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Games you LOVE but you find it difficult to Recommend.

Here is mine.

Sengoku Rance. - https://vndb.org/v487


Reason its hard to recommend .

The main Character You are supposed to root for rapes people. Hes also kind of a douche . In any other game he would be the villain.

Lots of Sex

Most people will give you a weird look when you say its good.

Reasons I think its worth recommending.

1. Great Art

2. Great Soundtrack - Rebirth the Edge (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Xidu5lQrms) and Advance On V2 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PQ6oeaQ9Y4)

3. Legitimate Gameplay , this game can take over 30hrs for 1 playthrough.

4. Multiple paths. Theres multiple endings and different conditions for each ending adding replay value.

5. Its actually pretty challenging. If you enjoy turn-based strategy games that challenge you , its not bad.

6. Learn about the people following you, something that I love about Sengoku Rance and the main reason I made this thread is because Every AAA Turned-based Strategy game in the market lacks this element.

Like RPG games you can choose to learn the likes/dislikes and the history your party members- in this case they are the Generals leading your army.

This game is Obviously NOT for everyone and DEFINITELY not for kids.

Are there any other gems that you are too embarrassed to tell people about or find it hard to recommend?


I was going to say Universal Studios for Gamecube, a guilty pleasure of mine, but OP linked a porn game. I can't top that.
I was... Not expecting Sengoku Rance when I opened this thread. Not at all.

I mean how are you supposed to ever open a topic telling people its an actually competently made Turn-based strategy game . No one will believe you.

I actually like the music . By the time you are doing your 5th playthrough , you'll be skipping all the
sex scenes

I was going to say Universal Studios for Gamecube, a guilty pleasure of mine, but OP linked a porn game. I can't top that.

Would you believe me if I told you I'm in it for the gameplay ? LOL

Dark Souls, just because I've had too many people try it and report back that it was just too hard or obtuse.

Did you tell them you need to die a lot ?
Dragon Age Inquisition & Fallout 4.
They have many flaws that have been discussed so many times, yet I still LOVE them.

Azure J

StarTropics/StarTropics II: Zoda's Revenge

- Relatively old games with no "new" development to drive interest
- Antiquated design (note: not bad design, just old) despite being very clever and charming in places
- A large part of the world (Japan) doesn't have a means to play it stifiling its
- Hard to differentiate from other games in similar molds of that time (lots of comparisons are drawn to Zelda/Zelda II)
Kid Icarus Uprising and wonderful 101.
Great games, even masterpiece concerning ki:u, but yeah, controls are weird.

I'm just curious , why do you say its hard to recommend . Most people love Nintendo games . As for the Wonderful 101 , I think its mainly because most people own PC/PS4/Xbones.


Codename STEAM. Brilliant game but its either too difficult or too easy depending on who I am trying to recommend it too. The best way I could describe it is a First Person View Advance Wars, hell, the game should have been called SteamWars and I bet it could have sold better.

is extremely cute in this game, too bad she is like the last character to unlock.
i don't think i can follow up sengoku rance, thanks op

Anyways, Giten Megami Tensei. Legitimately interesting story and decent characters. It takes after Megami Tensei II more than anything else in the series in this regard. Gameplay's kind of neat too, tons of stats and it's got some fairly complex stuff going on. It's just got some weird narrative sexism similar to Go Nagai's works and some extreme edginess, also similar to Go Nagai. Being Japanese only and a pain in the ass to set up doesn't help either (PC98 version is extremely clunky, Windows version requires a fan patch that you have to find on a Japanese fansite because the internal logic is tied to clock speed so anything other than a couple select Pentium I processors makes the game go nuts).

Also Baroque. Game's a bit of a mess gameplay-wise and doesn't appeal to many people. I really enjoy it (more so the original than the remake), but it's obscure for a decent reason.

Dragon Warrior VII is an easier sell because of the series's reputation, but anyone who hears about how long it takes to get into battle and the game's length seems instantly turned off by it. I recommend it to people from time to time, but more as a series of vignettes rather than a traditional JRPG focused on an overarching story and gameplay focused more on exploration than combat (though I love the game's job system, even if it's about 20 hours until you reach it).

Edit: Forgot Persona 1 and 2 also. Wonderful stories, settings, characters, etc, but the combat in both is pretty slow and there's not really a clearly definitive version. P1 PSP's music is unfitting compared to the original soundtrack and IS's PSP port is arguably slower than the PS1 version.
Ultima Underworld.

It's a classic RPG with vast and detailed world, but keyboard/mouse controls didn't age very well... and, in my opinion, they were never good to start with.

I played the Pocket PC/Windows Mobile port, and the game just feels way better with stylus controls and D-pad for movement. I would really like to recommend this version, but who has a Pocket PC nowadays?

Port or no port, one definitely has to be accustomed with janky combat/hit detection.
i don't think i can follow up sengoku rance, thanks op

Anyways, Giten Megami Tensei. Legitimately interesting story and decent characters. It takes after Megami Tensei II more than anything else in the series in this regard. Gameplay's kind of neat too, tons of stats and it's got some fairly complex stuff going on. It's just got some weird narrative sexism similar to Go Nagai's works and some extreme edginess, also similar to Go Nagai. Being Japanese only and a pain in the ass to set up doesn't help either (PC98 version is extremely clunky, Windows version requires a fan patch that you have to find on a Japanese fansite because the internal logic is tied to clock speed so anything other than a couple select Pentium I processors makes the game go nuts).

Also Baroque. Game's a bit of a mess gameplay-wise and doesn't appeal to many people. I really enjoy it (more so the original than the remake), but it's obscure for a decent reason.

Dragon Warrior VII is an easier sell because of the series's reputation, but anyone who hears about how long it takes to get into battle and the game's length seems instantly turned off by it. I recommend it to people from time to time, but more as a series of vignettes rather than a traditional JRPG focused on an overarching story and gameplay focused more on exploration than combat (though I love the game's job system, even if it's about 20 hours until you reach it).

Giten Megami Tensei sounds interesting , the biggest barrier I think for most people is the language


I absolutely adore Enslaved: Odyssey to the West but I would have a hard time recommending it to people. The game has a ton of faults but what it was trying to do really struck me.
Dungeon Siege 3 : it might be the worst Obsidian game, and I guess for a hack'n slash it's pretty bad, but it has this awesome Obsidian writing to it. Love the characters.

Pursuit Force Extreme Justice : probably one of my 3 favourite games ever. It's so hard to explain why it's not just a poorly written little boy game. But I do think it's the most intense action game ever made.


Unconfirmed Member
Bethesda Open World Rpgs.
They are amazing worlds to walk around in with Fallout 4 being the most recent example. Such a large land mass filled with little stories and items to find. It just fills you with wonder, the idea that there is so much to go out and explore. You see some tree line in the distance and you want to reach it, only to see in between to be an encampment of raiders, or maybe an abandoned school that served this mysterious pink paste. You search around boxes and find some duct tape or circuit boards and head back to base to make some more defenses. You don't know why you do any of this but you do it because you feel it's what is best for the people who are living beside you. You then send them off to do odd jobs around the encampment, all the while there is at least 10 other places doing the same thing. You are a leader a visionary a man from out of that time leading a cause to do whatever it is you are to do. These open worlds are happy little accidents.

There is a coating of jank, and just inconsistency that will totally prevent people from seeing these games how I see them, thus I can almost never recommend them to a person who would possibly want to play them. The only real way to figure out if you like a Bethesda RPG is if you have played one.
Persona 2:IS

Amazing atmosphere and story. Random encounters every 4 steps with horribly slow combat.

I feel sad no one told me about this game existing when my PSP was still working.

Dungeon Siege 3 : it might be the worst Obsidian game, and I guess for a hack'n slash it's pretty bad, but it has this awesome Obsidian writing to it. Love the characters.

Pursuit Force Extreme Justice : probably one of my 3 favourite games ever. It's so hard to explain why it's not just a poorly written little boy game. But I do think it's the most intense action game ever made.

I loved Dungeon Siege , the Original . Its aged very poorly . In my head it looks good , but nostalgia blinds everyone.


Spelunker HD. It can be insanely unfair, but I love it.

Edit: oh, Army of TWO: The Devil's Cartel as well. It's a pretty standard shooter, but it scratches that "action movie" itch. I don't think most people would enjoy it though.
Well, I don't think anyone's going to outdo the OP.

This happened a while back. So anything is possible.


Bethesda Open World Rpgs.
They are amazing worlds to walk around in with Fallout 4 being the most recent example. Such a large land mass filled with little stories and items to find. It just fills you with wonder, the idea that there is so much to go out and explore. You see some tree line in the distance and you want to reach it, only to see in between to be an encampment of raiders, or maybe an abandoned school that served this mysterious pink paste. You search around boxes and find some duct tape or circuit boards and head back to base to make some more defenses. You don't know why you do any of this but you do it because you feel it's what is best for the people who are living beside you. You then send them off to do odd jobs around the encampment, all the while there is at least 10 other places doing the same thing. You are a leader a visionary a man from out of that time leading a cause to do whatever it is you are to do. These open worlds are happy little accidents.

There is a coating of jank, and just inconsistency that will totally prevent people from seeing these games how I see them, thus I can almost never recommend them to a person who would possibly want to play them. The only real way to figure out if you like a Bethesda RPG is if you have played one.

My friends adore Bethesda games , I can see the appeal , I like Skyrim mainly for the mod factor and doing goofy phsyics stuff.

I just hate the fact that when I'm actually trying to play the game , its not so much the bugs but I feel the animations are the most wonky humans I've ever seen.



Ha, nice. I was going to say this too. There's a lot in the Final Fantasy series that I love that I also feel is hard to recommend to most people now in 2015, the landscape has changed these days. After playing through FFX-2 again, boy that game is rough in a lot of spots by today's standards in terms of how to handle minigames and sidequests, but I do love that game too.


I was... Not expecting Sengoku Rance when I opened this thread. Not at all.
You and me both... lol

I feel you though OP.
I really like the Rance series. It might sound silly to people that don't play the games, but the story is actually pretty good and the setting well thought out and interesting.
The characters are great. And even the humour is pretty decent (I wasn't expecting a GTAV gag in Rance 03).
Though the series is impossible to recommend to most people. I wish there was a non-eroge version personally.


The more I have played of it, the weirder it is:

Jet Set Radio Future

JSRF is a stylistic success in the music, the graphics, the aesthetics, and the simplistic gameplay.

Problem is, in game design standards, it's awful.

I think Smilebit tried to make it open world like a GTA game, but the combination went bad making it very inconvenient. For instance, the level select screen from JGR got replaced by sheer backtrack.

They did fix a lot of issues from the original Dreamcast game, but they also made new problems. They still didn't find a way to reverse or stop your grinding, very often you will be going to places you didn't intend to go.

It's easy to recommend just for how fun and upbeat it stays, but it's a royal pain to play through.


Dwarf Fortress has extremely primitive UI and graphics coupled with complex gameplay that can quickly get unmanageable, but it's truly one of a kind.

Destiny was very hard to recommend at first, but it got easier after House of Wolves and MUCH easier to The Taken King.


Neo Member

its good but really a niche title


Total wannabe Gears but it does it so right yet it doesnt sound as sexy as gears if you recommend it.


Junior Member
Bruh, Sengoku Rance is a hentai game. Hentai games aren't allowed to be discussed around here.

Great game though. Rance is a fantastic protagonist. Shwing!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
The Souls series

Marvel Heroes

Fallout 4 :3


I couldn't recommend thomas was alone, I don't think anyone I know personally will enjoy it at all.

I thought it was a clever way to use simple designs to make a puzzle-style game with a sorta interesting narrative.
If were talking about Alicesoft games, then there's somthing even more amazing then Rance, that you don't recommend to regular people

It's hard to tell people to expect hand cramps, haha.

I have always wondered why KI:U has the reputation of "lol tpuch controls give you hand cramps" while games like Zelda: Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks, Metroid Prime Hunters, Star Fox Command etc. are fine.

Both DS games and KI:U make people to hold their consoles in the same way, and every game feels fine.



Demon Stone was one of the first few games I owned when I bought a PS2. I loved the game but I somehow never saw myself recommending it to other people. It's not a hardcore RPG but it's not a cakewalk either if not played as it should be. It missed something I cannot quite place. An average to good game at best, but I did hate the unskippable scenes though.

Demon Stone was one of the first few games I owned when I bought a PS2. I loved the game but I somehow never saw myself recommending it other people. It's not a hardcore RPG but it's not a cakewalk either if not played as it should be. It missed something I cannot quite place. An average to good game at best, but I did hate the unskippable scenes though.

Is the Story any good?


Unconfirmed Member
My friends adore Bethesda games , I can see the appeal , I like Skyrim mainly for the mod factor and doing goofy phsyics stuff.

I just hate the fact that when I'm actually trying to play the game , its not so much the bugs but I feel the animations are the most wonky humans I've ever seen.

I have this dumb idea that the reason why Synths are in Fallout 4 is because Bethesda can't make human like animations.

Seriously though it is a problem, but it's one I find myself chuckling to every time I see it.
I have this dumb idea that the reason why Synths are in Fallout 4 is because Bethesda can't make human like animations.

Seriously though it is a problem, but it's one I find myself chuckling to every time I see it.

I'm actually curious is the engine is capable of smooth animations, to be honest though , no one buys a Bethesda game thinking that they are going to get 'cinematic story telling'.
The majority of Nintendo games to people that don't play video games very often. I love my Wii U but I find it hard to recommend when people ask me which console I think they should buy.
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