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Your Top 5 Favorite Fighting Game Characters All-Time

1. Ayane


2. Urien


3. Strider Hiryu


4. K'


5. Morrigan Aensland



Man I spent an hour on this thread thinking and searching, and couldn't think of just 5, so I'm going into specifics:

Characters that have the most fascinating moves list/mechanics in their respective game:


1. Hwoarang (Tekken 6)
Hwoarang has by far the most enjoyable character in all of fighting games. The way you can cancel and transition between his flamingo and feet forward stances is unparalleled. And landing his juggles and combos brings satisfaction unlike any other. #1 fighting game character of all time. Watching matches involving MadDogJin and Starscream make me enviable beyond anything and try to practice Hwoarang in training mode.

2. Lei Wulong (Tekken 6)
Also like Hwoarang, I love the shenanigans involved with this character. Watching players like Suiken, Furumizu, and Exalted also make me jealous.

3. Dante (MvC3)
With the amount of moves this character has in the new MvC3 I can already picture him as a legendary character in fighting games. I love the effort Capcom put on this character trying to mimic DMC3 as much as possible.

4. Kazuya Mishima (Tekken 6)
The father of the Electric Wind God Fist. And also being the character that requires the maximum wavedashing abilities. Just check out Ryan Hart's videos and when I see him overcome any top tier character like Steve played by MYK, looks so wonderful.

5. Makoto Nanaya (BB) /Steve Fox (Tekken 6)
I'm trash @ Blazblue but man Makoto Nanaya looks so interesting. Especially how her moves involving the D button all require specific timings for everything to come out right. And plus, in 2D fighting games the melee fighters who specialize in duking it out up close are always the coolest. And Steve Fox is probably the one character that Namco loves, the way all his moves from PeekaBoo and Flicker animate and sound when they hit just make your hair stand up.

Characters with the best art direction

1. Yoshimitsu

2. Arakune

3. Vanessa

4. Makoto

5. Hakumen

Characters that I'm proficient with

1. Armor King (Tekken 6)

2. Kazuya Mishima (Tekken 6)

3. Christie Monteiro (Tekken 6)

4. King (King of Fighters XI)

5. Makoto (Street Fighter 3rd Strike)
Guile - Haircut + Badass music? Yezzir
Ken - maybe it's because I like Arrested Development's GOB, but flaming punch and awesome Saturday morning cartoon riff = awesome.
Cammy - Dive kicks, hooligans combinations breaking your neck, and rush down. As Sylvester the Cat would say, ILIKEIT ILIKEIIIIIT.
Spider-Man - get to be a prick while kicking someones ass? Yezzir. Can't wait for his revamped MvC3 form.
Xianghua - dat combo pixie. So much fun. Fast and powerful.

All of these characters have badass themes as well, pretty much a prereq if I'm going to play as them.

Hon Mention to Donkey Kong, Dee Jay (dat smile) and Ryu (Fists of Wind son. The Originator.).

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Guess I'll do one per franchise.

5. K'
4. Hakumen (BlazBlue)
3. Kilik (Soul)
2. Ryu (Street Fighter)
1. Falcon (Melee)


Falcon isn't necessarily the best character in Melee, but he's certainly the most fun to play as. Falcon's speed and grab game leads to some of the most amazing combos I've ever seen in any fighting game.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Knee- A Silent Spectre Combo Video

I Killed Mufasa II- A Scar Combo Video

Perfect Falcon Match (TAS)- A TAS Match
Ralf Jones - Galactica Phantom!
Jacky Bryant - Jeet Kun Do
Slayer - love his moveset and cocky attitude
Marshall Law - my go to Tekken character, always has been
E Honda - the character with whom I first beet arcade SF2 (and thus fell in love with fighters). my main in SF4 still :)


A Pretty Panda said:
Guess I'll do one per franchise.

5. K'
4. Hakumen (BlazBlue)
3. Kilik (Soul)
2. Ryu (Street Fighter)
1. Falcon (Melee)


Falcon isn't necessarily the best character in Melee, but he's certainly the most fun to play as. Falcon's speed and grab game leads to some of the most amazing combos I've ever seen in any fighting game.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Knee- A Silent Spectre Combo Video

I Killed Mufasa II- A Scar Combo Video

Perfect Falcon Match (TAS)- A TAS Match

Falcon players would embrace each other by pounding each other's kneecaps if it wouldn't hurt so bad.


1. Captain Falcon (Super Smash Bros. Melee)


2. Ling Xiaoyu (All versions)


3. Juri (Super Street Fighter IV)


4. Mr. Game and Watch (Brawl and Melee)


5. Yoshimitsu (All versions)


Based on the preview videos I've seen, I'm guessing that everyone but Captain Falcon will drop off of my list after MvC3 comes out.

El Sloth

Yeah, I didn't put any MvC3 characters because the game isn't out yet and my opinion could change once I get my hands on the actual game, but Deadpool and M.O.D.O.K. are already looking pretty fucking awesome.


To Far Away Times said:
3. Hibiki (Last Blade 2)

Holy shit, I thought no one was going to post her. Beautiful character, beautiful sword style.


Other notable mentions:

Rachel Alucard (BlazBlue): I love her playstyle and the fact that she never actually gets into the fight. Either she uses magic or her familiar do the job for her (except for her grab). She doesn't even gets hurt, just bored :lol

Setsuna (Last Blade 2): the ultimate badass.


In no order:


Tizoc (Garou: Mark of the Wolves)


Dudley (Street Fighter series)


Setsuna (Last Blade series)


Geese Howard (Fatal Fury series)


Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury series)
1. Ryu - Street Fighter


2. Cervantes - Soul Calibur


3. Spider-Man - Marvel v Capcom


4. Fox - Smash Bros


5. Chun Li - Street Fighter


Runners Up:
Sub Zero - MK
Sophitia - Soul Calibur
Cammy - Street Fighter
Brad - Virtua Fighter
Jin - BlazBlue


Requeim said:
I know you said all versions, but the costume you posted is actually easily the best one :p

Heh, yeah, that costume is definitely my favorite. From what I've played (Tekken 1, 2, 3, 4, and Tag Tournament), his play style remains pretty consistent, though.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
AAK said:
Honestly surprised by how many Last Blade choices there are. I really should check that game out.
If you like weapon based fighting games and/or you like SNK fighting games, you should fucking love Last Blade 2 as it is their best effort. Garou is great as well, but Last Blade 2 edges it out by being far more different from other fighting games and doing what it sets out to do perfectly. It is leaps and bounds beyond anything else in that style (whether that be the SNK style of fighting game, or weapons based fighting game doesn't really matter at that point).

Last Blade 2, together with Vampire 3 and Third Strike, are the holy trinity of 2D fighting games to me.


Mrs. Harvey
Based on design? The way they play? Story? What?

Ryu, Akuma, Honda, Gief and Guile are always used in whatever games they appear in. You can say they are my mains.

Talking about fun to use. I'd say,

°Leon, Eiji and Sho from Battle Arena Toshinden 3
°Iceman, Akuma, Ryu, Psylocke, Spider Man and Guile in MVC2
°Sword Han, Randy, Genjuro, Serena and Gambo in Guardian Heroes
°Kain and Doc in Golden Axe The Duel
°Rentahero from Fighters Megamix
°All the turtles minus Don and Shredder in TMNT TF for SNES
°Kasumi and Hitomi from DOA3/DOA4
°Jacky and Sarah Bryant in VF
°Jun, Lee, Jin and Asuka in Tekken 2-6
°Demitri, Morrigan, Jon Talbain and Sasquatch in Vampire Savior
°Kabal, Scorpion, Smoke, Human Smoke, Sub-Zero, Johnny Cage, Mileena, Kitana and
Raiden in MK
°Haohmaru and Ukyo in Samurai Shodown
°Terry, Andy, Kyo and Iori in whatever games they appear in
°Pretty much the whole cast of Rivals Schools
°Taki and Mitsurugi in Soul Calibur
°Jin from Martial Champions
°Hanzo, Jeanne, Kim Dragon and Fuuma in World Heroes
°Zero and Alex in TVC

Yeah. I can't just choose one. They are all fun to use.

If talking about design. I would say Kyo, Ryu, Jin, Kasumi and C.Viper.


Kadey said:
Based on design? The way they play? Story? What?

It's your own criteria. Bottom line is they have to be your all-around favorite fighting game characters. This forces you to think about it. Breaking your favorites down into categories is way too easy.

Hibiki is such a great character design. She was the only thing I liked about CvS2. Didn't know she was from the Last Blade series (I know fuck-all about SNK). Now, I want to play these games.


Brobzoid said:
If you like weapon based fighting games and/or you like SNK fighting games, you should fucking love Last Blade 2 as it is their best effort. Garou is great as well, but Last Blade 2 edges it out by being far more different from other fighting games and doing what it sets out to do perfectly. It is leaps and bounds beyond anything else in that style (whether that be the SNK style of fighting game, or weapons based fighting game doesn't really matter at that point).

Last Blade 2, together with Vampire 3 and Third Strike, are the holy trinity of 2D fighting games to me.

I really enjoyed KOFXI, what does LB2 do so differently compared to other fighters?



The Warrior of motherfucking Light. Gatdamn, I love this bastard. Badass, doesn't need bullshit reasons to do anything just goes out there and does it. Doesn't give a shit if he kills everything else. I just love this guy.

I love his randomness and the fact that he's 2D, he has such a history with Nintendo. I found out about him through melee.

I thought I was going to hate Joe because he was another one of the gatchaman team, but holy shit. I love this motherfucker. He doesn't give a shit about anybody, dies a fucking hero and is just an all around BAMF.

Amazing female ninja and my favorite character in Melee, definitely haven't lost the love for her but she got bumped to 2 because G&W happened.

I always hated clone-ish characters. Charlie is an exception, considering that he taught Guile his style it means he's actually the original. Also his backstory is amazing but I hate it how they always make it that he dies. This guy is awesome fuck you Capcom for killing him off every damn time.


Unconfirmed Member
Great to see some Last Blade love in here. So many great designs and a gorgeous setting.

Any fans of Hibiki should check out footage of Buktooth's team (N-Ioi/Morrigan/Hibiki) in CvS2. So unorthodox and entertaining.

Kimosabae said:
Holy crap ExMAchina thanks for that channel. I forgot all about Cannes.

Those matches linked were great. Hayate wins the second round of the first match with my favorite move.
No prob, it's my duty to remind people that SoulCalibur has been alive and well internationally... :p


I'm a little unsure as to how to answer this topic. If it's simply characters who have appeared in a fighting game, then all of my choices would be those who are from other games or media which were then put into a fighting game. Being a complete and utter Type-Moon fanboy, characters from Melty Blood (which is to say, from Tsukihime) and Fate/Unlimited Codes (or rather Fate/stay night) would probably take most of the spots and the rest would be other characters which appeared in and are known for other (non-fighting) games like Samus or Kefka, or from other media like comics/movies.

On the other hand, if it's only based on how the chacter plays in a fighting game, then the Shoto triplets of Ryu/Ken/Akuma would have to be at the top simply because I've been playing them so long on so many different games - Akuma is pretty much always my main on any game where he appears, regardless of how strong/weak he may be in that particular iteration, and if he's not available, then usually it'd be either Ryu or Ken (and occasionally Sakura). That, however, would not be a very interesting list.

So I guess I'll make a few different lists:

Based on story/background, characters who have appeared in a fighter, regardless of where they originated:

1. Arcueid Brunestud (Melty Blood)
2. Saber (Fate/Unlimited Codes)
3. Tohsaka Rin (Fate/Unlimited Codes)
4. Samus (Smash Bros.)
5. Ryougi Shiki (Melty Blood)

Based on story/background, characters who first appeared in a fighter:

1. Akuma (Street Fighter)
2. Cervantes (Soul Edge/Calibur)
3. Ken (Street Fighter)
4. Xianghua (Soul Edge/Calibur)
5. Terry Bogard (King of Fighters)

Based on character playstyle/moveset:

1. Akuma/Ryu/Ken (Street Fighter - they're similar enough that I can't justify splitting into 3 separate entries)
2. Taki (Soul Edge/Soul Calibur)
3. Nu-13/Lambda-11 (BlazBlue)
4. Amingo (Marvel vs Capcom 2)
5. Rose (Street Fighter Zero/Alpha)
Nice thread :). SSFIV is actually the first fighting game that I've really gotten into (but now I'm hooked and looking for more), so I'm pretty new to the genre and I like seeing all the interesting characters from games that I've never played in this thread. However pre-SSFIV I did mess around a little with a few fighting games so I do have a favorite or two. I've added in the main games that I played them in as well.

1. Rose (SF Alpha 2, SFIV, SSFIV) - For a design that didn't grab me at first glance
I've become quite a fan of Rose. I like the animation of the scarf in Alpha 2 and the over the top shamwow in SFIV. Plus I feel that her toolkit is pretty full in game. Cr. MP can win matches all by itself and she has an array of solid normals and specials. I also love how flustered opponents get when I start reflecting / absorbing online. That's right Guile, I'm not just going to go walk over there right into your Flash Kicks.

2. Chun Li (SSFIV, Puzzle Fighter) - My current main in SSFIV. She is just such a classic and well developed character at this point. I like that she is upper tier without being super common to run into online. And I also love the fantastic pokes, I've never been a combo execution stud and with Chun I can win matches with just landing mostly single hit pokes. My wife and I also both love using her for Puzzle Fighter for the hilarious hectic nature of her 120% gem drop pattern.

3. Nightmare (Soul Calibur 2) - I've not played any Soul Calibur games since 2. But in that one Nightmare was always my choice. I liked him for his solid range and damage output. It was fun watching friends dance around with someone like Maxi and then just bringing the boom down on their heads with a well timed vertical attack.

4. Omega Red (X-Men: COTA) - If you look at the #1 on my list you'd see that I have an affinity for character who grab their opponents from range and choke the life out of them. I always like lesser known characters so I took to Omega Red over popular choices like Cyclops or Wolverine.

5. Armor King (Tekken 2) - When I first played Tekken 2 I really like him as the grappler set of moves just seemed really unique to me. Why armor king and not just king? I'm guessing that the 13 or so year old me just thought that the armor was badass.
I suck so hard at most fighting games so my list is mainly made of people that I can actually not get owned with...( or be cheap with..)

1.Juri (SSFIV)
- I suck at SF but with Juri I suck less. Plus bitch is crazy.
2. Hsien-Ko(Lei-Lei)
- Sexy Chinese Zombie Vampire. Fuck yeah
3. Chun-Li (SF)
- First Character that I ever used in any fighter...so yeah. Plus dem legz.
4. Noel Vermillion(BlazBlue)
- DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Oh shit I lost? Fuuuuuu
5. Jin ( MVC series)
I may update with pics later, but:

1) Ayane
2) Sakura
3) Aoi
4) Ibuki
5) Xiaoyu

This actually tends to not shift, even though I use Ibuki a lot more in Super than I do Sakura. Ayane has been my #1 since I unlocked her in DOA1 on the Playstation. She managed to trump Sakura pretty quickly, and I've been using Sakura in every game she's in since her debut in Alpha 2. Aoi sticks around because she's always been my main in VF. same with Xiaoyu for Tekken.

Litchi, May Lee, Kasumi Todo and Seung Mina just barely missed this cut, though.

Yes, I like the girls.


Only one character per franchise, these are all essentially my mains.

1. Makoto (Street Fighter) - All offence, all style, all spunk! - Video

2. Hibiki (The Last Blade) - I love the way she sheets her blade after every slash. - Video

4. Sophitia (Soul Calibur) - Every single move is graceful, her launcher is especially.

4. Vanessa (Virtua Fighter) - Has got a cool heavy military style.

5. Baiken (Guilty Gear) - Samurai, I dig.

I tend to gravitate toward "traditional" characters and not the crazy ones.. and of course, women.


Super Member
5. Dan Hibiki (Marvel VS)
4. Dan Hibiki (Marvel VS)
3. Dan Hibiki (Marvel VS)
2. Dan Hibiki (Marvel VS)
1. Dan Hibiki (Marvel VS)

Real List
5. Marshall Law (Tekken)
4. Mitsurugi (SoulCalibur)
3. Ryu (Street Fighter)
2. Dan Hibiki (Marvel VS)
1. Mario (Smash Bros.)


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Not including any comicbook characters cause thats a whole different topic IMO.

1. Glacius

2. Genjuro

3. Akira

4. Urien

5. Ken Masters. hatersgonnahate.gif


Strap on your hooker ...
Favorite characters:
5. Akira (Rival Schools)
4. Terry Bogard (KOF)
3. Ibuki (SF)
2. B. Jenet (Garou)
1. Necro (SF)

Most enjoyable to actually play as:
5. Gen (SF)
4. Talim (Soul Calibur)
3. Lili (Tekken)
2. Takuma (KOF)
1. Hugo (SF)


Rungo from Battle Arena Toshinden, which is actually the only fighting game I've ever bought. Loved his gigantic club.



If you're breaking your favorites down into categories, you're just being lazy. The title suggests listing your favorite fighting game characters all things considered. If you're placing a unique character into each unique consideration, you're just not willing to think about it hard enough.

I chose the characters I did based on gameplay first, personality/character second, because those are the criteria most important to me so it's no surprise that they all came from my top favorite fighting games (Melee, Soulcalibur 2, Third Strike).
5. Guile (Super Street Fighter II)
When I was small I always thought this guy was fucking awesome, and his music theme is one of the best ever, is it epic, is it sad, is it happy? ALL OF THEM!

4. TIE Vega/Cervantes (Super Street Fighter II/Soul Calibur II)
Because being spanish in Fighting games makes you awesome (no, not yo Miguel Caballero)- Vega's music theme is fucking incredible and Cervantes is from my city, Valencia, so his fucking awesome for that.

3.Don Flamenco (Punch-Out!! Wii)
I dont know if he counts, but yeah is a fighting-rhythm game, so well, I add him, even if you cant fight with him :(. He is the first character from Spain in a videogame, and his Wii version is one of the most awesome fighters ever. His phrases and his dub is great (Has visto hombre, como enamoro a las chicas), his hair, his fucking incredible animation (Next level animators are geniuses), his theme song as the winner of the major circuit (best and most epic Punch-Out!! theme ever) and his normal spanish theme are awesome, his return... all screams awesome. Its a typical parody from spain, but be damned if its not good laughing of my own country.
-Major Circuit Champion Theme

2. Mr Game & Watch (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
This guy is just perfect. His (lack of) animation, his sounds, how can a simple flat black figure be so charismatic? And his fighting style is awesome. The key, the fire and his amazing recovery move. My main in the game.
And what about his victory theme, SO AWESOME!

1. Peach (Super Smash Bros. Melee)
I remember the first time palying with my firend for some laughs, smash down... WTF WAS THAT! MAIN!
I remember the first tourney I went (one of the first years smash was out and no one played with Peach yet), I remember when I choose Peach in the selection screen, the stares, the subtle laughs, the chuckle from my friend looking at the people watching, he knew what was going to happen. I remember that Marth guy saying, "really?" I remember his Marth flying through the stage, I remember his face, the frustration in his eyes, I remember he shouting "HOW THE FUCK SHE CAN RETURN FROM THAT!?" I remember my winning, I remember the peoples faces in the next fights. Scares, respecting stares, I remember winning the tourney

Oh, and the best of all, "Did I win?"
The anger in the loosers faces.
Too bad Peaches starting sprouting in tournerys after that, although I was really good with her, being the only one playing made it special.

No one fucks with melee Peach.
And thats her, a pink princess, fucking up everyone. She uses smash down move and says, fuck you, and fuck you, and fuck you, and fuck you, and you also. You try to throw her out, and there she returns, flying, pimp slapping you with her hand in the air and then using her parasol like fucking mary poppins.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
May (KOF)
Marth (SSBM)
Baby Bonnie Hood (Darkstalkers)
Iori Yagami (KOF)
Xianghua (Soul series)



-Yoshi (Smash Bros. Series) - He was difficult to master but I was a pro back in the SSB/SSBM days!


-Jam Kuradoberi (Guilty Gear series) - She's really fast and fun to fight with!


-Shuma Gorath (Marvel Vs. Series) - Extremely bizarre but a great fighter!


-Sakura (Street Fighter series) - My favorite of the shotos. She's not as strong as the others but I prefer faster characters so she's perfect for me!


-K9999 (KOF 2001) - He's friggin Tetsuyo from Akira, what's not to like!?


I love a lot of characters from fighting games. There are a few games that really stand out to me.

Eternal Champions. Loved the characters in this game. Great back stories.
Garou: Mark of the Wolves. This game just radiates cool to me. Especially Rock Howard when you first fight him on his stage. The intro, music and his look. Just cool.

The Last Blade games. They are beautiful. Love the somber, serious look of these games.

Guilty Gear XXR. Crazy characters.


I borrowed some gifs / images from other people's posts, so thanks for your help! This is in no particular order.

Ken Masters


Chun Li


Honorable Mentions:

Ryu (SF), Ness (SSB), Peach (Melee), Jigglypuff (Melee), Sheik (Melee), Morrigan, Terry Bogard, Zidane (Dissidia), Terra (Dissidia), Squall (Dissidia), anyone using a Naginata in Bushido Blade / BB2. Watching Clockw0rk's Strider made me a fan by itself, though I've never actually played MvC2.

And I've basically got a spot saved for Amaterasu in MvC3. <3 her.
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