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Would you vote for Bernie if Hillary loses the democratic nomination?

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The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Trump v Sanders is a nightmare scenario for me because I can't stand either of them.

I live in Massachusetts so Bernie would win anyway. I probably wouldn't vote.

Well I mean... Bernie doesn't want to deport millions of people, stop letting all Muslims in the country, and does not support any* social or economic policies that are outright damaging to gays and minorities... so it's not that much of a nightmare scenario.

*I admittedly do not know all of his policies, so it's possible there's a black sheep in there.


Of course. I'm not some silly first time voter who has a political crush and only gets news from antimedia. I understand the need for one of the Dems to win.

Already voted for him in the MI primary anyway.


Kasich backed the medicaid expansion, doesn't outright hate gay people and is for some immigration reform.

In every other way he's as crazy as the rest. He's destroyed abortion rights in Ohio.

He's also easily the biggest warhawk still running. The man could be as disastrous foreign policy wise as GWB.


I'm with you, except flip Hilary and Cruz. Here's my order:

1. Bernie
2. Kaisich
3. Trump
4. Hilary
5. Cruz
I don't know how anyone could vote for Republicans if Bernie doesn't win the nomination. It makes no logical sense to me especially when you back bernie and you would be basically voting against everything he stood for.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I'm not calling you a conservative. But she is far more conservative than Sanders.


I don't trust any methodology that has Clinton farther to the right than Sanders is to the left.

Actually not so much. I was happy that he expanded Medicaid in Ohio when almost every other GOP governor refused, and I liked his emphatic defense of that decision.

So he sucks on social issues?

Preeeeetty bad, yeah.


Unconfirmed Member
I'd actually prefer Bernie over Hillary. But I have no problem voting for either of the two democratic candidates. Ain't nobody on the Republican side I'd ever vote for.


Obviously. I like Hillary because she's pragmatic. Nothing pragmatic about failing to vote for the Democrat in November when you agree with them more often than not.

I'd sooner vote for Kanye West before letting Trump or Cruz near the Oval Office.
I prefer Bernie to begin with so of course. People that wouldn't don't make sense. If someone wouldn't because they think Bernie is too liberal, they're just kind of dumb and terrible at being modern Americans.


Everything about this post is incorrect.

I'm getting real tired of being told in not so many words that I'm a conservative because I support Hillary.

I wouldn't argue you're a conservative. Hillary does represent the status-quo more than she does progress but characterizing her as purely conservative isn't exactly accurate. There's more nuance to the matter than that.. She is still a progressive in many senses (and really not much at all in others-particularly foreign affairs and trans rights) but I wouldn't say you're a conservative.
In the end it isn't worth discussing. One can see some Hillary supporters arguing in scorched earth manners but there's no quantification for it so it's not worth arguing for such a position in the first place. I wouldn't say it has a basis in reality.

If we want to trade barbs however I could go on and on about how I/and others have been told we aren't real Democrats/real members of the lgbt community/really x racial minority/etc./etc. for preferring Bernie first here and elsewhere. That I'm getting quite a bit tired of.


It is an objectively indefensible position when you approach it from a place of facts based on the candidate's positions. But that's the rub, it isn't a rational statement. It's an emotional statement. Questioning the "Bernie is the best but I'd rather vote for someone who literally opposes everything he stands for instead of someone who agrees with him like 85% of the time" stance is never going to be met with a reasonable reply, because it doesn't come from a place of reason. It's based on feelings and emotional rhetoric.

And this IMO is why is worthy of the mocking it gets. I have zero sympathy or respect for someone who can't bring themselves to be an adult for 5 seconds and be reasonable about something that is so goddamned important to the country's future.

Save the emotional temper tantrums for untimely deaths in Dark Souls; THIS stuff actually matters.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!

If he won the nomination? Yes?


Well if he won the nomination we would be in Bizarro world and I am not sure what the criteria for voting eligibility is there. Like maybe you need to have at least 5 tentacles.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Without hesitation. I am not sure Bernie would be a good president but he would surely kick the shit out of Ted Cruz as one.


If it came down to either Clinton or Sanders, of course I would vote for one of them. In this case, Sanders. I just personally despise both of the major Republican candidates, and that is rare.
I think a lot of the disagreements in this thread can be traced to if your priority is social issues or economics. Seems like some people focus on the economics of the candidate they want to pick instead of the social issues (like Kasich)


I wouldn't. I honestly believe Trump would be a better president than Bernie. If Bernie is the nominee and Trump isn't, then I'd just write in Hilary and call it a day.
That because many Hillary Democrats are social liberals and fiscal conservatives.

Kaisch is a fiscal conservative and not as extreme on the social positions as the other two republicans.

Bernie is far too fiscally liberal for them to stomach.

Is Kasich really not as extreme on social issues though? Seems pretty similar to the rest of the Republican candidates from what I've seen. No one voting on social issues as a primary concern would give him a moment's consideration.

Real Hero

I don't know how anyone could vote for Republicans if Bernie doesn't win the nomination. It makes no logical sense to me especially when you back bernie and you would be basically voting against everything he stood for.

as someone who does not like Hillary at all this view is just crazy to me. I think some people see it as 'we have to make it even worse' before people want someone like Bernie, which is fucked up for those that would actually impact on


Don't see that happening, but yes it's a given that I'll vote for whoever is on the democratic ticket. I am anti-republican more than anything else at the end of the day.
The Political Compass is a bullshit test created by a libertarian. In reality, Clinton was the 11th most liberal Senator and Sanders was the most liberal Senator.

I gave Hillary a bunch of dumb authoritarian-leaning answers that she likely does not even agree with and she still came in about where Sanders is marked on that stupid chart.
This is Kasich, when the golly-gosh persona starts falling:


Seriously, Kasich is a fucking misogynistic asshole. He just hides his bullshit well.


Is Kasich really not as extreme on social issues though? Seems pretty similar to the rest of the Republican candidates from what I've seen. No one voting on social issues as a primary concern would give him a moment's consideration.

More people vote with their pocketbook than their heart. If social issues are your biggest reason for voting for Sanders or Hillary no way you'd go for Kaisch. But if fiscal conservatism is more important to you than social issues, I can see how "moderate" or "conservative" Democrats could be attracted to him instead of Bernie.


Salon said:
You also have this weird story, which, while not as bad as racialized food stamp programs, is still quite a telling story. In his 2006 campaign biography, Kasich writes about how he wanted to “give hip-hop a fair shake” and so bought a popular hip-hop CD to listen to in the car.

“I slipped in this new CD and was quickly appalled at what I was hearing,” he writes, reeling at how the record “was intended to shock and titillate, for no good reason but to shock and titillate, and I couldn’t listen to it.”

What was the record? A Snoop Dogg or Ol’ Dirty Bastard record? Nope! It was a Roots record, which is a world away from the party-and-crime lyrics of bona fide gangsta rap. Kasich’s reaction suggests he never really intended to give hip-hop a “fair shake”, so much as he wanted to seem like he was doing so before pandering to ugly stereotypes about a black-dominated music that is popular with the under-50 set of Americans.


This is amazing


I'll vote for whoever is in opposition to the GOP. And I won't throw my vote away on some 3rd party or write-in joke.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I would never in a million years vote for Trump or Cruz, so yeah, I'd vote for Bernie if he beats Hillary.

I can't say the same for some of Bernie's supporters.
OMG, no. Bernie is not as electable as Hillary. The way our voting system works is fucked up. Because we don't have a ranking system, if you write in someone else's name during the general election, it's exactly the same as taking half your vote and giving it to the opposite party. I do not want half my vote going to the GOP. That's the last thing I think we need. One less vote for Hillary means that there's a better chance that the republican nominee will win the general election. If we had a ranking system of voting, that would be a different story all together.


Against anyone other then Kaisch yes against Kaisch no.

The tax hike he wants to create is hard to stomach so its a good thing almost all the republicans are even harder to swallow.

I personally don't mind Kasich since I live in Ohio. He is not great but he is better then what Sanders has to offer in my opinion.

Sanders would be a disaster and his comments on how things will get done have cemented in my mind that he would be a very bad president.
I would vote for him.

Unwillingly. While holding my nose, but yes.

Now, I can't say I'd commit to volunteering for him. I'd probably just spend my time and money on down ballot races.
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