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X-Com: Enemy Unknown Ironman Challenge [On Again For 2012]

Mindlog said:
Sorting through old screenshots. I remember this one being weird.


A negative 266m rating is met with disapproval and more funding.
Reminds me of the Iraq war. The one with no WMDs, oodles of casualties and Saddam in a hole with a bunch of Snickers bars. Lots of funding increases amid disapproval for that one. :D


I've been getting ready to start a playthrough. I have a setup I've enjoyed using.

It's just simply amazing that UFOLoader and XComUtil have still been receiving updates.

I'm redoing an install using XComUtil, another install will be primarily UFOLoaders, one of my classic installs (UFOFix) and finally a combination of all 3. The only thing I know I want for certain is -1 manufacturing and PS1 music.

I'm feeling the itch to start more general modding as well. I want P-Com.
DennisK4 said:
I always get very attached to a few of my guys/gals. Its a big part of the game for me.

Yeah, me too. Except the only way I can ever finish the game is to suck it up and stop caring about the poor bastards. Otherwise I just keep restarting over and over.

Currently I have a Captain and a Sergeant who are both called Tetsuo. If they die I don't know how I'll go on ;_;


Hadn't played this one in something like 14 years. Started a game up last night and reminded myself how to play/work the UI/etc. I did OK on missions, but totally screwed up my base and research until I remembered how I liked to get things started in the old days.

I think I'm going to try and start a serious playthrough when I get home in the morning. The game still has that old "just one more turn/battle" magic it always had.


Running XComUtil + Extender together.

All I have left is to fix the music I somehow effed up.

My previous version of X-Com UFO Gold will be retired after 5+ years of faithful service.


Mindlog said:
Running XComUtil + Extender together.

All I have left is to fix the music I somehow effed up.

My previous version of X-Com UFO Gold will be retired after 5+ years of faithful service.

To change the midi music to MP3 download the music first:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/666433/xcom_MP3.zip (238mb)
extract the zip into your xcom folder, open up UFOExtender.ini, search for:
Change "Apply=0" to "Apply=1", you're done!

Found that on Steam forums, music works well!
Gotta tell you guys I'm loving the stories and write ups. I loved X-Com but don't have the time to play right now. I'll read your stories becuse they play out just like they did in my mind as a youngster.
Has anyone else found the Steam (i.e. dosbox) version has a lot of UI lag? The geoscape is like a slideshow for me, and the battlescape gets pretty nasty when there are a lot of animated sprites on screen. I'm at max cpu cycles and 0 frameskip but it's still really laggy.


jim-jam bongs said:
Has anyone else found the Steam (i.e. dosbox) version has a lot of UI lag? The geoscape is like a slideshow for me, and the battlescape gets pretty nasty when there are a lot of animated sprites on screen. I'm at max cpu cycles and 0 frameskip but it's still really laggy.

Again from the steam forums, I use it and it works fine.

New or just coming back to Xcom: Ufo defense?
Unhappy with the Dosbox version of Xcom?
This patch could be for you!

These patches fix bugs, and generally enhancing the game without losing the original feel.

1 - Download the steam version as normal
(Or use a normal retail version of Xcom: Ufo defense, skip to part 4)

2 - Delete everything apart from the "Xcom" folder found in:
"steam/steamapps/common/xcom ufo defense"

3 - Move everything from inside the Xcom folder to:
"steam/steamapps/common/xcom ufo defense"

4 - Download this and extract everything into that folder:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/666433/xcome...03_03_2010.zip (757kb)

You're done! Now to play just run Xcom from steam as normal or open up the Dosbox.exe file
(Its not really dosbox, it's just named that so Steam will pick it up!)
I can confirm this works perfectly on Windows 7 64bit and Windows XP 32bit.
(If you have any troubles with the game make sure you have this installed first:
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...displaylang=en )

More information about the fixes included in the download can be found here:

Edit 03 April 2010: Animation speeds are perfect, you can now play in windowed mode, mouse cursor issue fixed, use mouse scroll to control zoom level in the geoscape and viewing different levels in the battlescape.
Check post below for how to play windowed and changing the music to the MP3s instead!
(Be warned, switching between windowed and fullscreen mode without restarting your pc has lead to problems.)


Unconfirmed Member
Gexecuter said:
I'll update later oh and i am taking a brand new batch of gaffers with me :D

Sign me up! I've always fancied myself a X-Com specialist.

I'm more of a Jagged Alliance player.. I do remember spending countless hours playing the X-Com:TFTD demo though..the game terrified me as a kid. Thread is awesome btw!
Great thread, i'm feeling very nostalgic :)

Could someone conscript me into the XCom rank and file, please?

This old Rebelstar soldier wants to help kill some Alien scum... or die on the loading ramp of a shuttle as is more likely.
Wow...why didn't anyone tell me about the awesome music from the PSX version before. It's amazing! Thanks for posting the links from the Steam forum. No more annoying input lag and the minor additions such as mouse wheel support are also very nice.

Edit: Oh, the footsteps just paned from left to right. Stereo support!!


Jakeh111 said:
Found that on Steam forums, music works well!

Yeah, I was trying to get it to work with the original loader music. Thanks for the link it will make it much easier.

Sign me up for X-Com service. Just give me a flying suit and alien grenades.

I wish PocketUFO was still getting updated.

Had a quick opportunity to test it out. UFO Loader's MP3 works just fine on every PC except mine!

The Music Patch works fine with UFO Extender. It will pass through Util as well, but with no music (it doesn't work.)

So I've nailed it down to some oddity with my computer. I have some ideas, but it's quite a bit of bother to test. For some reason Loader's approach to the MP3 patch crashes every time.


Midi music will have to suffice on this PC, because otherwise this is the perfect combination of tweaks and it works from a USB Flash Drive. More sneaking in turns during the day :lol
I've finally got on top of this game now. I broke the rules by loading up a save from one of my aborted games, before a terror mission that I'd failed spectacularly (first one in the game), but after squeezing through that (see screenshot, I'd saved in a bad position with only 8 troops to use - 1 came through!) I've been kicking ass and doing great.


This was a horrible mission. I'd just returned from a piss poor UFO capture and lost a load of men. More were on the way when a terror mission poppued up in Nairobi. Over a day for new troops, so I had to go or take the penalty. Actually went pretty good, but I got fucked over towards the end. There was a cyberdisc behind some houses just sitting there, and it was nigh on impossible to get near it without it shooting me with reaction time because it was never using any time units to actually move. I lost four men trying to even get near to the fucking thing.

I fluked it in the end. My high ranking captain found himself in a weird position where he could see the cyberdisc, but the square where its gun was was hidden so it couldn't shoot him. So he had to stand on this one safe square and shoot it. Sounds easy, right? Umm, I'd run low on laser rifles. As he was the CO I intended to keep him way back so only gave him a crappy normal ballistic rifle. He couldn't move to get a better gun or he'd likely get reaction shot. So he he had to stand there and shoot this fucking thing with pretty much the worst gun in the game. It took an entire mag and about four turns to kill it. All this and that wasn't even the last enemy - luckily some of the remaining civilians attracted the last two aliens on a killing spree and I could get behind them and shut them up for good.

Thankfully that was the low point, and I've not got some awesome troops. I've really taken the whole scout/snipers idea to heart and it's paid off big time. I use my mediocre recruits as scouts/cannon fodder. I'd always thought before you had to have the red little square to accurately hit enemies, and never thought of using a crap unit to spot and a sniper miles away to kill. Doing so has resulted in several monster snipers who can get a bullseye sitting under the skyranger 10 miles away. On average I've only lost a single man out of the last 10 or so UFO captures, and even then most of the time I can take out a fully populated large scout with no casualties.

Some weird stuff that's happened on the way:


Easiest level ever? Nope, my rookie took the first shot and it hit the alien but didn't kill it. The one single alien on the level that was sitting like a fish in a barrel, promptly turned around and killed him instantly. Gah.


This was the start of a level. Weirdly there was a dead alien in the equipment selection for everyone. I suppose I should have taken it for a bonus corpse (and thus $s), but I was worried it would crash the game or something like so many XCOM bugs.

At the moment I'm doing great, snakmen have just shown up, but I've got plasma rifles now, and lucked out on somehow capturing a sectoid navigator (I have no idea when I did this, I noticed some live aliens on a floater terror mission so thoguht to check my research list and found a sectoid I must have gotten some time before) so now hyperwave decoders are coming. I also just discovered an alien base right on the tip of Florida. Maybe it's those nice aliens from Cocoon looking for some old people.


I just finished my very first mission and have gained some nice loot from it. With only 1 lab and a work force of 21 researchers, what should i develop fist to make killing aliens easier?
I went straight to research Heavy Plasma (with ammo) but i wonder if the game applies research and development time in relation to the tech level of an item. For example, Heavy Plasma being above Plasma Rifles in the tech tree, is the R&D time longer respectively to the level of the tech? Would be stupid to go for Heavy Plasma in the early game if it takes ages to get it done...
Plasma Rifles should do fine unless some heavy armor dudes come up, i guess...

[ how things look after 1st mission ]:

loot overview....i am positively surprised :)

I am kinda worried it will take too long with my few researchers...



Shred0r said:
I just finished my very first mission and have gained some nice loot from it. With only 1 lab and a work force of 21 researchers, what should i develop fist to make killing aliens easier?
I went straight to research Heavy Plasma (with ammo) but i wonder if the game applies research and development time in relation to the tech level of an item. For example, Heavy Plasma being above Plasma Rifles in the tech tree, is the R&D time longer respectively to the level of the tech? Would be stupid to go for Heavy Plasma in the early game if it takes ages to get it done...
Plasma Rifles should do fine unless some heavy armor dudes come up, i guess...
Look into Laser powered weaponry to start. They're pretty fast to research, and though they're not as powerful as plasma weapons they don't consume ammo. They'll eventually become good backup weapons for you if you run low on ammo due to low elirium stores. They're decent weapons to use until you can get enough plasmas for your crew.
Yeah, researching Heavy Plasma first is a really high risk gamble. If it pays off then you've given yourself a massive step up on the aliens. If it doesn't then you're going to be fighting tough as hell death machines with pea shooters.

HP takes ages to research, and as you're at the start of the game you probably won't have/be able to afford a second research base/group, so everything is held back until you get it, which includes missing out on medikits, armour, better guns, etc..

In one of my past games I went from lasers straight to HP and skipped the other plasma weapons, but lasers research so quickly (I dunno the exact figures, but you could probably get the entire lasers tree in a tenth of the time it takes to get HP) and offer such a boost (as well as being a good way of raising cash by selling excess ones) I pretty much always get them. If you do pull it off though, you'll be way ahead. Good luck!


So to rely on Plasma Tech right from the start throughout the whole game could be risky due to low elirium supply? Ok, but speaking of efficiency (power vs. costs (elirium etc.), is the Plasma Rifle better then the Heavy Plasma? IIRC, the rifle needs less AP for an aimed shot, therefore handles better in combat...

Is there a list on the net how long it takes to research & develop stuff? Would be quite useful for general proceeding in the R&D sector.


Shred0r said:
So to rely on Plasma Tech right from the start throughout the whole game could be risky due to low elirium supply? Ok, but speaking of efficiency (power vs. costs (elirium etc.), is the Plasma Rifle better then the Heavy Plasma? IIRC, the rifle needs less AP for an aimed shot, therefore handles better in combat...

Is there a list on the net how long it takes to research & develop stuff? Would be quite useful for general proceeding in the R&D sector.

No, to rely on HP so early is risky because of how long it will take to research. It just takes some experimentation to find what suits you best.

My first research project is usually the motion scanner. You need something to keep the manufacturing unit busy (building and selling) when they are not working on something important. Then I tech to laser rifles. It would take quite some time to complete the research on HP with only 21 scientists.

Later in the game I normally have enough scientists to just skip pistols and rifles in favor of Heavy Plasma.

This list you requested, but calibrated to 1 full laboratory (50 scientists.)
Heavy Plasma 800 16.0 days
Heavy Plasma Clip 400 8.0 days
Total: 1200 24.0 days [more than doubled with 21 scientists]

This time I will be playing with fixed Heavy Lasers. Can't wait to try those out. I'm strongly considering using the alternate laser tech. It makes the game harder and scavenging for weaponry becomes moderately more important. I'm normally selling excess inventory anyways. The alien assist research option looks great too.
Shred0r said:
So to rely on Plasma Tech right from the start throughout the whole game could be risky due to low elirium supply? Ok, but speaking of efficiency (power vs. costs (elirium etc.), is the Plasma Rifle better then the Heavy Plasma? IIRC, the rifle needs less AP for an aimed shot, therefore handles better in combat...

The best thing about the plasma rifle is that it has extremely accurate and cheap (in terms of TU's) snap shots. Good for using out in the open when your soldiers will be moving about a lot. The Heavy Plasma outdamages it and is better for stuff like clearing out UFO's.

If you're looking for cheap aimed shots, then the Laser rifle is king.
I would only use recovered plasma kit and not use elerium to manufacture clips myself and use laser rifles to fill the gaps. Elerium seems to not be an issue if playing on veteran level or higher, plenty of landed UFOs to capture.

In my game the USA and UK have sided with the Aliens so I guess that X-COM are now part of the axis of evil but I will soldier on. Morale is improved after a better daytime snakeman/crysalid terror attack and few less eventful UFO recoveries. I also have an enemy base in Europe that I am not sure what to do with. I sort of want some armour and medikits before trying it but not really sure if I should just chance my arm. I finally have alien alloys researched but it goes so sloooowly despite having 150 scientists.


XiaNaphryz said:
Look into Laser powered weaponry to start. They're pretty fast to research, and though they're not as powerful as plasma weapons they don't consume ammo. They'll eventually become good backup weapons for you if you run low on ammo due to low elirium stores. They're decent weapons to use until you can get enough plasmas for your crew.
The other neat thing about lasers is that they actually sell for more than they cost to manufacture. I don't bother with the FIRE-EVERYONE-BEFORE-THE-END-OF-THE-MONTH routine so I like to keep them busy.
Air Zombie Meat said:
If you're looking for cheap aimed shots, then the Laser rifle is king.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member

Things were doing okay, i had researched personal armor so i was feeling pretty good when a terror mission appeared near my base.


It was time to act and kick some ass.


Team Members: Acosta, MotorBreathX, Brashnir, Keikaku, Chopper Dave, Icarus Daedelus, Jay Sosa, StrummerJones, XiaNaphryz and LQX.

(Btw all team member's names are taken from people that have posted in this thread)


MotorBreathX: Sectoid and what appears to be a saucer spotted.



MotorBreathX: Sectoid down!


Keikaku: Got one, one more left! Need some backup!

Brashnir: I got your back.


Brashnir: Damn i missed!


Chopper Dave: Acosta as the captain of this team i am ordering you to blast that fool right now!


Acosta:I am on it , sir!



Acosta: I love blowing shit up!


MotorBreathX: Huh?!




MotorBreathX: I am gonna squat to death *dies*

Chopper Dave: Damn MotorBreathX is dead because he didn't use cover, let this be a lesson for ya all!


StrummerJones: Saucer spotted, i am gonna try to take it out!

Jay Sosa: I'll shoot it too!


Jay Sosa: Hell yeah!


Chopper Dave: Me and Brashnir will go around trought the north, the rest of you push forward towars the street.


Keikaku: Damn two saucers are right in the middle of the street.


Chopper Dave: I got my hands full right now so you'll have to take care of it on your own for now.


Chopper Dave: Damn sectoid spotted but no AP left, Brashnir save my ass or it's court martial for you!

Brashnir: Fuck i can't do miracles at this range!



Brashnir: I think i spoke too soon.

Chopper Dave: Good job.



Acosta: KEIKAKU NOOOO! I'll avenge you!


Acosta: Or not.





Jay Sosa: Saucer down!


Icarus Daedelus: Prepping grenade, here we go!




Icarus Daedelus: Got it!


Jay Sosa: Need backup!


StrummerJones: Don't worry i got him!



Brashnir: The coast looks clear.



Jay Sosa: We got one outside!


Chopper Dave:


This mission went a lot better than the last terror mission i had, still not a total success. Thankfully my benefactors didn't gave me too much heat because of the civilian losses.

Casualties: Acosta, MotorBreathX and Keikaku.
One of the best things about laser rifles is that you can sit back and use auto fire to level buildings without worrying about ammo. Clearing buildings by opening doors and triggering opportunity fire? Strictly for suckas.
So I tried out XComutil with the DOS version last night. I knew this thread would make me start up a new game :D Here's a quick writeup of a small ufo recovery mission I did:

After unloading my men I send the HWP out in front which draws a few bursts of reaction fire from 1 sectoid I can see and some others I can't. All but one shot miss, the HWP only takes minimal damage. One of my troops kills the visible sectoid with an aimed rifle shot. Awesome result for my first shot of the battle! Over the next couple of turns I send the HWP towards where the other shots came from. Heres the result:

2 sectoids killed by snap shots from the Tank\Cannon. Thanks to the fence\trees they were hiding behind I managed to get it up close enough to make the snap shots count. The sectoid killed by rifle fire is in the cornfield. Next I start working my way along the map slowly, reserving tu's for aimed shots. Suddenly a sectoid pops out of a barn, turns around, sees my men then darts back inside.Heres the scene:

I set up soldiers in ambush positions hoping to get him with reaction fire if he pops out. I also knock down a wall with some autocannon fire and send a couple of guys through the hole. Annoyingly, the sectoid runs to the back of the building out of sight, so I move my men in the south round to try and get an angle on him.

He then bursts out of a door and kills one of my men with a single shot. All of my troops reaction fire misses (grr), but I kill him with an autoshot from a rifle when my turn comes around.
Next I work my way to the UFO:

My first time seeing one of these XComutil randomised UFOs. Looks odd! Only one live alien inside which is easily dispatched. I was expecting this to be the end of the mission but no, theres another alien somewhere.

I find him hiding in a barn. The two men in this pic were both cut down by reaction fire as I moved them closer to the windows. Doh!

I then move in a couple of men from the south, only for one of them to be sniped while looking out a window. By now the HWP is here, and I finally kill the last sectoid with snap shots from that.

Not the most interesting mission I know, I promise to put some more epic battles up soon :)
Probably the wrong thread to be askin', but has anyone tried out UFO: Extraterrestrials?

The Gold edition is $20 on Steam. And it's clearly inspired by X-Com, so anyone tried it?
Air Zombie Meat said:
Here's a quick writeup of a small ufo recovery mission I did:

One of us. One of us.

LocoMrPollock said:
Probably the wrong thread to be askin', but has anyone tried out UFO: Extraterrestrials?

The Gold edition is $20 on Steam. And it's clearly inspired by X-Com, so anyone tried it?

I have it but not the gold edition. It's like a high res version of the original but less stylish. While not being as good overall it is worth playing but it's main fault is that level design is not as good and too repetitive. A lot of people criticised it for removing troop death and I don't disagree but the repetition is more of an issue.
Air Zombie Meat said:
My first time seeing one of these XComutil randomised UFOs. Looks odd!
That's a nice option, but it's too randomized and chaotic. You could always think it as a distinctive trait of the alien invaders, but I still prefer standard UFOs.
More Fun To Compute said:
One of us. One of us.
Indeed :D
Versipellis said:
That's a nice option, but it's too randomized and chaotic. You could always think it as a distinctive trait of the alien invasors, but I still prefer standard UFOs.
Agreed, don't think I like it. The aliens also don't seem to know what to do in one, they just stand still. Think I might go back to the windows version with Extender+UFOLoader. Theres quite a few things I miss like this:

Being able to see stats and if you're overburdening people on this screen is so useful.
Gexecuter said:
This mission went a lot better than the last terror mission i had, still not a total success. Thankfully my benefactors didn't gave me too much heat because of the civilian losses.

Casualties: Acosta, MotorBreathX and Keikaku.

I died! How could this have been better than the last one!?

At least I pulled out an insurance policy before I left for the mission. My family should be taken care of. As long as you don't fail and the aliens take over...

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
MotorbreathX said:
I died! How could this have been better than the last one!?

At least I pulled out an insurance policy before I left for the mission. My family should be taken care of. As long as you don't fail and the aliens take over...

3 Deaths is sure a lot better than 6. Don't worry MotorbreathX your sacrifice will not be in vain after all you helped save an important airplane wheel, those things cost a fortune! Me and the X-com program salute you!
Gexecuter said:
3 Deaths is sure a lot better than 6. Don't worry MotorbreathX your sacrifice will not be in vain after all you helped save an important airplane wheel, those things cost a fortune! Me and the X-com program salute you!

Thanks, sir. At least I gave my life for a replaceable piece of equipment! I guess everyone could have died during the landing back at base...


I booted this up last night, got the Steam Pack.

It's still great, but I really am praying for a modern reboot (GO FIREAXIS GO)

Just so much that could be done to streamline everything... I dream about it :D

Anyway I'm gonna try to keep playing and keep up with you guys. Wish I had a portable version.


Gexecuter said:
3 Deaths is sure a lot better than 6. Don't worry MotorbreathX your sacrifice will not be in vain after all you helped save an important airplane wheel, those things cost a fortune! Me and the X-com program salute you!

I guess it didn't go according to plan for me :(

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I think i was doing pretty good, i finally researched plasma rifles which gave me the edge i needed. The next noteworthy mission was to check out a large UFO that had landed, obviously i expected a significant higher number of aliens compared to dealing with a crashed ship.


Team members: Chicken Ramen, Brashnir, Chopper Dave, Icarus Daedelus, Jay Sosa, StrummerJones, XiaNaphryz and LQX.


The mission went without too much opposition however when scouting the darkness with a electro flare (i think) i spooted a Snakeman, unfortunately at that point only a few of my guys had the necessary AP left to shoot. They all Missed.



This fact was not overlooked to the Snakeman which then proceeded to kill Chopper Dave, a regretable loss (Tough he did suck at shooting).


Thankfully the rest of the team finished the mission by surrounding the ship's only exit and ambushing the incoming waves of aliens, the performance of soldier StrummerJones was specially good since he managed to defeat many aliens on his own by entering and exiting the entrance.


The spoils of war were good and my funders were pleased so when one of my ships followed an alien craft and discovered an alien base nearby i was feeling immensely confident, however my confident was terribly misplaced a fact that will be explained in my next update.

Casualties: Chopper Dave.


oh Gawd why did I open this thread! Booted up x-com for the first time in a few years and it's still as unforgiving as ever. Made it to Jan 17 before the first terror attack half way across the globe - at night no less. Lost half my soilders before my first turn was over. I think I only had about 2 laser pistols produced - not that it mattered.

Needless to say I am restarting. How the hell did I ever finish this game back when it first came out?

EDIT: No word of a lie - restarted on the second difficulty level and had my base attacked on about day 13!!!! This game is insane!


Just want to say, damn that PS1 soundtrack for Xcom is fricking AMAAAAAAAAAZING.

Man christ, I really want a reboot of this game ala Valkyria Chronicles..... damn it.

I can't wait to get this music in the game :D


Gexecuter said:
Keikaku: Got one, one more left! Need some backup!

Brashnir: I got your back.


Brashnir: Damn i missed!
It was my first shot, and I didn't have my rifle sighted-in yet.


Chopper Dave: Damn sectoid spotted but no AP left, Brashnir save my ass or it's court martial for you!

Brashnir: Fuck i can't do miracles at this range!



Brashnir: I think i spoke too soon.

Chopper Dave: Good job.

Ah, much better.

I started up a game earlier tonight. In honor of the NHL playoffs, I started naming my squad after the Washington Capitals. Due to the nature of the game though, I didn't use the modern Caps, but the Caps of my youth. I placed my base in the decidedly sub-optimal location of Washington DC.

My initial squad, led by Rod Langway, Scott Stevens, Dale Hunter, Mike Gartner, Bobby Carpenter, Bengt Gustafsson, Pat Riggin and Craig Laughlin met minimal resistance on their first mission, but Stevens was gunned down when entering the alien vessel. That's OK though, Command HQ had a suspicion that he was going to sell his soul to the Devil(s) if he survived much longer anyway.

On their second mission, They were joined by new recruits Larry Murphy, Michal Pivonka and Calle Johansen. Gartner and Murphy stood out here - each notching 3 confirmed kills and earning promotions to Sergeant.

Shortly after their triumphant return, the team found out that Paris was under alien attack. Brimming with confidence, they prepared for their big Patrick Division playoff matchup with the enemy.

Immediately after disembarking from the Skyranger, Gartner spotted an enemy floater, and put a shot right between its eyes. He tried to move himself into cover, but ran out of AP just as he spotted a second floater. The floater's shot just barely missed him, striking the Skyranger's landing gear. Several more team members disembarked, determined to kill the floater who had Gartner in its sights.

Dale Hunter got on the ground and fired off a shot. Miss. Bengt Gustafsson got two shots off, but both were blocked by terrain. How can a team be so proficient at shooting during the regular season and then choke every time the playoffs come around? At least he cleared out a firing angle for Pivonka, who shot between two walls and struck the floater, but did not kill it.

Calle Johansen stepped out of the craft, but Gartner was in his path. He yelled "duck" to the star sniper and fired off a shot. Gartner had just enough AP to duck, but it didn't matter. Johansen's shot caught Gartner in the back of the head, killing the Sergeant. Johansen's next shot redeemed his mistake, killing the floater with a precision long-range shot between several obstacles.

The team, with no immediate threats nearby, got themselves organized into two groups and swept the areas north and south of the Skyranger, clearing out half a dozen more aliens, but there were still more nearby. Before they could locate them, Pat Riggin was sniped by a floater in a nearby building.

The team managed to find and exterminate this last alien, but not without Laughlin being wounded by another crack shot from the Floater.

With two of their brothers killed in action, the team returned to Capital Centre base, determined to avenge their deaths by eliminating the alien menace.


This is also my first time using XCom Util's unit labels. Holy crap it's much easier and the exact same thing I've always done. I should have updated my install a long time ago.

The sorting mechanic is great. All cowards are put on the front line as ramp fodder :lol

Behind them any quickshots, then the brave, and finally the marksmen.

*Really need a better way to adjust the volumes.
It had been quiet for a couple of months when April rolled around. The lack of alien incursions had meant that research and manufacturing were going well, if slowly. The downside to breathing-space is that it limits available income and research opportunities.

And then suddenly the first terror mission popped up: Casablanca. Of all the terror sites, in all the world; the aliens had to walk into that one. So we geared up and headed out.


Thankfully the squad had landed during the day, and in a corner of the city so we had a couple of attack vectors closed off.


As the squad cautiously exited the ship, it became apparent that a disc was hiding out in front of the ship. For the safety of the officers who were about to leave, smoke grenades were deployed.


It was here that Squaddie Clarence Williams decided to freak-out and drop his rifle. Whether it was the smoke that did it, or simply the fact that Clarence is a wimp, I’m not really sure. He did manage to restrain himself from shooting any of his squad-mates. Thank heavens for small favours.


While Clarence rocked back and forth on the grass, the heavies went around the other side of the ship and dealt with the disc. Seeing the disc fall apparently gave Clarence a second-wind, as he picked himself up and strode confidently towards the corner of a nearby house.


Clarence: FFFFFFFFF…


Clarence: …FFFFUUU…





The heavies again moved in and dealt with the discs which had traumatised Clarence so.

After that it was a fairly simple mission. A handful of sectoids began approaching individually and taking pot-shots at the team, killing one of the rookies. Clarence spent the bulk of the mission following a continuous cycle of panicking; dropping his gun; regaining his composure; grabbing his gun; and then panicking again.

He did have one final chance to redeem himself near the end. Against my better judgment, I allowed him to pick up a rocket-launcher that was loaded with a large rocket. I figured that, what with all the panicking, he was unlikely to use it anyway. At this stage there was only one sectoid confirmed still alive, although I did suspect that there was another hiding in the shadows nearby.


Having caught him out in the open, I split the remaining team-members into two groups to trap the last alien in an explosive pincer attack. Somehow, in spite of his pathetic showing thus far, Clarence was still standing up the back with his rocket-launcher. So he took his shot.




Clarence: hummuna hummuna hummuna


In the end we lost five troops out of eight. Nobody important was on the ground, but the casualties were still regrettable.


It was with great relief that, having sold all of the recovered alien technology, I discovered that we could finally afford a HWP for the Skyranger. Hopefully my squad can make it beyond the ramp before they start dying from now on.

Oh, and for the cold-blooded murder of a quarter of his squad Clarence was awarded the rank of Sergeant. That’s the military for you I guess.


I just realized another reason why i never beat this game..

I am currently in July... every single space ship that gets airborne... i shoot down and tackle with a squadron of Power Armored heroes...

I still have not found an Alien Base... Which means I haven't captured an alien commander... which means i can't go to Mars yet...

I built 2 psi labs in my largest bases... but they finished construction July 2nd... which means I have to wait until August to train some psi warriors... Which means by september I will have 18 psi-weaklings.... And 4 months left to take on Mars...

That deadline is coming up REALL fast :(

I was doing SOOOO well in the game... but alas... mis-management on my part... will be my downfall..... for not actively patrolling high activity areas for alien bases... And not building a psi lab sooner (i totally forgot to build it :( )
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