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You Never Go Full Furry: MLP Equestrian Girls

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Oh my god, the hentai...

Nevermind, these characters have already been anthropomorphisized and sexualized beyond all imagining. This will be but a drop in a very large bucket.


Could you explain this further? I've noticed a lot of people who "don't get it" will say stuff like "how is this show not about girls having tea parties and about boys and junk" when it's not. A lot of us like it because it defies that old formula from previous "girl cartoons" while this is a huge step backward.

Are you asking about why I don't like the show? If so, I watched the first two episodes per my Brony friend's request (with an open mind) and I found I just didn't like it. I keep hearing about how clever the writing is and how funny it is but what I watched was light cartoon fare and nothing more (in my opinion). So it didn't click with me.

For reference, I still enjoy stuff like Fairly Odd Parents and Dexter's Lab. The fact that all of the protagonists are ponies and female didn't factor into why the show didn't click with me. It really bothered my friend that I didn't like the show (even though I didn't put it down or poke fun at him for liking it). He just didn't understand how it wouldn't appeal to me.

So I'm glad that this movie is coming out which will very likely *not* appeal to him so he can understand where I'm coming from (and I'm sure, most people who don't like MLP) and he can finally cut me some slack for not being a fan. I can only speak for personal experience, but most Bronies I've met actually take vocal offense that I don't like the show and criticize me for being close minded.

EDIT: On a side note, part of the problem is that the perception most Bronies (again, the ones I've met) think that I don't "get it". I get the appeal and I don't begrudge those who like the show (with perhaps the exception of those who take their fandom to extremes) but I don't appreciate the condescending attitude I'm given when I explain to folks that I don't like it.


Just like the time they took their kids to see Avengers and saw fat bloated, disgusting, smelly, wart covered nerds sweating in their cheaply made superhero costumes with their dicks out masturbating every-time Black Widow came on screen...


Oh... you aren't kidding...

I hope to someday see this movie so I can recruit G-Fex to help me defend it.

In fact I'll defend it now. I felt for Twilight Sparkle when all of the prettier, more popular ponies made fun of her for being weird, a freak, and totally a bookworm that can't get a date and her constant shy struggle to get noticed by the dreamhoof who isn't quite like the other guys. They really hit on a lot of emotional notes that their true, intended target audience growing up into their teens have to face.

I also loved the scene where Derpy managed to get an award for his interpretive abstract painting he made in art class.
uuuu.......ummm....yea....i know season 3 of MLP wasnt good(IMO) but did they have to go full anthropomorphic. But anyway ill wait till i see it to judge..


You know what?This movie is a challenge.
Princess Twilight and Equestria Girls are the biggest moves from Hasbro to test the fidelity of Bronies and know if they are there for what the show has to offer or just to distort the essence of the show the way it pleases them(Anthropology, Cupcakes, Double Rainboom)
The majority of bronies will leave the fandom after this war, but the faithful ones, the ones that know why they love the show, will be there til the end.
I will be, will you?

Kill me
Maybe these bronies shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. It might be a charming, funny family show with pop culture references and some good lessons on life to learn. So judgmental of them! Just because the show is aimed at a certain demographic doesn't mean it can't be good.

Good one. Perhaps we should apply the same philosophy to everything.
One person had it right. This is about toy sales, specifically the Monster High demo


You haven't gone deep enough. I am sure there are lots of ... dark parts of the AT fandom you have yet to see. As it is, the show is kind of adult. MLP being light family humor and adventure aimed at everyone seems funnier to corrupt than AT which already has some adult humor.

It started with 4chan I think where people raised this huge commotion about how the show changed their lives and other bullshit. The problem is that the show is actually of very high quality but the bullshit of the rule 34 & 4chan fans ruins the fun for everyone.

The porn you mean?
I've seen the porn.

But, if you mean obsession, no, I haven't seen that for Adventure Time.

There seems to be so many of the bronies you say belong in a mental hospital online, very very visible.
Maybe it's just that they are being targeted/brought up for ridicule so often that it gives the impression there are more of them than there really are?

It's too bad that some of these creeps have made all of the My Little Pony fans look bad.
I'm sure you would rather enjoy the show without this stigma attached to it.


Maybe I'm missing something. This looks like they're just trying to get in on that tween cash.

And like any tween girl related merch/franchise, it looks fucking awful.
The porn you mean?
I've seen the porn.

But, if you mean obsession, no, I haven't seen that for Adventure Time.

There seems to be so many of the bronies you say belong in a mental hospital online, very very visible.
Maybe it's just that they are being targeted/brought up for ridicule so often that it gives the impression there are more of them than there really are?

It's too bad that some of these creeps have made all of the My Little Pony fans look bad.
I'm sure you would rather enjoy the show without this stigma attached to it.

Right on a money.

I think MLP is the only show that draws this much vitriol.
Remember when parents thought Pokemon was the devil? Same reaction but from people of our own age rather than parents.

Visit Ponychan sometime. 100% safe. The moment the mods smell something inappropriate... banned!

The reputation of bronies is at risk. :(


We are like the Orcs in Elder Scrolls, ostracized and hated no matter what we do.
Well, MLP:FiM had a good run. It was either going to be the fans slowly losing interest over time and moving on to the next big thing or Hasbro making a giant misstep and driving the fans off in droves that would kill this fad, and it seems like Hasbro has jumped at the chance to do the latter. Oh well, let's just hope that whatever the fans move on to next doesn't have the inherent creep factor that this had.
Are you asking about why I don't like the show? If so, I watched the first two episodes per my Brony friend's request (with an open mind) and I found I just didn't like it. I keep hearing about how clever the writing is and how funny it is but what I watched was Ilight cartoon fare and nothing more (in my opinion). So it didn't click with me.

For reference, I still enjoy stuff like Fairly Odd Parents and Dexter's Lab. The fact that all of the protagonists are ponies and female didn't factor into why the show didn't click with me. It really bothered my friend that I didn't like the show (even though I didn't put it down or poke fun at him for liking it). He just didn't understand how it wouldn't appeal to me.

So I'm glad that this movie is coming out which will very likely *not* appeal to him so he can understand where I'm coming from (and I'm sure, most people who don't like MLP) and he can finally cut me some slack for not being a fan. I can only speak for personal experience, but most Bronies I've met actually take vocal offense that I don't like the show and criticize me for being close minded.

EDIT: On a side note, part of the problem is that the perception most Bronies (again, the ones I've met) think that I don't "get it". I get the appeal and I don't begrudge those who like the show (with perhaps the exception of those who take their fandom to extremes) but I don't appreciate the condescending attitude I'm given when I explain to folks that I don't like it.

Okay I see what you mean, I certainly didn't mean to sound condescending if I did. Sadly, I think it's all those people touting the whole "You disturbing sickos shouldn't be watching this"attitude that makes people very defensive, which is probably why you're friend is irritated.
Well, MLP:FiM had a good run. It was either going to be the fans slowly losing interest over time and moving on to the next big thing or Hasbro making a giant misstep and driving the fans off in droves that would kill this fad, and it seems like Hasbro has jumped at the chance to do the latter. Oh well, let's just hope that whatever the fans move on to next doesn't have the inherent creep factor that this had.
It's like a boy knew a girl from childhood growing up and then in high school she pushes him out of her life in favor of her new friends and finding romantic interests (AKA not him) and becoming the very hollow vessel of vanity he had hoped she would not become.
Big E is down with ponies.


Big E's heel, though, which means we're suppose to hate him and everything he stands for.

It's like a girl from childhood one was friends with growing up and then in high school she pushes him out of her life in favor of her new friends and finding romantic interests (AKA not him) and becoming the very hollow vessel of vanity he had hoped she would not become.

Is the "friend" in this scenario meant to be an adult? Because, if so, that sounds creepy as fuck.


Okay I see what you mean, I certainly didn't mean to sound condescending if I did. Sadly, I think it's all those people touting the whole "You disturbing sickos shouldn't be watching this"attitude that makes people very defensive, which is probably why you're friend is irritated.

No offense taken. For the record, I get the same treatment whenever I tell people I don't like Always Sunny or Family Guy either (not that I'm lumping any of them together).
Is the "friend" in this scenario meant to be an adult? Because, if so, that sounds creepy as fuck.
No. I just realized how much of a mess the wording was, but it was just a wacky story I made up to describe how a fan must feel about franchise decay in terms of growing up into high school.


The most ironic thing is that bronies already hate this movie's guts, and everything it represents too (the fact that Hasbro has tried to eye the Bratz market instead of the young male adult one :p)

That being said, the scriptwritter is one of some of the best of the regular MLP episodes (Lesson Zero, Dragonshy, etc) so there's hope that it will be somehow bearable despite its crappy premise and mediocre character design (there are one bajillion better human adaptations out there in Devianart).

Anyway, we all know that Hasbro should merge MLP with K-ON and be done with it.
saw the thread title, figured it was just some creepy YouTube cosplay thing

saw it on the NYT website, realized it... wasn't. Oh god, the horror.
You'd think that, for a theatrical film, they'd at least give it a nice animation bump. Flash animation has no place on the big screen.


I'm especially amused by the fact that every female MLP: FiM fan I've seen that has watched this trailer is absolutely reviled by it.
I'm not sure there's a target demographic out there that... this... appeals to.

But who are we to place judgment? I'm sure Hasbro's market research gurus thoroughly screened all possible scenarios of character designs and spinoff premises with their target demo of tween girls.

"We want our dollies to look like they have jaundice." "Well, okay then!"
"We want Twilight Sparkle to be a princess... and an alicorn... and a girl like me that chases boys... and a prom queen... and an astronaut... and a rock star... and the president!" "Sounds great!"
"And you need to get Justin Bieber to be a guest star and Twilight should be his girlfriend." "We'll get right on that."

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm especially amused by the fact that every female MLP: FiM fan I've seen that has watched this trailer is absolutely reviled by it.
I'm not sure there's a target demographic out there that... this... appeals to.

I imagine it will appeal to the kind of young girls who enjoy High School Musical.
The most ironic thing is that bronies already hate this movie's guts, and everything it represents too (the fact that Hasbro has tried to eye the Bratz market instead of the young male adult one :p)

That was never going to happen anyway. Bronies were and still are a happy accident that Hasbro takes to the bank all day with a smile. A wink and a nod, yes. A full focus, HELL NO!
Why does the promotional art in the first post show them as human bodied girls with horse faces, ears, and tails, but in the actual movie they're just normal humans?
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