heroes of the nation right now. I can only imagine the speech Van Marwijk gave in half-time, because the team played incredible after that. We were waiting for the 'good' Dutch match, this was it, right when we needed it. I still get goosebumps thinking about it. :lol
Seriously a miracle. Winning against brazil, during quarter finals, while we're 1 goal down. Just some miracle shit.


Is there a way that Suarez is going to be banned from the Final (if Uru beats Holland)?
I really feel that there needs to be consequenzes for this and that actions like his hands-save must not become a calculable risk (for which he is now celebrated as a hero and martyr).


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Lach said:
Is there a way Suarez that Suarez is going to be banned from the Final (if Uru beats Holland)?
I really feel that there needs to be consequenzes for this and that actions like his hands-save must not become a calculable risk (for which he is now celebrated as a hero and martyr).

People need to just let this go. He committed a foul and got punished for it. The end.


Man, I think I hate Suarez more then before I went to bed. Fucking prick.

Lach said:
Is there a way that Suarez is going to be banned from the Final (if Uru beats Holland)?
I really feel that there needs to be consequenzes for this and that actions like his hands-save must not become a calculable risk (for which he is now celebrated as a hero and martyr).

It'll only be for one match and that's that. If FIFA are gonna make any changes at all, which they won't, it'd be long after these finals are over.


The Dutch team will face their greatest challenge yet in this World Cup: not getting over-confident of beating Uruguay after the win against Brazil. I have a feeling Van Marwijk has the skills to handle that properly though. Final, here we come!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Lach said:
Is there a way that Suarez is going to be banned from the Final (if Uru beats Holland)?
I really feel that there needs to be consequenzes for this and that actions like his hands-save must not become a calculable risk (for which he is now celebrated as a hero and martyr).


Maybe there does need to be, but there isn't. Right now what he did was legendary.

However, he also fucked Uruguay, they have to beat Netherlands without one of their best strikers and probably highest goal scorers.

but then, they wouldn't have got there without. He jumped on the grenade for the team. Incredible play :lol


I cant believe what Suarez did yesterday.
It was a fuckin brilliant move in the hindsight but man thats some dirrrrrty play

industrian said:
People need to just let this go. He committed a foul and got punished for it. The end.
he played second goal keeper and hindered a surefire goal

catfish said:
However, he also fucked Uruguay, they have to beat Netherlands without one of their best strikers and probably highest goal scorers.
it was the 118 or so minute

there was no chance for them comming back and the goal was practically in. he used the 0.0001 chance to get his team out of this situation and the team pulled it off


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
farnham said:
he played second goal keeper and hindered a surefire goal

He committed a tactical foul and got punished for it. It's no different than a last man foul.

If Ghana had scored their penalty then people wouldn't be complaining.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
farnham said:
it was the 118 or so minute

there was no chance for them comming back and the goal was practically in. he used the 0.0001 chance to get his team out of this situation and the team pulled it off

yep. that's why I said

but then, they wouldn't have got there without. He jumped on the grenade for the team. Incredible play

If Uruguay actually managed to pull a freak world cup win out of the bag, that will go down as football legend.


industrian said:
He committed a tactical foul and got punished for it. It's no different than a last man foul.

If Ghana had scored their penalty then people wouldn't be complaining.
im not complaining at all. i found it a brilliant move as i said for his team.
but there is a difference between last man fouls and this

even in a 1 to 1 situation sometimes the keeper will get the ball or sometimes the striker will not be able to finish

in this situation the goal was practically in.

Funky Papa

industrian said:
He committed a tactical foul and got punished for it. It's no different than a last man foul.

If Ghana had scored their penalty then people wouldn't be complaining.
I'd still think of him as an Epic Douche.
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