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WoW streamer Reckful has just commited suicide

Social Media sites need to be shut down. It's bought out the worst in people and now it's mostly used to spread hate, agenders or destroy people's lives. A modern day weapon to virtually bully people.

I don't understand how this shit hasn't been shut down or blocked by governments.


Gold Member
God damn people are brutal

How do people like this exist? How does this bring anybody happiness? I understand this is probably just a troll, but there's no boundaries.

There's gotta be a special place in hell for people like this.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Rest in peace, condolences to his family and friends. Social media was a mistake.

Social media media recommendation systems bombard people with content that intensifies their emotions (positive or negative) for the sake of keeping them engaged to the platforms to generate more ad revenue These recommendation system are not only dividing us but also literally killing us nowadays. This is just more blood on the hands of Facebook/Google/Twitter and the rest of companies that pursue engagement through these practices.


Rage Bait Youtuber

Social media media recommendation systems bombard people with content that intensifies their emotions (positive or negative) for the sake of keeping them engaged to the platforms to generate more ad revenue These recommendation system are not only dividing us but also literally killing us nowadays. This is just more blood on the hands of Facebook/Google/Twitter and the rest of companies that pursue engagement through these practices.

Maybe they should actually suspend the toxic pieces of shit who hide behind cartoon avatars while screaming at people to die.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Fuck man that is sad.
For anyone that feels like this on gaf.
You are not alone seek help! Never too late!
I mean as much as it said, this most often never works for people who suffers like him. Specially that outcry before his dead, only probably one person could safe him. I mean, I know this comes from the good place, so I would not call it "virtue signalling", but if you don't have tight community of people is tough. And that community is something like this place, not Twitter. When there are too much people, then it's like if you would be crying in broad daylight on the streets. It would not help.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Maybe they should actually suspend the toxic pieces of shit who hide behind cartoon avatars while screaming at people to die.

That is not the problem, the problem is the algorithms that play a silent hand in surfacing hateful and divise content geared towards specifically attacking people’s emotions. The topic of ethics in recommendation systems is a new one, and the voices arguing for a solution are being silenced because the lack of regard for human life in these algorithms is the dark secret of these platforms that none of these companies wants to publicly accept.

Jack Dorsey loves posturing as this white knight of morality, but his data science team only cares about the engagement of Twitter users, and to do so they count these deaths as just collateral damage.
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Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Have never heard of Reckful until today as I don't follow or pay attention to streamers whatsoever. The entire situation is fucked up. My condolences to the parents, family and friends left behind.

R.I.P. Reckful
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::;:Social media can be hazardous to your health::::

Twitter needs warning labels and safety mechanisms to let certain accounts or messages cool down if there's too much negative attention.

Or better yet, just shut it down. Twitter has some responsibility for their actions too.


I enjoy social media. It's sad that people can be convinced into not existing in this plane of existence over it but I'd rather it not be shut down.
I knew someone with depression and it was a pretty terrible experience. It's just depressing that I wasn't able to help him out with his issues.

I really feel for his family and friends. It's a shame that he took his own life.

On a side note this sort of reminds me of the whole Zoe Quinn situation. Just shows how dangerous social media can be to some people.
How about not having kids in the first place?

There's no way that you can guarantee that your kids will not have any mental health issues. Some people are born fine but due to a series of hard events they can develop all sorts of mental health issues. In my line of work PTSD is a huge problem as well as anxiety. People start off perfectly normal but then they develop those issues later on.


Love is a huge emotional investment. If you get it wrong - you better be willing to wait things out until you can finally move on. Could take months or years and it requires strong willpower.
Poor guy.
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Sad. You can tell the people closest to him didn't care to help him. Even by watching him I can tell he has had mental health issues for a long time especially when his brother committed suicide as well. He was being used by his so called friends and he had enough.

RIP reckful


I was not of his regular stream viewers but I do remember him fondly from his old wow pvp days where he was an absolute beast and his HS performance.
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This is why i want to dedicate my life to mental health and therapy. Always very sad to hear. A youtuber in the Siege community also committed suicided recently. I use to watch his vids, that one hit close to me.
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Sad. You can tell the people closest to him didn't care to help him. Even by watching him I can tell he has had mental health issues for a long time especially when his brother committed suicide as well. He was being used by his so called friends and he had enough.

RIP reckful

Eh. It's almost impossible to help someone with mental health problems.


Eh. It's almost impossible to help someone with mental health problems.
As a friend? That may very well be true. You may think you're helping, but you may end up being just a "sort-of-therapist", which may sour your relationship to the point that (s)he is no longer your friend. Effectively making the situation even worse.

But as a friend, you can (at least try) to get them to seek professional help. That actually can help.


Reckful was posting out tweets about his loneliness among other issues. His depression wasn't hidden. If any of my friends said anything or gave a hint, I wouldn't ignore it and tell them to man up.
as someone whose depressed, broke and unsuccessful

i wish i was just simply depressed and successful like alot of these people are who often take their own lives


after reading this tweets it looks like it may have been over a woman

this is why i advocate for everyone to be like Spock and emotion-less

because this is where emotion can often times lead you
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I'm usually not the most communicative or social person, i'll try anyway...i hope noone minds, but this topic i can relate.

Eh. It's almost impossible to help someone with mental health problems.

This is (at least for me) the only truth.

As a friend? That may very well be true. You may think you're helping, but you may end up being just a "sort-of-therapist", which may sour your relationship to the point that (s)he is no longer your friend. Effectively making the situation even worse.
But as a friend, you can (at least try) to get them to seek professional help. That actually can help.

I have/had 2 friends (one of which is/was a longtime friend 20 years+) and they tried to cheer me up from time to time. In the end they stopped contacting and caring and i dont and cant blame them or anyone. I'm depressed for some years now and i feel like the downward spiral did get worse in the last few months. I visited 3 clinics for 10+ weeks each in the last 2 years and have a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist at hand. Staying at those clinics did help me while i was there but afterwards i did fell again and thinking about it, i think it got worse each time compared to the before-state. That is the thing and that is why i cant blame anyone, because personally i feel like that i cant be helped unless i let it happen and that doesn't work just like an off-on switch. Not to say that every deeply depressed person is like that, but it is for me i think. I feel hopeless and like an empty husk and this makes anyone who cares for me hopeless as well. This knowledge brings me down more and more as i see their concern and i just can't help it. To know that you can bring people down by not caring, since i'm trying to escape everyone and lost pretty much all interest in everything and the thoughts are really tiring.

Even writing this down brings me down, since i think it could be seen as attention whoring and that is nothing i'm trying to be, but i'm also trying to explain it from my point of view as a depressive person.
I'm trying to cope with it and stay afloat somehow.


Gold Member
Social Media sites need to be shut down. It's bought out the worst in people and now it's mostly used to spread hate, agenders or destroy people's lives. A modern day weapon to virtually bully people.

I don't understand how this shit hasn't been shut down or blocked by governments.

I bet a lot of these miserable people online are skipping meds, therapy and doctors visits because they (and their family) think them spending all day interacting with the online community is a saviour.

Maybe if everything hums along great. Maybe not if the people replying are grilling the content creator.

I bet for a shit load of them, it just masks the real issue.

I read the thread earlier today and only jumped to the end, but I remember it having to do with a GF who said no to marriage. I don't know if that is actually the root cause, but if it is, again its a social media thing. Why would you do this all this shit online?


So was this guy about to be accused of something? I assumed that was why Anthony Bourdain killed hisself.


Social media is a love-hate relationship.

Love because it's a giant repository of limitless knowledge and allows you to express yourself in creative ways and experience new things you may not have before, and easily make new friends.

Hate because it also constantly exposes you to pieces of shit who perpetually spout awful or misleading things, argue in bad faith, try to make money from tragedy, and act generally hostile and combative to even the most innocuous things. If you frequent Twitter or something, you're introduced to a new shitheel everyday against your will, and it's worse if you're a public figure. Hell, even here on GAF, I see a new member acting like a dumb twat every other visit.

And in first-world countries, you can't just ignore the internet, because it's becoming a more important utility with each passing day, especially due to a global pandemic preventing people from even going outside.


Gold Member
Trying to measure my words wisely...I know the feeling of being inside out, where good things cause you pain and vice-versa. I'm grateful I was able to put all focus on a plant and video games and that saved me with the help of some powerful medications. I don't know what else to say. The voices and your feelings are a lie. You must experience rebirth. Don't give up and especially don't put your hope in other people.


One of if not the only reason he killed himself is he was "MeTooed" by his sometimes Twitch partner, Janelle “IndieFoxx” Dagres (Elle Chu) ,who also has an OnlyFans account;


She posted this on TwitLonger


":( I didn't sleep with him so he ruined my career
I never thought anyone would ever listen so I never spoke, he was so popular.
I was just a leech after the fact. Why would anyone care what I have to say.
It was intimidating. I was just a small streamer back then maybe 200 viewers.
I also didn't want to come forward because I didn't want to be known as "that chick" the rape chick or whatever.... I wanted to be known for my music, thats all I ever wanted.

Its been years now, maybe they've changed. So I feel this is a safe space to talk about it. I'm not going to mention who it was, and don't want you to attack them, but I want to tell my story.

It was my first Twitchcon. I was so excited, meeting everyone was so fun and amazing. Or so I thought. My first day hanging in line with streamer friends we met the literally coolest streamers on Twitch and they invited us to hangout XDDD. I felt so cool lulll I couldn't believe it. LMAO. I mean you could imagine if you were hanging out with the "Ninja" of the time. I had butterflies up to my neck, I was so nervous. And everyone seemed so nice. They invited us to their room cuz they wanted to clean up etc.

I'm in the restroom, he comes up from behind me while I'm not paying attention and kisses my neck... I freak out and am like "uhhh wtf are you doing!" he is like oh I didn't know you seemed into me.. I didn't show anything about me that I was into him other than I was being a nice human being.

Later that day I ask the crew does anyone have an extra bed or somewhere I can sleep, cuz I don't want to drive an hour home, he says we have an extra bed, but you should sleep in mine and he was real pushy about it. I accept the extra bed in his friends room, and reject his request. Later that day his gf or ex gf comes to sleep with him... I'm like WTF lmaoo like was this foo thinking he was gonna sleep with me and his gf or something?.... I don't tell her cuz idk I don't wanna fuck up his shit with her. Thats just all around awkward.
(Turns out after the con I googled a bit about him and I guess he ruined some other girl career by having a 3 some with her and bragged about it to his fan base.. ) YIKES

Anyhow long story short he pretends to be friends during con we all get breakfast and dinner daily and hangout. I'm assuming he realized it wasn't gonna happen, pretty much implies to his chat of 50 thousand ppl I'm a leech, I asked him to defend me he said no, not my problem, why u so affected? Oh all u care about is viewers. No dude I think anyone would be affected after someone they looked up to just ruined their Twitch dreams and career to thousands of people, because he couldn't get in my pants. After con everyone was going to Tacos, he mentions it to me but doesn't invite me cuz he says why would I want to hang with you. You're just a leech.... :( I'm like uhh we all hung out the last 3 days wuttt. Idk maybe its Bi polar but no offense he was arrogant, self centered and now mean/fake, he could care less about anyone but himself is what I learned in the brief time I got to know him.. His Twitch name made complete sense tbh. & I finally knew why he felt alone in the world. Before I empathized, but now I don't. Because he pushes everyone away that tries to care and tries to be nice. Even pushed away his nice Ex gf, she was a sweetie, I loved her. I felt bad for her being in love with a monster. Cuz I knew what he was. A cheating lying scumbag using her for sex.

Its funny he even managed to turn, we'll call him "Italian", against me. At con we were smoking weed and he was cradling me like a baby. Was really sweet. 2 weeks later I see him on that guys stream, and him and "Italian" are going off on how I'm a such leech??? Like wuuuttt. I got the vibe "Italian" is just a fake ass kiss to these big streamers from then on.. I was really sad cuz I loved "Italian" and thought he was really funny and his personality seemed beautiful. Until he I saw that... I never did anything to "Italian", never streamed with him, never asked him a thing, just spent a moment that I thought was awesome. But guess not.

At my first Twitchcon I just realized everyone is fake. And if you're wondering for weeks/ years I could never stream with another streamer without being called a super leech.. All because I wouldn't get in bed with him. So yeah thats why I didn't stream with other ppl. It wasn't cuz I didn't want to, it was because he damaged my reputation so hard, I couldn't. Its why I don't go on Rajj to this day. I got ptsd from streaming with streamers for years and having random of ppl call me a leech for no reason in any chat I went, even if I said hi. I'm slowly coming out my shell now but with only streamers that actually support me and care about me.

But yeah don't bother calling him out, its not my intention, he doesn't really stream much now anyways. This is just a more common story than you think."

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I was thinking of ending my life recently. I don't know what's sadder. The fact he felt so bad that in his mind this was the best option... or the fact that he possibly could be in my position and glad that he didn't go through with it. It's fucked up when you're not thinking straight and at any given time you can have that moment when you just "do it". He's also one of the few streamers I've ever cared to watch and I used to follow his WoW career back when I used to play WoW myself. What a damn shame.


One of if not the only reason he killed himself is he was "MeTooed" by his sometimes Twitch partner, Janelle “IndieFoxx” Dagres (Elle Chu) ,who also has an OnlyFans account;


She posted this on TwitLonger


":( I didn't sleep with him so he ruined my career
I never thought anyone would ever listen so I never spoke, he was so popular.
I was just a leech after the fact. Why would anyone care what I have to say.
It was intimidating. I was just a small streamer back then maybe 200 viewers.
I also didn't want to come forward because I didn't want to be known as "that chick" the rape chick or whatever.... I wanted to be known for my music, thats all I ever wanted.

Its been years now, maybe they've changed. So I feel this is a safe space to talk about it. I'm not going to mention who it was, and don't want you to attack them, but I want to tell my story.

It was my first Twitchcon. I was so excited, meeting everyone was so fun and amazing. Or so I thought. My first day hanging in line with streamer friends we met the literally coolest streamers on Twitch and they invited us to hangout XDDD. I felt so cool lulll I couldn't believe it. LMAO. I mean you could imagine if you were hanging out with the "Ninja" of the time. I had butterflies up to my neck, I was so nervous. And everyone seemed so nice. They invited us to their room cuz they wanted to clean up etc.

I'm in the restroom, he comes up from behind me while I'm not paying attention and kisses my neck... I freak out and am like "uhhh wtf are you doing!" he is like oh I didn't know you seemed into me.. I didn't show anything about me that I was into him other than I was being a nice human being.

Later that day I ask the crew does anyone have an extra bed or somewhere I can sleep, cuz I don't want to drive an hour home, he says we have an extra bed, but you should sleep in mine and he was real pushy about it. I accept the extra bed in his friends room, and reject his request. Later that day his gf or ex gf comes to sleep with him... I'm like WTF lmaoo like was this foo thinking he was gonna sleep with me and his gf or something?.... I don't tell her cuz idk I don't wanna fuck up his shit with her. Thats just all around awkward.
(Turns out after the con I googled a bit about him and I guess he ruined some other girl career by having a 3 some with her and bragged about it to his fan base.. ) YIKES

Anyhow long story short he pretends to be friends during con we all get breakfast and dinner daily and hangout. I'm assuming he realized it wasn't gonna happen, pretty much implies to his chat of 50 thousand ppl I'm a leech, I asked him to defend me he said no, not my problem, why u so affected? Oh all u care about is viewers. No dude I think anyone would be affected after someone they looked up to just ruined their Twitch dreams and career to thousands of people, because he couldn't get in my pants. After con everyone was going to Tacos, he mentions it to me but doesn't invite me cuz he says why would I want to hang with you. You're just a leech.... :( I'm like uhh we all hung out the last 3 days wuttt. Idk maybe its Bi polar but no offense he was arrogant, self centered and now mean/fake, he could care less about anyone but himself is what I learned in the brief time I got to know him.. His Twitch name made complete sense tbh. & I finally knew why he felt alone in the world. Before I empathized, but now I don't. Because he pushes everyone away that tries to care and tries to be nice. Even pushed away his nice Ex gf, she was a sweetie, I loved her. I felt bad for her being in love with a monster. Cuz I knew what he was. A cheating lying scumbag using her for sex.

Its funny he even managed to turn, we'll call him "Italian", against me. At con we were smoking weed and he was cradling me like a baby. Was really sweet. 2 weeks later I see him on that guys stream, and him and "Italian" are going off on how I'm a such leech??? Like wuuuttt. I got the vibe "Italian" is just a fake ass kiss to these big streamers from then on.. I was really sad cuz I loved "Italian" and thought he was really funny and his personality seemed beautiful. Until he I saw that... I never did anything to "Italian", never streamed with him, never asked him a thing, just spent a moment that I thought was awesome. But guess not.

At my first Twitchcon I just realized everyone is fake. And if you're wondering for weeks/ years I could never stream with another streamer without being called a super leech.. All because I wouldn't get in bed with him. So yeah thats why I didn't stream with other ppl. It wasn't cuz I didn't want to, it was because he damaged my reputation so hard, I couldn't. Its why I don't go on Rajj to this day. I got ptsd from streaming with streamers for years and having random of ppl call me a leech for no reason in any chat I went, even if I said hi. I'm slowly coming out my shell now but with only streamers that actually support me and care about me.

But yeah don't bother calling him out, its not my intention, he doesn't really stream much now anyways. This is just a more common story than you think."



So sad to hear, as a WoW player Wreckful was the first person to hit 3K in Arena PVP and inspired me back in the day to climb.

His brother also committed suicide a long time ago, I wonder if something like this is hereditary. Rest in peace.
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Didnt know them but this really sucks, and yes you really need to be wary with the internet if you have depression. I'm on 3 different sets of medication for depression and anxiety, and i have closed down Facebook, and i would do with Twitter if i couldnt log onto it anyway (Twitter is currently glitched for me). Even this place can really effect me at times, which is the reason why i stay out of certain topics on here now (like the 'next gen' thread, obvious console war threads). I still get dragged into it often, partially my fault, but i'm really trying to 'walk away' now most of the time, or try to make it lighthearted with gifs or memes etc.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I hate this. I used to watch him way back when Twitch was still getting off the ground. He was a cool guy. I'm sorry to see that he ended up in such a lonely place mentally. It just goes to show that success and friends isn't always enough to keep someone out of dark places.

It did make me smile though to see so many tributes from the WoW community and other content creators. He clearly touched alot of lives.


Reckful was a lot more than a Wow streamer, he was one of the grandfathers of streaming, he basically invented the donation system. He was bipolar and suicidal as long as I knew him as a streamer, the fucked up thing was that he was getting better but this fucking pandemic forced him to stay inside which really affected this mood swings. Fuck everything about this.


Feel bad for him, the poor girl that has this weight on her shoulders after being put on the spot like that for everyone to see.

Saw a stream clip from this week or so I think that he was kinda venting and chat was just going off on him telling him to kill himself. I don’t know why humans have to be such pieces of shit.

Deep life rant below

We all have dark days, weeks, months being constantly berated and shitted on definitely doesn’t make it any easier. There’s resources out there but I know the feeling of just feeling so helpless. Always just gotta look at the bigger picture there’s always someone out there ready to help and give love, family, friends, even some random person on the internet could change your day you literally never know unless you keep pushing on.


It cannot be stated enough, if you feel depressed and have suicidal thoughts, talk to a doctor, seek professional help.

This is the only thing that works. You cannot battle it yourself.

It still may be a long process but you will be able to feel better in the end.

Edit: Also ffs cut off all interactions on soclal media with toxic people, and shitheels who wish you harm. Ideally, stay away from those platforms altogether.
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Never heard of this guy. Looking at his apartment videos, did he make all the money from just streaming?
I remember watching him and Soda Poppin on twitch traveling in Tokyo. It was so entertaining and funny. He seemed to be happy and having fun.

Very sad.

Kagey K

Fucking gross, but it’s what he wanted.

If you want to be a public figure you don’t get to choose where and when.

It sad it came to this though.


Twitch needs to take responsibility over the toxicity of their platform. The chat is horrible unhealthy environment.
So sad to hear, as a WoW player Wreckful was the first person to hit 3K in Arena PVP and inspired me back in the day to climb.

His brother also committed suicide a long time ago, I wonder if something like this is hereditary. Rest in peace.

As a Christian, a lot of people need Jesus in their lives. You see the whole world/life in another perspective. Jesus can give you peace that nothing else can. You begin to understand why you exist and that He has a purpose and plan for anybody who seeks him. Jesus will give you eternal life and is in ultimate control of your life if you'll allow Him to be.

I just felt like i needed to say this. Not trying to offend anyone or preach a sermon.
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