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Destiny: Only one area per planet

That seems incredibly lackluster. If I want to play Detiny and experience all the content, I have to buy the base game for $60, then a year of PS+ (Month by month or three months is not efficient). So that's $79.99 (AUD). Then there's a "Season Pass" right? So $40.

I also imagine this game is going to have DLC through the nose. PVP map packs every 3-4 months, with the inevitable single player expansions & DLC every 6-8+ months. Pretty dirty.

For those wondering how this relates to the topic. Earth / Russia is not all that big. So not much content (story / PVE wise) for the initial investment. Also the level cap can apparently be reached within a few hours to half a day.


That seems incredibly lackluster. If I want to play Detiny and experience all the content, I have to buy the base game for $60, then a year of PS+ (Month by month or three months is not efficient). So that's $79.99 (AUD). Then there's a "Season Pass" right? So $40.

I also imagine this game is going to have DLC through the nose. PVP map packs every 3-4 months, with the inevitable single player expansions & DLC every 6-8+ months. Pretty dirty.

I came to accept it would be limited to the solar system, that wasn't what my post was about.

5 areas in the final game though? I hope this is not correct.

Again, did you explore them fully?

I did, and there seems to be plenty of content to start with.

Then add strikes and raids and pvp and the game is looking extremely fleshed out.

Mr Moose

This has come up a few times. Please share what games you are going to pay full price for this fall that is worth bringing up in a thread about lack of content.

Metro Redux is out just before Destiny, I'll be playing that. Then plenty of games in October and November (CoD, Ass Creed and so on). Is that answer good enough for you? :)

Also TLoUR but that comes out very soon.


are there any maps of the old russia area yet?

Whenever people say this I feel like you have to ask yourself whether you put those hours in because of the small time window as a result of it being a beta or because your actually enjoyed the game and can see yourself doing that with a full, much larger retail game over a longer time period.

Why would I put hours into a game I didn't enjoy?

Beta or not, if it sucked I would not waste my time playing it. I would go back to Oddworld or Divinity or the 50 other games I have available to me.


Metro Redux is out just before Destiny, I'll be playing that. Then plenty of games in October and November (CoD, Ass Creed and so on). Is that answer good enough for you? :)

Also TLoUR but that comes out very soon.

Not really a great answer, no.

Explore all of Old Russia, notice the areas that will obviously be opened up later, then the Moon areas we got to explore.

It's incredible that you people think this game won't have enough pve content.


Please god, tell me you don't actually believe this.

This thread is crazy.

Dude, this thread is litterally about how there is only 1 zone per planet in Destiny. And everything we know says there is only 4 planets/moon in the game. 1 of 4 is 25%

While Bungie may have blurred the lines between their goals of Destiny the franchise and Destiny the game at times, anybody who was expecting more have their own expectations to blame.

How is it our own fault? We were never told what to expect. Bungie simply choose to be silent on the matter, leaving people to make guesses based on what they talked about at things like their gdc panel + what it says on their website ( their description of earth makes it sounds like there are multiple planets ), oh and also things like the fact that there are at least 1 multiplayer map that takes place on earth, but not in old russia.


Saint Titanfall
This has come up a few times. Please share what games you are going to pay full price for this fall that is worth bringing up in a thread about lack of content.

Bayonetta 2 packed in with 1 (deal of the year), DA: I, (though maybe that's just me), large back of 3ds and pc games, some f2p mmo's if I'm just interested in short term romps. I'm not that much into AAA gaming but games with content to play has never been my issue.

edit: also metro.

Mr Moose

Not really a great answer, no.

Explore all of Old Russia, notice the areas that will obviously be opened up later, then the Moon areas we got to explore.

It's incredible that you people think this game won't have enough pve content.

Yeah but I've done Old Russia twice now (Alpha and Beta) I don't feel like doing it all over again, it gets a bit boring.

Also... whatdoyoumeanyoupeople.jpg


Old Russia is mega boring even when explored. There isn't much to see unless you want to fight the same 4 enemies over and over.
Then exploring is not for you, I'm still finding cool little things, plus all the places I can't go to yet due to level cap. . The moon, granted I seen and explored as much as I could, but what they could do with the story and that setting? . I can't wait.

If I can spend 2 weeks playing the same 'boring old russia' then I can get lots of enjoyment out of this. . I do the "strike" at least 2-3 times a day since release


How is it our own fault? We were never told what to expect. Bungie simply choose to be silent on the matter, leaving people to make guesses based on what they talked about at things like their gdc panel + what it says on their website ( their description of earth makes it sounds like there are multiple planets ), oh and also things like the fact that there are at least 1 multiplayer map that takes place on earth, but not in old russia.

The fact they they've showed Old Russia exclusively for Earth footage should've been a red flag. The fact the same area(Old Russia) was in both the Alpha and Beta should've been another one.


Yeah but I've done Old Russia twice now (Alpha and Beta) I don't feel like doing it all over again, it gets a bit boring.

Also... whatdoyoumeanyoupeople.jpg

There will be new areas to explore, we've seen them. Just because you burnt out on the beta doesn't mean the game doesn't have enough content.


Bayonetta 2 packed in with 1 (deal of the year), DA: I, (though maybe that's just me), large back of 3ds and pc games, some f2p mmo's if I'm just interested in short term romps. I'm not that much into AAA gaming but games content to play has never been my issue.

Also Civ Beyond Earth comes out this Fall (not sure the exact date). If it's anything like the previous one it'll keep me occupied for the rest of the year.


Then exploring is not for you, I'm still finding cool little things, plus all the places I can't go to yet due to level cap. . The moon, granted I seen and explored as much as I could, but what they could do with the story and that setting? . I can't wait.

If I can spend 2 weeks playing the same 'boring old russia' then I can get lots of enjoyment out of this. . I do the "strike" at least 2-3 times a day since release
I run into a lot of people...who don't even participate in the public events..its a bit lame and frustrating. I guess you really do need to join a clan and play private if you want consistent social participation
How is it our own fault? We were never told what to expect. Bungie simply choose to be silent on the matter, leaving people to make guesses based on what they talked about at things like their gdc panel + what it says on their website ( their description of earth makes it sounds like there are multiple planets ), oh and also things like the fact that there are at least 1 multiplayer map that takes place on earth, but not in old russia.
If it's not your fault, then why is it that some people aren't surprised by this announcement? I've already addressed the GDC panel in my post, and you could see hints of this based on the footage they released, and the fact that most of the time they spent working on Destiny was designing a new engine.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Why would I put hours into a game I didn't enjoy?

Beta or not, if it sucked I would not waste my time playing it. I would go back to Oddworld or Divinity or the 50 other games I have available to me.

Definitley. But I still won't likely binge play as much as I did in the alpha and beta as I won't be trying all the classes, replaying the same missions over and over with different friends etc. which I did due to the limited time and content.

Not that it wasn't fun, but the main game will just be like Borderlands for me. I'll take my time going through the story and DLC, maybe chip away at some high level strikes/raids as I get better gear, but probably not finish all of those. And that's fine by me, I don't have time for some 200+ hour MMO experience.


anyway, if you like the mechanics, just pay for it. theres no monthly fee so theres no guaranteed salaries for artists and modelers not to mention programmers and server admins. they built an epic, epic game.

(and im gonna play it with a mouse and keyboard mwahha)


Saint Titanfall
If it's not your fault, then why is it that some people aren't surprised by this announcement? I've already addressed the GDC panel in my post, and you could see hints of this based on the footage they released, and the fact that most of the time they spent working on Destiny was designing a new engine.

Low expectations are not the same as the developer being misleading. And the developer was very misleading as that video un-refutably shows.

Mr Moose

There will be new areas to explore, we've seen them. Just because you burnt out on the beta doesn't mean the game doesn't have enough content.

That's true I guess, hoping we know more of the length of the missions going forward, because the moon one was extremely short.

The DLC better be huge for the price they are asking for it. (It's $35 per 2 "map" things, isn't it?).

I do enjoy the game from the alpha and beta, I'll probably just get the standard edition instead of the limited.
If it's not your fault, then why is it that some people aren't surprised by this announcement? I've already addressed the GDC panel in my post, and you could see hints of this based on the footage they released, and the fact that most of the time they spent working on Destiny was designing a new engine.
I don't see how different internal expectations means it's someones fault for being disappointed in the amount of content.


So this thread turned from a news thread to an all out assumption vs assumption war.

I like the game so I will assume that the areas in Old Russia that are sealed off are HUGE and have a lot of content variety, also the other planets we have almost no info about are going to be pretty huge too. Don't worry trust me on this.


The sealed areas a probably a room or two with the same enemies and nothing new, also the remaining planets will have the same or smaller playable area of the maps we have seen and a few events with no variety. I'm pretty sure because that's what i've seen in the beta and it won't change much.

Most of the question that derive from this piece of news can't be answered right not and I don't think that assuming the worst or the best is going to help. We should try to get some more answer from Bungie or just wait till the game releases and judge if the content the game brings is enough for each one of us.


Gold Member
Again, did you explore them fully?

I did, and there seems to be plenty of content to start with.

Then add strikes and raids and pvp and the game is looking extremely fleshed out.

I spent 7 hours exploring in the beta (albeit, most of it redundantly) according to bungie.net stats, played the beta every day and always explored before then going into PVP.

But I wouldn't have explored so much if there were other areas available.


No Mans Sky looks awesome but I feel like you are setting yourself up for a No Mans Sky disappointment thread.

Not really, the game isnt a walking simulator, its a game with actual space combat, exploring, crafting and upgrading your weapons and ships. Sounds deeper than Destiny atm.

I cant believe they'd put this little content in the game damn. I mean Old Russia is boring as hell. The moon was amazing though but not much to do and a lot of doors locked off.

I guess I can forgive them for not living up to their own words. With ps3/360 you cant really focus if you want to have parity. And they talked about parity a bunch. They want it to play on ps3 exactly like on ps4.

Which is gross imo. Should have just made a special next gen version. Now it looks next gen but feels last gen. Too many loading screens, shit netcode and matchmaking and no drop in / drop out coop thats fast.

And a shitload of stuff from their demo's didnt make it in either, which is ridiculous.


Of course it's valid. If someone spent X hours and enjoyed them all, and can compare it to experience Y in terms of value, then it's valid.

It's not just about pure hours spent obviously. That shouldn't even need to be explained.

That's my point. Some people on the other hand, are simply saying that people who are dissapointed by this, shouldn't be, because hey, they played the beta for 20 or whatever hours, that means they now expect to get 80-100 hours out of Destiny, and that is clearly more than enough in their mind, and therefor it's also enough for everyone else

If people think that one zone per planet/moon is more than enough for them, based on what they got out of the beta, great, good for them. Just don't tell other people that they are wrong for being dissapointed


I remain skeptical..they need to do some tweaks but i had fun with a friend in co-op. Also in multiplayer. And i didn't explore the moon even seeing video's and picture there are deep layers beneath it. That though has me excited.


Sounds like content is going to be a problem considering how fast you can do Earth.

I'm not even buying the game day 1 but how do you know how fast you can do Earth? There's mobs all the way up to level 20 on Earth. Not all of it has been explored. The beta doesn't feature the entire Russia area I don't believe.


I run into a lot of people...who don't even participate in the public events..its a bit lame and frustrating. I guess you really do need to join a clan and play private if you want consistent social participation
Yes and no, I have had help from randoms in public events, but with your fireteam being defaulted to 'friends only' instead of public it makes it difficult to communicate with them (same problem in Strikes)

But yeah, some people are trying to see what the fuss is about, I play pvp, I know I will be spending a lot of time in the crucible grinding for gear.

Level Cap is probably 20, end game starts at 20, I'm Rwady
It was day one for me before reading this..It'll be just 4 planet with 5 minutes story mission and complete garbage Pvp...Pretty disappointed..


That's my point. Some people on the other hand, are simply saying that people who are dissapointed by this, shouldn't be, because hey, they played the beta for 20 or whatever hours, that means they now expect to get 80-100 hours out of Destiny, and that is clearly more than enough in their mind, and therefor it's also enough for everyone else

If people think that one zone per planet/moon is more than enough for them, based on what they got out of the beta, great, good for them. Just don't tell other people that they are wrong for being dissapointed
You don't plan on doing strikes/raids/pvp or end game content?
Dude, this thread is litterally about how there is only 1 zone per planet in Destiny. And everything we know says there is only 4 planets/moon in the game. 1 of 4 is 25%

Except you are assuming we've seen all of old Russia which we clearly haven't there are several locations on the map you cannot get to. Also beta is beta, things can and will likely change by the time the full game comes out in another month and a half and we have no idea how old the build we played is, there were a lot of changes between the Alpha and Beta builds, I'm not saying we will see a whole area added but I think its unlikely thats all of the story missions in old Russia when we only go over about 66% of the map.

It's certainly not a good thing there are not more areas (which we might see more if it turns out the guy who said this misspoke) but I don't think everyone needs to panic about this yet, I spent a ton of time in old Russia and there was plenty of things I didn't get to see or do.

That said, I really think Bungie needs to drop some accurate information on what we can actually expect in the full game, how many areas we have to explore, how many story missions, how many multiplayer maps, how many strikes, if there are raids and how many, ect. There is a lot we don't know yet and personally I'd be perfectly fine if there were only 4 locations if we end up getting like 10 strikes and 5 raids along with 15 PVP maps, but we just don't know what were really going to get in the full game.
It was day one for me before reading this..It'll be just 4 planet with 5 minutes story mission and complete garbage Pvp...Pretty disappointed..

Holy shit. I can't..

This is an epic thread.

Let's play the first 4 missions in Almost ANY game then turn it off because fuck.. Those mission we're short


If it's not your fault, then why is it that some people aren't surprised by this announcement? I've already addressed the GDC panel in my post, and you could see hints of this based on the footage they released, and the fact that most of the time they spent working on Destiny was designing a new engine.

Different people, different expectations, shocking concept?

How is it my fault for being surprised at one zone per planet. When bungie has never confirmed or denied that yes, yes they are indeed only gonna have 1 zone per planet? It's been a hot topic of discussion whether there would be one or more, and Bungie never fucking bothered to tell us

They have said multiple times that the MP maps will NOT be based on campaign stages (ala COD)

I've never seen or read this.

Except you are assuming we've seen all of old Russia which we clearly haven't there are several locations on the map you cannot get to. Also beta is beta, things can and will likely change by the time the full game comes out in another month and a half and we have no idea how old the build we played is, there were a lot of changes between the Alpha and Beta builds, I'm not saying we will see a whole area added but I think its unlikely thats all of the story missions in old Russia when we only go over about 66% of the map.

It's certainly not a good thing there are not more areas (which we might see more if it turns out the guy who said this misspoke) but I don't think everyone needs to panic about this yet, I spent a ton of time in old Russia and there was plenty of things I didn't get to see or do.

That said, I really think Bungie needs to drop some accurate information on what we can actually expect in the full game, how many areas we have to explore, how many story missions, how many multiplayer maps, how many strikes, if there are raids and how many, ect. There is a lot we don't know yet and personally I'd be perfectly fine if there were only 4 locations if we end up getting like 10 strikes and 5 raids along with 15 PVP maps, but we just don't know what were really going to get in the full game.

I'm not assuming we've seen all of Russia, I know we haven't. I also know we haven't seen all the story missions in Old Russia. That doesn't change the Old Russia = 25%, maybe 20% or the total zones in the game, regardless of whether or not there are a few story areas locked off in the alpha and beta.


Add me to the super disappointed and the hyperbolistic pre order cancelled group.

I still really enjoyed the beta and picked up the game but with my current backlog I don't see any reason to pay $60 for the game when it will likely be on sale for $40 on black friday.


I find myself trying to remember how large Borderlands 2 was.....as long a they have at least 1 super massive area I should be good.


love on your sleeve
The writing has been on the wall in this regard. None of the other Earth zones I've seen people talking about have ever been seen outside of concept art. Perhaps things we'll see across the 10 year Destiny project but not on day 1. The alpha and beta having the same content and same level cap was also a tip off.

It's not a surprise to me but still kind of disappointing.
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