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I was told to 'kill myself with a gun' tonight while playing Rocket League

I mean really?? What the hell?

And by the way, this is the third time IN A WEEK I've been told to kill myself while playing this game.

I love Rocket League. It's my favorite MP game, and has been for a year and a half. But you know what's not my favorite? Being told repeatedly to commit suicide!

I may be sheltered, as I don't play many MP games, but is this a common thing in MP titles? I mean are there folks demanding you 'end yourself' in Destiny matches if you miss that one bad guy in the corner? Overwatch? The Division?

The folks playing Rocket League sure are salty as fuck. And by the way, this was my TEAM MATE. And I had a higher score / goal total than him! STILL I should end my life!

Am I overreacting? I reported him for it. Even one of the opposing team mates posted 'Damn man lol' after he said that. I'm not in the wrong for thinking this is extreme, right? I won't be crying myself to sleep or anything, but I felt compelled to discuss.
Welcome to online multiplayer.

For a better experience, just do party chat with your friends. Otherwise, just turn off voice chat completely.
I now take stuff like that seriously, especially with me almost killing myself a week ago. That is just disrespectful and I'm sorry this is happening to you, OP.
You're not in the wrong, people need to grow the fuck up. And yes, this happens in almost every competitive multiplayer game (yes, even in cooperative at times!). It's really dumb and people are idiots.


I turned chat to "team only" recently and it's really helped me focus on my gameplay and not getting distracted in the toxicity out there. I've been playing better because of it.
Maybe grow a thicker skin and not get appalled and shocked at the culture of Internet anonymity. You know that guy was bred in a lab and is a 3rd generation of idiots and you should ask yourself, do you really care about his opinion?
It's really stupid that it's just status quo for people to tell you to kill yourself all the time in online games, but I guess that's where we're at.


Report, don't kill yourself with a gun, and move on with life.

People are scumbags, especially under the guise of anonymity. Good chance that same person would've never said anything like that to you in real life.

Am I overreacting? I reported him for it. Even one of the opposing team mates posted 'Damn man lol' after he said that. I'm not in the wrong for thinking this is extreme, right? I won't be crying myself to sleep or anything, but I felt compelled to discuss.

Yes, you're overreacting. Good on you for reporting, hopefully he gets banned.
Wouldn't waste time on it. Would happen on fb, youtube, twitch and most popular online games if you interact with people enough.

It's that persons idea and no there won't be any reasoning with them. Just ignore it.

Try siege, they love to kill you as a teammate there
Eh, just have a laugh that you pissed him off enough to get a reaction

But that's the thing . . . we won the match lol. I missed a save and they scored a goal but I had a higher goal & point total than he did. Still got told to end my life lol. I was shocked by it, but not offended. But I can see how someome might be, you know? I don't necessarily think that putting 'Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB' quite covers the possibility that someone might tell you to pick up a loaded weapon and kill yourself with it.

Again, I get it, I am probably overthinking it. Still . . . what the fuck dude.


And that's why you only use party chat. I don't think my friends and I could be still playing RL if we didn't just talk with ourselfs.




Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
If you were really bothered by it, just turn voice chat off.

I had a very negative experience in Overwatch a few months back after which I completely turned off voice chat and never looked back. Even if most people are cool the toxic ones can really ruin your day and I dont wanna take that chance anymore.
This isnt helpful but that is actually pretty mild considering what you usually get in online abuse.

Anytime I have played with Americans, its actually been shocking homophobic and racist rhetoric.Europeans are a lot better IMO, especially if English isnt their first language.


Stormy Grey
I only play a handful of multiplayer titles, and almost never with anyone except a full team of people I know, but any game that has the ability to turn off in-game messages or voice gets that option used the moment I find it.
I've had some bad experiences with Rocket League as well, first game that I've basically just blocked the chat every time I play.


Rocket League's in-game voice chat is so bad that I never can discern any language they say anyway. I just turned it off as a result.


Junior Member
Edgelord Trolls.

I swear they get together and have a shared set script of comments they all use.

Yes, it's the norm for pretty much any competitive game available.
Report them and try not to give them the satisfaction of being bothered and having wasted more time than that thinking about them.

They are cowards who hide behind anonymity and there will always be shitty people like that.


It's a common thing.

There's a lot of shitty people in the world.

Multiplayer games seem to have greater representation of shitty people.
This is worrying considering its my 6yr old sons favourite game he's been playing since launch and is really good. He's started playing online recently and receives invites everyday to join teams, I thought RL would be the perfect place to just have fun but I'd be mortified if he were subjected to that sort of thing!


It's pretty pathetic that this is accepted as the norm for playing video games online. I hope one day we'll look back at this time as the archaic, dark age it is for multiplayer interactions.
I've never been told to kill myself. I never get hate mail. I assume this because I'm not good enough to upset anyone. I envy you in a way.


I just turn chat off if I dont play with friends. Games look so much better without all the shitty spam.

No, stop posting this. This theory was thoroughly debunked by counterexample of the very people who authored it. People are assholes whether or not they have an audience. They don't become one because they're anonymous, they just are one at all times and whenever they can get away with it, they'll carry it to the extremes. This is why multiplayer games for a while now have featured report/block/mute functionality, and it's good that the OP availed himself of such, but we can do better than this by making it so that serial griefers get the same treatment as serial cheaters. It sucks that game makers have to spend significant resources on features designed to thwart psychopaths online, but here we are.
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