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Zelda game set in Link to the Past world coming to the 3DS, holiday 2013

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No doubt I'd prefer a 3D Zelda to a top down Zelda. I guess they had to go top down or risk upsetting diehard Zelda fans since this is set in LttP world.


For the most part, the timeline doesn't really matter... Until last year, it was a lot of fans just kinda speculating how these games fit together.

If you want to view Zelda games as a totally stand-alone thing, that's completely viable. They don't require your knowledge of previous titles, though it is kinda fun when they make a nod to old characters etc.

But yeah, the timeline is kinda crazy, with timelines splitting in certain places based on things that happen or that are prevented etc.

Im pretty sure the timeline was just put together for fan service, not something they actually put a lot of thought into when they were making the games.


There are fewer exotic races because it was made before those races were even imagined. Nothing to do with timelines.

According to the timeline they were wiped out in a civil war that OoT prevented. Retroactive continuity is still continuity.


If they really do use the same overworld with a few changes here and there that's kind of disappointing. I've already experienced that countless times playing LttP, it just won't be that exciting.

The art style is also pretty bland. Game could still be decent regardless.
That's it I'm getting a 3DS. I don't even play video games anymore but I don't have a choice now. ALttP is the game that got me into gaming.
Here you go:

Man, I'm nerding out right now. This is so cool. I was interested when I heard it was set in the LttP "world" (my favorite Zelda) but to see that it's the same exact map which I'm sure will have some changes and added areas and dungeons is amazing.

I hope it's a direct sequel so that it'll have many referrences to the past game.
I wouldn't mind a remake, but I would have preferred a completely new 2D Zelda without any direct ties to any of the past games.

As I see it: completely new > direct sequel > remake

Like I said, I'm not under the impression that this is the only original 3DS Zelda. Just the first of a few... or more.

Hopefully you're right. Part of why I'm slightly disappointed is exactly because this doesn't feel like a full original handheld entry (so far anyway).

I mean really, why would this be the only 3DS Zelda game? And even though it has ties to ALTTP, it can still feel like its own entity. Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword look similar apart from the art style but they don't feel samey, not IMO at least.

Mikey Jr.

This is pretty fucking awesome.

But an honest question here.

Is there a reason it looks like hot garbage? I mean, those graphics are atrocious. Looks like it was literally taken straight from an N64.
I'm excited, but at the same time I'm not. Link to the Past is my favorite Legend of Zelda game, so obviously I'm super happy about that. But the graphical style isn't really wowing me right now. I'll almost assuredly still get it simply for gameplay and give the graphics a chance to grow on me, but man. I miss sprites.


Get Inside Her!
Of course I get that. Im just wondering why its so hard to believe that someone could think that 3D does nothing for someone. Hey, I didnt call people shit for liking 3D.

Well, you called it a gimmick and hideous, which isn't really the same as "it does nothing for me." You obviously have no obligation to like it, and there's not much that someone can do to argue against that kind of assertion. To each his own. But gimmick and hideous, these are terms people will argue against. Especially when something like "depth perception" seems like something that should be categorically impossible to call "hideous." Now if your issues are with the direct 3DS implementation, and have to do with ghosting and crosstalk and holding the system straight and all that, okay, but the terms you're using don't imply that.

(For the record I didn't even read the posts before your first one I quoted, so I'm just going from what you said in there.)


Junior Member
imo this screams "we need a new zelda, fast"

they should've let this cook. now we have this remake/sequel hybrid, idk it doesn't sit right with me.

there's no reason they can't get a team to attempt the equivalent of another links awakening, why tie it to lttp's overworld? the logical reasoning has to be time saving and cost cutting.


I like arguing with you too. Besties?
I wuvs you, Crewnh.

And on that note, I'd like to say that no matter how strongly opinionated I am about a game, I don't ever mean to come off hostile. I honestly never think less of anyone, anywhere, unless they're mean to someone. And no one's being mean here. Just hella passionate.

Nothing but respect for my fellow Gaffers. No harm in telling each other how wrong we feel our opinions are, a time-honored GAF tradition, lol.
So... what's wrong with the graphics? Honestly, I don't understand. It looks literally like Link to the Past translated into 3D. How anyone can say it looks generic or crappy, I don't understand. I'm extremely excited, I've wanted a new top down Zelda for a while, and although it's kind of a bummer it shares the same hubworld as LttP, I'm sure there's gonna be enough secrets to make it worth it. I've wanted a "New" Legend of Zelda for a while now, ever since I finally beat LttP last year, so this seems perfect to me.


It's sad that Nintendo must rely so heavily on recreating previous successes rather than forging new ones, and what's sadder is that I apparently do not care because I am still super excited for this game.


So... what's wrong with the graphics? Honestly, I don't understand. It looks literally like Link to the Past translated into 3D. How anyone can say it looks generic or crappy, I don't understand. I'm extremely excited, I've wanted a new top down Zelda for a while, and although it's kind of a bummer it shares the same hubworld as LttP, I'm sure there's gonna be enough secrets to make it worth it. I've wanted a "New" Legend of Zelda for a while now, ever since I finally beat LttP last year, so this seems perfect to me.

They just wanna rain on our parade.


Man alive, with this and Bravely Default I'm in heaven. I actually really like this idea of a new adventure in the same world as a way of mining nostalgia, it's basically what backward-looking oldies like me are after - new content in a world we know and love.

And I know it won't happen, but a FF7-like reveal (or LoZ 2, if I understand correctly - I've never played it) showing that it's just part of an even bigger world would just destroy me.


It's a Zelda thread. You have to wait until the next Zelda until people admit they like this one.

lol a series eternally scorned

More than those who hate the art style (which is predictable), it's interesting to see all these folks come out from the woodwork who are against going back to topdown traditional Zelda. Prior to the ND I would have sworn this is exactly what everyone wanted. I had a good feeling the 3DS Zelda would be in this style and I have to say I am very pleased with what I'm seeing. It's about time!


I think the graphics look great. The only thing that concerns me, is they may go the NSMB route of simply recycling the same motifs (green grasslands, brown mountains, etc) that we saw in ALttP.

Hopefully there will be some more fantastical environs. A day-night cycle and RAIN would be delicious, as well.

Especially the rain. Criminally under-utilized in ALttP.
It really DOES look nice on the 3DS screen. The only thing that looks weird is Link's head, but I kind of dig that kind of cutesy face they gave to him.
It's sad that Nintendo must rely so heavily on recreating previous successes rather than forging new ones, and what's sadder is that I apparently do not care because I am still super excited for this game.

People have been wanting another LTTP-style game for a decade now.

A direct sequel to LTTP with new gameplay mechanics (thanks to its conversion to 2.5D) is a love letter to fans. That along with Earthbound re-release FINALLY coming to USA.

This is NOT something we should be complaining about.
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