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WSJ: Trump's new strategy is to suppress the Clinton vote

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They better not come around my neighborhood. East Los Angeles is predominately Mexican-American, especially the area I live, fools like Trump supporters bustin in and trying to catch "voting fraud" wouldn't make it far without getting their asses kicked (and we got gangs here too).

Wouldn't surprise me if many of them are armed, even if they aren't allowed to be.

Seriously guys don't get into anything with any of these people. Just ignore them as best you can and cast your vote. These will be the craziest fish out of a big ol barrel of crazy, nothing good can come of tangling with them.


Wouldn't surprise me if many of them are armed, even if they aren't allowed to be.

Seriously guys don't get into anything with any of these people. Just ignore them as best you can and cast your vote. These will be the craziest fish out of a big ol barrel of crazy, nothing good can come of tangling with them.

fine, i'll just call the cops on them
There are not going to be mass amount of armed people going to polling stations on November 8th, guys. For the love of god. Some of you really buy so much into Trump's bullshit way more than I think you even realize.


Isn't this pretty much the standard republican strategy, but amplified? The shit slinging they've been doing for decades is to disgust normal people, as well as disenfranchise minorities, so they tune out and stay home on election day. That's why there are so many "both parties are the same" and "my vote doesn't matter" people. The only difference this time is they know people hate their guy, so the only chance they have is to try and make as many people hate Hillary just as much or more.


I remember in 2012, here in Orlando my voting precinct had a bomb threat (minority suburb) wouldn't be surprised if that tactic picks up this year.
Oh Lord, I hope that I can survive the great Trump uprising of 2016. I hope our police and military can suppress this incredible menace

Dude Abides

This is really his only option. He's not going to get new supporters at this point, and Hillary doesn't exactly fire up a lot of Dems and Dem leaners. It's a Hail Mary but it's his only chance.

Also I wouldn't be too worried about widespread voter suppression (though there will probably be some nasty ugly incidents) simply because he doesn't have the organization.
There is no way you say what he is saying without evidence, which they WILL create to serve their bullshit.

I'm sure we're going to see some kind of 'bus footage' where they try to claim they caught this BS magic bus that's driving around all the illegals to vote multiple times.


my whole family find trump disgusting, but are voting for him anyways because they buy in 100% to the 'Hilary is a literal criminal, and also abortion is worse than white supremacy' thing


It's basically his only strategy atm.

God I hope he and his team of 'best men' are more prepared for the next bomb that will probably drop in the next few days.
Trump loses we won't hear the end of him or his racist hate feeding.

He'll always have his rediculous excuses that feed his supporters.

Posted from another thread:

He'll never concede. This will be his Birther 2. He'll keep feeding the conspiracy that Clinton is an illegitimate president for years and years and use his pals on the far right to discredit her with wild conspiracy theories. He's a nasty, vindictive orange asshole who will continue to embarrass New Yorkers until he drops dead of a massive coronary.


This is really his only option. He's not going to get new supporters at this point, and Hillary doesn't exactly fire up a lot of Dems and Dem leaners. It's a Hail Mary but it's his only chance.

Also I wouldn't be too worried about widespread voter suppression (though there will probably be some nasty ugly incidents) simply because he doesn't have the organization.

Yep. This is game theory. He has calculated that he has no chance of winning the election using the conventional strategy of appealing to the middle (based on scandal after scandal). So, his only hope is to (a) drive up turnout among the people that will vote for him no matter what, and (b) depress turnout by saying as many nasty things about Hillary as possible and hope that some of them stick. He accomplishes that by going back to Primary Donald, which successfully employed that strategy.

It's still a very long shot -- and he likely knows that. But it's better than what he is doing now, so he's gonna give it a shot. The next 3 weeks are going to be a very tiresome time. I can already see it in my social media feeds. After days of near silence from Trump supporters I'm starting to see things creep back into my feed. He's going all in, folks.
Yep. This is game theory. He has calculated that he has no chance of winning the election using the conventional strategy of appealing to the middle (based on scandal after scandal). So, his only hope is to (a) drive up turnout among the people that will vote for him no matter what, and (b) depress turnout by saying as many nasty things about Hillary as possible and hope that some of them stick. He accomplishes that by going back to Primary Donald, which successfully employed that strategy.

It's still a very long shot -- and he likely knows that. But it's better than what he is doing now, so he's gonna give it a shot. The next 3 weeks are going to be a very tiresome time. I can already see it in my social media feeds. After days of near silence from Trump supporters I'm starting to see things creep back into my feed. He's going all in, folks.

It's not going to help him anymore than what he's doing now honestly, because it's not all that radically different than what he's always done. Even in his more medicated phases his campaign has always been insult-driven and based almost entirely about making Hillary look bad. It won't help him. Going back to 'primary Trump' is just going to increase his narrative as a bully and dick. It won't so shit, it'll do even more harm than anything.


Yep. This is game theory. He has calculated that he has no chance of winning the election using the conventional strategy of appealing to the middle (based on scandal after scandal). So, his only hope is to (a) drive up turnout among the people that will vote for him no matter what, and (b) depress turnout by saying as many nasty things about Hillary as possible and hope that some of them stick. He accomplishes that by going back to Primary Donald, which successfully employed that strategy.

It's still a very long shot -- and he likely knows that. But it's better than what he is doing now, so he's gonna give it a shot. The next 3 weeks are going to be a very tiresome time. I can already see it in my social media feeds. After days of near silence from Trump supporters I'm starting to see things creep back into my feed. He's going all in, folks.

Giving Trump WAY, WAY too much credit here.

This is just a man who doesn't know how to win, but super doesn't know how to lose (funny as he's been doing it his whole life and never learned how to not make it worse for himself)

More than likely he never really intended to get this far, it worked better than he could have imagined, thought for a moment "hey maybe this is real" then stepped in his shit a million times and realized "oh yeah I'm Donald Trump... schwang wang wang"

And now his deepest insecurities are coming to light as even his feeble lackeys in the GOP admit, yeah you are fucked and we can't have this.

So now he is just lashing out, not in any kind of strategy, just cause he is a bitch and thats all he knows how to do. Shit on everyone so he can crawl back in his hole and tell himself that once again everything isn't his fault.

Now perhaps people around Trump have cooked up insane strategies like this, clearly Bannon and Ailes and whoever are stroking his hate boner. But lets not pretend Trump himself has any idea what he is doing.
Giving Trump WAY, WAY too much credit here.

This is just a man who doesn't know how to win, but super doesn't know how to lose (funny as he's been doing it his whole life and never learned how to not make it worse for himself)

More than likely he never really intended to get this far, it worked better than he could have imagined, thought for a moment "hey maybe this is real" then stepped in his shit a million times and realized "oh yeah I'm Donald Trump... schwang wang wang"

And now his deepest insecurities are coming to light as even his feeble lackeys in the GOP admit, yeah you are fucked and we can't have this.

So now he is just lashing out, not in any kind of strategy, just cause he is a bitch and thats all he knows how to do. Shit on everyone so he can crawl back in his hole and tell himself that once again everything isn't his fault.

Now perhaps people around Trump have cooked up insane strategies like this, clearly Bannon and Ailes and whoever are stroking his hate boner. But lets not pretend Trump himself has any idea what he is doing.

fine, i'll just call the cops on them

Everytime I've voted, there was a police presence already(every time since I registered, at least), a couple of cop cars parked in front and officers outside sipping coffee(voting place gives out free coffee and cookies) and chatting with some of the residents. Inside, everything's(checking off names, handing out and collecting ballots, as well as handing out those "I Voted" stickers) handled by elderly ladies.
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