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Would You Rather: Never Need To Sleep Or Never Need To Excrete?

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Sleep for sure. I have so much trouble sleeping as it is. To not have to worry about it anymore, and gain all those lost hours would be amazing. Excreting doesn't take up all that much time of my day and isn't a hassle really.
If we got rid of sleep then the GOP would jump on the 16 hour work days for the same overall pay, so I don't know if I really want to chance that.


I would say definitely sleep...

..BUT if it applies to everyone, that nobody has to sleep, the problem would be that the society/economy probably wants you that you work during what would have been your sleep/rest time. So instead getting more free time, you will probably have to work more and that's something that I don't want.
Gayest shit that's ever been said. Goddamn. LMAO

Sleep, but if I had the ability to instantly transfer my need to poop to someone else so that they needed to go, I'd chose that. The possibilities are endless.
I could get so much done by not sleeping

poop is just a ten minute daily affair for me, and it feels so good when I drop huge loads 😸


Shitting is quick, can be satisfying and is a good 'am I in good health' check.

Sleep takes 6-9 hours in which you can do nothing else (although it can be satisfying too).

Never sleep, jfc


Sleep, you're effectively adding a third onto your life

Seriously. This plus never being tired. How the fuck is this even a question?

You can have a billion dollars or never have a yolk break when you're making a fried egg? Yeah, they're both good, but completely incomparable.


Will QA for food.
I think you need to go further with the 'excrete' description. Like, you can eat whatever you want because of it and maintain idle body weight. Are you immune to digestive diseases? Do you still get gas, heart burn, bloat? You gotta work a little more to upsell this point, because most people will just want to save the time which sleeping dominates.
I'd give up sleep in a heartbeat. That's 8 hours a day I still have. Excreting is gross, yeah, but it takes up significantly less time and I'd also have more time to deal with that (not that currently don't, but for example I'd have more time to get more showers after doing sweaty activities rather than having to plan those around times where i need to be dressed well and etc.). I'd also probably be way more productive.


Easy choice. Give up sleep. Think of all the extra time I could spend pursuing my hobbies.

Going to the bathroom really isn't a big deal at all 99% of the time.


Junior Member
Excrete. I like sleeping, plus I wouldn't do anything with the extra time anyway. And anyway, while you're not sleeping, everyone else is and everything is still closed. You'd basically be able to use that extra time not sleeping to just watch Netflix or play games. And lack of time isn't the reason I don't do more of that
You are not working, are you? Because time is exactly that. Shit, my gaming and series watching habits eat into my sleep time so at work I am often sleepy and feel exhausted.


As a gay man I would rather never have to excrete. Straight men will never understand how much time gay men waste making sure they're clean down there. Or the anxiety that maybe you're not. Or that feeling of embarrassment when, despite your best efforts, you're not totally clean.

So yeah. Give me spontaneous, anxiety free sex any day of the week over never having to sleep again.
I like to sleep, and I usually go to bed when im bored anyway. Nothing really to do at night but partake in some sort of entertainment anyway. Not pooping or swaeting or anything would be great. Also I like dreaming.
I like sleep and it's hard to imagine feeling human without it

Never having any poop down there creates some interesting opportunities :3


If they discover immortality in your lifetime and you picked no sleep over no poop you're going to be disappointed in that choice.
I love dreaming.

I love pooping.

I don't think I'd pick either. People say "Think of how much you could get done" but thats bollocks, we'd just be playing videogames more, or staring into space with yet more time in the day to contemplate our existence. Plus, if you wanna get stuff done at night then you'd do it regardless of sleeping...or at least that's my awful attitude to sleep cycles which I employ in my life.

The Hermit

Sleep of course.

I would do so much with that extra time, it's not even funny.

Reading books,studying, gym and gaming, I could do all those things everyday.
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