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Phil Spencer: "I know we have to take risks [after Scalebound cancellation],"


Not starting any rumors... just relaying a conversation. Believe me, won't happen again. I'll just keep all my information to myself except by PM if someone wants it.

Seriously, this is supposed to be a place of discussion. I already told you I know NOBODY in the gaming division itself.
If you're going to start Scorpio delay rumours then yeah. That's exactly the sort of thing that would get vetted.

What's with the witch hunt? If it's the post I remember he said it was just a conversation he had with a friend and take it with a grain of salt, nothing more. Don't think it's that serious? Although i'm new here so maybe this is normal?


Not starting any rumors... just relaying a conversation. Believe me, won't happen again. I'll just keep all my information to myself except by PM if someone wants it.

Seriously, this is supposed to be a place of discussion. I already told you I know NOBODY in the gaming division itself.

Isn't that how rumors start though?


People need to get the F over scalebound and it's cancellation. Game looked like a hot mess... MS apparently thought the same. Taking risks doesn't equate to being stupid and throw money at something you don't have faith in to deliver anymore. It's on Phil and team Xbox to show us they will continue to take risks. QB and Recore are proof they are willing to take risks and see projects through that may not be AAA winners. If anything the pulling of the plug on Scalebound should speak volumes about what shape that game was in nothe MS being unwilling to take a risk.


If you're going to start Scorpio delay rumours then yeah. That's exactly the sort of thing that would get vetted.
She had customers that advised her to get a one s because scorpio was a long way off. And friends of hers said something also, i cant remember what but ya.


My guess is they'll try to buy another 3rd party (timed) exclusive like Tomb Raider. I'm not sure what they'd be able to get though. I think they'd be able of get Cyberpunk 2077 well before PS4 does but it's still so far off.

Tomb Raider took a pretty sales hit by not releasing on PS4 and to some extent PC simultaneously. If anyone were to follow the same strategy as what Square Enix did, Microsoft would have to cover the loss of potential sales for a timed exclusive release, seeing how Tomb Raider made it evident that it's not a good deal to make.


What if Don Mattrick was the real savior all the time and we just didnt saw it?

Maybe he wanted to save us from Phils evil Halo/Forza world and instead we helped the evil to get to power?

I doubt that Don Mattrick wanted less Halo/Gears/Forza games.

What I think people are now realizing is that much like Mattrick, Mehdi, and Greenberg, Phil has always prioritized the interests of the company over the interests of the customer(s). He will communicate what people want to hear in order to gain sales, accumulate goodwill, and do damage control for their brand and products. I think people are discovering that as an executive, Phil has shown a strong pattern of dishonesty that can be observed through past and present communications. A number of people have consistently pointed out that he was a major player in the original Xbox One vision and thus could not be trusted and expected to act in the interests of the customers over the corporation. I think the cancellation of Scalebound and multiple other titles has revealed -- to the bulk of enthusiast gamers -- that the current Xbox leadership exists to achieve the corporate goals, and as such, the leadership is no different than what was in place prior to the launch of the Xbox One.


There are 15 pages so I was probably beaten, but I won't let that stop me!!!!



Not starting any rumors... just relaying a conversation. Believe me, won't happen again. I'll just keep all my information to myself except by PM if someone wants it.

Seriously, this is supposed to be a place of discussion. I already told you I know NOBODY in the gaming division itself.

Well...Since you offered sure.


Have you not been reading her posts in the last day or so?

"My friends at Microsoft say..." is exactly the kind of thing that gets vetted. Especially with a rumour like "Scorpio is going to be delayed".

My post wasn't specifically about the hire thing. That hire post was merely what made me think she has no sources whatsoever.

All these "insiders" that seem to come out of the woodwork with negative MS rumours are getting tiresome.

On mobile so can't check post history.

Many mentions of "friends at MS" and a mention of a Scorpio delay.

If that doesn't qualify as a post that requires vetting, not sure what does.

If you're going to start Scorpio delay rumours then yeah. That's exactly the sort of thing that would get vetted.

I doubt that Don Mattrick wanted less Halo/Gears/Forza games.

What I think people are now realizing is that much like Mattrick, Mehdi, and Greenberg, Phil has always prioritized the interests of the company over the interests of the customer(s). He will communicate what people want to hear in order to gain sales, accumulate goodwill, and do damage control for their brand and products. I think people are discovering that as an executive, Phil has shown a strong pattern of dishonesty that can be observed through past and present communications. A number of people have consistently pointed out that he was a major player in the original Xbox One vision and thus could not be trusted and expected to act in the interests of the customers over the corporation. I think the cancellation of Scalebound and multiple other titles has revealed -- to the bulk of enthusiast gamers -- that the current Xbox leadership exists to achieve the corporate goals, and as such, the leadership is no different than what was in place prior to the launch of the Xbox One.

This has always been obvious imo, some just refuse to see it.
I'm not abandoning the ecosystem I've put more than 13 years into and I don't have the money to do so even I wanted to.

I had a friend that experienced the same thing with his marriage. After several years, the marriage started falling apart but he was adamantly enduring it due to the number of years he put into it. Add to that, getting a divorce was going to cost him dearly.

In the end, there was nothing left to salvage. He finally ended it. He now gets along well with his ex-wife as a friend and is now a much happier man...food for thought.


Junior Member
Now I need to be vetted by mods? Might as well go ahead and ban me then, because there is ZERO chance I endanger my job for a bunch of insecure fans on a gaming message board.

Anyway, I will leave if you want. No harm intended...

Any idiot can make a post saying their uncle works for Nintendo... if you are above passing a sniff test, is best to just keep you rumors to yourself because mods have been known to Crack down.

I don't know how long you've been on this site, but there is a history of vetted insiders and people spreading bad info for Internet fame or just for the hell of it. If you don't want to put yourself out there, don't put yourself out there. I wouldn't myself anyways.
Not to try and hyperbole and shit, but like is the Xbox division really in danger of going the sega way? Like the ship is heading towards that iceberg


Like I said, I'm out of this thread. Seem to be a rather touchy group, but I guess I understand that. Think I will go hang out with the Nintendo fans for a bit. And just stay off MS threads for a bit


Not to try and hyperbole and shit but like is Xbox really in danger of going the dreamcast way?

Yes. It's all crashing down this year. Announcement at E3 that they sold to Samsung.

No, it would take a few years of really piss poor software sales to get there
Like I said, I'm out of this thread. Seem to be a rather touchy group, but I guess I understand that. Think I will go hang out with the Nintendo fans for a bit. And just stay off MS threads for a bit

You say this and come back later.

It's like something I would expect to see on N4G


Not to try and hyperbole and shit but like is Xbox really in danger of going the dreamcast way?

IMO They probably try hard with the Scorpio but flood it with safe games as services especially their three pillars.

The budget is definitely up for discussion as it seems to be shrinking.

They're not folding, but consolidating and may be fine with cashing out down the line IMO, slow exit


Junior Member
Not to try and hyperbole and shit, but like is the Xbox division really in danger of going the sega way? Like the ship is heading towards that iceberg

People have been saying it since OG Xbox.

And honestly there are just a bunch of bitter people that genuinely want to see it happen and toss it out there for the hell of it.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
This is what you should expect:

State of Decay 2
Gears of War 4 DLC
Forza Motorsport 7
Ori 2
Sea of Thieves
Crackdown 3
EA Access
Scorpio Info drop
Scorpio updated games
Halo teaser

That should be the bare minimum though. Hoping we get a bit more than that.

You know, like cod. Lol
Not to try and hyperbole and shit, but like is the Xbox division really in danger of going the sega way? Like the ship is heading towards that iceberg

Nah, I just think people are sort of just seeing the different MS of this gen finally catch up to the current year as projects finally come out or are on the verge of coming out.


Not to try and hyperbole and shit, but like is the Xbox division really in danger of going the sega way? Like the ship is heading towards that iceberg

So, when you say Sega way, do you mean become a third party developer?

I feel like Microsoft is in this to be in control of a full platform, which they wouldn't get if they went that third party route. it's either this, or microsoft sells off the division.


I wonder how much control Phil actually has in the xbox division despite being the head.

Seems all this trouble with the developers first and third party alike,cancelled game.etc seems to be the classic exec meddling who are higher than Phil.
Let's be brutally honest here. As much as I wanted Scalebound and thought the game looked really cool, imho it wasn't going to sell well on the XBox One no matter how much marketing it got. It probably was an expensive risk. I am getting D4 vibes all over again when I saw it. It looked more traditional than D4, but I really doubt this game would of appealed to the XBox contingent.


Scorpio will have niche success, and Halo, Halo Wars, Forza, etc to drive sales with the XBox population. That is enough for 95% of the fanbase from what I have seen. GAF is great, but not representative of gaming trends as a whole.

Remember, most XBox buyers love CoD.

How about you don't speak on behalf of a large population you have no clue what they think like ? You were doing the same in the other thread too. Just because you know a couple peoples interests doesn't give you the right to paint ''most xbox gamers'' in a certain way. Considering PS4 has more COD players do most PS buyers love COD ? There are many people who play and love many sorts of games let's not make silly generalizations.
cancelling the most anticipated game on your console
according to Neogaf's poll ofc
sure is a risk so he ain't lyin

NeoGaf's popular opinion is a great gauge of reality! That's why Platinum's other projects are such critical successes. This news is going to be devastating for MS when the average consumer finds out about the cancellation.

And I agree with Phil. Contracting Platinum, or any other studio of their scale, to do a AAA project is a gigantic risk.


Let's be brutally honest here. As much as I wanted Scalebound and thought the game looked really cool, imho it wasn't going to sell well on the XBox One no matter how much marketing it got. It probably was an expensive risk. I am getting D4 vibes all over again when I saw it. It looked more traditional than D4, but I really doubt this game would of appealed to the XBox contingent.

But...that's the whole point in taking risks. Make games that may not appeal to everyone, but may still bring in new people to your system.

No one's claiming that the game was going to sell gangbusters.

But the game was going to get people who have no interest in an Xbox or Windows gaming to use their ecosystem to play it.


Forza Wars gives me an idea.

What if the it's a stylish cover based third person shooter with transforming cars as the playable characters. Levels consists of shooting galleries, where you use fast combo based shooting. These shooting galleries are all interconnected by racing tracks. You have to keep the combo up by chaining together stylish shooting take-downs and quickly racing to next section where you can continue the combo by chaining more take-downs.

Vanquish with cars.

Shooter with Transformers.

I have a studio in mind that would be perfect for this game...

Hire me Microsoft.


Not to try and hyperbole and shit, but like is the Xbox division really in danger of going the sega way? Like the ship is heading towards that iceberg

Much too early to say. We need to see how Scorpio performs and the extent to which a GaaS oriented first party future sustains the brand and division. I'm very curious to see if this (relatively) new direction seeps into the public consciousness to any extent that it begins to erode the good will of the hardcore Xbox crowd. If it does, they might have a serious issue. On the other hand, they might be able to make significant inroads by expanding their audience on Windows, though there's good reason to doubt that given how poorly they've executed with the store. Still, I could see Halo 6 attracting a few million on Win 10.
yeah but they made a deal with platinum games to make a big action game

wasn't that obvious

Perhaps, but the push for this gen was even weaker than the 360's which dropped off sharply. I was looking forward to Scalebound, but personally it never really gave me confidence it would be the start of a change.


Persecution Complex
This is what you should expect:

State of Decay 2
Gears of War 4 DLC
Forza Motorsport 7
Ori 2
Sea of Thieves
Crackdown 3
EA Access
Scorpio Info drop
Scorpio updated games
Halo teaser

If nothing gets leaked on here beforehand, I personally expect two new Microsoft funded games at the E3 conference. That could be new titles from a first party or something like funding Tecmo for a new Ninja Gaiden.


NeoGaf's popular opinion is a great gauge of reality! That's why Platinum's other projects are such critical successes. This news is going to be devastating for MS when the average consumer finds out about the cancellation.

And I agree with Phil. Contracting Platinum, or any other studio of their scale, to do a AAA project is a gigantic risk.

GAF is ground zero for enthusiast gaming culture, out of touch with sales sometimes, yes.

But absolutely trend setters and influential IMO.

Slightly terrified by the Sony echo chamber elements of this forum so hopefully Nintendo brings back balance tomorrow.


I like Phil overall but I feel like this continues to happen. Our very own MH Williams put up an article going over all the things announced in 2014 that have all but been axed: http://www.usgamer.net/articles/revisiting-xbox-e3-2014-remembering-the-dead

I almost forgot how much.

Every time this happens, fans start questioning him and the platform's direction, Phil gives the standard reply "we're committed to games and first party", and then you get the "Ok, phew, thanks Phil!" though that seems to be waning now.

Thing is, you need to allow your teams to branch out and take risks creatively. That's how you grow a brand and ecosystem and new fan bases. This has nothing to do with console war bs, but Sony does this and it's evident. One of their flagship studios known for first person shooters was allowed to take 5 years to build a post apocalyptic open world RPG with a female lead and robot dinosaurs. Another studio (Sony Santa Monica), even though its initial new IP failed, was allowed to radically revamp one of their biggest and most beloved franchises (God of War). Both huge risks. Sucker Punch is on a new IP. Bend is on a new IP, etc. Naughty Dog took time to develop a new IP that's arguably their biggest yet. That's how these become successful franchises.

Besides Rare, which is basically their new IP testbed though relegated to service driven games, Turn 10 works on Forza, Black Tusk was transformed into a Gears factory, 343 is relegated to Halo...it's just tired at this point. To me anyway, even though I still enjoy those series a lot. I want Xbox around forever. I was there day one with my OG Xbox and fell mad in love with Halo, but damn...give us new and exciting things man. I mean nurturing internal first party talent, not signing more deals that don't go anywhere.

Beautifully said. Not much else left to add.

If they don't listen to people like you with genuine criticism then the brand will just fade into nothingness.I feel like they deliberately avoid criticism thinking it's some sort of witch hunt but the people who are genuine in their criticism are the ones who care the most. Listening to these criticisms is what will bring them success. It's on them now. They'll either listen and succeed or turn the cheek and fail.


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