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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless


What is it about Slott's work that is so love/hate? I just bought 5 trades to finally get into Spider-Man so I'm interested in what quality may turn some people off.

I've seen complaints about not liking how he writes Peter compared to previous writers. I started with BND and haven't read too much off the stuff that came before that so I wouldn't be able to comment on that.


Okay, good lord...

I've been reading the Neal Adams Batman omnibus, and I just reached Odyssey. I read about half of it last night and... holy crap. This is like straight gibberish, and the ramblings of a madman. It's just broken and nonfunctional nonsense in so many ways. Like, if I weren't fairly positive it was meant to be taken seriously I'd almost applaud it for so thoroughly capturing insanity on a page, like some kind of Funny Games style effort. I'll hold off on more detailed analysis for once I'm done, but there's a good chance this is the worst thing I've ever read, and I'm legitimately baffled as to how this actually managed to get published.


Sometimes he's good, sometimes he's not. He makes a big deal about The Parker Luck but his run is really heavy on wish fulfilment. Which, for many people, is not what's good about Spider-Man.

He has tried so hard to make Doc Ock into Spidey's Joker as well and it's just not taking. Ock literally stole Parker's life and it just made him look a bit sad in the end rather than a big threat.

I think that just has to do with how long he was setting up Superior. The Goblins will probably always be his greatest enemies.
What is it about Slott's work that is so love/hate? I just bought 5 trades to finally get into Spider-Man so I'm interested in what quality may turn some people off.
The biggest problem for me isn't about his writing, it's that he won't fucking leave. He's been writing Spider-Man so long that I'm just tired of it. I'd be tired of anyone on any book after that much time.


I've seen complaints about not liking how he writes Peter compared to previous writers. I started with BND and haven't read too much off the stuff that came before that so I wouldn't be able to comment on that.

Ah, I don't think that will be a problem for me. I haven't read a Spider-Man book since I was a kid so I'm not really attached to any version of Parker.

The biggest problem for me isn't about his writing, it's that he won't fucking leave. He's been writing Spider-Man so long that I'm just tired of it. I'd be tired of anyone on any book after that much time.

Haha, damn. Must be doing something right if he's been on the book for that long, though.
Wish fulfillment? Like Parker is a genie now? I'm fine with the Doc Ock thing, Superior sounds very interesting.

No, it's just that Peter has always been a bit crap at life in general. Largely because of juggling his responsibilities with what he wants to do. Now he's got a doctorate (that Ock got for him), money, status, power and can afford bodyguards. It's a bit much. I'm still enjoying the current run but it feels a bit stretched. Maybe Dead no More will bring it all crashing down.

I liked the early JMS status quo more with him as a science teacher at a poor school, helping the kids, while still being Spider-Man. That felt like growth. This feels a bit more, well, wish fulfillment.
Slott is gonna die and he's gonna leave behind unseen issue scripts so that Marvel will have to keep him on Spider-Man. Just like how Tupac was releasing new music years after his death.

Dan Slott = Tupac

Supergirl's angry faces....I have been slain.
I must be color blind cuz her suit looks orange.


No, it's just that Peter has always been a bit crap at life in general. Largely because of juggling his responsibilities with what he wants to do. Now he's got a doctorate (that Ock got for him), money, status, power and can afford bodyguards. It's a bit much. I'm still enjoying the current run but it feels a bit stretched. Maybe Dead no More will bring it all crashing down.

I liked the early JMS status quo more with him as a science teacher at a poor school, helping the kids, while still being Spider-Man. That felt like growth. This feels a bit more, well, wish fulfillment.

Ah, okay. I can see where that would bother people.
If you want to see the old parker growth, that bit should currently be handled by miles.

We had what, 40+ years of parker being a chump. We can take a bit more of him having some semblance of a life.
The biggest problem for me isn't about his writing, it's that he won't fucking leave. He's been writing Spider-Man so long that I'm just tired of it. I'd be tired of anyone on any book after that much time.

I don't disagree, but Slott has nothing on the Geoff Johns Green Lantern run. Dude has 3 omnibus volumes collecting his run. That's insane.


If you want to see the old parker growth, that bit should currently be handled by miles.

We had what, 40+ years of parker being a chump. We can take a bit more of him having some semblance of a life.

To be fair, while I doubt PI is going to last forever he's likely going to remain a somewhat successful scientist later on. He was already at Horizon as a scientist for a while and AFAIK has some patents under his belt.
If you want to see the old parker growth, that bit should currently be handled by miles.

We had what, 40+ years of parker being a chump. We can take a bit more of him having some semblance of a life.

Peter Parker as a down-on-his luck poor single dude resonates with a certain kind of nerd. Here's a superhero, one of the most popular, with all this potential and power, but "circumstance" prevents him from realizing it all. He's a genius that could become rich and successful if he wasn't busy being a nice guy.
It's like a fairy tale men right's activists can tell themselves after jerking off into a sock their mom is going wash for them. It's also, as you point out, been done for so long. Let the dude grow up.

The core of Peter Parker isn't that he's a loser, it's that he has the will to overcome overwhelming odds. I like this CEO Peter. I'm not saying this was Peter's destiny/end game, but it's an interesting status quo considering how little Slott could squeeze from the previous status quo.
Man, Dan Slott is kinda shitty, ain't he?

WIth all the Civil War hype, it finally got me interested in reading Spidey comics. I'd rank Spidey my favorite superhero behind Batman but that's just from watching the cartoon and movies when I was a kid and never had read the comics.

Read Miles Morales' run and I really enjoyed that then tried reading Brand New Day and only managed to read a couple of chapters before I stopped. Then I fast forwarded some into another point that I read was a good starting point, I believe around chapter 648-ish, and that was also crap.

Tried Spider-Verse and that was actually pretty interesting but once that storyline was over it became crappy again.

I hear Ultimate Spider-Man is really good so I might try getting into that but the art is so horrible that it's making me hesitant.

Speaking of art, though, I just finished the 2015 Thor run and it was FANTASTIC. The artist completely nailed every single page, there's not a single panel that's not absolutely gorgeous.

Shame the art on USM isnt for you. Bagley isnt really a top notch artist and hes on that book for a looong time. Ive got a lot of affinity for his work in that book since I grew up on it but you might want to check out how you like the art when Immomen hops on board on issue 110 or so. Hes on there for a while before Lafuente comes in followed by Pichelli and Samnee for a bit. Theyre all really fantastic artists but it depends on your taste.

edit: Brand New Day era of Amazing Spider-Man was pretty uneven in the beginning but there were some greats arcs in there. Shed by Wells and Bachalo is golden, anything Marcos Martin worked on was A+++, the Gauntlet was pretty damn good. I dont suggest buying it all because Bob Gale and Guggenheim wrote some super uninteresting issues but you might want to track down and read the issues by Mark Waid, Joe Kelly, Roger Stern, and Zeb Wells. Dan Slott wrote some pretty solid stuff as part of the rotating writers but his 'Im With Stupid' mini is still probably the best Spider-Man stuff he's put out. Spider-Island is also *significantly* better than Spider-Verse even considering the giant quality gap in art between Camuncoli/Coipel and Ramos

Double edit: Ive really enjoyed some of Slotts Spider-Man work but Im not terribly happy with Slott continuing to define Peter Parker after 8 years or however long hes been on the title now. Joe Kelly + Tradd Moore pls
If you want to see the old parker growth, that bit should currently be handled by miles.

We had what, 40+ years of parker being a chump. We can take a bit more of him having some semblance of a life.

But I don't like Miles. *whines*

Ehhh. Maybe. Like I said, I enjoy the current run. Maybe I would like it more if it wasn't Slott. Spider-Man/Deadpool riffs off the same thing and that book is RAD AS HELL.

Bagley on Ultimate Spider-Man for people reading it in 2016, yeah, maybe not so good. But he was putting out 18 issues a year at one point. You can't do quality work at that speed.


If you want to see the old parker growth, that bit should currently be handled by miles.

We had what, 40+ years of parker being a chump. We can take a bit more of him having some semblance of a life.

I agree with this. Miles is easily filling that teenage Spider-Man role.


He does, but those goddamn GL omnibuses are over 1,000 pages each.

Sure and I have no idea what kind of numbers Slott has but this is impressive.

The Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #546-#548, #559-#561, #564, #568-#573, #581-#582, #590-#591, #600, #618-#621, #647, #648-#660, #662-676, #678-#700 Marvel Comics, 2008-2012
Spider-Man: Through the Decades collects #546
Marvel Firsts: Before Marvel NOW! collects #546
Spider-Man: Brand New Day Vol. 1 collects #546-#548 (along w/ Spider-Man: Swing Shift, and Venom Super Special #1)
Spider-Man: Brand New Day Vol. 3 collects #559-#561
Spider-Man: Kraven's First Hunt collects #564
Spider-Man: New Ways To Die collects #568-#573
Spider-Man: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility #7 collects #568
Spider-Man: Death and Dating collects #581-#582
Spider-Man: 24/7 collects #590-#591
Spider-Man: Died in Your Arms Tonight collects #600
Spider-Man: The Gauntlet Book 2: Rhino & Mysterio collects #618-#621
Spider-Man: Origin of the Species collects #647
Spider-Man: Big Time collects #648-#651
Spider-Man: Matters of Life and Death collects #652-#654, #654.1, and #655-#657
Marvel Point One collects #654.1
Venom: Flashpoint collects #654 and #654.1
Spider-Man: The Fantastic Spider-Man collects #658-#662 (2011)
Spider-Man: Big Time Ultimate Collection collects #648-#662, and #654.1 (2012)
Spider-Man: The Return of Anti-Venom collects #663-#665, plus backups from #660 and #662-#665
Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Island: Infested collects backups from #660 and #662-#665
Spider-Man: Spider-Island collects #666-#673 and backups from #660 and #662-#665
Spider-Man: Flying Blind collects #674-#676
Spider-Man: Big Time Ultimate Collection Vol.2 collects #663-#676 (2013)
Spider-Man: Trouble on the Horizon collects #678-#681 and #679.1
Spider-Man: Ends of the Earth collects #682-#687
Spider-Man: Big Time Ultimate Collection Vol.3 collects #677-#687 and #679.1 (2015)
Spider-Man: Lizard - No Turning Back collects #688-#691
Spider-Man: Danger Zone collects #692-#697
Spider-Man: Big Time Ultimate Collection Vol.4 collects #688-#697 (2015)
Spider-Man: Dying Wish collects #698-#700
Morbius The Living Vampire: The Man Called Morbius collects #699.1
Superior Spider-Man: Volume 1 collects #698-#700
Marvel 75th Anniversary Omnibus collects #700
Free Comic Book Day 2007: The Amazing Spider-Man #1, (Free Comic Book Day issue), Marvel Comics, May 2007
collected in The Amazing Spider-Man: Swing Shift: Director's Cut (with new material), 2008
collected in Spider-Man: Brand New Day Vol. 1
Free Comic Book Day 2011: The Amazing Spider-Man #1, (Free Comic Book Day issue), Marvel Comics, May 2011
collected in Spider-Man: The Return of Anti-Venom
collected in Spider-Man: Big Time Ultimate Collection Vol.2 (2013)
The Amazing Spider-Man Extra #2
collected in Anti-Venom: New Ways to Live
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.3 #1-18 Marvel Comics, 2014–2015
Amazing Spider-Man: The Parker Luck collects #1-6
Amazing Spider-Man: Learning to Crawl collects #1.1-1.5
Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Verse Prelude collects #7-8
Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Verse collects #9-15
Amazing Spider-Man: Graveyard Shift collects #16-18
Original Sin collects #4-6
Spider-Verse collects #7-15
Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 hardcover collects #1-6, and #1.1-1.5
Free Comic Book Day 2014: Guardians of the Galaxy/Spider-Verse #1, (Free Comic Book Day issue), Marvel Comics, May 2014
collected in Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Verse Prelude
collected in Spider-Verse hardcover
The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1-5 Marvel Comics (2015)
collected in Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows trade paperback
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.4 #1-present, Marvel Comics, 2015-
Slott's gotta be getting up there in amount of issues done. He has a fair few OHCs.

52-53 (not quite sure) issues of BND/Big Time Amazing
31 Superior
18 of Amazing Vol. 3
5 issues of Renew Your Vows
11 of the current

So, 117-118 issues, not counting FCBD books or any annuals he may have done. That's 3 omnibuses easily. Maybe not as big as the Johns ones though.

And choffable, can you not call me, or anyone else, a chronic masturbating men's rights activist? A bit excessive, and I am neither of those things. Maybe a bit too nostalgic for comics I read when I was younger. We can disagree without you pulling politics, or, well, pulling into it?
King on Loki could have been Vision good but ...Batman. I need to know how good this will be.

I'm not really into Finch on art, but I'll get over it, I'm there regardless. Vision is the comic of the year so far IMO. I'd love if he could get that weird with Batman, but probably not.

They want to do another scan in two weeks, if no change they just want to do radioactive iodine which is no big deal.

Breathing a huge sigh of relief over here. What a torturous wait that was.



They want to do another scan in two weeks, if no change they just want to do radioactive iodine which is no big deal.

Breathing a huge sigh of relief over here. What a torturous wait that was.

YAAY! Happy for you dude, hope it continues to go well.


King on Loki could have been Vision good but ...Batman. I need to know how good this will be.

I really wish he had a better concept for his first Batman story because it sounds weak compared to the other Batbooks launching IMO. Of course I remember others writing similar things about Vision and Grayson lol.


Just finished the second Hellboy Library Edition. I'm loving this damn book. I'm going to look into getting BRPD somewhere down the road. I need more.



They want to do another scan in two weeks, if no change they just want to do radioactive iodine which is no big deal.

Breathing a huge sigh of relief over here. What a torturous wait that was.

You're the best! Keep up the good work! You're our real hero.



They want to do another scan in two weeks, if no change they just want to do radioactive iodine which is no big deal.

Breathing a huge sigh of relief over here. What a torturous wait that was.

i skimmed your post because i thought you weren't interested in a comic called Metastasis and i'd never heard of that. But that's great!

I'm also glad you aren't talking about comics.
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