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Her Story | Spoiler Thread

They just flipped the video. Although it's interesting that they constantly overlay footage of Hannah and Eve together during the credits so they're both one image.



This is more or less what I think. Everything was a lie. She designed a set of lies to be caught on so that she could then confess to them without confessing to the actual lie.

But that makes no sense as we know she's in prison anyway. The only reason she would make up the split personality story was because there were twins and she wants one of them to get away at least. So Eve protected Hannah by pretending they were one the whole time. I think the admission of the personality stuff isn't until the latter interviews anyway.

But I still think she's just insane.


Just got an achievement for scoring 'Draw' while playing myself in the Mirror Game. Yep, def still going with multiple personalities.


They're both the same person. The last day when they bring Eve in for questioning she says "This is a nicer room. This is where you take people when it's time to arrest them?"


They're both the same person. The last day when they bring Eve in for questioning she says "This is a nicer room. This is where you take people when it's time to arrest them?"

I don't see how that proves anything? In either case of the multiple identities or twins, they could have collaborated or impersonated the other in the interviews. You could argue that Eve lying about her name being Hannah indicates that she may have been in one of the interviews earlier. So Eve had an idea of what the meeting rooms were like and knew the interrogation room was different (and if anyone hasn't noticed, each video recording has the location in the top right).


I can see how some folks might not find the Twins explanation plausible, but we're talking about created fiction here, not real life.

Is there any evidence at all that contradicts Twins?

By this logic, Eve might be a supernatural twin crossing over from a mirror dimension. Which is really cool, but requires more "what ifs" than mental illness and unreliable narration.

To be clear - I love reading and entertaining other interpretations. I dont think there is one right answer. Im just personally of the Occam's razor school of thought.


Probably been mentioned but in the credits the tattoo is on her right arm then later its on her left....

Yeah it's just mirrored, a bunch of the images are.


Is Hannah/Eve in prison? A lot of you are saying she gets away with murder, but do we know that she did?

Edit 2

There's no way the woman in the final set of interviews gets away with anything. She confesses, if not to murder, to at least to assisting *someone* with disposing of a body after they have been murdered.


I'm team Twins because of the tattoo.

Also with alle the conflicting things she said, she should have been arrested a lot earlier:

- Only suspect, body found in their own basement
- Unconfirmed/fake alibi
- Lying about her obviously new tattoo.
- Lying about the Oxford trip.
- No unknown set of fingerprints found.

Some of these must be true.

Also how it's possible she avoided suspects of her/their parents murder if she had not a strong alibi at the time?

Her/their father was an expert, It couldn't have been an accident


I think the evidence for multiple personalities is much, much stronger than the evidence and most importantly, plausibility of twins. Occam's Razor.

Really unique and interesting game, though I would've liked a bit more of a payoff and supplemental materials.
I'm team Twins because of the tattoo.

The main problem with the tattoo is that we only know it's definitely not there on the 30th of June, and that it is on the 1st of July. I don't think she's under arrest and confined to a cell, so could have had it done between the two interviews.

Also, she comments that it 'expresses her individuality' (or something similar), which could mean that the Eve personality has completely taken over.

The bruise is more tricky, of course. Either it faded quickly, or it's a fake. :)

In any case, it's a really nice piece of ambiguous writing, allowing multiple conclusions to be drawn. For me, the balance of probabilities is strongly on the MPD side, mainly because of the implausibility of a midwife (Florence Nightingale?) making off with a baby, keeping her virtually imprisoned for 8 years, and then the child managing not only to contact her twin (did they live across the road from each other? not sure.) , but successfully avoiding detection for another decade living in their parents' attic and sharing dates up until Simon comes on the scene. It's possible, of course, and I'm pretty sure MPD doesn't manifest itself as neatly as this, but just seems a lot less likely.

Anyway, it's neatly done and a for a few quid, I'd like to see additional efforts along the same lines. The restrictions on the searches were obviously contrived and I don't think they should repeat this mechanic, but hopefully we'll see more in a similar vein.


i was creeped out by the random reflections when they first occurred. but learning it was her daughter was a nice revelation.

i agree that i couldn't tell if they were twins or it was split personality. kinda leaning towards the latter because of one clip where Hannah was freaking out about revealing Eve to the police. that was an unexpected part of the story. i thought i was going crazy when she was referring to Hannah in third person after i found a clip where she said her name was Hannah lol

but when SB asked me why my mother did, i answered no. cuz i don't think i really found a clip on why Hannah or Eve started killing. (just noticed that SB is the developer's initials. hah)


I'm surprised so many people are going with multiple personalities over twins.

Eve had the tattoo of the snake and the apple, Hannah didn't (seems silly of them to wear short sleeved shirts to interviews though). I saw some mention that Eve got this between interviews, but isn't it just that we previously saw Hannah instead of Eve in the t-shirt?

Hannah got hit by Simon which left a bruise, Eve is asked about it later and says it cleared up quickly, touching the wrong side of her face.

The story about Eve checking into the hospital in Glasgow the night Simon was murdered, which they tried to use to clear Hannah of murder. If it was a split personality, how did they manage to be in both places?

Eve trying to get pregnant to match Hannah, failing to do that made them think she was infertile and resulted in contracting an STD. I have no idea what they would have done with Eve's child had she been successful, though.

There's no need for the knock code if they're the same person, and maybe even the diary. If you argue the diary is necessary then the knock code definitely isn't.

There's lots of little tidbits too, like the story about Eve sneaking down in her underwear to go to the toilet and being caught by their mother. She ran into Hannah's room and Hannah jumped out fully dressed. There was also mention of Hanah taking extra food for Eve to eat. Another example, Hannah and Eve going to the bathroom to switch clothes on their date with Simon. They wouldn't need to physically go somewhere to switch if they were the same person.

I think there's a lot more going for twins than multiple personalities. Granted, I haven't seen 100% of the footage (>75%) so maybe there's something in there that will radically shift my understanding but I'd be surprised.

Does the game answer how their parents died? Signs kind of point to suicide, but it doesn't really suggest why they would.
I'm surprised so many people are going with multiple personalities over twins..

It just doesn't seem very likely that an 8 year old girl could live in an 'attic' for so long without being discovered, swapping places with her twin from time to time, and eventually taking the dominant role on dates. Let alone be brought up by a midwife who dies and conveniently leaves a diary behind. Through all of this, she manages to evade social services and nosy neighbours in the UK as well.

It's not that the twins theory is ridiculous with what the game gives us, it's just that it seems a lot less probable.


Unconfirmed Member
Maybe Hannah wanted to have a baby with Simon and used Eve as the surrogate mother. Simon found out about it, flipped out and the women killed him. Who knows? There are too many maybes and possible explanations, but none of them can be verified, since we have limited access to the information surrounding the case (and what we have is highly unreliable!).

I thought it was pretty clear Hannah was upset that Simon impregnated Eve, which is the reason they got into an argument.

Eve even says that when Hannah first told Simon that she had a pregnant sister she wanted to help house through pregnancy, Simon's look on his face gave everything away (second video in the sister search term). She then pretended to be Eve to confirm her suspicions, and the argument/murder happened there (last video on throat search).

For MPD, I guess she might read Simon's reaction wrong, but the motive seems pretty clear either way, unless Eve's straight up lying.

EDIT: Also, what's the MPD explanation for the story about Hannah almost drowning Eve? Hannah talks about it and Eve sings about it.


But that makes no sense as we know she's in prison anyway. The only reason she would make up the split personality story was because there were twins and she wants one of them to get away at least. So Eve protected Hannah by pretending they were one the whole time. I think the admission of the personality stuff isn't until the latter interviews anyway.

But I still think she's just insane.
So? Whether or not she got away with it is irrelevant. We don't really know anything about the case or a trial or anything else that happened. I think that making up an elaborate story that makes you sound insane would be a reasonable kind of thing to do in an attempt to get your sentence reduced when you know you're going to be caught, and she does go to the police first, meaning she began the whole thing on her terms.

If you somehow convince the police that it was really your sister and that you're some person who is completely undocumented then, as she says, can they arrest someone who doesn't exist?

And yet even if they don't buy it, then it falls back on the multiple personalities and maybe you get some pity for apparently being insane.


Unconfirmed Member
So? Whether or not she got away with it is irrelevant. We don't really know anything about the case or a trial or anything else that happened. I think that making up an elaborate story that makes you sound insane would be a reasonable kind of thing to do in an attempt to get your sentence reduced when you know you're going to be caught, and she does go to the police first, meaning she began the whole thing on her terms.

If you somehow convince the police that it was really your sister and that you're some person who is completely undocumented then, as she says, can they arrest someone who doesn't exist?

And yet even if they don't buy it, then it falls back on the multiple personalities and maybe you get some pity for apparently being insane.

It's possible, but it does seem like a waste of time to tell a story where literally everything is a lie.


So? Whether or not she got away with it is irrelevant. We don't really know anything about the case or a trial or anything else that happened. I think that making up an elaborate story that makes you sound insane would be a reasonable kind of thing to do in an attempt to get your sentence reduced when you know you're going to be caught, and she does go to the police first, meaning she began the whole thing on her terms.

If you somehow convince the police that it was really your sister and that you're some person who is completely undocumented then, as she says, can they arrest someone who doesn't exist?

And yet even if they don't buy it, then it falls back on the multiple personalities and maybe you get some pity for apparently being insane.

At this point I think the developer succeeded in making his game ambiguous enough we could each make our own conclusion and is happy to watch us be dogs chasing our own tails. :)

Without a smoking gun either interpretation has to be considered true. The only failing on his part then is how early in the process he allows us to say we're done. He should have made us find at least 75% of the videos first. At least.


Unconfirmed Member
At this point I think the developer succeeded in making his game ambiguous enough we could each make our own conclusion and is happy to watch us be dogs chasing our own tails. :)

Without a smoking gun either interpretation has to be considered true. The only failing on his part then is how early in the process he allows us to say we're done. He should have made us find at least 75% of the videos first. At least.

I think so too. He made both possible explanations not make much sense just to make this discussion happen. It's an interesting decision, but I'm not sure if I like it. Really the whole game is incredibly interesting, but I don't know if I like it.

At least the underlining story of the two personalities don't really change much whether or not they both inhabit the same body.


I think so too. He made both possible explanations not make much sense just to make this discussion happen. It's an interesting decision, but I'm not sure if I like it. Really the whole game is incredibly interesting, but I don't know if I like it.

At least the underlining story of the two personalities don't really change much whether or not they both inhabit the same body.

I think it's a real testament to the actress too, that she convincingly pulls off two separate personalities. That's a level of acting you don't see done very well in video games.


Really, the way you have all been talking during the last six-sevenish posts just reinforces my belief in the "she's lying and playing us all" theory. Trying to polarize us in overdramatized and polarizing theories...it feels too damn intentional. I still maintain that she has fucked with all of our heads, and forgive me if I missed this, but is there yet any concrete proof against this (and presumably concrete proof as far as the MPD or twins theories go)?

Because given the debate, I'm doubting so. And thus given the debate, I'm just further and further inclined to believe this, and that the misleading and arguing is intentionally trying to misguide us all to the truth: that she killed her husband and led the police and us on a chase, falling into easy Hollywood traps, while she got away with murder.


Unconfirmed Member
Really, the way you have all been talking during the last six-sevenish posts just reinforces my belief in the "she's lying and playing us all" theory. Trying to polarize us in overdramatized and polarizing theories...it feels too damn intentional. I still maintain that she has fucked with all of our heads, and forgive me if I missed this, but is there yet any concrete proof against this (and presumably concrete proof as far as the MPD or twins theories go)?

Because given the debate, I'm doubting so. And thus given the debate, I'm just further and further inclined to believe this, and that the misleading and arguing is intentionally trying to misguide us all to the truth: that she killed her husband and led the police and us on a chase, falling into easy Hollywood traps, while she got away with murder.

There can't be concrete proof because her word is literally the only thing we have to go on, beside that one text message from SB. If you can't trust her word at all, then there's practically nothing in this game you can really trust, outside of maybe the implied questions the detectives are asking.

It does seem like according to Eve, absolutely no one has ever seen the two of them together throughout their entire life, but I'd imagine you could find out if they're twins if they ever were both scheduled to work at the same time, or find out if there was a split personality by asking people what she acted like.


Unconfirmed Member
I forgot, there's also the lie detector test which implies that she's not lieing, or at least that she truly believes her story.


I forgot, there's also the lie detector test which implies that she's not lieing, or at least that she truly believes her story.

Or that she's playing the detectives, because she intentionally fails the very first question which is about her identity but plays it off then later laughs about having failed it. People can beat polygraphs.


By this logic, Eve might be a supernatural twin crossing over from a mirror dimension. Which is really cool, but requires more "what ifs" than mental illness and unreliable narration.

To be clear - I love reading and entertaining other interpretations. I dont think there is one right answer. Im just personally of the Occam's razor school of thought.

I posed the question because there ARE evidence problems with Team MPD. As far as I know, none of the evidence disagrees with Team Twins. The only thing that gets pulled out against it is plausibility, but people write implausible stories every day. Hell, I'm writing one now :p

I think this is much simpler than people want to make it. Bruises, Tattoo, Coffee. #TeamTwins


But Waxwing, why are the inaccuracies of the representation of the MPD in the MPD theory more plausible than the twin theory wherein the contrivances are overly elaborate? Why are either of them plausible?

Isn't the idea that Hannah is just concocting and acting out an elaborate lie about all of this the most probable, plausible one when faced with reality?

EDIT: Why would we just presume that one of the two Hollywood options are the correct ones? This isn't a movie. We're looking back on chunks of interview video recorded 21 years ago. There isn't a grandiose overaching three-act structure. We've been misled into thinking this way about any main character and any twist in any story. It's the subversion, the subversion!

Not to falsely correlate past work to present, but go look back at Aisle and Shattered Memories and then try to justify the idea that Sam Barlow writes to Hollywood cliches whatsoever.


Wow, I was blown away by this game.

My gut says multiple personality but my heart says twins.

I think twins mainly because of their different drinking habits with coffee/sugars


i can't wait when some guy decides to compile all the clips and puts them in order on YT or something. wanna see how all 7 interviews come out. too lazy to compile them myself :p
i can't wait when some guy decides to compile all the clips and puts them in order on YT or something. wanna see how all 7 interviews come out. too lazy to compile them myself :p

If you want to watch them all in order, you can go into the game's folder (StreamingAssets) and select them all and watch them in whatever media player you want. They are all in order too lol

And let me just say... the split personality theory makes more sense... it is called 'Her Story' not 'Their Stories'



If you want to watch them all in order, you can go into the game's folder (StreamingAssets) and select them all and watch them in whatever media player you want. They are all in order too lol

i was playing on iOS so i couldn't do that XD

i just rebought it on Steam for the achievements. i'll do that then lol

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I think this is much simpler than people want to make it. Bruises, Tattoo, Coffee. #TeamTwins
Bruises can be covered with makeup. Tattoo could have been made the day before it showed up first on her hand (especially if it's a paint-on tattoo). Both far more believable than 5 year olds elaborately plotting the rest of their lives together, and playing their parents like a damn fiddle for years on end. Not sure what the coffee thing is?

Hospital records would kind of prove twins. I never really considered multiple personalities.
But there are no records, as she showed up there with no ID.
This is really a distinguishing accomplishment, making a significant percentage of people adopt a pure subtext interpretation of the game story. A theory that literally does not appear in the game itself.

At this rate we'll have to compile a list of all the facts and provable/not provable statements, and which of the provable ones have been proven or not proven.


i can't wait when some guy decides to compile all the clips and puts them in order on YT or something. wanna see how all 7 interviews come out. too lazy to compile them myself :p

Appunwrapper.com have done it. Just waiting on the seventh one as of yesterday. (Edit, the seventh one is up)


Hannah got hit by Simon which left a bruise, Eve is asked about it later and says it cleared up quickly, touching the wrong side of her face.

The story about Eve checking into the hospital in Glasgow the night Simon was murdered, which they tried to use to clear Hannah of murder. If it was a split personality, how did they manage to be in both places?

Simon's already gone at least a week before the bruise appears and she didn't have ID so it's unprovable that she was ever in Glasgow.


So are down to three theories? MPD, Twins and her being some kind of criminal genius?

I don't know where I fall just yet - I don't think she seems smart enough to concoct the whole thing - her "breakdown" when revealing Eve to the police was convincing enough to me that it wasn't premeditated - but then who knows? Maybe she is that brilliant?

I've only watched the first and last interviews in their entirety so far so I'm still not confident in making a call - I'll watch the rest today, especially 5 and 6.

But there are no records, as she showed up there with no ID.

He means when she was born - she concocted this story about the midwife taking her away after telling her parents she was dead (when she wasn't.)

That hospital would have the birth records - something we don't know about at all.

I forgot, there's also the lie detector test which implies that she's not lieing, or at least that she truly believes her story.

Bare in mind that we don't know what questions she is being asked.


Appunwrapper.com have done it. Just waiting on the seventh one as of yesterday. (Edit, the seventh one is up)



Simon's already gone at least a week before the bruise appears and she didn't have ID so it's unprovable that she was ever in Glasgow.

lol, i found that site while looking for a keyword guide earlier. i didn't watch the videos but with that and the 100% guide from Steam forums, i watched all the clips and sorta still sticking to my theory of a split personality disorder.

kinda wondering if the dev will ever do a commentary for the full interviews?
new tattoos are nasty. They leak ink, they scab, they need to be lotioned and covered from exposure. If this was a fresh tattoo she got in done between days it's not realistic. I know it doesn't have to be, but it's a silly oversight for a mystery where details matter

I think it's multiple personalities, with some story/film mistakes and issues.


Eve had the tattoo of the snake and the apple, Hannah didn't (seems silly of them to wear short sleeved shirts to interviews though). I saw some mention that Eve got this between interviews, but isn't it just that we previously saw Hannah instead of Eve in the t-shirt?
The tattoo is a tough one due to Hannah wearing short sleeves and no visible tattoo on June 25. If she got it midway through the interview process, it pokes holes in her story of when Eve met Simon while singing at the pub.

Hannah got hit by Simon which left a bruise, Eve is asked about it later and says it cleared up quickly, touching the wrong side of her face.
They interpret each other as the others reflection - touch your right side of the face while looking in a mirror, the person looking back at you is touching their left. The bruise only appears on Hannah on June 25, so once it clears up it clears up for good.

The story about Eve checking into the hospital in Glasgow the night Simon was murdered, which they tried to use to clear Hannah of murder. If it was a split personality, how did they manage to be in both places?
Can be inferred that they manipulated and stopped Simon's watch in the aftermath of the murder, so when the body was reported days later they could have a Glasgow alibi by pointing out the time discrepancy. Eve actively tries to do this during the June 27 interview and in increasingly desperate fashion in future interviews. Eve admits in the final interview that "the watch, that was my touch - to make sure the alibi stuck." There's also no evidence of hospital records in Glasgow proving anything regarding twins, just that Eve insists there's records of her stay. Eve also doesn't have a car - "just a spare set of keys" - so she had to take Hannah's car to Glasgow either way.

Eve trying to get pregnant to match Hannah, failing to do that made them think she was infertile and resulted in contracting an STD. I have no idea what they would have done with Eve's child had she been successful, though.
This also is a clue that they're the same person - Hannah being pregnant and Eve trying to reconcile that fact (Eve: "I was pretty ill.. I think my period stopped because hers had" "For the first time, my reflection, she didn't look like me.") This is also the time period that Eve can no longer be with Hannah and goes back to the "attic" ("It's like I suddenly didn't exist" "Was it time to become our own people?"). She begins wearing a blonde wig when she wants to sneak out, having casual sex with strangers outside Hannah's social circle. Eve's desire and inability to get pregnant, and ultimately her contribution to the baby's miscarriage, fits the MPD theory.

There's no need for the knock code if they're the same person, and maybe even the diary. If you argue the diary is necessary then the knock code definitely isn't.
They use diaries to keep track of their stories and lives in order to keep things straight for the other, and the knock code is a form of secret communication/conversation that they learned and utilized. Don't see how it's an either/or situation.

There's lots of little tidbits too, like the story about Eve sneaking down in her underwear to go to the toilet and being caught by their mother. She ran into Hannah's room and Hannah jumped out fully dressed. There was also mention of Hanah taking extra food for Eve to eat. Another example, Hannah and Eve going to the bathroom to switch clothes on their date with Simon. They wouldn't need to physically go somewhere to switch if they were the same person.
That can all be interpreted as symptoms of MPD as well. Remember, they absolutely believe that they are two separate people with separate wants and needs inside the same body. It also explains the notes her parents would find that look like she's writing nonsense to herself, the one sided conversations in the attic when her parents think she's playing with an imaginary friend called Eve, so much knocking they thought the house had mice. Depending on what the situation called for, that's the personality that would show up. Worked that way until Simon came into their lives.

Though I feel pretty strongly about this being a tragedy surrounding a complex mental disorder case, I'd buy the "Hannah thinks she's a criminal mastermind" theory over the "secret twin/best frenemy for her entire life, except that one year" one. Especially since the chat at the end tells us that as the daughter, you're looking for closure on why your mother did what she did - implying that there's only one person you're seeking answers on and she was found out in the end.


I keep going back and forth between this being twins or MPD, and I'm still not sure whether I'm going to commit to one or the other. I like the idea of her being a genius and faking everything, but I'm not sure if there's enough evidence for that one yet. I would love to see a chart that lists the three of these with supporting and contradicting evidence.

Anyway, I am slightly leaning toward MPD. As the thread goes on, the number of things that seemed to contradict the theory are shrinking. The biggest one being the alibi. As people have stated previously, the stopped watch was a ruse. I have a feeling the murder happened, she moved the body/cleaned things up, stopped the watch a few hours ahead of the actual time, and then drove as fast as possible to Glasgow. She was in such a rush that she didn't grab her wallet/i.d., and also caused the accident because she was speeding.

I have some other ideas. I do believe that no matter the theory, there were twins that were born. On the MPD side, I think what "Eve" said in the interview happened. One twin was strangled by the umbilical chord and died. Hannah probably found out what happened when she was a child. Maybe even from a journal like Eve said. Loving fairy tales and being lonely, she created the fantasy. It may have been play at first, but either way it turned into MPD. This also ties in to what she said about people who pass away leaving magic behind. I think if MPD is true, part of her knows what is actually going on, and this is her delusional explanation for it.

It's also pretty clear to me now that with the MPD theory, the "attic" is just Hannah's brain/mind. It's quite obvious, but I never gave it that much thought before.

There's still issues with MPD though. I'm not quite sure there's a good explanation for the bruise or tattoo, along with a few other small things. I know people are saying she used makeup and a fake tattoo, but I don't feel satisfied with it. With everything else I feel there's a little more to go on. This is more coming up with an answer to fit the theory than looking at evidence (if you can call it that) and arriving at a conclusion. It's obviously a nice simple explanation, along with "she's delusional" for most of the other contradictions, but I would just like a little more than that.


Played through this on steam last night with the fiancé. Great interactive and cooperative experience. What an interesting way to play with the medium to present an interesting narrative. Well worth the $5.50CAD. Listening to Austin of Giantbomb's interview with the game director now.


The more I think about it the more I'm leaning to MPD as well - not just because of the various issues with them being twins (though the story of her/their birth and subsequently living with Florence is pretty elaborate to be completely untrue) but because of the progression of the interviews.

Interview 1 is Hannah. She's reporting her husband missing. As the interviews progress Eve is slowly revealed until that final interview where Eve sits before us in the chair, being interrogated. I was thinking while watching that final interview "where's Hannah?" - the damning reference in that final interview is where she says something like "she's gone and she's never coming back."

I'm leaning to believe that Eve has become the dominant personality now.
The appunwrapper summary makes the most sense to me. What seems like MPD is the twins playing each other at different times.

Interview 1: June 18, 1994. Eve as Hannah. She has her hair down. There’s no bruise yet, so it makes sense that Eve is playing as Hannah here. Eve introduces herself as Hannah and talks about her husband, Simon Smith, who has gone missing. She hasn’t seen him in days, which is unlike him. She mentions his boss, Eric, and that he works as a glazier for a glass and mirror company. She wants the police to help find Simon, because she’s worried. It’s not like him to disappear.

Interview 2: June 25, 1994. Hannah as Hannah. She has her hair up. She has a bruise on her left cheek. She claims she hit a doorknob (righhhht). It’s more likely that she got it when she killed Simon. But for now, her story is that he went missing and she wants the police to find him.

Interview 3: June 27, 1994. She has her hair down. Eve as Hannah (since the bruise is gone). She talks about the Glasgow trip. It’s possible that Eve is the one who came in for questioning this time since she’s the one who went to Glasgow, not Hannah. That way she could give the details without messing it up. She confuses the side that the bruise was on, as though she were looking at a reflection when she saw it on Hannah’s face. She brushes it off as a fast metabolism, but we’re not supposed to buy that story. She throws up, says it’s morning sickness. She’s pregnant (we learn later that Eve is pregnant).

Interview 4: June 30, 1994. Hannah as Hannah. She has her hair up. She’s wearing short sleeves and there’s no tattoo like we see the next day on Eve. She’s very chatty. She talks about her miscarriage and her parents dying in the same year, 1984. They were poisoned with death cap mushrooms, even though her father was an mushroom expert. It’s heavily implied in the game that Eve killed their parents. Hannah mentions Eve, calls her a childhood friend who she tried to drown at some point. Then scolds herself for talking about Eve.

Interview 5: July 1, 1994. Eve as Hannah. She has her hair down. She starts in a white shirt and spills coffee on herself. She then changes into a short-sleeved t-shirt that reveals a tattoo we’ve never seen before. She claims to have gotten it to express her individuality. It’s of an apple and a snake. She also plays a song on her guitar for the detective. Strange that they would even ask her, but she plays an old ballad called “The Wind and the Rain” about a jealous older sister killing s younger sister. It’s quite a fun, creepy song.

Interview 6: July 2, 1994. Eve as Hannah. She has her hair down. She’s angry here. Perhaps Hannah hasn’t gotten away yet and she’s nervous that they’ll figure out the whole twin thing too soon? She denies being a twin and challenges them to test her fingerprints against Hannah’s. Perhaps she hopes they’re bluffing? She has some harsh words for the detective and storms out like she doesn’t have time for this.

Interview 7: July 3, 1994. She has her hair down. Eve first as Hannah, shortly confessing to be Eve. Eve starts off pretending to be Hannah. But she’s in a good mood, doesn’t seem phased by anything. Her anger from the previous day is gone. It seems Hannah’s gotten away, so she’s very relaxed. Agrees to take a lie detector test and gets all the answers right except for her name (Hannah Smith). It’s possible she did this on purpose because she was eager to tell her story to someone now that Hannah’s gotten away and she feels invincible. So she comes clean, explains the meaning of the tattoo (snake and apple for the forbidden fruit and Garden of Eden). Then she offers to come clean with her whole story, telling about their childhood and how they spent their lives swapping places, pretending to be the same person. There’s no record of Eve’s existence, so she’s basically a ghost. She explains how Hannah married Simon and didn’t want to share him with Eve, but Eve eventually had an affair with him and got pregnant. Simon gave Hannah a mirror for her birthday that was supposed to be one of a kind. But Hannah put on a wig to pretend to be Eve with Simon and he gave her a mirror just like the other one. So Hannah snapped, broke the mirror and slit his throat with the broken glass. Then she called Eve and they hatched this whole plan, where they would change the time on Simon’s watch so it can coincide with a trip to Glasgow. Then Eve would pretend to be Hannah while Hannah got away. And they can’t arrest Eve because she doesn’t legally exist.

Hannah killed Simon and Eve distracted the police while she got away. Since Eve isn’t guilty and there’s no record of her existence, the police can’t arrest her.

MPD is a fun thought experiment but there's too much that throws that off for me.

E: I'll also say I absolutely loved it and think it will make my top 10 for the year. The GB interview was excellent as well.


If I can step back for a second here and go a bit into the meta/development side of the game - it is completely likely that Sam Barlowe included legitimate hints towards both the split personality and twin theories in the game to fuel speculation and discussion.... like the one in this very thread.

I still say the more plausible and believable option is the more likely one to be "canon", but maybe SB is also happy with it being completely ambiguous, who knows.


If I can step back for a second here and go a bit into the meta/development side of the game - it is completely likely that Sam Barlowe included legitimate hints towards both the split personality and twin theories in the game to fuel speculation and discussion.... like the one in this very thread.

I still say the more plausible and believable option is the more likely one to be "canon", but maybe SB is also happy with it being completely ambiguous, who knows.

He absolutely included hints towards both - the game is extremely meta. The game works so brilliantly to lead you down certain paths with certain information - the first time I typed twins I got two videos of her laughing "Twins?!"

Joey Ravn

I thought it was pretty clear Hannah was upset that Simon impregnated Eve, which is the reason they got into an argument.

Eve even says that when Hannah first told Simon that she had a pregnant sister she wanted to help house through pregnancy, Simon's look on his face gave everything away (second video in the sister search term). She then pretended to be Eve to confirm her suspicions, and the argument/murder happened there (last video on throat search).

For MPD, I guess she might read Simon's reaction wrong, but the motive seems pretty clear either way, unless Eve's straight up lying.

EDIT: Also, what's the MPD explanation for the story about Hannah almost drowning Eve? Hannah talks about it and Eve sings about it.

I dunno. I was just creating a possible scenario of what may have "really" happened, if what Hannah/Eve says is nothing but a very complex lie to get away with murder. It was an exercise in creativity, if you want. The truth is everything said by the person or people being interviewed can be put into question. If we accept that the testimony represents what actually happened, then both of the two main theories may have some ground beneath them. But if we assume that some parts (or everything) that the suspect(s) said may be a lie... then we end up with the "criminal mastermind/insane genius" interpretation.

As for that specific story, if we stick to the MPD theory, then maybe Hannah realized that Eve was not real and she struggled with her illness. Anti-psychotic drugs, maybe? By trying to supress her dissociative tendencies, she was "drowning" her sister, psychologically speaking.

He means when she was born - she concocted this story about the midwife taking her away after telling her parents she was dead (when she wasn't.)

That hospital would have the birth records - something we don't know about at all.

Funny thing: The way Eve describes Clarence's work as a midwife made me assume that Hannah, either with or without Eve, was born in her house, not a hospital. That would explain why there's no official mention of Eve anywhere.


Funny thing: The way Eve describes Clarence's work as a midwife made me assume that Hannah, either with or without Eve, was born in her house, not a hospital. That would explain why there's no official mention of Eve anywhere.

If that were the case (and we were to follow the MPD theory) how do we reconcile the stories of the two houses? IF Florence raised Eve (again, following MPD) then who are the parents across the street? Who are those that end up dying/killed?

Was Florence real? Again it's a pretty specific mention of her dying when Eve was 8 years old (though it sounds like she was pushed down the stairs) but is there a metaphor we're missing here? (Again, assuming we're following the "attic" as a heavy handed metaphor for Hannah's mind.

I'm still a little scattergun with my thoughts on Her Story - testament to its quality I suppose.
I dunno, I feel like "Can you arrest someone who doesn't exist?" is pretty definitive.

It's really funny that in the Giant Bomb Quick Look, Vinny had them search for all sorts of terms that would traditionally indicate split personality / multiple personality and nothing came up.
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