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Red Dead Redemption 2 (Fall 2017, PS4/XB1, Trailer 10/20 @ 11 AM EST) announced

What will ultimately anger people the most about this game?

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Gold Member


Holy shit! We have one of the most anticipated games of all times finally being announced and people are already bitching about diversity from 1 fucking poster. Jesus fucking christ.

I don't think any rational person takes these virtue signalling brats seriously anymore.
I'm not to sure what that is without Googling, but I think this is just the result of a hugely popular and anticipated sequel being announced. Precisely what I said to that GAFer who said "but the most anticipated game ever is announced and everyone isn't just posting yay!?!?!?!".

If you mean some sort of response from Rockstar, no chance. For the reasons I just said some posts above.

well, first it was news outlets picking up on it. then it was naughty dog responding.

if it goes the same way, some outlets will pick up on the arguments being made in this thread and create news articles about it, and it'll get enough buzz for rockstar to comment.


Who is to say the character on the far right isn't a woman? Looks to be wearing a face mask or something? What if one of these characters is Native American wearing a cowboy get up?


Please enlighten me on the barriers? If you have a sound concept for a game either it be story based or not, AAA, Indie then people can go make it. Horizon is a female lead in a weird sci-fi open world game that may rival red dead.

Transistor was a indie game made by a studio who are veterans in the AAA space.

Please show me these barriers in a medium where anyone for any platform can make a game. That game being successful or having hardships when getting made are part of the industry that still is changing and growing as the diversity of developers do.

you should go make a game about how easy it is to make games. that'll show 'em.


Shame no PC version announced. You would think considering the success of GTAV it would have been.

I'm lucky as I have access to a PS4, but still 😥


The west was known as a place historically that unless you had white privilege and a man you were pretty fucked, that is pretty well documented, so if Rockstar are going for historical accuracy then I would say it's pretty obvious why they would have all white men as a leading cast.

By all means we should have a discussion about lack of diversity in gaming and the media in general but people saying "oh fuck this game" before they have even seen anything and completely discounting the era in which the game is set in in regards to how creative decisions are made seems just out of proportion to me.

If people really are upset by the lack of diversity after we have seen more about the game then they should discuss it directly with Rockstar, via email or via contact, having a discussion on here really isn't going to change anything.

Personally I would like to see Rockstar address the racism and sexism in the era and allow me to combat it by going on a hunt for these type of people and serving them justice but I can't honestly sit here and shout them down if they choose to have an all white male cast for creative purposes or because it suits the historical period.
Uhhh if you're not a white man today, you're still fucked.


What? There wasn't a single woman during D-day. How are you comparing this to the period of the Wild West, when there were in fact women present. I can't believe I even have to point out how ridiculous that comparisson is.

Alright pick a different movie then, The wild west was a white man's world back in the 1800's.

Yes there were female outlaws, black cowboys, but it was predominately white back then. That's what my point was. People in there are literally losing their shit over a PR image for a game we've seen nothing on.

And a game that is about a time period where most not all of the law, outlaws, and cowboys were white.


As a creator, this sort of post is just so disappointing. You have a bigger responsibility than just 'tell the story you want to'. That's not how it works.
That's exactly how it works. If it wasn't we'd be missing a lot of powerful and influential art that challenged people's sensibilities and the status quo of the time.


So what is almost guaranteed to be the highest selling game of the generation having a female protagonist wouldn't be influential....

Gotcha. If you're not wildly changing the world, apparently trying is too much to ask.

Not to the point of making them morally obliged to do it, because apparently it's what some people here are trying to say.


Of course. They should capitalize on their successes. I'll just be personally bummed if it goes the same route as GTA Online when it comes to DLC.

I think they honestly wanted to make singleplayer DLC for GTA V, but that it spiraled out of control in terms of production and got canned.

Not sure how it will go with Red Dead. I probably wouldn't hold my breath though.


Yea, my sentiments exactly.

I mean, I would understand if the social commentary discussion was only a part of the thread, but it's completely overtaken it.

Whatever happened to getting excited about the announcement and the poster? Whatever happened to speculation about what it could be? And wondering if Rockstar learned any lessons from the first Read Dead, and hopefully improved those things in this next game? For example, I know many people complain about the shooting mechanics in many Rockstar games (maybe except for Max Payne 3), so I'm wondering if this game is gonna have improved mechanics?

Yup. Signed on to read and discuss the first game, implications for the sequel and platforms and tech discussion primarily. We can still discuss those and let those who want to discuss the social implications continue to discuss. It is an open thread for everyone.



Take my money


Alright pick a different movie then, The wild west was a white man's world back in the 1800's.

Yes there were female outlaws, black cowboys, but it was predominately white back then. That's what my point was. People in there are literally losing their shit over a PR image for a game we've seen nothing on.

And a game that is about a time period where most not all of the law, outlaws, and cowboys were white.

and the west had that one guy, who was possibly death personified, that couldn't be killed by guns.
and the west had those sasquatches.
and the west had chupacabras.

and a zombie apocalypse.

But lol, women cowboys ... nu'uh.

Yup. Signed on to read and discuss the first game, implications for the sequel and platforms and tech discussion primarily. We can still discuss those and let those who want to discuss the social implications continue to discuss. It is an open thread for everyone.

that's kind of a weird sentiment. People keep calling out those discussing female characters to "wait and see" ... We have infinitely more information about the possible gender distribution of characters than we have about ANY technical aspects of the game. ;)


That's exactly how it works. If it wasn't we'd be missing a lot of powerful and influential art that challenged people's sensibilities and the status quo of the time.

Creators have exclusively the responsibility of creating the story they want to create- if they want write and develop characters representative of minorities like GTA3, or women like TR that's great; but it's something they want to make, it's the stories they want to tell.

Yes, that´s how it works

The point is that you should be trying to subvert your own work, your own ideas, and pull it in unusual directions all the time. You should be trying to progress it and build on what was positive or negative about your previous work. You have to recognise core patterns/habits you fall into and try to address them. I go back to Pixar's rules of storyelling quite often (among many other resources, it's not a be-all-end-all obviously) and while Rockstar have been great for following some of them, there are plenty they could spend more time on.

I think a core one is looking at gender and gendered writing. Write a character that feels really natural to you, and then imagine if they were a woman. Does it change a dynamic or plot point or relationship? No? Yes? Play with it and try something new. I like how Neil Druckmann mentioned one of Naughty Dogs' creative team always do this and it's really refreshing and helped them with their last few games.
I voted for "All the DLC being for RDR Online."

This is a pretty strong likelihood. While ROckstar's milking of GTA Online has seemed great (Free DLC!) I'd trade all of it for a real single player DLC for $20-$30.

Almost all of the DLC for GTA Online is locked to a super class of players who either grind away GTA bucks or purchase GTA bucks cards. And the DLC for GTA Online that doesn't follow this formula is usually released so that you can grind away more GTA Bucks to purchase things that are DLC that require GTA Bucks.

Like the big focus on becoming a CEO of your criminal enterprise is grinding missions that give you money that allow you to purchase DLC. It's all a soft sell to get you into being used to working for content or buying "free" content.
I think they honestly wanted to make singleplayer DLC for GTA V, but that it spiraled out of control in terms of production and got canned.

Not sure how it will go with Red Dead. I probably wouldn't hold my breath though.

Yea, good point.

Personally, I feel that I always have plenty to do in Rockstar single player modes, due to them being open world with lots of activities. I've never found myself craving single player DLC for those games.


As a creator, this sort of post is just so disappointing. You have a bigger responsibility than just 'tell the story you want to'. That's not how it works.

Creators have exclusively the responsibility of creating the story they want to create- if they want write and develop characters representative of minorities like GTA3, or women like TR that's great; but it's something they want to make, it's the stories they want to tell.


Nahhhhhh, I don't necessarily agree with this. It's up to the individual creator whether or not they want to take up a "bigger responsibility." Some people just don't know more than what's put in front of them, and do well sticking to that and doing good work within that box.

I suppose it's a principle I follow.

At the same time, that doesn't mean people have to stop trying to verbally smack those creators into reality, attempting to show them that there's more happening outside of what and/or how they choose to represent their immediate surroundings, or in the way they perceive the world.


Creators have exclusively the responsibility of creating the story they want to create- if they want write and develop characters representative of minorities like GTA3, or women like TR that's great; but it's something they want to make, it's the stories they want to tell.

Yes, yes, okay. I'll drop this.


you should go make a game about how easy it is to make games. that'll show 'em.

Never said that it's not difficult making a game, but people are acting like Rockstar just took a shit on female's or minority's.

When anyone now can go out and make a game if they have the ability, drive, and the confidence.

Indie has shown that, smaller AAA studios who started indie are showing that.

If your talking about having a game that's trying to show a specific message yes it is difficult, but the difficulty is in realizing if your game is a sound concept and can be marketed.


Why do you think one of if not the biggest film company in the world decided to cast a black man and a woman as the leads of one of the most influential modern films of our time. Why do you think Mulan is getting a Chinese lead in the live action adaptation after tons of backlash in hollywood about whitewashed roles. Why do you think one of the biggest game franchises ever made had a woman as a playable main character, (AC:S), and is including female character options in a ton of their games, (For Honor, Ghost Recon, WD2), and that same company is making female guards a regular thing in their games. Media absolutely has an effect on people. If gaming started as diverse as it was today then there wouldn't be all these flimsy excuses to defend what may be yet another example of a big company reinforcing the status quo.

Which one? Just curious, don't mean anything by it. Really not ringing any bells for me, so maybe I haven't seen it. If it's that good I kinda have to :p


Everyone is free to discuss what they want. We have the option to ignore users, avoid their posts, not engage in discussion you don't want.

On a related note, curious to see no PC version. Obviously it will be a double dip scenario with a port. Piracy is down to almosy nil for modern games and with the sales of GTA V on PC it makes business sense to port. PC'ers won't have the patience to hold out if they have a console as well though.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Wait, Leslie Benzies isn't on this one.


This is my biggest concern, coupled with representation of other genders, that are not male.

Benzies was the one that pull together the last RDR game. If the Houser brothers fuck this game up, there's no one to fix it like Leslie did.



The Chuck Norris of Peace
Definitely monitoring this. First game was ok, but hope this game have some more focus on interesting combat, level design and puzzles, and it can be great.
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