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Confederate Flag Group Charged For Threats Made At Black Child's Party (Sentenced)

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It's a threat of violence, not actually conducting violence. Maybe I'm just using the wrong word here. What I'm trying to say is more than a decade in prison for threats where no one got hurt seems excessive.

Yeah our court system is broken, but due to it mostly happening to minorities, no one balks at 15 years for having a joint when you're brown. No congressmen are called, no revolts of society. Just "well, they deserve it." But people don't realize it sets the tone for sentencing for all tax paying citizens.

This is what happens when American society allows excessive. If you can't afford good representation, or you catch a judge on a bad day, your life is over.

In that world, you should know better than to make people fear for their lives, including children. If you know people are in jail for much longer for less. They thought they wouldn't catch a long time. Because generally, people that look like them dont.



It's a threat of violence, not actually conducting violence. Maybe I'm just using the wrong word here. What I'm trying to say is more than a decade in prison for threats where no one got hurt seems excessive.

The guy was found guilty of aggravated assault:

• An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm.

• Use of a deadly weapon during an assault constitutes aggravated assault

Just aggravated assault can have 20 years. Obviously the guy didn't actually shoot or beat anyone up so he didn't get the full amount but he had a shotgun when he was threatening people.

Plus terrorism and some Georgia gang law.

I'm not sure why they didn't take a plea deal.


It's a threat of violence, not actually conducting violence. Maybe I'm just using the wrong word here. What I'm trying to say is more than a decade in prison for threats where no one got hurt seems excessive.

yeah tell the kids that had a shotgun pointed at them no one got hurt.
It's a threat of violence, not actually conducting violence. Maybe I'm just using the wrong word here. What I'm trying to say is more than a decade in prison for threats where no one got hurt seems excessive.

Pointing an armed weapon at children is violence. 15 years is explicitly the appropriate sentencing for committing a violent hate crime against children.
It's a threat of violence, not actually conducting violence. Maybe I'm just using the wrong word here. What I'm trying to say is more than a decade in prison for threats where no one got hurt seems excessive.

Look. Let me lay it out for you. Intimidation mixed with gang law mixed with implied assault with a deadly weapon can net you anywhere from 10-40 years in prison. Plus, you can mix in the overt racism and that paints it even worse, as well as the age of the victim.

You can hem and haw all you want about how "it wasn't really violence." But you fail to understand exactly how these decisions are decided. And no, it isn't excessive. Don't be a threatening racist piece of shit and you won't be locked up. We fucking lock up low level drug offenders for double dimes and no one says shit, but a few racists wielding guns hurl insults and intimidate a fucking group of people at A KID'S BIRTHDAY PARTY, and suddenly it's all "oh, but they shouldn't be punished that hard."

Jesus fucking Christ.

EDIT: oh yeah, I forgot, THIS WAS A HATE CRIME.


That dude is named Jose Torres?

Fuck him and its a shame that his family did not remind him where their roots are. Fucking new gen hypocrites. Asswipe voted for Trump no doubt, should have self deported with that self hatred to be around Neo-nazis/bigots. (looks like Judge banished his ass at least....ROLF!)

Ontopic, Fuck yea!!!


It's a threat of violence, not actually conducting violence. Maybe I'm just using the wrong word here. What I'm trying to say is more than a decade in prison for threats where no one got hurt seems excessive.
Let's see how you feel when a couple of adults threaten your kids with guns with the attitude that they're superior and your kids shouldn't exist.


The ONLY outrage I've seen is "rapists, pedophiles, murderers, drug traffickers etc...." get less time. If this were black people or muslim extremists doing these racist, terrorist threats to a white family in a white area, they wouldn't have been taken ALIVE,
Jail is where they belong, carrying violence to a kid's birthday party

Seriously, I can't even comprehend why anyone would even contemplate doing something like that much less go through with it. They clearly aren't fit for society so prison is the right place for them.
Heritage Not Hate™

As a lifelong Georgia resident - the majority of us really can't fucking stand the racists

We also think Northerners are more racist in general... my few trips up the east coast seemed to confirm such notions, lol.
People in Boston seem to hate everyone though.


Look. Let me lay it out for you. Intimidation mixed with gang law mixed with implied assault with a deadly weapon can net you anywhere from 10-40 years in prison. Plus, you can mix in the overt racism and that paints it even worse, as well as the age of the victim.

You can hem and haw all you want about how "it wasn't really violence." But you fail to understand exactly how these decisions are decided. And no, it isn't excessive. Don't be a threatening racist piece of shit and you won't be locked up. We fucking lock up low level drug offenders for double dimes and no one says shit, but a few racists wielding guns hurl insults and intimidate a fucking group of people at A KID'S BIRTHDAY PARTY, and suddenly it's all "oh, but they shouldn't be punished that hard."

Jesus fucking Christ.

EDIT: oh yeah, I forgot, THIS WAS A HATE CRIME.a

I totally agree that these kinda of crimes should be sentenced as heavily as armed robbery and the like, but I do think that we put too many people away, for too long a time, in prisons that do little to rehabilitate

Not really a discussion meant for this thread though


As a lifelong Georgia resident - the majority of us really can't fucking stand the racists

We also think Northerners are more racist in general... my few trips up the east coast seemed to confirm such notions, lol.
People in Boston seem to hate everyone though.

racism is everywhere my friend.


I'm happy to hear about this resolution. I remember hearing about this story when it was first brought to attention, and honestly, I would have thought they'd have gotten away with just a slap on the wrist.

Some people need to look up laws on what the word assault really means. If you think it's just a physical action, you're wrong.

These individuals were sentenced under gang-terrorism laws, in addition to others.

They deserve this sentence. This isn't a weed possession case, they threatened people and children who potentially will be scarred for life. And they deserve to pay with theirs.
I live about 20 minutes north of there and can't stand that this reprehensible event happened so close to home. I'm glad they got what was coming to them, but they'll appeal and the sentences will be reduced dramatically I'm sure.
So I'm not that familiar with all this Confederate thing but it seems odd someone with a latino name is on a racist group in America. Not saying he can't be racist, but I would've though they wouldn't allow him in the group.

Anyways I hope this isn't the only case in which racists get what they deserve.

Lots of Spaniards are essentially White. I don't know this guy's background so who knows.
Reading thru the charges as it just got uglier and uglier, it's one of those things that made my stomach tighten up, and this is me knowing they had the book thrown at them!

I just...wow.


not licensed in your state
It's a threat of violence, not actually conducting violence. Maybe I'm just using the wrong word here. What I'm trying to say is more than a decade in prison for threats where no one got hurt seems excessive.
I'm sure a loaded shotgun pointed at a kid at his birthday won't hurt him at all, right


Their actions were assault. Imagine someone a gang running up to your children with a gun. Imagine this with the history of the south and its handling of cases like this.

Those assholes got the sentence they deserved. Fuck them for hurting those children and their families. People shouldn't have to live in fear of "rebel" pricks who think their white skin protects them from being punished for terrorizing people with deadly weapons.


Rapid Response Threadmaker

Two guarantees from racist white people when they're caught: crying and "it's not who I really am!"

They can fucking rot. The victims are much bigger people than I am for forgiving them.

When is Jennifer Lawrence playing her?


Brandishing guns at children and their parents at a birthday party while screaming one of the most offensive words ever uttered, making death threats and displaying an equally offensive flag...but that's not you and that's not him? Unreal. There's going to be a lot of shit like this during Trump's presidency. Hopefully this sends a real message to the other morons who think this shit is fine and dandy now that Trump's in office. Fuck him and fuck her. Big ups to that mother who actually forgave the both of them even though a part of me wishes she hadn't.


Jose Torres, smgdh.

Whew that is some sentence!

Good riddance trash.

And lol wtf one of the dudes spouting this shit was named Jorge Torres???

Whats so weird? Just look at how much of the latino vote got the orange turd.

Anecdotal time. Some guys that i've known to be living and working over there have said me that is not la migra you should be worried but other mexicans living there.


Hah, I live in Georgia, saw this on Fox 5 news today, didn't expect there to be a GAF thread about it. Very happy with the sentencing, what a nice outcome for a change.
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