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Ys - Celceta, Sea of Trees announced for Vita


kuroshiki said:

You mean the sound quality sounds like this?
Actually, I like the old FM synth a lot, and it had an excuse for sounding the way it did (old technology). That stuff in the Vita trailer sounds like filler music played off of a Roland Sound Canvas. Bland and soulless. Falcom's done much better in the past. I'm genuinely surprised that people are actually enjoying that music.

Edit: example of cheap MIDI.


XSEED Localization Specialist
Ctrayne: Are you serious?! Man... I've been hooked on the music from that Ys IV trailer all night. I actually had it on repeat in the background while I was cleaning. And I'm not even kidding! I must've listened to it a good two dozen times over the course of the evening.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess, but yeah... bad MIDI? Hardly. Sounds like intentional old-school-esque synth to me. And DAMN GOOD old-school-esque synth, at that.

Hope that particular piece doesn't change in any way for the final game.

(Consequently, the FSB 2004 Xanadu Next trailer music? Yeah, if I'm not mistaken, that's actual music from a different Falcom game called "Rinne." So that, too, is OST -- not pre-production or anything. And you know what? I really like that track, too! Sometimes, old-school synth is the right sound for the job.)


This is actually why I kind of lost touch with the Falcom fanbase. You guys eat this stuff up and it baffles me. I can't share your opinion when Falcom themselves have done so much better in decades past, and the industry in general has eclipsed this kind of stuff. I'd post examples, but it's a waste of time because you and I have polar opposites in taste. :)

And I wouldn't classify this tune or the Rinne song as old-school synth. Does not compute. SNES or PC-88 is old school. Vangelis is old school. etc.

Enjoy the music, to each his own, etc. etc. Don't want to veer this off topic again.


XSEED Localization Specialist
I assume you're an audiophile, no?

I think this is an "Apple Jacks commercial" situation. As an audiophile, you're all like, "Why do you listen to this when it's clearly not good synth?" ("Why do you eat Apple Jacks when it doesn't taste like apples?") -- to which we respond, "Because it sounds good!" ("We eat what we like!")


I've had this argument before (when defending Ys I & II Complete's OST as being superior to Ys I & II Chronicles' in many instances, despite LITERALLY being nothing more than MIDI), and in short, one of the ways in which Falcom Sound Team is amazing to me is that they can take "cheap" synth that audiophiles generally dismiss, and do AMAZING things with it. They breathe new life into old, tired sounds, just as they breathe new life into old, tired cliches... and that's part of their charm for me, I think.

It's like I wrote in an old review, "Falcom doesn't reinvent the wheel, they just make it rounder." They take existing things and perfect them. This new Ys IV tells a story that involves amnesia, but you know what? I'm not worried. I know Falcom will be able to make me believe the old, tired cliche of an amnesiac hero, and even CARE about it. And the new Ys IV may also feature some music composed with "outdated" modularized synth... but you know what? I *miss* that. Fancy, modern synth and live instrumentation is all well and good, but there's a certain charm to "slumming it"... especially when it's done well. And every time Falcom works with old synth -- even synth that audiophiles deem virtually worthless -- they always create masterpieces with it. Masterpieces that simply wouldn't have as much impact if they were performed in any other way.

...Though I'm just making that argument in general. In this particular case, I don't get your point at all. The synth used in that Ys IV trailer sounds AMAZING to me. It doesn't sound low-quality in the slightest, and certainly sounds NOTHING like that "cheap MIDI" you linked. So yeah... I don't get it, man. Sorry. :)
Looks very good from the trailer, this will definitely be my first Ys whenever it becomes available for European territories, or could be bought from the US store like the ps3.


Yeah, animations look much better than YS seven, I'm interested, if they are smart enough to make it a launch game for the west I'll try to be there day one.


Waking up to this trailer has made me very happy. As I thought, it looks great in motion.

I like all the slo-mo effects
wyrdwad said:
I've had this argument before (when defending Ys I & II Complete's OST as being superior to Ys I & II Chronicles' in many instances, despite LITERALLY being nothing more than MIDI

Wait what?

Tom, there are times that I will never understand you, I was finally getting over your love of Poplocrois, and now you throw this at me. Ys Chronicles has quite possibly the best arrangements of those tunes ever. I've listened to just about every single Falcom version of those tracks and Chronicles just blew my mind. It wasn't the fact that it was live instruments, I think it was simply the strength of the arrangements alone. JDK outdid themselves, Complete was OK, but not up to the original Perfect Collections or the Hudson releases. It was one of the weakest versions of the OST honestly.

But back to Celceta, anyone know what track that is in the trailer? It sounds familar, but I can't place it. Is it new and am I just insane, or am I forgetting a song from Ys IV? I would hope it isn't the latter, as I own all 3 perfect collections nad listened to them nonstop for years.


XSEED Localization Specialist
I maintain that Dreaming, First Step Towards Wars, Cavern of Rasteenie and the first town themes from both Ys I and II are all at their absolute best in Ys Complete, and Colony of Lava is actually at its best in Ys I & II Eternal Story on the PS2.

I think there were others as well, but those tracks in particular are all ones that I felt were downgraded a notch with Chronicles (and in the case of Colony of Lava, upgraded a notch from Complete to Eternal Story, then downgraded two notches with Chronicles).

Also, are you implying something is wrong with PopoloCrois, THE GREATEST FAIRY TALE MYTHOS EVER CONCEIVED?

...Yeah, I didn't think so. :)
Cavern of Rasteenie? Really? Man, I adore the echo and haunting melody of the tune in Chronicles, it really suits the feel of the mines so well. In complete it felt way too in your face, hell even the PC-88 version is more atmospheric than the Complete version. Ys 2 Perfect Collection is probably my second favorite version, that or the PC-88 version. Actually Ys II Perfect Collection is likely the best. Or Chronicles. GAH it is so hard to pick between Falcom mixes.

The others too, if I go for chiptunes I'll usually try to get the PC-88 versions as they tend to have the best mix for the melodies, but for the upgraded ones, I prefer the Yonemitsu mixes, or Chronicles, they just fit soo much better. I mean I understand liking MIDI, but the Perfect Collections scratch that itch. Copmplete's mixes weren't bad per se, but they are low on my list of Ys remade soundtracks, probably near the bottom.

That said, I really hope that Falcom goes the Oath In Felghana route for the music in Celceta. Sound Team JDK just nailed the best Ys soundtrack and it has been my favorite since the day I first heard it.

Now, Falcom, THIS had better be what is used for the opening Cinematic in Celceta:http://youtu.be/lCSlNxj1Rs4

I can't wait to hear a redone "Adol's Theme 1993" tho.


I really did not appreciate many of the Chronicles arrangements, especially the Temple of Solomon music. Spanish guitar is definitely not what that song needed.

So yeah in general, put me in the camp of preferring the Eternal arrangements.
The Spanish Guitar was the best part!!! THen again, I'm one of the few who LOVED the Ys III Super Arranged album, and that was as Spanish as you could get. But yeah, complete had a few stand out MIDI mixes (Tears of Sylph especially) but most of them were sub-par compared to other Falcom releases.

I can get liking the MIDI-style stuff a bit more, I'm just arguing that there are better MIDI-ish mixes than complete. I mean the Perfect Collection Palace of Solomon was amazing.



"Falcom has never worked on Ys IV directly on the development side," Toshihiro Kondo said in an interview with Siliconera. "Those games were made by other companies using Falcom’s intellectual property. For close to 20 years, we’ve been hearing from fans they would like to see a Falcom developed Ys IV."

That may be a surprise for new Falcom fans, but it’s true. Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys was developed by Hudson for the TurboDuo and Ys IV: Mask of the Sun was a project from Tonkin House.

Following in the footsteps of Ys: The Oath in Felghana, Ys Celceta: Sea of Trees is a re-imagining of Ys IV made for PlayStation Vita. "The subtitle is related to Adol’s adventures in Ys IV," Kondo explained. In Sea of Trees, Adol begins the game without his memories and the story will explore how he came to become an adventurer. Ys: Sea of Trees will use a battle system similar to Ys Seven where you will have a party of characters to control.

"When Sony first approached us about the PlayStation Vita and showed us what the hardware was capable of, there were things we could not do in Ys Seven that we now know we can do on PlayStation Vita. This is why we decided to make this game for PlayStation Vita," Kondo added.

But, why did Falcom decide to re-imagine Ys IV instead of making say Ys Eight or another title? "The new fans that found out about Falcom through our PSP releases don’t know Ys IV. Even the older Ys fans, as I explained earlier, have been asking us to create our own Ys IV. This seemed like a good way to satisfy both customer bases," said Kondo.

Here’s the question perhaps burning for overseas fans — will Ys Celceta: Sea of Trees be released in North America. "That is something we will have to discuss with Xseed’s president when he meets with us at the end of the month," Kondo answered.

Note: We originally referred to this game as Ys IV: Woodland of Celceta, but will be calling it Ys Celceta: Sea of Trees from here on out.

If this happens my VITA purchase decision is set in stone.


XSEED Localization Specialist
Bishopcruz: Heh, it's funny you should link that, as I just got done posting on ALoY that I really didn't care much for the JDK Band 2008 version of Dawn of Ys (it just sounds kind of predictable and "phoned in" to me, especially compared to Ryo Yonemitsu's amazing DoY version), and was hoping they'd compose a new one for Ys IV Vita -- even though I know they won't. :) Guess our musical tastes are just pretty divergent!

That having been said, though, I'm definitely with you on Temple of Solomon. The Chronicles version of that is AMAZING, and I'm very much in the Spanish guitar camp -- you can NEVER have too much Spanish guitar in ANYTHING. :) That's probably my absolute favorite track on the Chronicles OST (with Subterranean Canal a close second), and definitely my favorite version of the song.

Not so much with you on MIDI mixes, though. For me, Complete is one of the best versions of Ys I & II's music, easily topping the PC-Engine version, as well as all old chiptune versions.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
The Ys OST is fantastic but I'm leaning towards the Kiseki series OST more though.


bishopcruz said:
But back to Celceta, anyone know what track that is in the trailer? It sounds familar, but I can't place it. Is it new and am I just insane, or am I forgetting a song from Ys IV? I would hope it isn't the latter, as I own all 3 perfect collections nad listened to them nonstop for years.
Ironically enough, I wager it's a VERY loose adaptation of Theme of Adol. You can hear traces of it in the beginning.


Running off of Custom Firmware
jackdoe said:
Ironically enough, I wager it's a VERY loose adaptation of Theme of Adol. You can hear traces of it in the beginning.

And at the end. I feel like they kind of butchered the song.
First time I can think of that a new Ys game announcement/trailer debuts with a crappy song, IMHO.



Unconfirmed Member
wyrdwad said:
That having been said, though, I'm definitely with you on Temple of Solomon. The Chronicles version of that is AMAZING, and I'm very much in the Spanish guitar camp -- you can NEVER have too much Spanish guitar in ANYTHING. :) That's probably my absolute favorite track on the Chronicles OST (with Subterranean Canal a close second), and definitely my favorite version of the song.
I'm not sure we agree too much on music, but I definitely agree with you in this case. One of the best songs on the soundtrack, I absolutely loved it.

The Ys OST is fantastic but I'm leaning towards the Kiseki series OST more though.
Just based on the first game, I don't think I could disagree more. But I keep hearing that the music gets better in later games. Just another reason to hope we keep getting games from that series, but if it didn't meet expectations I guess we're lucky that they are going on with SC and 3rd.

Hopefully this games soundtrack is a winner. Prefer real instruments over synth, but Falcom still won me over with a lot of songs from Seven, so I doubt they'll go wrong here. Especially since they have a great foundation to build on.
chaosblade said:
Just based on the first game, I don't think I could disagree more. But I keep hearing that the music gets better in later games. Just another reason to hope we keep getting games from that series, but if it didn't meet expectations I guess we're lucky that they are going on with SC and 3rd.

Where did you see that?

As far as the relative quality of the soundtracks go, the Kiseki ones do get better later on in the series but they'll still no match for the long and excellent track record of Ys.


Unconfirmed Member
hosannainexcelsis said:
Where did you see that?

As far as the relative quality of the soundtracks go, the Kiseki ones do get better later on in the series but they'll still no match for the long and excellent track record of Ys.
Tom posted in this very thread that it "didn't quite sell what they had hoped." Could have been by a little or a lot, dunno. I'm trying not to read too much into it (thus the "if") and it's not on topic, but it's disappointing nonetheless. I suck at convincing people to buy games, so I'm not helping much either. Will probably buy another copy to give away to a friend when it hits $20 or if it shows up in another Amazon sale.

Probably better off cross-posting in the Trails topic to continue this.

Rolf NB

What's with undersampled textures? Won't this shimmer like a motherfucker in motion? I thought Japanese developers had stopped doing that :\


Rolf NB said:
What's with undersampled textures? Won't this shimmer like a motherfucker in motion? I thought Japanese developers had stopped doing that :\

Most likely this was originally a PSP game and then turned 180 degree. Hope they up the texture and modeling.


Junior Member
Rolf NB said:
What's with undersampled textures? Won't this shimmer like a motherfucker in motion? I thought Japanese developers had stopped doing that :\

Sony really has do to some light fingerslapping there, because somehow J-Devs completely ignore AA and AF. But now start to use Bloom.

At least it won't be too bad on the small 5" screen.


Interesting use of the back pad. Sliding it different directions will command your party to do different things. Focus on the current enemy, split up, collect items, etc.


And you use the front touch screen to pull back the camera. Those environments are rather large compared to Ys Seven.


jackdoe said:
Wow. Ys-Celceta WAS playable at TGS. Here's the link to some offscreen footage:
Looks awesome. This is one of my most anticipated titles for the system, but I'm also a little afraid too. I'm still playing through Felghana, and I cannot get passed this giant bird thing in a fire temple or whatever. He just keeps on raping me and I've been stuck on it for months. I have a feeling it will happen with this one too =[


Kenak said:
Looks awesome. This is one of my most anticipated titles for the system, but I'm also a little afraid too. I'm still playing through Felghana, and I cannot get passed this giant bird thing in a fire temple or whatever. He just keeps on raping me and I've been stuck on it for months. I have a feeling it will happen with this one too =[
It's a bat. And it actually isn't that difficult once you get the attack patterns down.


jackdoe said:
It's a bat. And it actually isn't that difficult once you get the attack patterns down.
I'm retarded and am not fit to be playing such challenging titles, but I'm also stubborn too. You'd think I'd be able to master his attack patterns, but all I can do is dash away when he makes the tiles fly up in the air. Otherwise I just die die die die die.


Kenak said:
I'm retarded and am not fit to be playing such challenging titles, but I'm also stubborn too. You'd think I'd be able to master his attack patterns, but all I can do is dash away when he makes the tiles fly up in the air. Otherwise I just die die die die die.
If I remember correctly, been a while since I fought him, he has a phase of attacks where you can attack him by jumping up, which means you avoid the whole tiles thing.

And an offscreen shot of Ys from ruliweb.com:
Just finished Ys I for the first time in my life on my PSPGo today. Now I just got II, III, and VII to get through

...and OMFG i'm so hyped for this!
This just reminds me of how I have to sit down and play through Oath in Felghana and Chronicles. I hammered through VII but couldn't get into either Oath or Chronicles for some reason.

I'd definitely buy this if it was released here. I like buying most XSEED/Falcom games out of principle almost.


hide your water-based mammals
jackdoe said:
If I remember correctly, been a while since I fought him, he has a phase of attacks where you can attack him by jumping up, which means you avoid the whole tiles thing.

And an offscreen shot of Ys from ruliweb.com:
That screen


TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
Is this that Ys game that never had a translation?

Hope Xseed localizes this one. They've been a heaven-sent for the PSP.
This is Ys 4. There were two versions of Ys 4, one for PCE CD and one for SFC. Neither got a translation, and neither were made by Falcom. Both did receive fan translations. Ys 5 also never got translated, by fans or otherwise.


Augemitbutter said:
looks great in that action video. smooth action/animation and colors. do want.

love off-screen shots as well.
The leaked screenshots can't compare to how vibrant the game looks in the offscreen video.


Kenak said:
I'm retarded and am not fit to be playing such challenging titles, but I'm also stubborn too. You'd think I'd be able to master his attack patterns, but all I can do is dash away when he makes the tiles fly up in the air. Otherwise I just die die die die die.
Hohohohohohoho...man. You will be praying for that guy in awhile. Praying.Awesome game all around though.
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