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Would you be able to accept it if Link was reincarnated as a Gerudo woman?

So change just because. No real reason except because you want to play as a girl.

You guys keep saying this, but what's wrong with change? Change typically happens either when something needs to change or when it has been the same for a long time. Things change "just because" a very good amount of the time they change. What is the problem with a change of pace for no reason other than to freshen something up?


So change just because. No real reason except because you want to play as a girl. No ones brought a valid reason to change link except to be more inclusive of females. I say make a new character or playable zelda. You guys say no because you want to be link and a girl. Not even an attempt to meet at the middle.

I honestly don't think those who are opposed to Link becoming a woman would be any more receptive to another character being the lead in a Zelda game, whether it's a newly created character, or Zelda herself. It seems like change, period, is the problem for them.
You guys keep saying this, but what's wrong with change? Change typically happens either when something needs to change or when it has been the same for a long time. Things change "just because" a very good amount of the time they change. What is the problem with a change of pace for no reason other than to freshen something up?

And again I present to you "How does changing a characters gender freshen anything up". Its a visual change. The game will still be the same. I"d just rather not force a change on established character just for the hell of it.
I honestly don't think those who are opposed to Link becoming a woman would be any more receptive to another character being the lead in a Zelda game, whether it's a newly created character, or Zelda herself. It seems like change, period, is the problem for them.

I would be receptive to a female lead or playable zelda. I just don't think link needs to be changed in order to accomplish that.
And again I present to you "How does changing a characters gender freshen anything up. Its a visual change. The game will still be the same. I"d just rather not force a change on established character just for the hell of it.

If it's such an inconsequential change that it wouldn't even breathe a tiny amount of fresh air into it with new designs, then how is it big enough of a deal for you to care about it happening?

I know several women who love the series and have zero problem at all playing as Link as we know him

At some point I feel like this has become people trying to make a problem where there isn't one.

I'll say what I've said before when this subject comes up--Link, in his many incarnations, is an established character, despite what some people may say. He's got an iconic appearance and demeanor. It's been 30 years. To do a simple gender swap would be kind of screwed up, and considering the wealth of interesting female characters that already exist in the series (seriously, take a look at the cast of Hyrule Warriors) who would thrive given a little more attention and a leading role, it would just seem like a half-assed attempt at female representation.

This. I usually keep quiet in these types of gender threads because I am particularly passionate about what Link I prefer, but as a female myself I had to quote this because I agree wholeheartedly with what is written here, and I feel it states my thoughts on this matter probably better than I would have put it myself.
Is that really it? You don't want change? Such a dull argument. I think you and I are just wired differently.
Mate, the majority of the argument for this boils down to I want it. Hell the whole thread has been "I want it" vs "I don't want it", the damn thread starts with "would you be able to accept..."
Im pretty sure in every console zelda since OOT apart from maybe WW at least one woman has Flirted with link in each game.
And? People of the same gender can't flirt? Especially in a Japanese game?
All the previous heroes where male, maybe someone thinks there's a reason for it.
The individual Link are rarely treated like that, in fact the majority of the time the time spans are so great that they're remembered for their actions more than their looks, it's why rarely Link looking nearly identical in all games is a plot point.
How do we know hyrule doesn't view women different ? In minish cap zelda is critized for picking the shield instead of the heart or rupee because it's less traditionally femme, in WW only the boys dress up as the hero at a certain age

I don't recall any female guards
Because we've never been given evidence to say that they do, some people simply think that they do because they apply what's in the real world to all fictional worlds, while in reality this is Nintendo and Hyrule along with Mushroom Kingdom are treated almost Utopian like in that the only thing that effects them are super villains and whatnot not societal norms and crises. Likewise, Zelda was criticized for picking something of lesser quality not lesser femme attributes. As for the guards well, we don't know the genders of any of them really so that's up to how you view it.
.... All of which is beside the point , it doesn't have to change ANYTHING, doesn't make it a valid reason no to do it though
I know this, but you said it'd change the perspective, which is why I asked.
I honestly don't think those who are opposed to Link becoming a woman would be any more receptive to another character being the lead in a Zelda game, whether it's a newly created character, or Zelda herself. It seems like change, period, is the problem for them.

Which is why I proposed this. Thank you for generalizing me though.
If it's such an inconsequential change that it wouldn't even breathe a tiny amount of fresh air into it with new designs, then how is it big enough of a deal for you to care about it happening?

Because some of us don't think you should overhaul a character to give people what they want. Somehow you think that changing a character of 28 years is more acceptable then creating a new one. Yet you think you're right because you can only see your own point of view.


I would be receptive to a female lead or playable zelda. I just don't think link needs to be changed in order to accomplish that.

I think you're in the minority honestly. I think that if it was announced that Link was no longer the protagonist of the next Zelda in place with a new, female lead, it would raise a shitstorm just as uproarious as one that would come if Link became a woman. Which is silly. Links are characters who can very easily be adjusted from game to game. Having an incarnation that is a woman isn't preposterous, and the more I think about it, the stranger it feels that the Hero of Hyrule has never once been a woman.
Because some of us don't think you should overhaul a character to give people what they want. Somehow you think that changing a character of 28 years is more acceptable then creating a new one. Yet you think you're right because you can only see your own point of view.

You guys want to change the lead character to a new character in order to not change the old one.

I want to keep the same main character but with a different gender.

Based on those it appears that you guys are the ones that want to change the structure of the game more than I do. I just want a different gender, you want to completely change the story to center around a new character for no reason.
You guys want to change the lead character to a new character in order to not change the old one.

I want to keep the same main character but with a different gender.

Based on those it appears that you guys are the ones that want to change the structure of the game more than I do. I just want a different gender, you want to completely change the story to center around a new character for no reason.

To be perfectly honest, I don't want to have a game without Link, I want a gender option, but I don't want the female option to be Link, and I see no reason why Zelda or a new character wouldn't work perfectly well in that place, hell the structure doesn't even have to change that much. I just don't wnat a character I grew up with to change, and since the only real problem is the lack of a female option, again I see no reason why Zelda or some other person wouldn't work.
And? People of the same gender can't flirt? Especially in a Japanese game?

Hell, I'm up for gay Link but unless I recall wrong there's never been a clear gay character in zelda, and if there has been any they haven't filleted with the main character

And the sheild thing , I'm pretty sure the guy implies femmine reasons but I'd have to check properly , I'm quite convent he says something along the lines of the heart is "pretty" and the rupees are "shiny" but whatever,

You'd be surprised the amount of times artists bring in there own emotional baggage into there work without even thinking about it, I'm willing to bet there's some unintentionally sexist issues in hyrule
You guys want to change the lead character to a new character in order to not change the old one.

I want to keep the same main character but with a different gender.

Based on those it appears that you guys are the ones that want to change the structure of the game more than I do. I just want a different gender, you want to completely change the story to center around a new character for no reason.

Just because you attach the same name to someone doesn't make them the same character. I mean it just shows the level of thought you've put into this. A female Link thats exactly the same as a male link. Its just lazy pandering.


...You play Zelda because you want to be a white boy? It's fine to prefer that design, but putting any weight in his race or gender as to what defines Link or Zelda as a whole is silly. The most we would see with a Gerudo Link is that Link would fight and act differently.

It's pathetic to respond to someone calling people fake fans by calling him a fake fan?

You are quite stubborn in attacking people over their opinion of something that might feel dear to them. I get your point of view, but going about it like this will only cause more people to rage against you and in the end only cause more polarisation on the subject. The same go for people on the other side of the argument who can't seem to keep their calm either.

Ontopic though:
Link was always designed to be very ambigious in gender. Also to make him a "boy/girl" in age rather then adult. This was so most people of all ages and genders could identify with him and rename "Link" to their own name. It is for that reason that suddenly going "OH GERUDO WOMAN!" would not work very well.

That said I am all for playing the Gannondorf perspective, especially after the pain and suffering that let to his mental breakdown is hinted in Wind Waker's fantastic ending :), either from Gannondorf himself or from the perspective of a Gerudo woman.

So a new game called "Legend of Zelda" with a Gerudo woman as the saviour of ZELDA could very well work and you do not need to even call her "Link" but can still allow the player to name her whatever he/she wants. Most of the gameplay would be the same, outside of the obvious Gerudo fighting style influences.

I don't think anybody would have a problem with your argument and the proposal in the this thread. But it is when you touch one of their childheroes/fantasies that people usually tend to bite. I understand that it is great for "baiting" people inside though ;). I think you would get almost nobody disagreeing with you if you had gone straight for that theme ;). Who knows, she even might just hold the Triforce of Power from the very start indicated on her hand ;), while an arrogant snobby noble let "courage" go to his head. A sort of "you need balance" storyline ;). But that might lead to arguments again hah ;).
That's not the same character.
Just because you attach the same name to someone doesn't make them the same character. I mean it just shows the level of thought you've put into this. A female Link thats exactly the same as a male link. Its just lazy pandering.

It's the Hero of Legend. You know, the player character of The Legend of Zelda. How is making the Hero of Legend a girl not the same character? You saying girls can't be heroes? Sounds like some kinda misogyny to me.


Which is why I proposed this. Thank you for generalizing me though.

But you don't want another character being the lead of a Zelda. In the very post you link you say you'd still want Link to be a main playable character. You even propose that the character get a spin-off series, which is kind of defeating the point.
It's the Hero of Legend. You know, the player character of The Legend of Zelda. How is making the Hero of Legend a girl not the same character? You saying girls can't be heroes? Sounds like some kinda misogyny to me.

Attacking me on a personal level now? Thats just sad. I said id be fine with a female character just not forcing a male one into a girl. At the same time I wouldn't want them to make Link all buff like some gears of war character. Link is a consistent entity. It has nothing to due with me wanting to play as a man.
Attacking me on a personal level now? Thats just sad. I said id be fine with a female character just not forcing a male one into a girl. At the same time I wouldn't want them to make Link all buff like some gears of war character. Link is a consistent entity. It has nothing to due with me wanting to play as a man.

Attacking you on a personal level? The fuck? I simply stated that your post sounded like misogyny to me, never called you a misogynist.

And alright, here's my compromise. Make a Zelda game where there's a female Link in every way we want. the Hero of Legend is a girl, wears the tunic, saves Zelda, does everything the same way. But, in promotional material, instead of calling her "Link" they call her "Clarissa". That good enough for you?
Hell, I'm up for gay Link but unless I recall wrong there's never been a clear gay character in zelda, and if there has been any they haven't filleted with the main character

And the sheild thing , I'm pretty sure the guy implies femmine reasons but I'd have to check properly , I'm quite convent he says something along the lines of the heart is "pretty" and the rupees are "shiny" but whatever,
The person you're referring to does say that, but then goes on to describe that the shield is dinky and I think she might have said something along the lines of quality, regardless I'm fairly certain that it's not implying any differences in-between the genders just merely that the rupee and Heart are better quality and are a better overall prize
Oh foolish child. Zelda can never make everyone happy.
It certainly feels that way, I mean it's sad when any form of compromise is shot down simply because it's not exactly what the other side wants.
But you don't want another character being the lead of a Zelda. In the very post you link you say you'd still want Link to be a main playable character. You even propose that the character get a spin-off series, which is kind of defeating the point.
I don't want a character to take Link's place, I want a gender option under the premise of both genders being two different characters. As for the spin-off idea, I was merely pointing out the possibility not saying that I want it.
Something the zelda franchise is way abov

.... Oh never mInd
What exactly is your point? I mean a Transformation is no different than a powerup; Cat Mario doesn't keep Mario from being Mario, Link transforming into a wolf for certain parts of the game doesn't keep him from being Link. You might have a point if Link was just a wolf straight up, but he wasn't and never was.
Just because you attach the same name to someone doesn't make them the same character. I mean it just shows the level of thought you've put into this. A female Link thats exactly the same as a male link. Its just lazy pandering.

Something the zelda franchise is way abov


.... Oh wait never mInd


I don't want a character to take Link's place, I want a gender option under the premise of both genders being two different characters. As for the spin-off idea, I was merely pointing out the possibility not saying that I want it.

So returning to what I originally said, you don't want another character becoming a lead in Zelda. My generalization certainly applies to you.
Attacking you on a personal level? The fuck? I simply stated that your post sounded like misogyny to me, never called you a misogynist.

And alright, here's my compromise. Make a Zelda game where there's a female Link in every way we want. the Hero of Legend is a girl, wears the tunic, saves Zelda, does everything the same way. But, in promotional material, instead of calling her "Link" they call her "Clarissa". That good enough for you?

Fyi I already proposed that and was met with "its not good enough I want link to be a girl". The developers are going to do what they want. If they want to make a playable girl then go ahead. I just dont think you should overhaul link and make him a girl just because. Thats it.


Something the zelda franchise is way abov


.... Oh never mInd

This is something I've been meaning to bring up for a while. Guys, there were (and are) people who were against the idea of link being right handed in the Wii version of TP even though it makes complete sense. The fact that some want Link to have the exact same characteristics does not make them prejudice against left handed folk. The same applies here. Please guys do refrain from throwing "misogyny" like it's nothing on this thread.
Fyi I already proposed that and was met with "its not good enough I want link to be a girl". The developers are going to do what they want. If they want to make a playable girl then go ahead. I just dont think you should overhaul link and make him a girl just because. Thats it.

So you have no problem with them just overhauling Link, then just saying "Nah, dat's Clarissa." even though she's still the Hero of Legend. You're completely hung up on the name "Link" the optional name for the Hero of Legend in every game. So what if they called her "Linkelle" or whatever, is that good enough? Or does having the word link in there ruin the whole thing? Where do you draw the line?
What exactly is your point? I mean a Transformation is no different than a powerup; Cat Mario doesn't keep Mario from being Mario, Link transforming into a wolf for certain parts of the game doesn't keep him from being Link. You might have a point if Link was just a wolf straight up, but he wasn't and never was.

My point is zelda panders to its audience, constantly , in far worse ways than adding some playable women

TP's grim dark tone and style are born from people complaining about WW and so they made OOT 2
because people don't like change and Video games are art Yo


So adding a gender option, and a new character who can act as a co-lead to the series is not a change? Ok...

I said that change is the issue, period. And you're confirming that, since your solution is attempting to mitigate the amount of change by having a separate playable character.
So you have no problem with them just overhauling Link, then just saying "Nah, dat's Clarissa." even though she's still the Hero of Legend. You're completely hung up on the name "Link" the optional name for the Hero of Legend in every game. So what if they called her "Linkelle" or whatever, is that good enough? Or does having the word link in there ruin the whole thing? Where do you draw the line?

You assume link would be completely cut from the game if that change happened. So continue on with your hypothetical choice and trying to make me seem foolish. The truth is if that happened Link would still be in the game in some form.
My point is zelda panders to its audience, constantly , in far worse ways than adding some playable women
And you can add playable woman without alienating the large group that don't want to see Link changed.
I said that change is the issue, period. And you're confirming that, since your solution is attempting to mitigate the amount of change by having a separate playable character.
If change was an issue, I wouldn't even want what I proposed. Christ. I mean, change is actually an issue when it comes to Link, sure I'll agree to that, but I really don't care what they do outside of that.
You assume link would be completely cut from the game if that change happened.

If Link is in there, he wouldn't be the Hero of Legend. Alright, what if they call her "Lynk." That enough of a change? I'm just trying to find a line here, since apparently you only seem to care that this female main character with the triforce of courage and hero of legend isn't named Link.


Honestly, the insistence that an alternate female character would be a good solution reeks of condescension to me. It's like "now now ladies, of course you can't be the ACTUAL hero of legend, but you CAN be someone we just shoehorned in (who is preferably in a spinoff game that doesn't sell)"

Media representation is a big deal, and if you keep insisting that you don't get why plenty of women would love to play the part of a gaming icon in a series in which such a thing wouldn't clash with the established lore then I'm going to assume you're being intentionally obtuse.


If change was an issue, I wouldn't even want what I proposed. Christ. I mean, change is actually an issue when it comes to Link, sure I'll agree to that, but I really don't care what they do outside of that.

Ok, I think we're done here.

For what it's worth, I'd say those who are against the idea of Link becoming a woman can sleep easy, because Nintendo seems just as receptive to change in the Zelda series as you are.
Honestly, the insistence that an alternate female character would be a good solution reeks of condescension to me. It's like "now now ladies, of course you can't be the ACTUAL hero of legend, but you CAN be someone we just shoehorned in (who is preferably in a spinoff game that doesn't sell)"

Media representation is a big deal, and if you keep insisting that you don't get why plenty of women would love to play the part of a gaming icon in a series in which such a thing wouldn't clash with the established lore then I'm going to assume you're being intentionally obtuse.
Guess they better rev up them gears and make a Super Maria, nothing in the Mario lore states Mario can't have and identical female sister after all, or better yet maybe they can make a plot revolving around how one of the Double Cherries that Mario ate accidentally glitched and spurred off as a female version of him, along side the rest of the Mario universe.
Ok, I think we're done here.

For what it's worth, I'd say those who are against the idea of Link becoming a woman can sleep easy, because Nintendo seems just as receptive to change in the Zelda series as you are.
Thank you for reading all of that quote, and making a informed decision based on what I wrote. I mean, it's not like you made a point to say that anyone against femLink must be against any change period, or anything like that.
Ok, I think we're done here.

For what it's worth, I'd say those who are against the idea of Link becoming a woman can sleep easy, because Nintendo seems just as receptive to change in the Zelda series as you are.

Right even though Nintendo creates games for everyone apparently if you don't change the main character in a game and make them a women then you're opposed to change.


This is something I've been meaning to bring up for a while. Guys, there were (and are) people who were against the idea of link being right handed in the Wii version of TP even though it makes complete sense. The fact that some want Link to have the exact same characteristics does not make them prejudice against left handed folk. The same applies here. Please guys do refrain from throwing "misogyny" like it's nothing on this thread.

Seriously. Some of you pro female linkers are being way too hostile. Link has been one of the most popular and iconic characters in the video game industry since the NES. As much as Zelda changes, link stays the same. And a lot of people like it that way. Getting a new zelda game is basically gaming comfort food. They don't want the character to change and they don't have to want what you want. It's like if your family decided to have chicken for thanksgiving on year instead of turkey just because they felt like changing things. Technically nothing wrong with that, but it goes against tradition, and some people don't want that.

It doesn't make them a misogynist.
If Link is in there, he wouldn't be the Hero of Legend. Alright, what if they call her "Lynk." That enough of a change? I'm just trying to find a line here, since apparently you only seem to care that this female main character with the triforce of courage and hero of legend isn't named Link.

Are we really going to do this? I can come up with many roles link could fill. Also theres no reason why it can't be a co-op game. With the gamepad that would work out.
To those of you who think a female lead in a Zelda game should be a new character, almost every Link so far has been a different character. We've had a Link that was cartoony. We've had a Link that could turn into a wolf. Having a Link that happens to be female isn't going to kill anyone. Link can be anyone at any time at any place, and they don't even have to be related to each other, or even look 100% identical. And personally, I'd love it if they'd continue to play around with that idea.
Right even though Nintendo creates games for everyone apparently if you don't change the main character in a game and make them a women then you're opposed to change.

But you are opposed to that change, ergo the statement your opposed to change is, for the purposes of this discussion a valid statement
Are we really going to do this? I can come up with many roles link could fill. Also theres no reason why it can't be a co-op game.

I'm trying to see what your problem is. Is your problem with the concept of a character named Link being a female or the concept of the Hero of Legend being a female? You said you'd be fine with a the Clarissa idea, even though she's literally just Link but not called Link.

To those of you who think a female lead in a Zelda game should be a new character, almost every Link so far has been a different character. We've had a Link that was cartoony. We've had a Link that could turn into a wolf. Having a Link that happens to be female isn't going to kill anyone. Link can be anyone at any time at any place, and they don't even have to be related to each other, or even look 100% identical. And personally, I'd love it if they'd continue to play around with that idea.

We've already said all this, their defense is "No, but Link is a guy, though!"
To those of you who think a female lead in a Zelda game should be a new character, almost every Link so far has been a different character. We've had a Link that was cartoony. We've had a Link that could turn into a wolf. Having a Link that happens to be female isn't going to kill anyone. Link can be anyone at any time at any place, and they don't even have to be related to each other, or even look 100% identical. And personally, I'd love it if they'd continue to play around with that idea.

This is not an actual thing they play with, they're all practically identical just like Zelda.
We've already said all this, their defense is "No, but Link is a guy, though!"
...and the other sides defense is to shout "lore" repeatedly, despite that in no shape or form does it make Link more likely to change since it's not something Nintendo most likely even bothers with, like at all, and if they decided to change a character they simply would regardless.


Right even though Nintendo creates games for everyone apparently if you don't change the main character in a game and make them a women then you're opposed to change.

I don't see the connection between making products for "everyone" and being receptive to change.


by this logic there is no equal example because a female hero has always been more rare than their male counterpart. The point I was trying to make is gender swapping does not necessarily mean someone is suddenly misogynistic or an angry feminist. Some people just don't see the point in swapping the gender of an already established character when creating a new character is far more empowering.

Creating a new character, especially in this industry where new IP's are so hit and miss, is basically sending it out to die. In the case of Link, like a comic book character, making a big change to increase diversity would instantly put it in the limelight. Imagine the countless stories, imagine the media attention. And it makes sense lore-wise, its not an arbitrary change of a character because its a new body each time. There is a lot of push back, but I doubt its because people are so concerned about "vision".


I am Korean.
It's the Hero of Legend. You know, the player character of The Legend of Zelda. How is making the Hero of Legend a girl not the same character? You saying girls can't be heroes? Sounds like some kinda misogyny to me.

Non arguments are super impressive.

If it doesn't change the character, how does this change matter?


There is a girl. She is named Link. She is designated by the Gods of Hyrule as the bearer of the Triforce of Courage who must defeat Ganondorf.

Try to spot the groundbreaking changes I made there that completely shatter the entire Zelda lore.

...I never said that the change would be from the lore, but from the meta-sense of the real buisness decisions. The kind made by developers and designers that will become a part of the multi-million dollar marketing for a new game and will be at the forefront of damn nearly any debate up to and after release date. Stop trying to argue from the Lore when I already agree with you.

Either way, people who love this franchise tend to have their favorite Link, because each one invokes a different feeling. The "adamant call to arms" is just in response to the fact that certain qualities (in this case, gender) are more connected to a status quo that has proven difficult to change. You can try arguing all of Link's differences boil down to art style or whatever all you'd like, but nonetheless, Link's design is highly scrutinized in every game he comes out in. The differences do matter. And some would find the introduction of a girl Link a refreshing breakaway from a status quo that is increasingly outdated.

And my questions is still WHAT should be done with this theoretical pioneering way; do you make it a one and done or do you shift your(informal) arguement to have fem link appear in future games, negating the single inherent image each game (and thus each era) can evoke based on just Link's design. If you(informal) want Nintendo to do this; to make a female Link that will either A; supersede a conventional Link, or B; create a whole new marketing branch a la FemShep, then be prepared to argue more than just "Because Lore allows it."

Anyway, unfortunately for the people in this thread who have argued for a strict adherence to a specific design, it's pretty clear that rigidity is one-sided. The Wii U Link seems to be the most different design in a long time, and I don't get the sense that the Zelda team is in the mood for more of the same. Everyone's conception of Link will have to continue evolving with the character. ;)

From my perspective, that's a very false statement to make seeing as the last game released that used an existing art style was Spirit Tracks back in 2009. And no; both sides of this are being unshaken and ridged in their arguments and resolve; there just seems to be a disconnect on how much effort one side needs to put into their point as opposed to another..

Jesus fuck man, this isn't about bowing down to "SJWs" or some shit lmao

I never said it was, don't put words in my mouth.

As far as representation goes it's less "Let's check off this box" than "Hey, people like this exist." There is absolutely nothing wrong with people wanting to see characters like them in the media they consume, or wanting to see more than the same thing we've seen for 30 years. And it'd be nice if people that ask for that weren't always met with some variation of "Fuck off and go do it yourself, leave our thing alone." I'm not saying you said this K-A, but it does happen all the time, and it is goddamn frustrating.

I agree there's nothing wrong with it on paper, but in application it rears a whole different side and casts a new light when put under the scrutiny of the masses. What I'm trying to do is gain a larger perspective into this argument by asking how it should be handled from the real world side of things; how should it be marketed, what should be avoided, are there other traits of past games that would need to be changed to make a smoother transition? And most importantly; is this one time event going to be enough?

Now, I honestly don't expect Nintendo to do something like this. If anything they'll do something different, but not too different, so a Hylian FemLink at most, and probably not anytime soon. That's my thought from a cynical point of view, Cash Rules Everything Around Me and all that. But I believe that change is necessary; to keep things fresh, to challenge ourselves and our perceptions, and to inspire others to try something new, or do something better. I wouldn't say changing Link is necessary, but I definitely would say it'd be compelling and worthwile (and I'd also continue to argue that Link, in the context of the Zelda franchise, is a concept), and this particular idea of Link being a Gerudo woman sounds really cool, even though I'm slightly more interested in a Ganondorf-led title. If any company could pull off a compelling and worthwile change like that, I think Nintendo could.

You seem to understand this a tad better in here (or at least you're willing to be upfront about it.)

I'll take it (the basics anyways)!!! Mainly because I'll take ANYTHING that isn't Ganondorf being the obvious villain and Zelda the obvious damsel and Link as the obvious hero.

Why is there resistance to change? At all? I'm surprised some of the more traditionalists opt for so little when it's, arguably, one thing that's making the series somewhat dull.

So you want a new Zelda game that has absolutely nothing to do with the Zelda series? My head hurts...

It's funny you say this, while telling me to ignore direct quotes from Miyamoto and Aonuma that disprove what you are saying.

Please post the link's you are referring to.

i'm done with this thread.

when the deniers are stating outright that miyamoto and aonuma's statements are wrong and THEIRS are right, you know they're just trolling

Question; which interviews should we be specifically looking at? Do you have citation and links to the one's you're using for your argument?

It's the Hero of Legend. You know, the player character of The Legend of Zelda. How is making the Hero of Legend a girl not the same character? You saying girls can't be heroes? Sounds like some kinda misogyny to me.

Do you have a fetish for that word or something, because you seem to think throwing it out is a justified statement to further your viewpoint.
But you are opposed to that change, ergo the statement your opposed to change is, for the purposes of this discussion a valid statement

I'm opposed to overhauling a character yes. I'd be oppose to any character being retooled. Yes theres many links but overall Link is one single entity. Just like mario, donkey kong, and Samus. All from games that have the flmsiest most ambiguous storyline that tie them together but everyone acknowledges that they're the same person.
If it doesn't change the character, how does this change matter?

That's what I'm asking you. The Hero of Legend, AKA Link, being a girl wouldn't have to change anything other than an aesthetic flair. What's wrong with that?

Do you have a fetish for that word or something, because you seem to think throwing it out is a justified statement to further your viewpoint.

Using it to describe a prejudice against the idea of a female main character is pretty appropriate. In fact, a prejudice against women is kind of the actual definition of the word.
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