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WSJ: Trump's new strategy is to suppress the Clinton vote

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The MSM over-reacted to the story (lets not pretend anyone didn't think Trump already was like that), but Trump is in-turn over-reacting himself. If he waited a week he'd be back @ to being 4-5 points behind and have a feasibly (albeit small) chance of winning.

Totally wrong, you are.


Gold Member
So...there's 0% chance he can win, right?

I want to believe this, but a week before Brexit, some folks were saying the same thing.

If you haven't already done so. REGISTER TO VOTE...it may be a deadline today in your state (if you are in the U.S.)


force push the doodoo rock
In other words, the reaction to throwing Hillary in jail got a better responce from their base than they expected.
Let's not forget that national polling doesn't mean anything when it comes down to the electoral college. You can talk about Brexit but right now the polling would have to be wrong in every swing state for Trump to win


Nah, he's just upset that she's being too direct.

This guy is 100% complicit. He supports these people.

Trump was talking about shit like this months ago, he should have spoken up then. When Trump was saying they need to send people out there to watch the polls, he should have put that fire out right then and there.


Uh... going full batshit is only going to make us more terrified of a Trump presidency and more likely to vote against him.
How is this surprising, the democrats are trying to demobilize religious and other republicans as well. This is what you do when there is a set of people that will never vote for you, you make sure their candidate is seen as being toxic to their core values.


This isn't a strategy. This is a dying animal flailing around desperately.

Anyone who advised him to do this, or anyone who thinks this will work, needs their head examined.


I just registered to vote after seeing this thread. I'm in NY, so I'm probably not going to be swinging any elections, but I want to symbolically stick it to Trump and the GOP tire fire next month.


Trump loses we won't hear the end of him or his racist hate feeding.

He'll always have his rediculous excuses that feed his supporters.

The polls will be rigged blah blah

Unless everything magically gets better he won't stop pestering how bad f a job Hilary is going and be like "see. I would never let that happen."

I think if he became president and fuck up royally that would be the only SMALLEST chance he would shut up
What he should do is strongly imply he's dropping out and then disappear for the next month. People will think HRC is an easy win and will stay home. His core will still vote for him anyway.
I just registered to vote after seeing this thread. I'm in NY, so I'm probably not going to be swinging any elections, but I want to symbolically stick it to Trump and the GOP tire fire next month.

Thank you. This isn't just about rejecting trump, we have to stand together and vote against this type of hate.


What he should do is strongly imply he's dropping out and then disappear for the next month. People will think HRC is an easy win and will stay home. His core will still vote for him anyway.

The RNC and Republican congress lenders would be livid. And people would still vote Clinton for the symbolism of it all. And she's very a full month to discuss get platform with adults.

That would be all of my eldest dreams coming true at the same time, so it week never happen.



A major component of that remaining 20% is time, as their models allow for the possibility that polls will change before election day. The now-cast is what the estimates are should the election be held today (or put differently, should polls flat line where they are until election day). His chances there are 12% and dropping. (Comparing the polls only to the now-cast.)
What he should do is strongly imply he's dropping out and then disappear for the next month. People will think HRC is an easy win and will stay home. His core will still vote for him anyway.

I fail to see how Trump "pretending" to drop out would only depress Clinton voters.


How are increasingly nasty attacks on Clinton going to "depress the Democratic voter turnout?"

"Both sides" -- that's the narrative Trump can push. Convince enough "moderate" voters that they have to choose between a douchebag and a turd sandwich and maybe they'll stay home (or protest vote). Then it's just faithful vs. faithful and maybe he's got a chance.
I fail to see how Trump "pretending" to drop out would only depress Clinton voters.

Trump has loser-stench. There's nothing that he can do to wash it off.
Just like Hillary can't wash off demon stench.
People are going to be more supportive of Hillary as the month goes on because they will want to be on the side of the clear winner.

A month out with the polls the way they are, the only thing Trump can do is salvage down-ballot races but he's decided to have his base, the only people who are still with him, declare war on them. This could be a history-shifting election in favor of the Democrats.
Everyone is more interested in this election because of Trump. If this was just HRC vs two third party candidates no one has heard of before, no one would pay attention. The best Trump can do is disappear. People will absolutely lose interest in the race and some will stay home because they figure its a wash. Not saying he'll have a chance that way, but I don't see any other way to improve his points, short of getting his supporters to go on mass murder sprees in dem districts.
Are there any specifics to how Trump is going to suppress clinton's vote?

Doesn't appear to be mentioned in OP and article is behind a paywall

amplify his no-holds-barred attacks against Hillary Clinton

Doesn't seem like much of a strategy


Well that's not gonna work. My Republican husband (don't ask), who has never liked Clinton (don't ask), came home today and told me he was voting for her because "Trump is the worst."


A major component of that remaining 20% is time, as their models allow for the possibility that polls will change before election day. The now-cast is what the estimates are should the election be held today (or put differently, should polls flat line where they are until election day). His chances there are 12% and dropping. (Comparing the polls only to the now-cast.)
And let's not forget fivethirtyeight estimates conservatively compared to other forecasts.
I was thinking earlier today that the only way for Hillary to lose this would be appearing in an ISIS video or something. Now I think that may not be out of the realm of possibility if trump's editors crudely edit her into one.


I was thinking earlier today that the only way for Hillary to lose this would be appearing in an ISIS video or something. Now I think that may not be out of the realm of possibility if trump's editors crudely edit her into one.

Well she founded ISIS so she may appear in a few of their videos.


The worrying thing is that he still has a pretty solid base of deplorables he can count on... So please go vote people.


The worrying thing is that he still has a pretty solid base of deplorables he can count on... So please go vote people.

Listen, I've voted in every election since I've been eligible. I have never been so fired up to vote for anyone. I don't care if Hillary goes up +20 points. I will be there to vote against this fascist, racist, sexist, PIG of a man-baby.
Listen, I've voted in every election since I've been eligible. I have never been so fired up to vote for anyone. I don't care if Hillary goes up +20 points. I will be there to vote against this fascist, racist, sexist, PIG of a man-baby.

Your job is to now get others to feel the same way. Please.


My conservative brother and sister in law are sitting this election out.
It's promising to hear about the long time republicans sitting it out or even voting democrat but I also worry about hearing the long time never-voters coming out for Trump.

There might be plenty of people like my in laws haven't participated in elections for decades and are finally getting out for Trump for the exact reasons you can probably guess a deplorable would be extra motivated by Trump..

So we all gotta do our part since even though the numbers seem heavily in favor of Clinton, we can't really be sure how Trump will perform when it comes down to it. "Polling among likely voters" definitely would exclude some deplorables I know actually voting this year.


My conservative brother and sister in law are sitting this election out.
My father, who basically also controls my mother's vote, is not voting for the first time since 1980. He's a die hard republican.

I have been conservative in the past and consider myself a moderate now, but I am utterly galvanized into voting for Hillary this year.
Pretty much every rally now they are telling their supporters to go to other communities and watch the polls.

They are pushing the voter intimidation hard.
They better not come around my neighborhood. East Los Angeles is predominately Mexican-American, especially the area I live, fools like Trump supporters bustin in and trying to catch "voting fraud" wouldn't make it far without getting their asses kicked (and we got gangs here too).
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