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Transphobic NC Former Governor Pat McCrory can't find a job because he's a bigot

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It's probably my heavily religious upbringing. I went to church every Sunday for the longest time, but I've been working on nearly every Sunday for the past few years so I've distanced myself from a lot of the views that your typical Christian would believe in. Taking science classes in college made me think "Huh, they're actually offering more proof her than the science classes did when I was a kid.". We discussed the Voyage of the Beagle and Darwin's finches in a history class a couple semesters ago in college. Thought it was really interesting how the beaks of the birds would change over time.

birds beaks, but you're still a bigot.
On topic: Good. McCrory deserves to be remembered and reviled for his bigoted decisions.

As for ebevan...I like how you're literally saying that you misspoke, should have had breakfast, are just trying to understand more and we're totally misinterpreting you. Let's take a look at what you've posted on Reddit and see how that stacks up, shall we?

On JonTron being racist

On "liberals" and how there's no hope for them

On a reporter asking questions

On NeoGAF being "cucks" that you want to maybe "brigade" over job growth

You're being called a bigot because you're acting bigoted. You can try to act like you're some offended and wronged little angel but it's pretty clear that what you actually are is a bigot who isn't interested in any sort of actual conversation. So, yeah, you will get called on it.

How old are you, ebev91? Because you're writing "everywhere is liberal like this now," but between 1998-2008, it felt like anywhere I went in person or on the Internet was all about America, 9/11, Tea Party, patriotism, supporting our troops, no new taxes, war in Iraq, libertarianism, Ron Paul Revolution, and all sorts of warhawk or neo-conservative shit I couldn't tolerate. I've got a goddamn Dick Cheney Desert Storm rookie trading card. They made those. Do you remember when the Dixie Chicks essentially got kicked from country music for just saying they weren't happy W Bush was also born in Texas? Would such a petty thing ever happen now?

National political opinion changes fast, and you having a niche political opinion right now doesn't necessarily make your assumptions right. We have two parties, and we'll likely have our opinions bounce back and forth between them until one of them fucks up irrevocably and we make new parties and ideologies. Try understanding where others are coming from and actually researching their viewpoints before sending internet nerds for them, jerk.
It's probably my heavily religious upbringing. I went to church every Sunday for the longest time, but I've been working on nearly every Sunday for the past few years so I've distanced myself from a lot of the views that your typical Christian would believe in. Taking science classes in college made me think "Huh, they're actually offering more proof her than the science classes did when I was a kid.". We discussed the Voyage of the Beagle and Darwin's finches in a history class a couple semesters ago in college. Thought it was really interesting how the beaks of the birds would change over time.

So is it Jesus telling you to spread transphobia and be a bigot?


single out virtually any Trump supporter on GAF, and you'll find they have an alternate personality on their twitter or another forum where they are racist, xenophobic, misogynistic monsters.

huh, wonder why it's so common? It's almost like voting for trump means you're ra.. nah.

It's pretty entertaining to read their alternate personality offsite, then revert back to gaf.
Like watching a secret life.
It's probably my heavily religious upbringing. I went to church every Sunday for the longest time, but I've been working on nearly every Sunday for the past few years so I've distanced myself from a lot of the views that your typical Christian would believe in. Taking science classes in college made me think "Huh, they're actually offering more proof her than the science classes did when I was a kid.". We discussed the Voyage of the Beagle and Darwin's finches in a history class a couple semesters ago in college. Thought it was really interesting how the beaks of the birds would change over time.

The fuck did I just say?! Stop trying to make yourself look like a damn angel when everyone on here knows you a ain't shit fool who spews hateful, disrespectful, bigoted, thick headed bullshit somewhere else. So get your raggedy, hateful, soggy corn flake scarfing ass up outta this got damn thread, you two faced asshole.


The fuck did I just say?! Stop trying to make yourself look like a damn angel when everyone on here knows you a ain't shit fool who spews hateful, disrespectful, bigoted, thick headed bullshit somewhere else. So get your raggedy, hateful, soggy corn flake scarfing ass up outta this got damn thread, you two faced fuck.

Lol, but I'm kind of enjoying watching him squirm. Don't go, ev!
I'll own up to it that it was a mistake for me coming here to discuss something that I'm not too familiar with. That's the least I can do. Lesson learned there.

I didn't come prepared at all. I was eating breakfast shortly after waking up and decided to post on a whim.


It wasn't a mistake. Just own that you tried and failed to troll and we can all go about our days.

Shit it's more than most do before they catch a ban, which you will shortly because you've been permed on another account.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
What's the Neogaf approval lead time like nowadays? Are we going to get brigaded in June 2018?


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
The hilarious thing about this bathroom garbage is that everyone on earth will have shared a restroom with a gay person at some point in their lives...and nothing will have happened. You went in, did your business and went out. The world didn't end. If these people can endure the mental anguish of using the same bathroom as gay people, why not trans people?

Then again if these loonies had their way there would probably be separate bathrooms for gay people too.
The hilarious thing about this bathroom garbage is that everyone on earth will have shared a restroom with a gay person at some point in their lives...and nothing will have happened.

And they were saying the same shit about sharing bathrooms with black people before that.

It's like bigots are too stupid to come up with any original material.
Going wayyyy back to ebev91's first post, I'll bring up a sort of related fact so you can maybe earn a new perspective on this:
I hope he can find another job. I can kinda see where he was coming from with that law. Sure, chances are, 99.99999999% of the time, a trans person going into a bathroom won't end up in spying, stalking, rape, assault, etc., but you have to look at it from the perspective of actual males and females that identify as whatever they were born as. As a male, I'm not sure I'd like it if a biological woman came into the same bathroom as me. And I know females probably feel the same way about biological males coming into their restroom. I wouldn't feel comfortable with that if I was a female. Trans people are a very, very, VERY small part of the population so why inconvenience the overwhelmingly majority of the population that identify as their birth sex over a much smaller group?
Even if just for hypotheticals we accepted your shitty dismissal of trans rights as either less or completely unnecessary due to your perception of the population, there are still as many intersex people in the world as redheads or Jewish people.

“Intersex” is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male. For example, a person might be born appearing to be female on the outside, but having mostly male-typical anatomy on the inside. Or a person may be born with genitals that seem to be in-between the usual male and female types—for example, a girl may be born with a noticeably large clitoris, or lacking a vaginal opening, or a boy may be born with a notably small penis, or with a scrotum that is divided so that it has formed more like labia. Or a person may be born with mosaic genetics, so that some of her cells have XX chromosomes and some of them have XY.
What bathroom should they use? What happens now that you know gender and sex is far more complicated for far more people than you assumed?


It's pretty entertaining to read their alternate personality offsite, then revert back to gaf.
Like watching a secret life.

oh yeah. like once every few months i'll visit some of the old standbys for the hateful, racist horde that has been banned from here, and it's hilarious seeing the cesspool they turn their own breeding grounds into. ten consecutive seconds is enough to see why they got banned forever. So many people on GAF put on fake personalities and "just asking questions" personas in these threads, and then go out and call us all cucks and n****** and whatever for letting our white women get culturally appropriated. And don't let these nutjobs get started on transgender rights! Literally the most almost comically demonic hatred for anyone who isn't pathologically at war with the LGBT community.


The hilarious thing about this bathroom garbage is that everyone on earth will have shared a restroom with a gay person at some point in their lives...and nothing will have happened. You went in, did your business and went out. The world didn't end. If these people can endure the mental anguish of using the same bathroom as gay people, why not trans people?

Then again if these loonies had their way there would probably be separate bathrooms for gay people too.

separate bathroom for gay people? nah, there end goal would be eliminating gay people from our society, by any means necessary, I'm sure.
I hope he can find another job. I can kinda see where he was coming from with that law. Sure, chances are, 99.99999999% of the time, a trans person going into a bathroom won't end up in spying, stalking, rape, assault, etc., but you have to look at it from the perspective of actual males and females that identify as whatever they were born as. As a male, I'm not sure I'd like it if a biological woman came into the same bathroom as me. And I know females probably feel the same way about biological males coming into their restroom. I wouldn't feel comfortable with that if I was a female. Trans people are a very, very, VERY small part of the population so why inconvenience the overwhelmingly majority of the population that identify as their birth sex over a much smaller group?

To clarify, you do realize that you are making an argument used to justify racial segregation in the past, yes? Can you elaborate why you feel it's valid now when it was not then?
The fuck did I just say?! Stop trying to make yourself look like a damn angel when everyone on here knows you a ain't shit fool who spews hateful, disrespectful, bigoted, thick headed bullshit somewhere else. So get your raggedy, hateful, soggy corn flake scarfing ass up outta this got damn thread, you two faced asshole.

Seriously, this bullshit I'm really a nice guy I promise act isn't fooling anyone


look at this ebev91, you dingus:

your fucking premium is going to skyrocket and you were stupid enough to support this garbage fire of a political party.

holy fuck are you an ignorant cunt.


Going wayyyy back to ebev91's first post, I'll bring up a sort of related fact so you can maybe earn a new perspective on this:Even if just for hypotheticals we accepted your shitty dismissal of trans rights as either less or completely unnecessary due to your perception of the population, there are still as many intersex people in the world as redheads or Jewish people.

What bathroom should they use? What happens now that you know gender and sex is far more complicated for far more people than you assumed?

You got me. They should use the bathroom they feel most comfortable with.


It's probably my heavily religious upbringing. I went to church every Sunday for the longest time, but I've been working on nearly every Sunday for the past few years so I've distanced myself from a lot of the views that your typical Christian would believe in. Taking science classes in college made me think "Huh, they're actually offering more proof her than the science classes did when I was a kid.". We discussed the Voyage of the Beagle and Darwin's finches in a history class a couple semesters ago in college. Thought it was really interesting how the beaks of the birds would change over time.

It's clear from your Donald posts that you're a bigoted racist asshole. Own up to what you are, you fucking coward.


It's probably my heavily religious upbringing. I went to church every Sunday for the longest time, but I've been working on nearly every Sunday for the past few years so I've distanced myself from a lot of the views that your typical Christian would believe in. Taking science classes in college made me think "Huh, they're actually offering more proof her than the science classes did when I was a kid.". We discussed the Voyage of the Beagle and Darwin's finches in a history class a couple semesters ago in college. Thought it was really interesting how the beaks of the birds would change over time.

I'd encourage you to spend more time thinking about what it might be like to have the state mandate what bathroom you have to use and how people might react when you walk in. Imagine that all you want is to mind your own fucking business.

I'd also encourage you to spend less time in toxic bubbles like the Donald and more time checking your assumptions about the world.

Winning arguments on the internet is one of the absolute least important things in life. Learning empathy for the depth and variety of human experience is much more rewarding. Even if people have to call you names or embarrass your for your nonsense online to shock you out of your normal patterns, it's worth it.


Fucking hell GAF is a scary place sometimes. The way they were able to track mans Reddit post history so fast lol. Some of y'all probably working in the wrong field would make bank as investigators or something haha.

I am not surprised that when you look deeper Trump supporters are mostly exactly what you think they are and how they think is clear as day. The way a person acts when they think they are not being watched and potentially judged, is exactly who they are. Guarantee ebev91 probably has a way different persona for his IRL interactions too.


Fucking hell GAF is a scary place sometimes. The way they were able to track mans Reddit post history so fast lol. Some of y'all probably working in the wrong field would make bank as investigators or something haha.

I am not surprised that when you look deeper Trump supporters are mostly exactly what you think they are and how they think is clear as day. The way a person acts when they think they are not being watched and potentially judged, is exactly who they are. Guarantee ebev91 probably has a way different persona for his IRL interactions too.

Well its not hard when they use the same username to shitpost here and then try to find support on T_D.

Just about all alt account Trump supporter posters come from someplace like reddit (specifically T_D) to come shitpost and troll.
You got me. They should use the bathroom they feel most comfortable with.

The funny thing is, if you could have been bothered to look for this information the way you looked to The Donald for ways to defend your bigoted positions, you could have saved yourself the embarrassment of looking both lazy and stupid.

Food for thought.
Fucking hell GAF is a scary place sometimes. The way they were able to track mans Reddit post history so fast lol. Some of y'all probably working in the wrong field would make bank as investigators or something haha.

I am not surprised that when you look deeper Trump supporters are mostly exactly what you think they are and how they think is clear as day. The way a person acts when they think they are not being watched and potentially judged, is exactly who they are. Guarantee ebev91 probably has a way different persona for his IRL interactions too.

I know right? It's pretty incredible. Though, I guess some of them may actually be investigators haha
How sad is your life that you spew hate on one social media site and then try to play coy on another.

This dude is a trash person and will probably blame everyone else for the reason his life is miserable. Religion, Liberals, his parents, and everyone else under the sun.
Winning arguments on the internet is one of the absolute least important things in life. Learning empathy for the depth and variety of human experience is much more rewarding.
This is legit advice. It's frustrating seeing ebev91 went somewhere else to get a brigade before he tried Google or some damn books to get smarter first.

I'm not sure what is it about this sort of online political debate workflow of getting into anonymous fights due to two-faced actions that makes people think this behavior is "in the right" compared to just reading some books on the subject.
I understand that. And I'm sure a ban is coming, which is OK. I can still at least read the forum.

Also some here are violating the TOS as well:

A. Language

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use NeoGAF to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. Sexual, racial, or ethnic slurs will not be tolerated in any form and are bannable on the first offense. It is recommended that profanity be held to a minimum in order to keep the level of discourse high, and profanity should not be used when addressing others. Though NeoGAF is an international forum, discussion is to be held in English unless otherwise designated.

I'm sure witch-hunting and posting my username from another website falls under the TOS somewhere.
Poor you. Feel free to retreat to your safe space among the rest of the neo-nazi cunts on r/the_donald.


Fucking hell GAF is a scary place sometimes. The way they were able to track mans Reddit post history so fast lol. Some of y'all probably working in the wrong field would make bank as investigators or something haha.

Not ragging on detective-GAF's powers, but the dude did use the same name for his burner account here and his reddit account.

Not exactly Professor Moriarty over here (well, maybe another Moriarty).


RIP ebev91.

Maybe one day ebe91 will grace us with his presence.

OT: I can only hope Pat McCroy can realize why he is treated how is he, but that will be a cold day in hell.


“North Carolina has already lost hundreds of millions of dollars in economic activity and thousands of jobs as a direct result of House Bill 2, but I guess we can start adding Gov. McCrory’s career to the total as well,”
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