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Xbox Live Apps no longer behind paywall coming?


It would be awesome if they did this but then how would they justify paying for a xbox live gold subscription ?

Multiplayer, games with gold, and other services,

Like, it doesn't make sense that MS would lock Netflix behind a paywall, since we already have to pay for it. Instead, have something like Netflix included in the price of gold. That would really increase the value, I should think.


Good news I guess, I just find it hard to believe that people in today's world would buy an XB1 or PS4 and then decide not to buy LIVE or PS Plus.
Match Best Buy and offer 20% off all new digital games, 10% DLC, and 15% off season passes.

I can't see many third party publishers or developers being happy with those kinds of discounts. The most you can expect is 10% off some digital releases and no discounts on DLC or season passes until a few months after release.


Should have been done a while ago since nobody else is hiding Netflix/Amazon video etc behind some paywall, they don't deserve any praise for finally doing it, just do it already.


Without the apps behind a paywall they'll have to add some actual value to XBLG. Wonder what they'll do

It wouldn't give it more value. There wasn't any "value" in paying to get something people can get for free in the first place. Creating the lockout was a negative. I said that Live is a ripoff in its current state. Removing a paywall just makes the service a net zero, as opposed to a negative.

They need to add value, like discounts or games. Those would make the service more valuable. Removing unnecessary lockouts seems a step in the right direction for proving that MS understands what "value" actually means.

The idea should be that they get rid of the apps behind the paywall and try and do something else to provide value to subscribers to keep those people.

Games with Gold is coming to Xbox One and I think it'll be there by E3 at the latest (suggestions of an announcement earlier have so far not come true)

And this is a step in the right direction. If they remove the apps, they will have to find something of value to add to Live Gold. They'll actually become competitive. I was cynical that they wouldn't do this (and I guess I should stay cynical until I see it happen) because it seemed xbox fans were happy to give them the money and it wasn't costing them too much to have those stupid policies (and sadly I have seen people who proved that it worked to convince people to pay for Live Gold).

I figured I was in the minority (I just refuse to condone that behavior). But maybe MS is finding it is biting them in the butt. If so, good. Let's see them truly get competitive (Sony better watch out cause from what I've seen of them this past year, they've been having it too easy and being too relaxed. I'd like to see them actually come out with some good updates, they promised some a few weeks back but I haven't heard a date. Also, I would like to hear some more AAA games out for PS, particularly for me something I'm actually interested in. Since Witcher 3 is moved to next year and we have no idea when Fallout 4 is coming out there is nothing I am super interested in on PS4 coming out this year. And yes, that's just what I am interested in, but that's what is important to me ;) ).

E3 is going to be huge - Phil will make sure of it. He's doing everything we ever wanted for the Xbox. I hope his plans come to fruition. Sataya is also modernizing how MS deals with customers.

If he actually removes the paywall for apps, I'd say that is a very good move on his part . It's late, and MS doesn't deserve praise rather than a, "Finally, what took so long?" but I'll give him personally a pass since he's only had control for a short bit so that probably wasn't up to him how long it took. Honestly, if he does this, I'll see why people are very happy to have him on board (I just don't know enough about him now to have an opinion either way. But it does seem xbox has improved since Mattrick left so I am willing to believe Mattrick was a lot of what was wrong with xbox. Seems him and Zynga are a good fit).

People that think MS is going to remove the paywall for multiplayer on live, or even considering it are 100% insane.

I don't think this is about removing the paywall for MP, just for the apps. I think that would be a killer move for MS now that Sony paywalls certain MP, but I agree with you that the method works so I doubt they'd stop that (and honestly that isn't what offends me, it's the apps, particularly ones I already pay a sub fee to some one else to use, that offends me).

But since Sony followed suite I think it shows that it does make them money to do so, so I don't see MS stopping something that makes them money.

On the other hand, maybe my cynicism is wrong about the paywalling of apps making MS money and they have seen that the paywall of apps has lost them money from people who wake up and realize the stupidity of that policy especially when they can get those apps elsewhere without paying an extra yearly fee. Hell, buying a device specifically for Netflix/HBO Go/whatnot can be cheaper than paying one year of Live (that is if your tv doesn't already do it, mine does Netflix but I still use my PS for it cause it's a better app and it's free. If it weren't free I'd just suffer my TV's netflix app which honestly does kinda suck). So the only people who are paying to use their xbox for Netflix and whatnot are people who have failed to do their research.

We'll see if MS actually removes the paywall for apps (and then they'll remove the one major reason I rant about xbox. Everything else is just more personal preference really. But the paywall crap is what truly offends me about xbox).

I pay more yearly for Netflix, than I do for Live Gold. I don't see how the numbers for this would possibly work out.

Well, I don't know about Netflix but it would work out great for MS. That in itself would have me totally subscribe to Gold just to get cheaper Netflix :) (well, long as they didn't paywall Netflix anymore cause until they remove the paywall for apps I refuse to pay for Gold).


But objectively, Sony has the better first party studio (one look at past GOTYs, and general consensus will show that).

That's actually not objective at all. A collection of subjective opinions are still subjective. Justin Bieber isn't objectively better than most other performing artists.

I like Halo and Forza, but don't give a shit about either Gears or Fable. Despite this I still have massively preferred MS' offering to Sony's over the previous gen due to other franchises like Viva Pinata, Project Gotham, Crackdown and others (including some of their Kinect stuff).

On the Sony side, I didn't enjoy Uncharted, or Killzone, or LittleBigPlanet, or Infamous, or Resistance, or Ratchet and Clank, or God of War and I'm currently not too enthralled with TLoU (just under halfway through atm). Pretty much all Sony offered me for PS3 that I cared for was Wipeout and Motorstorm.. and one (both?) of those is dead today. The disparity is currently even worse between my X1 and PS4.

Also you state that MS has exclusively relied on Halo/Forza/Gears releases for the past few years, which seems weird considering I've been playing Ryse, Killer Instinct and Crimson Dragon lately, and so much of the animosity towards them in previous years has been due to them offering a load of new Kinect material. Just because what they offered didn't appeal to you, doesn't mean they didn't offer anything. By that measure, Sony rarely ever offers me anything... ever.

Multiplayer, games with gold, and other services,

Like, it doesn't make sense that MS would lock Netflix behind a paywall, since we already have to pay for it. Instead, have something like Netflix included in the price of gold. That would really increase the value, I should think.

I pay more yearly for Netflix, than I do for Live Gold. I don't see how the numbers for this would possibly work out.
Multiplayer, games with gold, and other services,

Like, it doesn't make sense that MS would lock Netflix behind a paywall, since we already have to pay for it. Instead, have something like Netflix included in the price of gold. That would really increase the value, I should think.

That is probably the most likely scenario if this actually happens

Match Best Buy and offer 20% off all new digital games, 10% DLC, and 15% off season passes.

Microsoft probably won't include anything like that but we'll have to wait and see


It simply comes down to removing barriers between themselves and customers. You shouldn't be giving customers a good reason to not buy your console and that is what Xbox Live Gold has been doing for many years with apps behind the pay wall.
I know I don't speak for everyone (it's all my opinion after all), but it is the general consensus (see metacritic, user reviews, sales numbers and general discussion). I just wouldn't say they're "highly regarded", far from it. They're an average dev nowadays (at best, I'd say more along the lines of mediocre), which is why I just don't get where the hype for SO is coming from (after all, all we've seen is a CGI trailer). It doesn't change the fact that they've put out 2 terrible Ratchet games, 1 mediocre Ratchet, Fuse (lol), and ran the Resistance franchise into the ground with poor decisions (the sales numbers speak for themselves).

The fact that they gave Ratchet to their B team is exactly what I don't like. I feel it deserves better, and hopefully another Dev can have a shot of it. Insomniac wants to move on anyways, so why not? I'd like to see them live without having to lean on their Ratchet clutch.

Insomniac dont want to just be making R&C games for the rest of time because they dont own it and dont have control over it. Clearly Sony dont agree that it deserves better, otherwise they would give it to someone else.

I enjoyed the previous titles they made that I played... Sony owned and published Resistance, the game had a complete lack of identity, which was shown on a basic level in the completely contrasting boxarts the game had. Its as much on Sony as it is Insomniac (and looking at the recent Vita spin-off it seems Sony dont really care about it anyway) in my opinion. Not to mention whenever I see Resistance mentioned people always say how good 3 was.

Insomniac wanted the freedom to own their own IP which Sony dont allow. They've gone to Microsoft who publish games that are some of my favourite series and Insomniac said MS believe in their vision for the game which is clearly something they like. I wont say Insomniac dont have anything to prove but I dont consider the issues with some spin-off R&C titles to mean they arent a good and highly rated developer. I assume SO has had the development time they need to produce the game they want.

Theres also the quote here at the top that I considered to be a dig at EA for not supporting them on the style of Fuse, I appreciate not everyone will agree with me on that.

And you earlier mentioned Killzone being the sixth entry. When it was announced I was excited but the game underdelivered. The main issue with your argument is that though Sony does release sequels (who said they didn't?) they also release a lot of new IPs to go along with them. For the last few years, MS relied exclusively on the usual, monotonous Gears/Forza, Halo/Forza yearly cycle with Fable sprinkled around. They don't seem to be changing that either which I don't like.

2014: Halo/Forza
2015: Halo/Forza/Fable
2016: Gears/Forza

In terms of core games, they did rely on those and I wont argue that but MS invested in plenty of other games for 360 in its latter years using Kinect which required Kinect:

Joy Ride, Kinect Sports, Kinectimals, The Gunstringer, Star Wars, Dance Central (only the third was published by MS admittedly), some Disneyland games... then theres XBLA stuff, I never personally felt I wasnt getting a good line-up - I also didnt own a Kinect.

There was certainly investment and while this happened on 360 - seemingly a good idea too considering how many Kinect devices they sold - their focused on getting the line-up they did of "core games" Xbox One and so far they've certainly delivered on their line-up. Releasing Forza and Halo regularly is fine as long as there are other games too which so far there has been.


If MS is trying to woo back gamers after the mess of the X1 build up and release, this is a step in the right direction.


The by far biggest reason to subscribe is online games. So apps behind paywall never made much sense. Especially with apps like netflix that creates extra money for them.
With this policy they created another bad pr point for barely any return.


I pay more yearly for Netflix, than I do for Live Gold. I don't see how the numbers for this would possibly work out.

A discount then. People can use Netflix without XBL gold, but if they do get gold, it discounts their subscription for say, $20 a year.

Phil taking over is the best thing that could have happened for Xbox

Credit where credit is due. Phil is a godsend, but it was really Nadella who was the god-that-sent him.

If Phil is the best thing that could have happened to Xbox, Nadella is too, since Nadella is the best thing that has happened to Microsoft as a whole in recent years.


If MS proceeds with this then they better not make a big announcement out of it unless they add some other elements to the service in order to make it more valuable, so to speak. If they come out with a big announcement about how certain apps are no longer behind a paywall and leave it like that then they are going to be hit with "so what?," "about time," "that's how it should have been anyways," etc.


now that sony charges for multi, no way microsoft stops doing that. I can see them easy the App gold restriction through.

Actually, I could see them doing that now. Pull the old switcheroo on them.

Instead of charging for multiplayer, focus it more on being something like PS+ for the PS3 is.


Actually, I could see them doing that now. Pull the old switcheroo on them.

Instead of charging for multiplayer, focus it more on being something like PS+ for the PS3 is.

That didn't work out for Sony.
What makes you think it would work for Ms?
Neither of them will ever make mp free again as long as they are really really seriously presured to do so.
Making mp free means loosing billions.
If MS proceeds with this then they better not make a big announcement out of it unless they add some other elements to the service in order to make it more valuable, so to speak. If they come out with a big announcement about how certain apps are no longer behind a paywall and leave it like that then they are going to be hit with "so what?," "about time," "that's how it should have been anyways," etc.

What counts as a "big announcement"?

Most likely, they will do a blog post on it on Xbox Wire, and will be tweeted by the various Xbox staff on twitter.
Are there any other websites where you can pay a yearly fee for free two day shipping that offer as many items as Amazon (I'm honestly asking, cause I'd like to know).

Again, they mark up most of the Prime eligible products so that "free" 2-day shipping isn't really free. You're better off making sure your order total is $35 or above so you get free shipping anyway, without being a Prime member.

Apparently there is even an on-going lawsuit over this issue: http://www.geekwire.com/2014/lawsui...e-third-party-prices-inflated-cover-shipping/
I understand the appeal of this in a theoretical way, but are you all really buying an Xbox 1 and not getting Gold? I'm trying to picture the person who wants an Xbox 1 but does not want to play games online.


What counts as a "big announcement"?

Most likely, they will do a blog post on it on Xbox Wire, and will be tweeted by the various Xbox staff on twitter.

I was thinking something along the lines of announcing at E3. I think what you suggested is perfect. I think they should just put it out there, but not try and play it up as a huge deal, if that makes sense.


I understand the appeal of this in a theoretical way, but are you all really buying an Xbox 1 and not getting Gold? I'm trying to picture the person who wants an Xbox 1 but does not want to play games online.

People don't play online at all or often so why would they subscribe yearly or ever?

Different strokes. People may just play single player or local multiplayer and others may not have the time to justify subscribing for online play so trials and short passes is all they need if they are interested.

Online players will still pay for Gold so why turn away everyone else for no logical reason. Silly policy.


I understand the appeal of this in a theoretical way, but are you all really buying an Xbox 1 and not getting Gold? I'm trying to picture the person who wants an Xbox 1 but does not want to play games online.

Not everybody goes online for online play (online multiplayer).

There are even those that either doesn't have internet from where they're at (Rural areas, mind you), or have very poor internet speeds/streaming.

Mikey Jr.

Heh, hope they do this, but it will be fucking hilarious when they do.

"Yeah, sorry for ripping you guys off for 8 years.........Our bad."
I understand the appeal of this in a theoretical way, but are you all really buying an Xbox 1 and not getting Gold? I'm trying to picture the person who wants an Xbox 1 but does not want to play games online.

I bought a 360 and never took it online.
Happily played through ToV, Gears trilogy, Halo SP campaigns, Lost Odyssey with no problem at all. Did my online stuff on PC/PS3.

I plan to do the same with Xbox 1 later in the gen.

Please picture me :p


This makes sense. With the coming Xbox original digital offerings most likely to be paywalled behind Gold they really don't need to do this anymore.


That's good, I guess? People shouldn't be thanking them for this, as this is the way it should've been from the get go.


Nothing! I said nothing!
If they do this and give away a small game for free every month it will be Sony who will need to add value to their service on PS4.


This makes sense. With the coming Xbox original digital offerings most likely to be paywalled behind Gold they really don't need to do this anymore.

I have only recently got an Xbone and never heard about this... do tell...
He's got the charm but that's it. All I see is just talk this, plan this.

He gets asked questions, he answers them. E3 is always their big place for news, but other stuff is scattered between Gamescom/TGS and other times.

I would imagine his intention of answering the questions he does is a lot more about letting people know hes listening rather than specifically trying to announce something on a particular time.

Plus hes had the job for less than a week (before that the XBL stuff wasnt his area) give the man some time.


Ooooh... I thought you were talking about them implementing BC for the original Xbox, d'oh.

Well at the BUILD conference they did say that Microsoft is working on an Xbox 360 emulator for the Xbox One but it's proving to be difficult.
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