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Your Top 5 Favorite Fighting Game Characters All-Time






Sagat is my favorite fighting game character, but the ones I always pick are:

1. Ken (Street Fighter)
2. Feng Wei (Tekken)
3. Nightmare (Soul Calibur)
4. Bang (BlazBlue)
5. Morrigan (Darkstalkers)


Anyone else getting broken images? Those are probably my favorite images for those characters, I'd hate to have to change them.

Raging Spaniard said:
Yun Sung, Ken and Cervantes are all broken for me ... and yes you were bragging about your OP ;) Although if the images work for you then thats OK, it is a good OP and a good idea for a thread.

Don't see how expressing a concern that I may have wasted 4 hours of my life constitutes as "bragging", but, okay.


1. Zangief (Street Fighter)

First SF character I really learned. Playing him taught me how to react and fight using distance, and helped me improve in fighting games in general. I don't really play him much anymore but he'll stay 1 on my list for a while.

2. Heidern (King of Fighters)

Imagine Guile and Bison combined into one character. His moves are ridiculous but it never pushes him into being too powerful. My favorite charge-motioned character.

3. Chipp (Guilty Gear)

He's doesn't seem to be popular in GG's competitive play (from what I've seen, at least) but he's so damn fun to play. Spazz out all across the screen and knife your opponent up.

4. BB Hood (Darkstalkers)

Okay, so I never played her in DS (I only played the first game and she wasn't in it) but I like her in MvC2, so uh yeah!

5. Trigger (Fallen Angels)

He isn't playable (or meant to be, at least) but he's probably the coolest boss character of any fighting game. Just shoots you in the head and laughs at you. Carlos can go fuck himself though.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
urien - SF3

RX playing Urien in 3rd strike
Urien's the baddest motherfucker ever. burning suits and rocking thongs. Charge partitioning yo.

setsuna - Last Blade 2

setsuna vs kaede (difficult to find a good video on youtube :/
Setsuna has a pet owl that takes his scaffold away at the start of the match! his super finisher is also balls-to-the-wall awesome with blood being smeared on glass walls and souls being crushed by fists.

B.B. Hood - Darkstalkers 3

Sako playing bb hood against nuki's bishamon
little red riding hood with guns and shit. nuff said, greatest character design out of capcom.

goh - Virtua Fighter 5

This video showcases some combos and different grabs, but also the type of person who thinks goh looks cool.
none of the vf characters look particularly cool to me. Goh is probably one of the more offensive ones with his animu demeanor and blue-ass hair. but he's still the most fun character in that game with half a million different grapples.

falco - Super Smash Bros Melee
Soldier of Fortune - bombsoldier (falco) combo vid. supreme shit.
short hop laser ruined friendships.
1. Hazama (Blazblue, not the one in Rumblefish!)
2. Q (Street Fighter)
3. Zappa (Guilty Gear)
4. Aoi (Virtua Fighter)
5. Dragunov (Tekken)


Without giving it much thought, and in no particular order:

Robert García from the Art of Fighting and King of Fighters.

Shingo Yabuki from the King of Fighters.

Minakata Moriya from the Last Blade.

Tachibana Ukyo from Samurai Shodown.

Kyo Kusanagi from King of Fighters



- Sol Badguy (Guilt Gear)
Aside from his great design, Sol is one of my favorites because of his weapon, Fuuenken. All of the characters in Guilty Gear have some sort of weapon but Sol has without a doubt the coolest weapon of them all. It's a rectangular, blunt weapon that heats up and releases fire attacks. It's far from a conventional sword, but this little detail really puts him at the top fro me in terms of Guilty Gear character designs.


- Abel (Street Fighter)
Abel has a great set of moves that seamlessly combine striking characteristics with grappling characteristics. Other characters do this as well, but it seems like such a natural pairing for Abel. His moves have a lot of force to them, particularly Falling Sky, and it really feels like you're grinding your opponent into dust when you land Change of Direction or Tornado Throw. For some reason, characters like Zangief or T. Hawk don't give me that same impression.


- Bryan Fury (Tekken)
Another character who has a lot of power behind his attacks. In terms of aesthetics, he's really nothing special, what with gator skin pants and a scar across his face. But playing as Brian you really get the feeling that you're beating your opponent senseless. He's got a great mix of attacks that come out quickly and are up close and personal and attacks where he'll put his whole body into it, like he wants to punch something that's behind your face.


- Ryu (Street Fighter)
For most people who don't play Street Fighter, Hurricane Kicks are the same quarter circle back move that every shoto shares. Not so. Again, Ryu has power behind his attacks, not as much as Bryan and Abel, but when he hits you with his Hurricane Kick, you will go flying. It's most obvious with SFIII, where he had his Joudan kick to fling you into the wall and his close standing fierce into roundhouse target combo which looks like it would break your jaw and then your neck in quick succession.


Ness from the original SB, Ken from SFII, Mileena from MK2 and Fulgore from KI.

But i think my favorite ever will be Xiaoyu from Tekken <3


1. Bang Shishigami (Blazblue) - Everything about him is just so great. He has a fun playstyle that is somewhere between Ibuki, Fei Long, Chip Zanuff, and Anji Mito, and the fact that he is an old man (by japanese shounen standards) parodying everything about japan that is stupid in one all encompassing character is great, from his Kamen Rider belt, to his super ninja style, to his dan hibiki style manliness, and that's not even mentioning his over the top theme song and comic relief antics... Just an awesome character all around.

2. Makoto (Street Fighter) - There is just something about this character. She's very simple and humble in both gameplay and personality. I'm sure most people can pick her up and pull off her combos since they're so simple, but to really play her properly, you have to be thinking 5 steps ahead of the competition and taking every possibility and mindgame into account. She didn't deserve what happened to her in Super Street Fighter IV, but to be honest, if you really know how to play her properly, she's still pretty good.

3. Makoto Nanaya (Blazblue) - Now I'm sure I'll get a lot of hate for this, just due to the fact she's essentially a squirrel hooker and everything that is wrong with japan design wise, but her gameplay is just so good. She just feels like a massive love letter from Arc System Works to Street Fighter 3, with her parrying system and all of her strange tricks, and her unlimited version takes it to the next level by giving her Blazblue versions of Cross Counter, Machine Gun Blow, Abare Tosanami, and even the goddamn rose throw, but with the rose replaced with an acorn. It's about the closest I'll get to Makoto or Dudley in a Vs. game, let alone both of them being mashed together into one character, so I can overlook the stupid character design.

4. Kim Kaphwan (King of Fighters) - His fighting style is really fun, and I'll never forget the first time I got his tooth sparkle win pose in CvS2. Not really much to say about him except that he's a really good character all around.

5. Fei Long (Street Fighter) - Atatatatatata! In every street fighter game where he has been present, he has either been my main or my sub. Pure flaming chinese rushdown character that is great fun to play as with his Rekkas for well timed jabbing and his chicken wing for saying no to fireball spammers. Also gets bonus points for being based on Bruce Lee. I just wish Capcom hadn't given all the cool Bruce Lee alts to Rufus in Super Street Fighter IV


°Temp. member
My favorite is Shiki from Samurai Shodown 64:

Why is she absent from all the 2D games?

2. Valkenhyne R Hellsing
3. Ken Masters
4. Mai Shiranui
5. Genjuro Kibagami

Mr Jared

1. ZANGIEF (Street Fighter series)
Zangief is my favorite video game character, period. There is so much to love about this guy from his ridiculous stereotype of a design, bear wrestling past-time and of course, his totally crazy move set. Like most players back in the day I didn't really think too much of him, until the release of Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting that is and he gained the ability to lariat through fireballs. As soon as I saw my first max-range st.lk into piledriver, I knew I wanted to master the big red machine. He's a timeless character that can be feared for his size and strength just as much as he can be found humorous with his extraordinary burliness or lapses into civility.

Extra Fandom: My love of Zangief is well documented. Not only did my girlfriend make me this awesome custom Munny..


But at one point I also had Zangief laser etched on the back of my phone.


2. BRIDGET (Guilty Gear Series)

I love Bridget in ways that are best left myself. Of course, the wacky gender politics are the main reason why I love Bridget, but the design and yo-yo fighting play into it as well. I'm not even going to sit here and try and rationalize this choice as anything other than superficial because I don't even like Guilty Gear. I just love me some Bridget.

3. MAKOTO (Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike)

So if Bridget flipped everything you know about boys in video games on its head, Makoto did just about the same thing for the ladies. On the surface, she defies just about every stereotype we have for female characters in video games. She's flat-chested, has many features that can be considered very masculine (boy cut, strong bone structure, giant hands/feet) and is 100% deadly serious in a series best known for the bubbly creations of Chun-li and Sakura. In fact, most players thought she was a boy when she originally debuted. What Capcom created with Makoto is probably the only legitimate female fighting character and she is an absolute beast. She also features my favorite sprite work out of any fighting game thanks to an incredible wealth of emotion and intensity packed into each frame.

4. JOHNNY CAGE (Mortal Kombat series)

"Those were $500 sunglasses, asshole."

The original joke character, Johnny Cage is pretty much everything I love about Mortal Kombat packed into one being. His handsome good looks, goofy presence and even goofier attacks, Johnny Cage crotch-punched his way into my heart. And don't even get me started on the Shadow Uppercut. I love this fool. So much in fact that years ago, I made a tribute video. RESPECT.

5. ATHENA (King of Fighters series)

Athena's name is magic. Mystery, is what you see. The crystal is the answer. Fighting fair, to keep us free. She's just a little girl with power inside, burning bright. You better hide if you are bad, SHE'LL GET YOU. She'll read your mind and if you believe in right or wrong. Fire! Fire! Psycho Soldier!

(Also, she was my favorite SNK character to use in CVS2 and one of the most fun things about the KOF series is seeing how they would redesign her for each new year)

Honorable Mentions: Hugo (SF3), Necro (SF3), Urien (SF3), Goro (KOF), Whip (KOF), May Lee (KOF), Astaroth (SC), Wolf Hawkfield (VF)


1. Ibuki (sf3/ssf4)
2. Leona (kof especially 2k2)
3. Noel Vermillion (bb)
4. Dictator/Bison (sf series)
5. Chun Li

I main chun in basically every game I can play her in, but I actually hate her character design quite a bit.


he's Virgin Tight™
5. Noel (Blazblue): Awesome aggressive playstyle and showy combos. Awesome.
4. Lili (Tekken 5): Owning noobs with the spoiled bitch was awesome.
3. Mitsurugi ( SC): A badass samurai.
2. Makoto (SF3): My favorite playstyle! (Sadly my execution is gone these days... oh and she sucks in Super).
1. Chun Li (SF2): My main character of every SF game since SF2.


Relix said:
5. Noel (Blazblue): Awesome aggressive playstyle and showy combos. Awesome.

1. Chun Li (SF2): My main character of every SF game since SF2.
can we be best friends?

#1 Joe Higashi

IMO very realistic personality for a character esp. for a fighting game. Good fighter and loyal, but quite cocky. Also, he showboats like myself.


#2 Galford D. Weller

Although is personality can be a bit corny....he fights with a well trained dog and he's a damn ninja. Ace


#3 Vanessa Lewis
I just love her character design (after they got rid of the ridiculous, nasty muscles from the original design)


#4 Mudman

Service with a smile. I was hard to beat in WH2 with this guy and it sounded like he had so much fun beating his opponents down.


#5 Maki

Hottest virtual chick ever. 'Nuff said.

Honorable mentions.
Bruce Irvin
&#54889;&#49436;&#44221; (Hwang Seong Kyong)



In non-particular order:

Law (Tekken series)
Teknoman Blade (Tatsunoko vs. Capcom)
Kirby (Smash Bros. series)
Ryu (Street Fighter series)
Voldo (Soul Calibur series)


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Bay Maximus said:
#3 Vanessa Lewis
I just love her character design (after they got rid of the ridiculous, nasty muscles from the original design)
Meh. I liked buff Vanessa.


1.) Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
2.) Yuri (King of Fighters)
3.) Aoi "Zaki" Himezaki (Project Justice)
4.) Hotaru Futaba (Garou: Mark of the Wolves)
5.) Lei Fang (Dead or Alive)

Honorable Mentions:
Astaroth (Soul Calibur)
Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat)

The reason for all of those bing that they are the only characters I'm even decent with.


1. Sol Badguy (Guilty gear)
The rest:
Marshall Law (Tekken)
Ryu (Street Fighter)
Karas (Tatsunoko x Capcom)
Tekkaman Blade (Tatsunoko x Capcom)
5. Sophitia (Soul Calibur)
4. Dudley (Street Fighter)
3. Terry Bogard (KOF)
2. Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
1. Cammy (Street Fighter)


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
celcius said:
My favorite is Shiki from Samurai Shodown 64:

Why is she absent from all the 2D games?
2. Valkenhyne R Hellsing
3. Ken Masters
4. Mai Shiranui
5. Genjuro Kibagami
Play SNK Vs Capcom and NeoGeo Battle Colliseum.

Those are not Samurai Shodown games but hey at least theyre 2D ;)

All the SNK love made me smile... thanks GAF.

1. Nightmare (Soul Calibur II ver.)
2. Ryu Hayabusa (DOA series)
3. Fullgore (Killer Instinct series)
4. Jago (Killer Instinct series)
5. Goh (Virtua Fighter)
1. Sakura - Street Fighter

And... the rest
2. Cammy - Street Fighter
3. Iori Yagami - KoF
4. Sophitia - Soul Calibur
5. Hibiki - Last Blade 2/Capcom Vs. SNK

Man, coming up with 5 was hard :l


You can't just make this topic out of the blue. I need days, no, weeks to figure this out.

Hm. For the record, I prefer religious or noble, evil-battling heroes, especially if they're overzealous, characters who use military martial arts or kick-based ones (muay thai, tae kwon do), characters with thrusting weapons (spears, staves, or rapiers) or moves, characters from Russia, United States, Italy, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, Sweden, or Scotland, characters of holy, water, plant, or ice elements, and characters who look like me or my "type" (lean muscle, tall, dark features, either very self-serious or not serious at all). I don't really care about their inputs.

Also, I won't include characters who don't originate in the canon of the games in which they star. No Strider Hiryu or Marina. Sorry.

Also, these don't relate to my favorite series/games at all. Virtua Fighter 5 is my 2nd favorite fighting game ever, but I only really like Eileen, Brad, and Lion and Eileen isn't 1 of my 5 favorites.

Also, if we could list 10, I'd have more obscure series (BEARTANK, WOO), but 5 means I have to cut Soul Calibur's Raphael (II-era would have made it) and Xiang-Hua, Capcom favorites like Mai-Ling, Iincho, Cammy, Galuda, and Daichi and Sora, A.D.K., Konami, Arcana Hearts, and older stuff.

5. Yuki from Bakumatsu Romance/The Last Blade (sorry, Shinosuke, Akari, Keiichiro, and Okina)

Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3VNDl-LvmY

Bakumatsu Romance/The Last Blade series is my 5th favorite game of all-time, but the characters aren't as well-realized as other, lesser S.N.K. series. When I think of its representation of the Bakumatsu, I think of its phenomenal story, music, and backgrounds, not its character design. That said, Yuki does the Russian/snow/holy maiden/spear thing brilliantly, and she was unfairly downgraded in 2. I love her melancholic storyline and her associated aesthetics. Her ultra-defensive style serves me well.

4. Sergei Dragunov from Iron Fist/Tekken (sorry, Bruce, Emily, King, and Asuka)

Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh08VHJxUm0

He's evil, yes, but his costume and items put me in the bone zone. He matches nearly all of the criteria above AND his moveset is the best representation of sambo in fighting games. He can be super-defensive or parry-thrust, so I can adjust as needed. I adore him. His music's usually excellent, too.

3. Felicia from Vampire/Darkstalkers (sorry Aulbath, Lilith, Jon, and Sasquatch)

Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rrSCbzU4ps

Wait, so, you're saying there's a Cammy-like parry-thrust character who is a nun, is good-natured, has great costume and color design, and has Vampire-incredible specials and supers? And she's in my favorite Capcom series? Sold!

2. Mary Ryan from Story Of The Hungry Wolf/Fatal Fury and The King Of Fighters (sorry Jin-Ju, Kap-Hwan, Joe, Foxy, and Elisabeth)

Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBscflBDc7c

Even if you exclude the carried-over characters, S.N.K.'s The King Of Fighters has FAR more character designs I like than any other series. It's not even close. So, "Blue Mary"'s sambo and government official stuff isn't enough to put her on top. The Fatal Fury/The King Of Fighters crossover was more successful than most, which is appreciated but not enough. Her sad songs capture her inner spirit, but that's still not enough. I appreciate every 1 of her character designs, but that's not quite enough. Together, though, that makes for a cool character.

1. Andrew (sorry, Mina, Ukyo, Hye-Ryen, and Galford)

Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZsU2D8oPU8

Perhaps it's because Bakumatsu Romance is my favorite series, but I don't really like Samurai Spirits. That said, a fictionalized Andrew Jackson president who uses a bayonet as a rapier/spear, who can do the dash-in, dash-out stuff AND defensive brilliance, who has a classic stage, song, and design, and whose story is awesome is pretty much the best thing imaginable. SALUTE, NON-AMURRICANS.

Edit: Man, there are some great choices, especially from less famous games. Also, Fersis, you are always great. louie, you are, too.
5. Bryan Fury - Tekken
4. Cervantes - Soul Calibur
3. Capt. Falcon - Smash Bros
2. M. Bison - Street Fighter
1. Star Fox - Smash Bros


Thanks OP. This thread made me want to dig up some games.

El Sloth


Yoshimitsu(Soul Calibur Series): Man, I love this guy so much. He's just so damn insane, I mean he has a unblockable where HE STABS HIMSELF. So many instances where I've killed myself by mistake when I was just picking him up. Good times. He looks weird and his moves are appropriately even weirder making so damn fun to play with. And every single move he has feels like you're just constantly trolling your opponent. Every time I successfully do his run-up murder-suicide thingy for the win it's always hilarious to everyone in the room. Not to mention a really satisfying troll win.


(Art by GAF's very own DM_Uselink)
Makoto(Street Fighter: 3rd Strike): The very first thing that drew to the character was her walking animation in 3rd Strike. She just looks like she's ready to fuck shit up. And it was damn cool looking. I don't know why, but her very tomboyish attitude also appealed to me. Maybe I was unconsciously tired of all the hyper-sexualized females in the Soul Calibur games? Most importantly she was fun to play, dash up command grab into punching super never gets old.

I still play with her in SSIV, and she's still fun and it's really satisfying when you win with her, but this version of her leaves something to be desired.


Tager(BlazBlue): I'm not very good in BlazBlue and am always getting my ass handed to me by my friends. But that all(for the most part) changed when I picked up Tager. I'm not usually into big, slow, grappler characters in fighting games, but Tager has something that differentiates him from other similar characters. The fucking power of science. Magnetetism and large damage? All trains to Troll Town,it's just so catchy! And I've always had a soft spot for her being the first, ahem, "ethnic" lady in the Street Fighter series.


Elena(SF:3rd Strike): She may be low tier, but I love the way Elena plays. Her moves are fun to look at and her combos are pretty simple. And I'm in love with her stage theme, it's just so catchy! And I've always had a soft spot for her being the first, ahem, "ethnic" lady in the Street Fighter series.


Taki(Soul Calibur): The ever growing tumors in her chest aside, Taki has a pretty decent character design for a female ninja. Not spectacular, but decent. More importantly, however, is that she is fun as hell to play. She doesn't do a lot of damage but she's so damn quick your opponents almost always get frustrated and start making mistakes giving you the win. Her jumping around,rolling, and teleporting only exacerbates things. My brother sometimes refuses to play me when I pick her, fearing another broken controller lol.

Honorable mention: Dudley(3rd Stirke)- Throws roses (like a gentleman) and is the classiest shit talker ever. Extra points for having moves based off Hajime no Ippo.
Terry Bogard(KOF, etc.)-Engrish, baby.


5. Ryu (Street Fighter)
4. Marth (SSBM)
3. Fox (SSBM)
4. Falco (SSBM)
1. Captain Falcon (SSBM)
i play this game way too much

I main Falco, but there's no denying Falcon is the funnest fucker to play in the game. Pulling off a stupid combo with him is the most satisfying thing in gaming. My favourite moves:

1. Jump across the entire stage and falcon punch your opponent to death, even though he had no chance of surviving the initial attack.
2. back air to forward b. I always look at my opponents face, and jaws are dropped.
3. dair to knee!


1. Dan Hibiki (SF...)

Just cause I think he's funny, and I can still manage to beat my friends with him :p

2. Luigi (SSB)

My main char in SSB, the fighting game my friends play the most. Most people think he's totally awful, but IMO he's the best in the game.

3. Terry Bogard (KOF, FF...)


4. Yoshimitsu (Tekken, SC)

He was the first character I tried to master (learn all his moves actually). It was in Tekken 3. Who can hate pogo sticks and sword-flying?

5. Kusanagi (KOF)

I put Deadpool from MvC3 before, but just remembered Kusanagi (the evil clone) in KOF. Love that guy.
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