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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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My aggressive murloc paladin is still exceeding expectations. That feel when your opponent has used all of their board wipes and you murloc knight + hero power + inquisitor + hero power for a full board of murlocs.


Kibler is doing an election stream: https://www.twitch.tv/bmkibler



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Hearthstone |OT8| The End is Coming
Hearthstone |OT8| America missed lethal. Punished.


holy shit what's going on? i opened four legendaries, including golden sylvanas, in 7 packs.

and all those packs i got for free from drhippi wins and tavern brawls

that's a lot of dust for me


that card is really good in warrior.

play it-> brawl.

take their golden monkey, malygos, c'thun, n'zoth etc out of their hand kill it. It's a neat tool to have. In fatigue warrior right now that plays Brann it's pretty good. It's more of a tech card, the game needs card like this that you can use to target certain decks in tournaments etc. In those long control games, better players make better reads on hands and they can make some clutch plays with this.



New deathlord/balanced deathlord
Nice, I like this.

It's not Deathrattle so you don't have to worry about Nzoth.

Against aggressive decks you still play this because you force out their hand/battlecry to set up AOE.

Solid card design. Might not be strong enough and may backfire but it rewards good reads on hands.

It's also strong against spell based decks as it's not u common to go against a Druid which has a hand full of spells at start.


Shit Brawl, but I opened a Deathwing in my pack so that kinda makes up for my shitty Thijs pack after Blizzcon.
At first glance that looks like the deathlord 2.0, but I think in actual play it'll be a bit more tame than that. For example, your opponent has a lot more control over what minion gets summoned by the deathrattle. Your opponent can play slower if they can really abuse the deathrattle to make a huge board swing.

What does this card compete with? Doomsayer. It's a bit stronger when they have to attack into it because doomsayer has no attack value, but doomsayer is a lot stronger when it actually goes off. They both slow down the game which is what they aim for, for the most part, but doomsayer can also set up for better late game turns, like grabbing initiative. Maybe you run both though, if you really want to counter aggro.


Corporate Apologist
Now that's high risk high reward. I don't know if it'll get played, since you can basically instantly lose the game with it, but still, nice stuff.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
At first glance that looks like the deathlord 2.0, but I think in actual play it'll be a bit more tame than that. For example, your opponent has a lot more control over what minion gets summoned by the deathrattle. Your opponent can play slower if they can really abuse the deathrattle to make a huge board swing.

What does this card compete with? Doomsayer. It's a bit stronger when they have to attack into it because doomsayer has no attack value, but doomsayer is a lot stronger when it actually goes off. They both slow down the game which is what they aim for, for the most part, but doomsayer can also set up for better late game turns, like grabbing initiative. Maybe you run both though, if you really want to counter aggro.

It's a battlecry, which makes a big difference.

This card actually disrupts the hand...which can have massive impact on certain archtypes. Early on people don't keep massive minions in hand so it feels somewhat controlled to play early. 2/6 taunt on 2 is insane as well.
It's a battlecry, which makes a big difference.

This card actually disrupts the hand...which can have massive impact on certain archtypes.

Oh lol, okay, well +1 for reading.

Why did someone say it's a balance deathlord, it's an ancestral call where you're getting a weak 4 drop for 2 mana and your opponent could get a ragnaros.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
A few reasons. It pulls from the hand, so the opponent doesn't get the value of a free card from the deck. Also, opponent is less likely to have a high value minion in hand early in the game.

Minor problem. It is a battlecry. Not a deathrattle. So you will be forced to deal with that minion immediately.


interestingly enough.. this seems like loatheb.. it proactively disrupts the opponents hand... it is a very curious card.

EDIT: depending on the hand it could also enhance the opponent.. it is a toss, I guess


Now that's high risk high reward. I don't know if it'll get played, since you can basically instantly lose the game with it, but still, nice stuff.

you can also instantly win the game against some combo decks, pull a alex or gadgetzan or something like that. It's a card I think people will play in tournaments.
Dirty Rat seems pretty solid at first glance. Definitely interested to see if it finds its way into some decks. Potentially more fuel for Taunt Warrior too.

Bouncer is pretty meh, but maybe Zoo could make use of it.
It's very bad vs deathrattles. Okay against some battlecries. A lot of played BC minions are mostly stat oriented though. We're probably not gonna see cards like the 6 mana 1/1 that summons a 6/6, for example.

So far I think it's a bad card. But this is based on the current meta, which isn't saying that much.

The other thing is that it looks like a high tempo card because of 8 stats on a 2 drop, it's really more like a 2/4 cause you're likely getting a 2 attack minion or higher for your opponent. I think it could be a secretly terrible card, that maybe is useful against aggro.

you can also instantly win the game against some combo decks, pull a alex or gadgetzan or something like that. It's a card I think people will play in tournaments.

Combo decks have become a lot less centralized around a single trick though. Plus it's not like rogue folds if they don't get value off auctioneer, or even leeroy tbh.

One thing it might be good for is in warrior. Turn 7 your opponent has 2-3 minions on board, playing around brawl. You play the 2 drop and you destroy another minion with brawl, so you basically go 1:1 with that play.


I see some guys saying this is better than deathlord... how?

Summons from hand instead of in deck and since most people play on curve odds are good you will draw an inefficient battlecry/1-2 mana minion out on the field with no loss in tempo since you have a 2/6 minion out.


Unconfirmed Member
Very cool card. If nothing else seeing design like this gives me hope for the game long term.

At 2 mana and a taunt it is a viable play to STOP aggro/zoo decks before they get too far ahead. The battlecry is frequently a bonus as it will negate enemy battlecries as well. You still have the chance to get rekt by pulling a Ragnaros/Sylvannas/etc on turn 2, but generally those cards are the ones every player will mulligan away. If this card becomes super popular there is innate counterplay available. You can intentionally slow down your deck and put in higher curve minions to get abuse people playing this guy. Solid design there.

As for how it will work out? Hard to say, but in the current meta (which won't matter at all once this comes out), I think this card would certainly be played. It's a big wall to climb over with only 2 or 3 mana to work with. So that probably means it will stick for at least one turn which decks like Priest, Control Paladin, Control Warrior, and really any control deck I think, would love. Better than Deathlord in some ways since its 1 less mana, and you can get the bad part out of the way immediately via some spell or something if you play the guy off curve. So as a later drop it is less of a dead card, on curve it has about the same downside as Deathlord (in some ways less since most opponents will be mulliganing for cheap cards not expensive ones). Really seems quite good. Glad it is a neutral so many classes will have access to it.


Dirty Rat feels like Servant of Yogg-Saron where if you just look at the average or best case scenarios, the card seems pretty good. But sometimes you play it and just lose the game on the spot. Even if that only happens infrequently, people tend to disproportionately remember those times and as a result the card probably won't see play.
I think it'll likely see play in priest and warrior. For priest it gives control priest a decent target for the new cultist. I don't think it sees play in dragon priest because stat wise it's essentially a 2/4 anyway (or worse since you could summon a 3/3 or 3/4 as it's common to have 3-4 drops in hand) and at that point it's really not better than that 2/4 taunt they already have access to. Control priest also has a lot of new tools, essentially giving them more removal to deal with an accelerated board.

For warrior, they still have access to a rather absurd amount of removal. But what I am thinking of primarily is it's synergy with brawl. Play it with 7 mana or more and your opponent, who thought they were playing around brawl, loses a valuable tool they would have used to refill the board post brawl and god forbid those times the warrior wins the 1/5 brawl and you likely lose on the spot.

So yeah, I kinda flip flopped from my last post saying it's bad. I think it has potential.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
when that card summons from the hand, it doesn't activate the battlecry, right?

No battlecry. Makes stuff like Justicar, Gold Monkey, N'zoth very strong to pull later in the game.

I don't think this has the same downside some other worse case scenarios have regarding something like Servant of Yogg which can be a 5/4 that throws your entire hand away or fireball itself, effectively skipping turn 5.. Like if Warrior plays this on 2 and pulls a Deathwing for the other guy, the taunt is relevant--the 2/6 likely is getting hit and blocking an attack and warrior has execute which pairs amazingly with a taunt essentially guaranteed to bump whatever minion gets brought out. I think it gives it extra cushion even if that scenario is obviously bad to have happen, it's early enough that the downsides are more controlled since nobody wants to have those bombs in their hand early. Deathlord in comparison could bring any nuke into the game.

And versus Aggro this being a massively overstatted taunt on 2 messes them up more than the brought in minion helps I think.

Card is really damn interesting to me even though I can't see it being played much outside of Warrior and Priest. Still, much like Deathlord became very pivotal to fatigue in control mirrors, hand disruption is a whole nother ball game of potential power. A deck that strongly hinges on select minions can get massively fucked if this techs against them.


Super Sleuth
That card is way worse than deathlord.

You hoped deathlord lived a few turns until you were able to deal with the minion it pulls.

You could Velen a deathlord.
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