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Playtonic removes JonTron from Yooka-Laylee.

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Also, since some /v/ guys are reading here and getting bootyblasted, reminder it's really easy to go to the around 10 threads you made and dredge up the shit you spew, and remember when you pulled the exact same shit against devs you disliked.
Also, since some /v/ guys are reading here and getting bootyblasted, reminder it's really easy to go to the around 10 threads you made and dredge up the shit you spew, and remember when you pulled the exact same shit against devs you disliked.
They're not intelligent enough for something like self reflection.
This pisses me off so much as a black man you have no idea. My life is not politics, my wanting to be respected and treated as an equal is not politics, my desire to see that black people or minorities in general are no longer wronged is not politics!

"Why can't you just accept the opinions of the people who think you're lesser than them because you have a different skin color? Gosh, why are you so intolerant!?"
The mental gymnastics these fuckers have to do to make not tolerating bigotry its own form of intolerance is fucking ridiculous.

L Thammy

Thought experiment.

You are sent ten years back in time to warn your past self. You explain to yourself that now, ten years in their future, you will be visiting a gaming forum and reading claims that racists are being oppressed.

Does past you punch present you in the face? Do you just beat the living shit out of your self?
Sure is a pretty way to dress up white supremacy huh.

It's just ideological diversity.

"I don't want your genes on my white genetic pool, but why don't you respect my opinion that you are sub-human and don't deserves the same rights as me?!! Stop invading my culture but accept and respect my ideolgy, you hypocrite!!"


I also wanted to say I'm impressed with how quick Playtonic responded to this. Kudos to them.

And apparently, all of us on Gaf are a moronic minority


Josh has been hoping this game flops for a while now lol.


Hey guys I just wanted to drop in here and say that I don't know what this Jon guy said and I don't want to watch any videos of the debate or on the subject or read over transcripts or even summaries of what was said and am woefully ignorant on how free speech actually works from a legal perspective in the U.S. let alone the U.K. and I claim to have no political or emotional stake in the discussion but I think it's kind of scary that this guy was kicked from this project just for having an opinion. This seems like a real first amendment issue that this guy can't just have an opinion and not lose his job over it. Think about the damage this kind of censorship does to art and free speech. I think the answer is somewhere in the middle because being racist is bad but being too not racist is just as bad.

Dude. Just what are you on about?

Racism shouldn't be condoned in any way, shape or form. Simple. People justifying anything like racism under free speech is just bullshit. Free speech shouldn't mean you cross the line and invade privacies. You dont abuse free speech like that, or else this becomes a jungle. Free speech should encourage the best out of us, but I'm seeing a lot of idiots coming out instead, which ironically is good in the sense that I know who to avoid.

Free speech doesn't automatically promote immorality. Keep the respect no matter what.


Dude. Just what are you on about?

Racism shouldn't be condoned in any way, shape or form. Simple. People justifying anything like racism under free speech is just bullshit. Free speech shouldn't mean you cross the line and invade privacies. You dont abuse free speech like that, or else this becomes a jungle. Free speech should encourage the best out of us, but I'm seeing a lot of idiots coming out instead, which is ironically is good in the sense that I know who to avoid.

Free speech doesn't automatically promote immorality. Keep the respect no matter what.



Neo Member
Honestly it's the expectation that someone shouldn't face ANY repercussions for anything they say that is the worst part of all this. You can be a racist asshole, just don't expect every door to be open to you after the fact.

Honestly, this seems like the result of this parenting style where kids never got punished for acting out and parents just cave to every battle. (I'm not talking about anyone in particular, it's just a thought.) They don't want repercussions for their actions because there hasn't been any for most of their lives.

Regardless, I'm happy to see Playtonic take a stance. If these kids want to have the freedom to speak, don't be surprised when others do it too.


Dude. Just what are you on about?

Racism shouldn't be condoned in any way, shape or form. Simple. People justifying anything like racism under free speech is just bullshit. Free speech shouldn't mean you cross the line and invade privacies. You dont abuse free speech like that, or else this becomes a jungle. Free speech should encourage the best out of us, but I'm seeing a lot of idiots coming out instead, which ironically is good in the sense that I know who to avoid.

Free speech doesn't automatically promote immorality. Keep the respect no matter what.



Thought experiment.

You are sent ten years back in time to warn your past self. You explain to yourself that now, ten years in their future, you will be visiting a gaming forum and reading claims that racists are being oppressed.

Does past you punch present you in the face? Do you just beat the living shit out of your self?
Your future self convinces you to double down.
Thought experiment.

You are sent ten years back in time to warn your past self. You explain to yourself that now, ten years in their future, you will be visiting a gaming forum and reading claims that racists are being oppressed.

Does past you punch present you in the face? Do you just beat the living shit out of your self?
"In 2017 you'll be cyber-battling Nazis"
"Why can't you just accept the opinions of the people who think you're lesser than them because you have a different skin color? Gosh, why are you so intolerant!?"
The mental gymnastics these fuckers have to do to make not tolerating bigotry its own form of intolerance is fucking ridiculous.

Fucking agreed. I ever heard that shit while in public, I would punch that person so hard in the throat.
Does it really matter that some guy who does silly noises for a video game and has opinions you find yourself opposed to gets his VO removed from the game?
Many people love Disney movies and Walt is no stranger to racism claims, but i don't fault people for liking his films and people arent boycotting Marvel movies because of his views. Being able to separate your personal politics from appreciating someones work on its own merit is important.

I find JonTron obnoxious, but the internet mob calling for his head is gross and excessive (also like Jon), even if the things he said were foolish.

The most professional response he's had in this entire ordeal.

Maybe he learns something from all this.

Does it really matter that some guy who does silly noises for a video game and has opinions you find yourself opposed to gets his VO removed from the game?
Many people love Disney movies and Walt is no stranger to racism claims, but i don't fault people for liking his films and people arent boycotting Marvel movies because of his views. Being able to separate your personal politics from appreciating someones work on its own merit is important.

I find JonTron obnoxious, but the internet mob calling for his head is gross and excessive (also like Jon), even if the things he said were foolish.

Some nice strawmen you got there. Nobody "called for his head", people are just uncomfortable with playing a game that has a noted white supremacist in it.

Playtonic's hand was not forced. This was their decision and theirs only. The issue was raised to Playtonic a few hours ago and they decided to make the change, there was no mob rule and Playtonic wasn't pressured through a boycott.

Frankly it's pretty disgusting that you're insinuating Playtonic couldn't have arrived at this conclusion on their own and made the decision that the studio was most comfortable with.


Does it really matter that some guy who does silly noises for a video game and has opinions you find yourself opposed to gets his VO removed from the game?
Many people love Disney movies and Walt is no stranger to racism claims, but i don't fault people for liking his films and people arent boycotting Marvel movies because of his views. Being able to separate your personal politics from appreciating someones work on its own merit is important.

I find JonTron obnoxious, but the internet mob calling for his head is gross and excessive (also like Jon), even if the things he said were foolish.

Again, racism isn't political. It is garbage.


Alright guys they removed him from the game and he's already burned a lot of bridges. Let's not ruin his life.

I don't think there's much evidence that anyone is going to try to ruin his life, especially as long as he apparently tones down the shit:

At least he's not raging about the decision.

At least he's diplomatic about it, good on you, Jon.

I hope this will be a humbling experience for him.

Definitely not justified in what he says or believes, but he clearly understands the first amendment a lot more than the people who are defending him.

I doubt it, but maybe this will be a good learning experience for him.

this is the correct response.

This is a good response, at least. Hopefully he's learning from this whole thing.

His response was way more rational than I expected, to be honest. It'd be nice if he learned something from this whole debacle, but we'll see.

The most professional response he's had in this entire ordeal.

Maybe he learns something from all this.
Most of the Playtonic crew enabled protected tweets today.

*JT fans a few days ago*

"Man, people sure are being nasty to JT on Twitter, why they can separate the person from his job? You dosn't have to like his ideas, but you still can enjoy their work."

*JT today*

"Fuck your ideals Playtonic!! I can't enjoy your work anymore!! Now I'm going to insullt you on twitter!"


It's a shame it has come to this type of thing:


I just hope it doesn't hurt the sales. I know I'll still be buying regardless.
It won't hurt sales. Vocal minorities flood steam community forums all the time.

People whined and moaned about Obsidian removing the trans joke from Pillars of Eternity and that game was still a huge success for them, to the point where it literally saved the company and we're getting a sequel.
Does it really matter that some guy who does silly noises for a video game and has opinions you find yourself opposed to gets his VO removed from the game?
Many people love Disney movies and Walt is no stranger to racism claims, but i don't fault people for liking his films and people arent boycotting Marvel movies because of his views. Being able to separate your personal politics from appreciating someones work on its own merit is important.

I find JonTron obnoxious, but the internet mob calling for his head is gross and excessive (also like Jon), even if the things he said were foolish.

Walt Disney has been dead 50 years... Even if he was a racist person, the company he made certainly isn't now. This is not an equivalent situation, and trying to deflect blame from JT does you no favors.
Does it really matter that some guy who does silly noises for a video game and has opinions you find yourself opposed to gets his VO removed from the game?
Many people love Disney movies and Walt is no stranger to racism claims, but i don't fault people for liking his films and people arent boycotting Marvel movies because of his views. Being able to separate your personal politics from appreciating someones work on its own merit is important.

I find JonTron obnoxious, but the internet mob calling for his head is gross and excessive (also like Jon), even if the things he said were foolish.

I guess the air is thin when you're above it all

L Thammy

Does it really matter that some guy who does silly noises for a video game and has opinions you find yourself opposed to gets his VO removed from the game?
Many people love Disney movies and Walt is no stranger to racism claims, but i don't fault people for liking his films and people arent boycotting Marvel movies because of his views. Being able to separate your personal politics from appreciating someones work on its own merit is important.

I find JonTron obnoxious, but the internet mob calling for his head is gross and excessive (also like Jon), even if the things he said were foolish.

What is with you people and Disney? Are you reading off some "How to deal with SJWs" image macro with Donald Duck reading Mein Kampf in it?

Disney has been accused of anti-semitism,[193][z] although none of his employees*—*including the animator Art Babbitt, who disliked Disney intensely*—*ever accused him of making anti-semitic slurs or taunts.[195] The Walt Disney Family Museum acknowledges that ethnic stereotypes common to films of the 1930s were included in some early cartoons.[aa] Disney donated regularly to Jewish charities, he was named "1955 Man of the Year" by the B'nai B'rith chapter in Beverly Hills,[196][197] and his studio employed a number of Jews, some of whom were in influential positions.[198][ab] Gabler, the first writer to gain unrestricted access to the Disney archives, concludes that the available evidence did not support accusations of anti-semitism and that Disney was "not [anti-semitic] in the conventional sense that we think of someone as being an anti-Semite". Gabler concludes that "though Walt himself, in my estimation, was not anti-Semitic, nevertheless, he willingly allied himself with people who were anti-Semitic [meaning the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals], and that reputation stuck. He was never really able to expunge it throughout his life".[199] Disney distanced himself from the Motion Picture Alliance in the 1950s.[200]

Disney has also been accused of racism because some of his productions released between the 1930s and 1950s contain racially insensitive material.[201][ac] The feature film Song of the South was criticized by contemporary film critics, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and others for its perpetuation of black stereotypes,[202] but Disney later campaigned successfully for an Honorary Academy Award for its star, James Baskett, the first black actor so honored.[203][ad] Gabler argues that "Walt Disney was no racist. He never, either publicly or privately, made disparaging remarks about blacks or asserted white superiority. Like most white Americans of his generation, however, he was racially insensitive."[201] Floyd Norman, the studio's first black animator who worked closely with Disney during the 1950s and 1960s, said, "Not once did I observe a hint of the racist behavior Walt Disney was often accused of after his death. His treatment of people*—*and by this I mean all people*—*can only be called exemplary."[204]



Does it really matter that some guy who does silly noises for a video game and has opinions you find yourself opposed to gets his VO removed from the game?
Many people love Disney movies and Walt is no stranger to racism claims, but i don't fault people for liking his films and people arent boycotting Marvel movies because of his views. Being able to separate your personal politics from appreciating someones work on its own merit is important.

I find JonTron obnoxious, but the internet mob calling for his head is gross and excessive (also like Jon), even if the things he said were foolish.

Why you caping for him tho
Does it really matter that some guy who does silly noises for a video game and has opinions you find yourself opposed to gets his VO removed from the game?
Many people love Disney movies and Walt is no stranger to racism claims, but i don't fault people for liking his films and people arent boycotting Marvel movies because of his views. Being able to separate your personal politics from appreciating someones work on its own merit is important.

I find JonTron obnoxious, but the internet mob calling for his head is gross and excessive (also like Jon), even if the things he said were foolish.

I don't even know where to begin but I'll start here:

If Walt were alive today? And spreading his racist, antisemitic views to impressionable young minds?


Anyone else would lose their job just as easily as JonTron lost this gig if they said such vile, hateful things on a massive public platform.

You reveal yourself, my friend.
It's a shame it has come to this type of thing:


I just hope it doesn't hurt the sales. I know I'll still be buying regardless.

I mean you look at these titles and find the irony and ignorance of it all.

Spineless? You mean having the spine to take the right stand and fulfill one's responsibilities, rather then allowing it out of fear of backlash and less sells.

"Developers are for diversity except ideological diversity". Except that your so called "diversity" is counter productive and filled with harm and hate to the very essence of diversity which is having differences working together to strengthen one another. Some toxic viewpoints with touches of racism doesn't add to any discussion and it doesn't lead to true goodness but a false sense of ego which will eventually crumble and implode on itself after the shortening of margins even more due to their hatred and illogical thought process of self absorption and pride.

Having a BAD opinion and belief does qualify you to become an unperson because your views are a toxicity to others and are not based on reality.

Trying to defend this by playing the higher ground is just a false illusion of righteousness that hides the weak, self absorbed, diluted individual you really are.

There is no love there.... truly there is not even a essence of true beauty.
I mean you look at these titles and find the irony and ignorance of it all.

Spineless? You mean having the spine to take the right stand and fulfill one's responsibilities, rather then allowing it out of fear of backlash and less sells.

"Developers are for diversity except ideological diversity". Except that your so called "diversity" is counter productive and filled with harm and hate to the very essence of diversity which is having differences working together to strengthen one another. Some toxic viewpoints with touches of racism doesn't add to any discussion and it doesn't lead to true goodness but a false sense of ego which will eventually crumble and implode on itself after the shorten the margin even more due to their hatred and illogical thought process of self absorption and pride.

Having a BAD opinion and belief does qualify you to become an unperson because your views are a toxicity to others and are not based on reality.

Trying to defend this by playing the higher ground is just a false illusion of righteousness that hides the weak, self absorbed, diluted individual you really are.

There is no love there.... truly there is not even a essence of true beauty.

You should embrace the DIVERSITY, man! The diversity to be inclusive of people who want to actively want to destroy diversity!

If any of these people get cancer, do they choose not to treat it because they commit to have the "spine" to be "inclusive" in the "diversity" of their bodies?
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