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Zelda art image maybe reveals second screen for NX


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
it's a book bruh


Where you drunk when you made this thread OP? It is obviously an Ipad, zelda mobile game confirmed!!!

Looks like it has a bit of a hinge at the bottom corner, and a circle pad/button near that?

Might be an in-game analog to a fold-out controller/handheld...


I think the original poster is actually on to something. Really surprised with the lack of imagination. It's a big stone tablet with the eye of Shieka(or what ever its called) and will probably be used like some ancient-high-tech-sorcery-window with all kinds of functions. It's the games main tool to solve all the worlds problems. It's the Stone of Agony plus the Tingle Tuner rolled into something more significant to the plot and gameplay.

I can see it.

With that said. Those uniquely shaped screen controllers were all I needed to see to be convinced we'd get more screened controllers. Though with the NX they will probably be much smaller, way more stylish and way less intrusive physically.


I think it's abundantly clear that this Link found an ancient book of godly power, splitting herself from the Link cycle and starting a new race - the Sheikah. She even used the book's logo out of memory/respect for her powerful change's origin That's why there have been no female links aside from this one and why the only Sheikah we see are females. This also explains the connection to the Hyrule royal family.



i think someone suggested the part in the middle would be for a hologram and i'm inclined to agree. the hologram future is among us.


You guys are so stupid, it's obviously a stone smartphone/tablet.

All kidding aside, notice how there's something you can pull at the bottom of that tablet thing? It probably "activates" the same way link pulls on the arrow to activate it.
A Mario Maker port for NX is heavily-rumored, and that would absolutely require a touchscreen interface. I wouldn't be surprised if Link's "tablet" device is indeed the GamePad.

Hopefully, Nintendo doesn't make a bone-headed mistake and go for another GamePad controller with NX. Hopefully the Mario Maker port uses either the NX Handheld or a smartphone/tablet PC.
I'm actually more interested in another person in that image. You see, the tip of the arrow that Link's holding is glass and you can clearly see a shadow of a "human"'s feet in the reflection.



The NX controller will probably have a screen in it to maintain control scheme parity between the handheld and console form factors.

A Mario Maker port for NX is heavily-rumored, and that would absolutely require a touchscreen interface. I wouldn't be surprised if Link's "tablet" device is indeed the GamePad.

Hopefully, Nintendo doesn't make a bone-headed mistake and go for another GamePad controller with NX. Hopefully the Mario Maker port uses either the NX Handheld or a smartphone/tablet PC.

Why hopefully? Do you care about the financial well being of Nintendo more than your personal preference? The gamepad is only forced when it offers the superior control scheme, you can play the likes of Mario Kart 8 and Hyrule Warriors with the pro controller. It's the ideal setup.


I think it's possible but we need more information on what the functionality of that device is. We've seen a lot of futuristic-ish/mechanized looking things in the short amount we have of this game so I think it's a possibility that it's a tablet like device that Link would interface with. I mentioned it in another thread but it also wouldn't be the first time where the real world input method would mimic the interface the in-game character is experiencing. Take the DS games for example. The bottom screen was a literal map and whenever the player would switch the map to the primary screen, Link would also pull out a map and draw in unison with the player. I'll have to double check Skyward Sword but I'm almost positive I recall imagery of a literal Wii remote being present in the game. If I'm thinking of a different game, I can still at least make the claim that Skyward Sword designed all of its enemies and puzzles to showcase the motion+ interface.

If ZeldaU relies on the player constantly having asynchronous access to the tablet/book then it's possible that the NX will have a dual screen interface as well. Conversely, it's worth taking a look at Twilight Princess for the Wii. If my memory serves correctly, they pushed back Twilight Princess for the Wii but due to time constraints they had to flip the entire world and resorted to mapping the sword swing to waggle. Perhaps Nintendo wants to avoid that situation again and taking advantage of the time they have to properly refactor the game to work with a non dual screen interface?


I'm actually more interested in another person in that image. You see, the tip of the arrow that Link's holding is glass and you can clearly see a shadow of a "human"'s feet in the reflection.


But it's not glass.... It's just glowy magic nonsense. If anything, it's like a blue flame.



Membero Americo
But it's not glass.... It's just glowy magic nonsense. If anything, it's like a blue flame.


Oh shit, I didn't notice they changed the color of the arrow in the new art. Not the tip of the thing, the blue flame, but the rest of it.


I think it's pretty reasonable to assume that Zelda U, which for most of its development was a Wii U, would make use of the GamePad in some capacity like most of Nintendo's first party output on Wii U has.

Nintendo has been pretty consistent in maintaining backwards compatibility in its consoles over the past decade so assuming that the NX has BC for Wii U games, it's reasonable to assume that it has some kind of second screen controller. Especially so considering that it's difficult to buy a GamePad separately. Wii U had Wii BC but it required you to buy a Wiimote separately for most games. This can't really happen with NX since (I believe) GamePads are not sold separately.

It could be the case that the GamePad functionality in Zelda U is rather minimal though (more Mario 3d World, Pikmin 3, less Star Fox Zero) and so it could be easily ported to NX even if it doesn't have a second screen. This is the most likely scenario in my mind.

An interesting thing to spin out of this thought is wondering how Nintendo plans to handle BC and Virtual Console releases of Wii and Wii U games going forward. A lot of games such as Skyward Sword are unplayable without Wiimote motion controls. Will all Nintendo consoles moving forward have to be compatible with Wiimotes if they want to be able to emulate Wii games?


Neo Member
Maybe the delay is because Nintendo is waiting for a blood moon or equinox to perform the proper rites to reveal the full potential of their new console, Nintendo Book of Shadows. Shin Megami Tensei x Pokemon confirmed?


I was so excited, I thought this thread was going to have new art in it, not just a new reposted version of the exact recurring speculation that you can find in any of the three or so ongoing Zelda threads.



To everyone calling it a book: have you ever seen a book with a spine that wraps around more than one side? It could just be the art, but that's clearly not a book.
Why hopefully? Do you care about the financial well being of Nintendo more than your personal preference? The gamepad is only forced when it offers the superior control scheme, you can play the likes of Mario Kart 8 and Hyrule Warriors with the pro controller. It's the ideal setup.

This is a very weird question. Obviously my personal preference is not to have another GamePad. I didn't base my preference on Nintendo's finances, but Nintendo's finances are tied to the preferences of the market.

From the forced look-up-and-down gameplay of StarFox Zero to the atrocious controls of Wonderful 101 to the annoying levels where you have to blow on the controller in Super Mario 3D World, the GamePad has actively made games worse.

And people interested in other properties, like Mario Kart or Smash Bros, have been forced to pay an additional $50 "GamePad tax" when purchasing the system, only to play games on other controllers.
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