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Rime Creative Director: "Reading Neogaf made me cry for two days"

E92 M3

I've learned through NeoGaf that the Halo Master Chief Collection is also a scam post-launch.

MCC is a piece of shit title. My money was stolen from me at launch. Nothing worked right and multiplayer was completely broken; 343 released a broken game. They deserve every bit of flack they got.

I'm still angry to this day about MCC. They promised us Halo multiplayer how we remembered and that never came to fruition.


Comments here sometimes do cross into /v/ and reddit territory so I do not get your point.

Can you give any examples? Criticism has to be on topic to avoid moderation. Meaning it has to be about the game, or things promised about the game. I haven't seen it go past that into personal attacks in a very long time. Maybe questioning someones business character if the product doesn't come close to the promise, but I think that's fair game.

I know sometimes an industry person will say something stupid on social media about politics and get some extra curricular criticism for that, but afaik that's not the situation here.
I question what kind of human being you are if you still identify as a "conservative" or "Republican" given that they pretty much just stand for hatred, racism, and fucking poor people as much as possible with big government while cutting government regulations for the rich. Yes, let's stand up for leaving thousands of people to die without health care, being extremely racist, destroying the environment in the name of profit, taking away women's and LGBT rights, destroying Privacy rights so they can sell all of our information to corporations, and making sure that the richer get richer while the poor get poorer and stupider.

Most of the time I've seen people being afraid of being "conservative" on the gaming side they're usually trying to do some dogwhistle shit or dancing around things like being transphobic.

...This is the type of stuff he's talking about. Way to prove the point.


NeoGAF largely positive and encourages discussion? Have you been into a thread where a discussion gets completely derailed because of drive by first posts? A Nintendo thread where people hate a game and spread misinformation about something they never played? This place is especially toxic compared to some other forums I go to because of all the fanboy wankery.

GAF can be really negative, but it's not much more than other sites out there. I've tried leaving GAF before because I thought it was too negative, but other places like Reddit and social media can be a lot worse and subject to more driveby hate and rage.


There's a difference between well constructed criticism based on facts & personal experiences vs. the kind of entitled, whiny-ass pathetic bitching often based on hearsay & unconfirmed rumors that goes way overboard & which even some mods here partake in.

It's the internet. Gaf happens to be a particular distillation of interests, but you'll still get shitposts and unconstructive criticism.

But I honestly think if you read most threads fully, and don't focus on the critical posts only, there is usually a balance to be found. I can see that if you're very close to the subject though that could be difficult to see.


Well at least this game will get a Switch release which is something that will probably not happen with Tim Shaffer games kudos to them.


Yes, that's how it works. If I call you a child molester in front of your coworkers and everyone believes me, you have no reason to be sad because it isn't true.

Well if you just got put on the registered sex offender list would you really blame the people that take the accusor's word?


I'd be more concerned if reading GAF didn't make you cry.

Yeah some places are echo chambers and positivity and I like that you don't get annihilated for coming in here and dumping harsh critiques

I'm always happy to eat crow if something looks bad, but if someone on the internet saying "jesus that rap was a bad first draft" makes you second guess something enough to improve it, just in case, I don't think that's a problem.

Sure people are mean, but have you seen Twitter?


Some irony in this comment, you're disregarding individuals just because they have a junior status. You also made a junior joke in the Breath of the Wild Theme thread.

I don't get the junior-bashing. I went from junior to member in barely two weeks and I don't think it changed anything to my behaviour. Unless there's unnoticeable mystical power once you're a full member.


I can't imagine how difficult it must be to read people on the internet criticizing your precious hard work. Why, if I hadn't been born with this here mysterious congenital blindness I'd look at whatever it is everyone's politely discussing in this thread on my message board right now, but my caretakers say it's all very sweet, dear, and not to worry.

!!!! Yo! Hey, EvilLore! Lol this is awesome.


I hope some of my optimistic posts were scattered in there to provide some respite. Despite the rumors, I've been hopeful for RiME since the initial trailer.

The internet in general is vitriolic. I however have always found more happiness by subverting the norm and using my anonymity for good.

Also reading through "two-and-a-half years" of comments may seem a bit neurotic, but neurosis is often a trait of artistic individuals.

If you're ever reading this, Raul, I can't wait for RiME!


Was a little more than that.

He played a preview build of Mass Effect and basically gushed about it. People said he was an admitant fanboy of Bioware but he denied it. One of the first lines of his preview was 'the performance is great' which as we all know about ME:A.... no. He rarely cited any bugs during his time with it and if this were any game other than ME:A I'd say 'well 3 hours isn't long enough to run into bugs' but since its ME:A yes it is. Bugs are EVERYWHERE in that game. So I imagine a lot of people knew him as a member of the community and would trust his post a lot more than an IGN preview so I imagine a lot of people preordered(which is dumb but it is what it is) off his good word. As a member of the community with some access to things.

Game comes out and is a complete mess. Its like your buddy told you this car is great, you bought the car and it exploded 1 day out. In retrospective, the post blurs the line between enthusiasm and viral marketing.

Alright, I can see why people would be annoyed. I just personally don't like the fact that he was ganged up on, he really is a nice guy.

There were a lot of games that I was really excited to play and I will admit my excitement to be playing a particular game would make me somewhat blind to some things like performance or bugs to where not until my second playthrough I'd be like "Did this game always occasionally stutter" lol Things happen and I don't think Shinobi deserved that negativity towards him.


Having said all that this forum leans left and dangerously so. If you're a conservative or even have conservative leaning views you might as well just not say a darn thing. Outrage culture and PC culture can be pretty rampant on here like in many places on the internets. Colin Moriarty's tweet comes to mind and just the hatefulness folks spewed towards him. Tbh even before that, the PS I Love You XoXo thread was toxic as shit.

I question what kind of human being you are if you still identify as a "conservative" or "Republican" given that they pretty much just stand for hatred, racism, and fucking poor people as much as possible with big government while cutting government regulations for the rich. Yes, let's stand up for leaving thousands of people to die without health care, being extremely racist, destroying the environment in the name of profit, taking away women's and LGBT rights, destroying Privacy rights so they can sell all of our information to corporations, and making sure that the richer get richer while the poor get poorer and stupider.

Most of the time I've seen people being afraid of being "conservative" on the gaming side they're usually trying to do some dogwhistle shit or dancing around things like being transphobic.



I've read some terrible stuff in here and a lot of people talk about devs like they aren't real people that work hard (really hard) to make the best game they can make.

Reading threads here is painful sometimes and I'm not even the target of said comments.


There tend to be a lot of drive by shit posts on Gaf where people will call anything they don't like "garbage" and "trash" and "literal human excrement". I suppose that's the type of thing that could hurt you if it's something you've been working on for several years.


No sane person should take internet information, specially forums, seriously lmao. These places are just to chill and post silly memes.
I don't get the junior-bashing. I went from junior to member in barely two weeks and I don't think it changed anything to my behaviour. Unless there's unnoticeable mystical power once you're a full member.
It's ridiculous and needlessly discriminates people because there's a jnr tag under their username. We're all individuals with different thoughts and feelings. I just find it funny he posts this in a thread about GAF being cruel.


I would like Neil Druckman and the rest of Naughty Dog to stay away from the toxicity that Gaf has become towards their games lately.

The smallest things get nitpicked about their games and gets hyperbole'd to hell and back.
No sane person should take internet information, specially forums, seriously lmao. These places are just to chill and post silly memes.

Well, in theory and by its mission statement, GAF is supposed to be better than that. And I think it is, generally, so it sucks when it's not.


...This is the type of stuff he's talking about. Way to prove the point.

What? The world is a shitty place and R's in the US are basically trying to fuck people as much as they possible can right now. I'm not going to go "oh, but maybe there's some good ones". No. They're all passing horrible, awful shit through our government. I'm not going to pretend that I think you can maybe be a good person if you support this administration and the awful fucking shit they're doing day after day. I refuse.
The pile on here get's stupid, but so does anywhere on the internet, GAF isn't immune to mob mentality.

Some of it has been more disgusting as of late with members of our own community after being targeted because of a fucking review thread.

People take a thing and amp it up to 11 because they can, no consequence for their actions.
Was a little more than that.

He played a preview build of Mass Effect and basically gushed about it. People said he was an admitant fanboy of Bioware but he denied it. One of the first lines of his preview was 'the performance is great' which as we all know about ME:A.... no. He rarely cited any bugs during his time with it and if this were any game other than ME:A I'd say 'well 3 hours isn't long enough to run into bugs' but since its ME:A yes it is. Bugs are EVERYWHERE in that game. So I imagine a lot of people knew him as a member of the community and would trust his post a lot more than an IGN preview so I imagine a lot of people preordered(which is dumb but it is what it is) off his good word. As a member of the community with some access to things.

Game comes out and is a complete mess. Its like your buddy told you this car is great, you bought the car and it exploded 1 day out. In retrospective, the post blurs the line between enthusiasm and viral marketing.

IIRC something like this also happened with his thoughts on the Order 1886 and given how that game was ultimately received on here people would bring that up as well.


GAF is invaluable to me in many ways when it comes to the video games industry. We have members who contribute in many ways and we have many intelligent and very well educated folks on here from all walks of life. The OTs here are very informative, the scoops posted on here are second to almost no one except Press Sneak Fuck, and I always come here first before I go to IGN, GameSpot, Glixel etc.

Having said all that this forum leans left and dangerously so. If you're a conservative or even have conservative leaning views you might as well just not say a darn thing. Outrage culture and PC culture can be pretty rampant on here like in many places on the internets. Colin Moriarty's tweet comes to mind and just the hatefulness folks spewed towards him. Tbh even before that, the PS I Love You XoXo thread was toxic as shit.

Fanboys will be fanboys so I don't really mind when the Xbots and SDF go at each other. Annoying at times but meh. NMS debacle was just too much, again just hatefulness spewed towards Sean Murray over a game. You'd think he promised the coming of a new God. Some Gaffers are way way up their own asses and just wanna die on this self-righteous hill of everyone wins. No not everyone wins. In life you have winners and losers. It is what it is.

Nonsense. Outrage culture isn't even a thing. It's just something some people call opinions that diverge from theirs. The thread about Colin was perfectly fine, especially for someone who loves decrying safe spaces. Hatefulness is different than disassembling someone's arguments and refuting them.


He's not wrong. Couple of years ago you could have good discussions on Gaf now it's mostly shitting on each other. That's why i usually keep myself to community threads.
Basically, he gave his own opinion over Mass Effect Andromeda and several people scrutinized him for it

This cherry picking over how things went down does not help. No, they did not dogpile him for liking it. Shinobi has liked several games across the mo the and years and saw no such scrutiny.

Edit: Data West beat me to it


Well, in theory and by its mission statement, GAF is supposed to be better than that. And I think it is, generally, so it sucks when it's not.

It's a noble mission statement, but do you actually see it happening? It's leagues above YouTube or 4chan comments, bit you still see disgraceful shit posted very frequently.
...This is the type of stuff he's talking about. Way to prove the point.

All I'll say is a lot of people feel conservatives and Republicans are not in favor of helping anyone but themselves and their deeply Christian views. It doesn't help that the people who represent them are the most toxic people to ever represent a group. That post tends to be more true than not true in terms of people with closeted conservative opinions.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Gaf created Scorpio.

I would not be shocked if they did take some of the criticism from here and use it.

I also think Kinect is not coming back. Then again, if it does VR...Kinect might make a big comeback.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Well if you just got put on the registered sex offender list would you really blame the people that take the accusor's word?
An unsubstantiated rumour posted on a Spanish forum (who are notorious for being unreliable according to a Spanish gaffer) has the same credibility as a conviction in a court of law now? Are you for real?


GAF is invaluable to me in many ways when it comes to the video games industry. We have members who contribute in many ways and we have many intelligent and very well educated folks on here from all walks of life. The OTs here are very informative, the scoops posted on here are second to almost no one except Press Sneak Fuck, and I always come here first before I go to IGN, GameSpot, Glixel etc.

Having said all that this forum leans left and dangerously so. If you're a conservative or even have conservative leaning views you might as well just not say a darn thing. Outrage culture and PC culture can be pretty rampant on here like in many places on the internets. Colin Moriarty's tweet comes to mind and just the hatefulness folks spewed towards him. Tbh even before that, the PS I Love You XoXo thread was toxic as shit.

Fanboys will be fanboys so I don't really mind when the Xbots and SDF go at each other. Annoying at times but meh. NMS debacle was just too much, again just hatefulness spewed towards Sean Murray over a game. You'd think he promised the coming of a new God. Some Gaffers are way way up their own asses and just wanna die on this self-righteous hill of everyone wins. No not everyone wins. In life you have winners and losers. It is what it is.

I question what kind of human being you are if you still identify as a "conservative" or "Republican" given that they pretty much just stand for hatred, racism, and fucking poor people as much as possible with big government while cutting government regulations for the rich. Yes, let's stand up for leaving thousands of people to die without health care, being extremely racist, destroying the environment in the name of profit, taking away women's and LGBT rights, destroying Privacy rights so they can sell all of our information to corporations, and making sure that the richer get richer while the poor get poorer and stupider.

Most of the time I've seen people being afraid of being "conservative" on the gaming side they're usually trying to do some dogwhistle shit or dancing around things like being transphobic.

What a stunning display of zero self-awareness.

I can't imagine how difficult it must be to read people on the internet criticizing your precious hard work. Why, if I hadn't been born with this here mysterious congenital blindness I'd look at whatever it is everyone's politely discussing in this thread on my message board right now, but my caretakers say it's all very sweet, dear, and not to worry.

Yo Evi, I think this guy may be more blind than you are.


Not really surprised.

As a kid, I used to think making video games was a cool job.

As an adult, it just seems mostly like a stressful, thankless nightmare both inside and outside the dev studio.
But we're usually so nice

Hahaha, no. People and posters from what I've seen so far can get irrationally, overbearingly hyper critical quickly on this forum.

The persons thoughts and feelings are similar to what I observed and noticed in the many ff15 threads on this site, hating what you love so much that it perpetuates a nasty cycle of cynicism and anger at a piece of media so much it kinda becomes unhealthy, imho. The way in which posters discuss games at times makes one wonder why they still even play games.

Gaf is a fucking great place, but civil, productive discourse can go downhill FAST on here.

If I was a game director I would certainly read gaf as a indication of what your potential audience might what and their expectations. But nothing more.
God forbid anybody criticize a commercial product. The problem is that developers think they're making art and publishers know they're selling a product.

I will say that as an artist myself, it's actually not that hard to dismiss criticism that is completely out of left field while still wanting to get better.
I beheld the forum in reverie and, as a junior, I was afraid to even post. I eventually got more comfortable here and the shine came off the apple a bit. I realized this is still just a video game forum, but compared to other heavy-hitters like YouTube or Reddit, GAF threads look like downright Socratic.

It's fascinating to read that (and Nepenthe said something to that effect not long ago, about lurking for a long time as a junior), because you both are among the GAFers I hold in the absolute highest regard. I am so glad both of you are not scared to post anymore, because you guys raise the level of conversation several notches and it's always a joy to read your posts. Thank you.

That said:

And if I had to pick any forum to be lambasted or dragged by, it would be this one.

I understand that sentiment, but I'm not 100% sure about it myself. I think I might be the opposite. If I was criticised by 4chan or Youtube commenters or whatever, I would not give a shit. If I was shat upon by GamerGate I would be actually proud (for the few seconds it would probably take to escalate into their usual harassment, at least). But NeoGAF... I think that would actually hurt at least a bit.


This cherry picking over how things went down does not help. No, they did not dogpile him for liking it. Shinobi has liked several games across the mo the and years and saw no such scrutiny.

Other games he's liked didn't get critically torpedoed feeding into people's confirmation bias. Either way the bitching at him in the review thread was absolutely ridiculous and there's no getting around that.


I think majority of people here can at least hold their composure.

Sometimes, people go a bit passive aggressive. And even then, I don't see any derogatory terms thrown around.

There's some good self-restraint here and there, and that should be applauded.
Nonsense. Outrage culture isn't even a thing. It's just something some people call opinions that diverge from theirs. The thread about Colin was perfectly fine, especially for someone who loves decrying safe spaces. Hatefulness is different than disassembling someone's arguments and refuting them.

Outrage culture is most definitely a thing, and both sides are very guilty of it.


I can't imagine how difficult it must be to read people on the internet criticizing your precious hard work. Why, if I hadn't been born with this here mysterious congenital blindness I'd look at whatever it is everyone's politely discussing in this thread on my message board right now, but my caretakers say it's all very sweet, dear, and not to worry.

I tried reading it multiple times but I just don't get this comment. Someone please explain?
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