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Rime Creative Director: "Reading Neogaf made me cry for two days"

Is he suggesting gaf is, on ocassions, hyperbolic about stuff to a point of madness? Perish the thought.

Maybe it is better than on IGN or Gamefaqs, but this isn't them, this is the gaf, and gaf can go fucking toxic nuts over the dumbest things.
Cuningas de Häme;234140601 said:
Yeah... I am pretty new to this site, and I can't tell the difference between Reddit or any other gaming forum. There's some awesome posters on this forum (Thraktor, blu comes to mind from Switch speculations) but majority just the same shitposting, fanboying crap one can find everywhere. Especially if Sony is "threatened" by something.

The informative threads are awesome here, but way too often it becomes some crazy e-peen competition. I always thought that this forum is for proper discussion between gaming enthusiasts, but it certainly doesn't feel like that. Especially every damn topic regarding Nintendo always boils down to same stupid shitposts and those usually by the same people, one would think that repeated shitposting is a bannable offence but...

And the amount of devs and other industry people saying that this place is just plain toxic should ring some alarm bells... When you get decent people banned because some arbitrary reasons and then shitposters just continue thrive it really is not a good look for this forum.

EDIT. I've never seen the same amount of hatred in Reddit that I've seen here. Just saying... But to be fair I just can't understand how Reddit works, that site is so bad. Hate using it, like forums like this a lot more.

The nature of Reddit and the way people self-segregate into subs which specifically cater to their interests tends to result in smaller but more isolated communities where people can be nice to each other because they all think the same way about something.

Smaller subreddits are generally bucolic, pleasant places where you can be friends with people who have similar interests.

Large subreddits tend to be massive shitstorms on a scale impossible to comprehend on GAF.

This is why places where lots of people are thrown together randomly on the Internet are horrible, but tiny obscure Internet forums you never heard of are the nicest and friendliest places on Earth.


The easy accessibility to forums/message boards and the anonymity just amplify peoples' tone-deafness. It's simply too easy to make a slamming, vile comment without too much thought put behind it and get away with it. NeoGAF is generally a great forum, but any online forum, especially a gaming forum where (I assume) a lot of young people with lacking social skills post, cannot expect "politeness" and "thoughtfulness" from all of its posters.

I guess I feel somewhat bad for this guy on a personal level despite not knowing him, but the company did not do a particularly good job at countering the rumors that spread on this forum. I guess that might also be a lesson for publishers/development teams; damage control and better communication needs to be employed in order to offset rumorspreading.


I'm not surprised frankly. I was a moderator for another big forum, but left for NeoGAF when that one fully transitioned to alt-right. Even then I had to accustom myself to the general meanness of the average GAFer, who I find 'inclusive' in name only. Lots of piling on and trying to speak authoritatively, preemptively shutting down other people's opinions. It's gotten better lately I think, but maybe I just got used to it.

Also professionally I can kind of relate, though it's not in any way specific to NeoGAF, but people have a real issue with authority. I like that about the internet, that it's egalitarian, but at the same time it gets tiring. I put my profession in my gamesindustry.biz/Eurogamer profile because I like to see what everyone is working on, and see it as a networking opportunity. But far from people thinking 'oh cool a scientist in game design, I wonder how he arrived at the opinion expressed in his post', it works much more like a lightning rod for the internet masses to pile on me with snide remarks about know-nothing elitist teachers.

If talking about your work means getting piled on by arrogant nobodies who want to drag you to their level, then I fully understand devs staying far the fuck away from forums. I feel like the mods have a job here, not that devs deserve a special criticism free safe space, but much like the way this site protects transgenders etc. as a way to keep the community inclusive, so too should it be a bit better in fostering a place where industry can become a part of the community. That's actually what attracted me to NeoGAF in the first place, that you would occasionally meet bigwigs here. It's sad to have since see them all go into hiding.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Conversations such as this always turned into something where how every form of criticism over a game can now be construed as "excessive" or "cruel", so we'd better not say anything bad about any game ever, especially if that game is something that we or many people like :/

Personally, I am now kind of tired seeing how simply giving criticism over a game right now can often enough for many to call you a Hater, or that OTs for the most part are safe sanctuary where people seem to be peer-pressured to always say good things about their respective games.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
If I was a dev I'd stay the fuck away from this place. What I like about GAF is that if you talk nonsense, then 99% of the time you will get shut down quickly, but on the flip side this results in a lot of arrogant know-it-all's whose opinion is fact.


GAF seems as likely as other communities to engage in hyperbole, hot takes and cynical jokes. I do like the recent (?) moderation touch of rebooting a thread completely when things go kaput, putting a mod post alongside the op and title detailing what will not be allowed in the thread.

I've seen people shit on games, then pretty much do a 180 when they realize the dev is a GAFer and active in the thread itself. Even if the dev doesn't reply to them specifically, just the realization that their words can reach the ears of the game's creator seems to spark some sort of epiphany and suddenly the game goes from "trash" to "very competent effort". I don't know if it's deference or just instinctive conflict avoidance.

It's actually pretty funny to see, in a cringe comedy kind of way. :)
I've been guilty of this. Said something like "I don't know what they were thinking making this part of the game," a dev (somewhat jokingly, I assumed) commented with "we were happy working on the game." It was for sure a bad part of the game (one of my favorite games even, from a great studio which closed down after it released) but it was known that the development had been troubled and that the developer's hands were tied by the publisher. In all likeliness, they knew that the area wasn't great but couldn't find the resources to fix it. Although I think the comment and response were both pretty "light" it made me consider how I frame my criticism. In particular it generally isn't useful to drag developer motivations into it, even jokingly.

I probably still do it some times but I try to keep in mind that people who worked on something likely didn't mean to create something bad.


Threads bashing a game with a dev posting in them are so uncomfortable, awkward, and tense. Political threads over in off-topic can be extremely toxic as well. The gaming community sub-forum is much better in general.


I've been supportive of Tequila Works since they re-revealed RIME and turned the ship around, but I think this comment about our community is unnecessary and straight up cynical. While I understand that the team got pretty destructive comments both from a) troubled development and falling out with Sony leading to the game disappearing for a while (these, are facts) and b) rumors about the behind the scene environment surrounding Tequila Works (these are not proven facts, wether or not we might know people who can provide their input and point of view based on their personal experience); you can't blame a community for the PR mismanagement that affected your project.

I've followed the game regularly in events and even took the time to translate interviews and Raul Rubio has straight up lied in the past about the game. If we take his word as true, the game has been completed for ~3 years and released in 2015, and I will leave it at that because I think digging up most of his pretentious claims pre-rereveal would lead us nowhere. But the fact here is that they themselves were not being honest about the state of the game. The problem with Rubio's management comes from him trying to surround this project with controversy/false claims because he wanted the game to be talked about in online communities. The "we didn't know we have to summit trailers for the game and Sony noticed us almost with no time so that explains why this trailer is the way it is", "people have cried playing my game" claims and their whole "we had a fall out with Sony because they wanted the game to be something we didn't want to but we won't provide details even though you can speculate on what happened with this aggressive publisher abusing a small studio *wink wink*" attitude wasn't fabricated by any online community. You don't see people at Naughty Dog bragging about how good their game is to the point of making people cry 3 years prior to completion, you don't see Hajime Tabata rushing to Edge complaining about people's criticism with his game.

Nobody knows what really happens inside a game studio and what their relationship with the publisher actually is, but when you try to sell these details for the drama of it all, you only have yourself to blame when it backfires. And the statements in the OP only support my claims. He can try and force a feud with NeoGAF close to release to gain some headlines, even if some of us could argue that his claims aren't somewhat delusional, but once again, Rubio shows that he'd rather generate talk about his game without letting the studio's work speak for themselves. I won't excuse the shitposting and destructive comments that sometimes dominate the Gaming Community thrreads, but I seriously doubt that this case is worth crying about in interviews. I would recommend Rubio to leave behind his dramatic antics and just let the talent do the work. Of course, he is not entirely at fault for the situation and maybe his over-dramatic personality can become some kind of autheur mark, just like over complicated shenanigans have become a Tetsuya Nomura staple or how the pretentiousness behind Kojima's words have found a way into gamer's hearts.

Having said that, I hope everyone working in Tequila learned from this whole situation and that the game truly turns out to be good, or efficient in terms of personal experience for the team. Shoutout to the RIME PR member who has done an excellent work addressing people's concerns with the game in past threads and I hope Rubio receives more input about handling public statements attached to his projects.


I mean, we're private persons on this forum. We don't get paid to do structured and tempered criticism. In an age where AAA industry shenanigans and even some indy tomfoolery have formed the mostly cynical views of the consumer base, I think it's best to lower expectations on the sort of word of mouth you'll find on any forum.
I don't even know why some would take issue with his comment and use other gaming forums as example of how much "better" this place is.

The other forums never put an expectation that they are a place of neutral ground where facts and evidence, presented within the confines of civil, inclusive discourse, prevail through careful moderation, as the description of the site says.

While yes there is opportunity for civil discussion, when you see the normal type of discussions, where people do the same things these "objectively" worse boards do, it's kind of a whiplash effect to me.

Even the OP of this very thread, which i don't wish any ill will towards them, is known to attack igarashi in castlevania/bloodstained threads.

While criticism is always important, sometimes i see people acting in such a bizarre way here, people really love the more negative and cynical people about the industry. Even if shinobi was hyped about mass effect and didn't properly show his thought in a more honest way, i don't think attacking him was the way to go. You also see people desiring a game's failure, typical console wars, and many other things that do drag down the board.

I really don't think the rime director was attacking the moderation team or neogaf itself, rather how it's just his board of choice to read. I sometimes try to stop reading this board especially because everything is taken in extremely hyperbolic ways, all the time. sometime i just focus on the opening post and that's it.

And as the other user pointed out, it's kind of funny to put "we don't tolerate personal attacks" while personally attacking the dude because of his reaction to the comments of his game on here.


Developers used to comment here. It's literally been years since I've seen a major developer comment here.
They stopped posting for good reason, it became open season on them.
It was more likely to end in a PR headache than anything positive, very unfortunate.


If I remember right, the game was going to be some sort of open world survival game. (In my head kinda like how the Zelda world turned out) But maybe that was just rumors. Lost interest after the latest trailer. Hope people will still like it!


If I were a dev I'd stay the hell away from this place. Or at least from threads about my project.

I don't know how anyone could shrug off the kind of extreme vitriol you can find here, or any enthusiast site for that matter. People don't hold back.

Movie threads and political threads disagree with you.
Yeah this is accurate.


They stopped posting for good reason, it became open season on them.
It was more likely to end in a PR headache than anything positive, very unfortunate.

Is there some value on having them post something game related? Aside from promoting their game in a positive light what can they offer the discussion? Even if people were not bound by NDA, i really doubt we would get deep discussion on the philosophy of some particular game due to it just being invitation for critique.

Suppose they only post in the OT, even then the result is a dumpster fire. The current trend is to drag politics into everything and whatever lifestyle choices one has, either good or bad, it will also reflect in the discussion of the product.


They stopped posting for good reason, it became open season on them.
It was more likely to end in a PR headache than anything positive, very unfortunate.

What do you base this off of?

If anything it was the opposite. Whenever BS was being spread around by an insider, a dev would drop by and post something factual.

The only headhunt I recall was when one Xbox PR lied about the Xbox One's specs, but he still comes back and even reads Gaf.


You do need a thick skin in life, and even more so on the internet since criticism lacks a human face to soften it.

But I find it kind of harsh that a lot of people in this thread have a "lol, get over it kid" attitude about it, when it is true that there really is no need to be so mean-spirited about everything. There is constructive criticism and then there is hateful vitriol based on speculation. And I get it, GAF is a passionate group, but we take it too far sometimes.

And its ironic we make fun of someone for getting their feelings hurt while argumentating why we are not the bad guys. Is as if knowing our words carry some weight scared us, so we try to justify it, claiming its all part of internet culture. We can educate ourselves before hating on something, or even better, not hate at all.

There are better ways to show our disappointment.
OTs are awful about this. Especially divisive but not popular games - the people inside are defensive and prickly and are eager to shut down any dissent.

While that may be true, sometimes it's for good reason: some people simply seem to inhabit OTs to shit on a game, and what exactly does that contribute to people who like the game, especially weeks or months in, when people aren't bound to look into the OT to decide whether to buy the game? I could cite examples of posters that made it their life mission to shit on a game at least four times per page, with absolutely nothing else to contribute. I can't fault fans of the game for being upset about that.

To some extent, I do wonder how many people who call out something as garbage really believe that, or they just think it's the only way their criticism will be noticed.

Yeah, I have to assume that's the thinking of a lot of people. This is probably why you only ever see 0-1s and 9-10s in sites like IMDB: people want to skew the user score to their side as much as possible, so going black-white is the only option they see.

I'm confused.

I don't claim to have all facts but this is my understanding of the situation, if anyone finds anything wrong please correct me.

he's retroactively emotional and scared and mad at perfectly legitimate complaints

They were absolutely nowhere near the lightyear vicinity of being "legitimate", considering they were based on a (Spanish, of all things) forum rumor. Arguably they weren't even "complaints"; you can't complain about something that doesn't exist and doesn't negatively affect anyone in any way.

about the time when his game was a target render,

If there was ever a target render for his game, by the time the dogpiling rolled in (2014) they had already shown was all in-game footage, as stated over and over. Frankly, I don't understand where people get the idea that indie devs have the time or resources to make target renders of all things in the middle of development. They have no time to even think of doing any promotion, and in their case it seems that was the case as well, but their partnership with Sony forced them to put together a trailer from in-game footage.

getting funding from a company that doesnt do target renders and wasnt meeting milestones of being a playable product because they made a target render instead of finding out if their gameplay loop worked or was at all fun before seeking funding?

OK, now I'm the confused one: I may have missed a crucial piece. Do you have a source for that?

And he only read those posts now,

He read them six months ago.

after the game was actually done and had actual gameplay and actual puzzles and actual gameflow but its still affecting him and making him super emotional?

Yes, he felt emotional about spending two years of his life working his ass off to make an indie game (seriously, you don't have an idea how much work that is), and people calling him a scam artist at the (arguably) most respectable videogame forum.

Is he upset because its reminding him of a time when his game was basically a lie

What the fuck? Where does this come from? When was his game a lie?

because he went into it with the concept of "kickstarter culture" where you make a target render / aesthetics and themes video and just magically trust that you'll come up with solid and compelling gameplay / a vertical slice of that gameflow to secure continuing funding after you get the first funds in?

Now I'm starting to think you're making things up and straight being mean for the sake of it without any ground. You're repeating the unfounded "scam" rumours even after the game itself is complete and debunked them. I mean, what?

Seriously, people, making a game such as this as a team of a few people in a few years is a huge accomplisment even working nearly 24/7. I don't understand where you get the ridiculous idea that he's been sitting on his hands for most of that time then the game magically appeared out of thin air.
GAF is the most developer-friendly website I know of. Sure there are assholes here but there are assholes everywhere. You can't avoid that. It should be fairly easy to distinguish between a well-reasoned opinion on your work, positive or negative, and fanboy drivel.

I see a lot of posts about how developers don't post here because the place has become 'toxic' and I don't understand what it means. I remember a guy calling Penello a worm, he got banned instantly. People get banned very fast if they verbally attack another user. The recent Digital Foundry thread had a lot of people accusing them of being Microsoft shills and they all got banned swiftly. It seems to me that the truly toxic elements of the community are well under control. Overzealous fanboys can be safely ignored since they rarely bother with presenting any sort of argument and they usually post LOLs and 'funny' gifs.

So I'm left wondering whether the supposed recent 'toxicity' basically means that developers aren't revered or treated like celebrities. Instead they are subjected to the same rules as everyone else. Developers and other industry figures are just people, which means that when they behave like assholes, when they lie to their audience, when they don't do their job properly they will be criticized heavily. I see nothing wrong with that.


Even if shinobi was hyped about mass effect and didn't properly show his thought in a more honest way, i don't think attacking him was the way to go.
I'll show my true hypocritical colors here, but the reason I personally 'attacked' him (I said we shouldn't put much stock in his opinion), is because he was, to my estimation, not an actual insider, but a vetted social media influencer. I didn't want him scared off the site in any way, and the topic got locked before I could further elucidate my point, but I don't know what it has to do with the matter at hand.


I got grudge sucked!
GAF certainly has its members that wear their cynicism and self righteous indignation on their sleeves, they tend to be the opinion leaders when it comes to certain topics and whatnot. They can create an atmosphere of dogpiling, and other members, eager to sit at the cool kids table, repost the same quotes with reaction gifs and other memes. Sorry kids, nobody is impressed. Its not middle school
Granted, some shit deserves it, but often the mentality seems to poison the well of otherwise well intended debate or discussion.

While that may be true, sometimes it's for good reason: some people simply seem to inhabit OTs to shit on a game, and what exactly does that contribute to people who like the game, especially weeks or months in, when people aren't bound to look into the OT to decide whether to buy the game? I could cite examples of posters that made it their life mission to shit on a game at least four times per page, with absolutely nothing else to contribute. I can't fault fans of the game for being upset about that.

I know there was the user who went into about every HZD thread eager to tell anyone and everyone who would listen how unimpressed he/she was with it. So unimpressed that they quoted their previous posts and made sure to point out how their tastes are normally in line with the game critics, so clearly this time, in this moment of disparity, it is they (the reviewers) who are wrong and he/she who is right. This is probably my least favorite type of poster on this site. We get it, you didn't like thing, and your reasons for not liking thing are solid. However, trying to justify or lionize your opinion beyond your own tastes just makes you look like a pretentious asshat.


Yeah, I did. People had little to no evidence and some still chose to make the claim.

Tequila Works was almost completely silent after Gamescom 2014 and didn't really explain why they needed to reaquire the rights for Rime from Sony

I guess some people just took the explanations they got from the rumors, although the sources and the rumors weren't necessarily truth
I'll show my true hypocritical colors here, but the reason I personally 'attacked' him (I said we shouldn't put much stock in his opinion), is because he was, to my estimation, not an actual insider, but a vetted social media influencer. I didn't want him scared off the site in any way, and the topic got locked before I could further elucidate my point, but I don't know what it has to do with the matter at hand.

I agree with you about shinobi, i just think that there is a line between criticizing him and attacking him personally to the point of him wanting to leave the board.


I think people are overlooking the fact that while the claims about the game being a fake caused a lot of negative comments towards Tequila and they were not proven real, it was not the only thing that caused criticism in this community. And while we are not certain that those rumors were ever real, other factors were indeed facts, as they have been explained in this thread already.

Weltall Zero said:
They were absolutely nowhere near the lightyear vicinity of being "legitimate", considering they were based on a (Spanish, of all things) forum rumor.

I don't know what you mean by "Spanish, of all things" but the studio developing Rime is based in a Spanish town so it would make sense that Spanish people with connections or direct relation to Tequila's team would know about the game.

Well said and far more constructive than certain other posts.

Humans, for everything else they're capable of, sometimes put their heart and soul into something that not many other people enjoy. It's not your fault if you have a negative reaction to someone's work, but maybe assume that person wasn't trying to attack you emotionally or trick you into relinquishing your free time.

People that lose their minds over games that don't reach their lofty expectations take it all a little too personally. Ironic seeing as they then throw around sage words of wisdom about having thicker skin, toughening up etc; as I have seen in my travels throughout this thread.

It is as if the developers and publishers have spent years investing time and resources into profiling THEM: their likes; their dislikes; what makes them tick; what makes them sad...

...And have then made a game to deliberately 'piss' on that person's life.
I agree with you about shinobi, i just think that there is a line between criticizing him and attacking him personally to the point of him wanting to leave the board.

Where is that line though? How do you criticize someone about what you perceive to be unethical behavior without attacking him personally? Saying that Sean Murray lied to his audience and deceived his customers is a personal attack but one that I feel is warranted. I don't want to criticize his work which is the game itself, I want to criticize him, his practices and his attitude. How do I do that without it being considered a personal attack? Same about Shinobi. I don't want to criticize his opinion on the game, I want to criticize his choice to write a forum post that was nothing but praise even though he is friends with the developer. I consider that to be unethical and I want to criticize him for that, not for whether he enjoyed the game or not. How do I do that without personally attacking him?
I agree with you about shinobi, i just think that there is a line between criticizing him and attacking him personally to the point of him wanting to leave the board.

Shinobi "shilled" in threads that didnt have anything much to do with ME. I saw him shortly before in the SteamGAF thread talking down to everyone even criticising ME. I mean you should call people out on that.

Im friends with a chinese developer who has a few games on Steam, that I personally like, but I wont go into threads and talk about them, "shill" for them.


We can't make you be nice.

Really good post. It ought to be stickied somewhere.

It's too easy to forget we're interacting with a big community of real people. It's definitely tempting to act like our posts don't affect actual readers.
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