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Crysis 2 - XBOX 360 Demo [Out Now]


SimpleDesign said:
Holy shit the texture pop-in puts UE3 to shame.

I concur.
are you guys kidding me?
-looks and runs much better than the beta, also no more tearing
-pop-in only happens at the start of the mach or when respawning (takes about 2 seconds)
-sub hd? really? game looks sharp as fuck.
-game runs smooth
-character models and animations look much, much better than in the beta
-control lag is fine, nowhere near the killzone 2 lag (before or after patch)

game looks and plays fine and the improvement since the beta is massive. haters gonna hate


S1kkZ said:
are you guys kidding me?
-looks and runs much better than the beta maybe so
-pop-in only happens at the start of the mach or when respawning. it also happens as you run to an area that hasn't previously been explored
-sub hd? really? game looks sharp as fuck. If it ain't ain't sub-HD then the filter they are using is extremely poor
-game runs smooth 25fps smooth yeah
-character models and animations look much, much better than in the beta Yeah, they're really nice
-control lag is fine, nowhere near the killzone 2 lag (before or after patch)plays like MAG, which is nice

My opinion of course.
This is just my opinion, but after playing about 5 or 6 games I can honestly say I won't buy this; for pc or 360. I thought the movement would feel awesome, but the sprint isn't that fast, the jump isn't that high, and moving through the environment feels clunkier than I expected.

Graphics are really not that great. In my opinion, a game like Reach has much better effects and just looks much cleaner. Everything is pretty blocky and the resolution is pretty bad. The lighting looks nowhere near the multiplayer trailer, its not horrible, not fantastic. The physics are worse than I expected, the dying animations are not fluid at all and bodies "spaz" out quite often.

The thing that let me down the most is the weapon feedback. You know how nice it feels to shoot the dmr in reach or how powerful it feels to shoot the m14 in black ops? No such luck here. Guns have little recoil and just don't feel that great to shoot.

I know it sounds bad, but remember it is just personal preference. This game just isn't on par with a game like halo when it comes to multiplayer. I know I keep mentioning Reach, but its flawless gameplay overshadows this game tenfold. Once again, mp seems like an after-thought in Crysis. I think a demo may actually drive sales down here.

If anyone has any questions I'd be glad to answer them.


My first time playing any Crysis and I was awful, .6 k/d and 1 win in 8 games.
I eventually figured out when to use the invisibility thing, but I never once used the armor...
How do you slide across the ground?


Here some screens from the demo.



CozMick said:
My opinion of course.
-i never had texture reloading issue like you and i ran really fast accross the map.
-game is not running at 25 fps (castlevania does and i hate that). game feels like smooth 30 fps with motion blur (i also played with friends that live nearby, so maybe that makes a difference)
-i really dont get the sub hd comments. maybe its the missing anti aliasing.


xbhaskarx said:
My first time playing any Crysis and I was awful, .6 k/d and 1 win in 8 games.
I eventually figured out when to use the invisibility thing, but I never once used the armor...
How do you slide across the ground?
Press B while running


AllIsOneIsNone said:
This is just my opinion, but after playing about 5 or 6 games I can honestly say I won't buy this; for pc or 360. I thought the movement would feel awesome, but the sprint isn't that fast, the jump isn't that high, and moving through the environment feels clunkier than I expected.

Graphics are really not that great. In my opinion, a game like Reach has much better effects and just looks much cleaner. Everything is pretty blocky and the resolution is pretty bad. The lighting looks nowhere near the multiplayer trailer, its not horrible, not fantastic. The physics are worse than I expected, the dying animations are not fluid at all and bodies "spaz" out quite often.

The thing that let me down the most is the weapon feedback. You know how nice it feels to shoot the dmr in reach or how powerful it feels to shoot the m14 in black ops? No such luck here. Guns have little recoil and just don't feel that great to shoot.

I know it sounds bad, but remember it is just personal preference. This game just isn't on par with a game like halo when it comes to multiplayer. I know I keep mentioning Reach, but its flawless gameplay overshadows this game tenfold. Once again, mp seems like an after-thought in Crysis. I think a demo may actually drive sales down here.

If anyone has any questions I'd be glad to answer them.

So you were only going to get Crysis if it had great multiplayer?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I don't see why everyone is flipping out over image quality.

Do you not remember the situation when Crysis was newly released? Lower resolutions were required to hit smooth framerates and anti-aliasing both did not work properly (it killed any foliage AA) and destroyed framerates. A lot of people played Crysis at resolutions similar to this with no AA.

Even today, AA still doesn't work well with Crysis.

Of course, it's a lot less significant when there is so much foliage on screen. An open city such as this is definitely going to show more issues.


dark10x said:
I don't see why everyone is flipping out over image quality.

Do you not remember the situation when Crysis was newly released? Lower resolutions were required to hit smooth framerates and anti-aliasing both did not work properly (it killed any foliage AA) and destroyed framerates. A lot of people played Crysis at resolutions similar to this with no AA.

Even today, AA still doesn't work well with Crysis.

Of course, it's a lot less significant when there is so much foliage on screen. An open city such as this is definitely going to show more issues.
The problem is you can't make it better overtime on a console by getting better drivers.


hide your water-based mammals
If it's this "bad" on 360, I pray for the PS3 version.

Best thing is the lighting. Can't wait to see this on PC.
scitek said:
So you were only going to get Crysis if it had great multiplayer?

The game looked cool to me but didn't pique my interest until I saw the multiplayer trailer. I'm a multiplayer gamer at heart; single player can only keep me going for so long.
I loved Crysis, but the MP of the original really was not that good either, not expecting much here. But I'm in for the SP which was fantastic in the original and hope for more of that with 2.
From what I have seen, the presentation is also pretty annoying. The music before you begin a match gets really loud (even though I had the volume down), and the woman's voice telling your team how it needs to catch up is cliche and obnoxious. I don't want to hear some whiny lady telling me to play better. I don't think any particular element of the game is that bad, but the many minor flaws effect the game as a whole.


Do the graphics really look like that in the Beyond3D screenshots? It looks terrible.

I will wait for the superior PC version.
Played two matches.

Looks fine for multi player. SP need to be a big step up though.

There was still plenty going on that needs to be fixed or could be improved. When is the game out?

I like the powers and options (nanosuit) you have in battle. Didn't like the setting very much.
Controls were not to my personal likings but that's usually something that i will get used to after playing a few hours.

Won't buy this game for the multi player from waht i've seen in this demo.
Again, i'd rather play Killzone3.
-viper- said:
Do the graphics really look like that in the Beyond3D screenshots? It looks terrible.

I will wait for the superior PC version.
kinda, but in motion and you won't notice it that much.
But buy the PC version anyway.. why even say that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
raphier said:
The problem is you can't make it better overtime on a console by getting better drivers.
Which is fine for most people, I think.

While it's fun to putter around in Crysis now and then, my experience with the game mainly stems from my original 2007 play through. What it looked like at that moment was most important. When I upgrade hardware I often load up Crysis and marvel at the improvements, but then only really play through a level or two.

Enhancing old games is neat, but it doesn't matter all that much in the end.


Always-honest said:
kinda, but in motion and you won't notice it that much.
But buy the PC version anyway.. why even say that.
Only if it supports the 360 controller - I hate playing games with mouse and keyboard.


sikkz said:
but it looks fine when playing. the whole background is a 3d city, no matte painting.
Well, "looking fine" is not the standard I've come to expect from Crytek.

But I was only talking about this selection of screenshots from the 360 MP, I'm sure the PC version's SP will look leagues beyond that in both IQ and detail.

-viper- said:
Only if it supports the 360 controller - I hate playing games with mouse and keyboard.
The original supported the 360 controller right out of the box, I assume it'll be the same for the sequel.


From watching vids, the HUD 'moving' together with the player's head-bobbing is kinda bothersome. Plus, it seems to be cluttered as well.
Just gave this a whirl myself, clearly a step up from the alpha, frame rate was smooth and consistant throughout (for me anyway). Still looks about the same (so a fair bit jaggy and a bit muddy), but still looks quite nice and well, kind of what i expected from a console version (on par with other games with certain bits looking damn fine, such as shadows and lighting effects). Were IGN moaning about the controls ? Because they seem absolutely fine to me, and im a bit of a control whore. Aiming, shooting, diving around, cloaking/armour mode all felt quite fluid to me.

Il be getting the PC version of course :) (dont own a 6970 for nothing !).


I wonder if it would be possible to run the original Crysis as a mod. Kinda like running Crysis under Warhead and take advantage of the new optimizations and multicore support.


JADS said:
I wonder if it would be possible to run the original Crysis as a mod. Kinda like running Crysis under Warhead and take advantage of the new optimizations and multicore support.

Wait you can do that? With Steam versions?

Will be getting superior PC version for single player when there is a GOTY on sale. My HD4870 won't give me quite the performance I want so I can wait until the next generation of video cards before I upgrade. I want a bigger jump than the HD6970/GTX570 offers.


MNC said:
This totally makes me want a Vanquish multiplayer; sliding is AWESOME.

F.E.A.R. Combat was the F.E.A.R. multiplayer released as a free standalone game on PC. It was awesome for the slidekick, scissor kick, and impact/remote grenades. My friends and I would play without guns for hours on end against strangers and do pretty well.


Zzoram said:
Wait you can do that? With Steam versions?

Will be getting superior PC version for single player when there is a GOTY on sale. My HD4870 won't give me quite the performance I want so I can wait until the next generation of video cards before I upgrade. I want a bigger jump than the HD6970/GTX570 offers.

Yeah, you can somewhat do that. It can lead to some render bugs, but a complete play through is possible. It is a bit useless though since it doesn't really does much in the terms of FPS.
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