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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


Is this even possible?

I had another picture taken of it, but this one shows a match history. And yes, every time you guys mention the name Breezy it takes me a second to realize you don't mean me.

random question: anyone still using their original summoner icon?

I've been using the ol' pyramid trio since 2011 and I don't know what I'm waiting for.


I know she's not a great champ but,


man she sure is great for me.


random question: anyone still using their original summoner icon?

I've been using the ol' pyramid trio since 2011 and I don't know what I'm waiting for.


I know she's not a great champ but,


man she sure is great for me.

I was using the Rose for my first icon back in 2009/2010, but I've changed it long since then. There are so many good icons right now.

MF is great. If you know how to bully with her in lane and position for ults she's really effective.


Man, if hextech chests are already limited to 4 a month, just let me earn multiple chests with the same champ. This is a dumb as hell restriction.
does the name Buni mean anything to anyone?

I was using the Rose for my first icon back in 2009/2010, but I've changed it long since then.
Yea, not really sure what I'm waiting for. It just feels so iconic to me now. It has history, you know? All these other really nice icons I've picked up for free, that came with skins or that I earned...but none of them have a story. But I guess none of them will get a story of their own if I never use them. Hmm.

MF is great. If you know how to bully with her in lane and position for ults she's really effective.

That's certainly been my experience. She basically single-handedly got me to gold last season. In Gold promos now after 4 months or so off, just spamming MF. I sort of lost interest in the season last year after getting gold so I stopped playing her. Maybe I'll see how far she and I can go this season. idk.


ex tsm support, left the pro scene for mental health problems after being replaced by lustboy

was working at riot as a playtester or something unbeknownst to most people I think until recently
One of the tendencies I've seen over the years when it comes to balancing runes, keystones, and in some extent items is that you have a tendency to remove synergistic elements. For instance, Warlord and Fervor specifically worked great on certain champions innately because of the champion kit itself. Crits and heals works great on champions like Vayne that give the champion to do what it's meant to, be a duelist ADC that can truly hard carry. Unfortunately, keystones and items effectively are changed in regards to how they interact with specific champions or they are toned down drastically for everyone making them no longer feel like a meaningful, and in extension, a tool in your arsenal. Another example to cite is how Caitlyn's bolts no longer proc off of Runaan's (I understand this is items). The point is that your organization has a habit of making certain synergistic elements disappear when in reality, the interaction between runes, keystones, and items should be heightened on certain champions, and not so much on level playing field. Each keystone SHOULD in theory interact differently and it should show. How are you planning on making keystones feel like they matter and actually shows that it makes a difference than it is currently while maintaining balance?

EDIT: Oh this is runes. Nvm.

Reinboom got back to me on this. Once we reveal more system details she'll have an answer for you on this, in about a week or so :) I'll follow up.


im irrelevant so i need to make some controversy look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me
Trump nationalists crack me up for the most part. Still amazes me that he got elected.

How did he even get 46%.



fucking riot man


holy yikes, bye bye any respect I had for gleeb lol

good time as any to remind people that someone having bad political views doesn't mean insulting people with mental health issues is right

(also same thing for riot. don't blame riot if gleeb's is an idiot)

New champ is not a marksmen or a support.


Which means they can probably be played as a support.
cool, hopefully it's a midlaner

Trump nationalists crack me up for the most part. Still amazes me that he got elected.

How did he even get 46%.

i wonder which superiority complex is worse, noot's or donald trump's

16-4 MF run in the last 20 outings. Carried sometimes, got carried sometimes. As is the custom, I suppose.

What I learned tonight: Gailo is really, really fucking strong. Will purchase with my IP immediately. The only time he didn't destroy my team (or destroy the other team when he was on my team) is when he was played as support. Didn't feel like a good role for him. Galio mid and top though? Tank or AP? Ridiculous game impact. Very scary hero right now.

Playing flex by myself for the season was an interesting experience, particularly the last few days. Team balance is really strange, but based on solo rank, my teams were almost always at a disadvantage. I'd have something like 2 plats and 3 silvers vs a diamond, 2 plats and 2 high golds. It was really weird. I'm really curious about how they're balancing elo in Flex.

Edit: as an example, I lost to this guy once https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=cozign

While I appreciate the opportunity to play against someone in the top .1% of the game...I mean I'm just trying to get to gold, not Masters. Chill out with this shit, Riot.
If those Rumble changes go live - Rumble's Q damage nerfed, CD up to 10-6 from flat 6 AND 25% less damage to minions - I think he might be dead. I'll be getting some games in this week!


Yeah, flex q is hot garbage. I went 10-0 in placements because the system put me against gold players every game.




16-4 MF run in the last 20 outings. Carried sometimes, got carried sometimes. As is the custom, I suppose.

What I learned tonight: Gailo is really, really fucking strong. Will purchase with my IP immediately. The only time he didn't destroy my team (or destroy the other team when he was on my team) is when he was played as support. Didn't feel like a good role for him. Galio mid and top though? Tank or AP? Ridiculous game impact. Very scary hero right now.

Playing flex by myself for the season was an interesting experience, particularly the last few days. Team balance is really strange, but based on solo rank, my teams were almost always at a disadvantage. I'd have something like 2 plats and 3 silvers vs a diamond, 2 plats and 2 high golds. It was really weird. I'm really curious about how they're balancing elo in Flex.

Edit: as an example, I lost to this guy once https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=cozign

While I appreciate the opportunity to play against someone in the top .1% of the game...I mean I'm just trying to get to gold, not Masters. Chill out with this shit, Riot.


also yea flex matchmaking is bad lol

Pretty sure that's not a thing

i think they played her once or twice on lcs?


thing about flex is that it has to compensate for premades+role select but solo q eats up enough players that it has trouble doing good matchmaking

me and my friends treated it as normal draft since it was always a gamble if you were gonna get like challenger players or whatever on the other team lol


Nah, I was playing with gold solo q players.

and you are diamond player that proves my point

also fuck IVERN! holy shit this champ is still broken

also will start banning lee. lee players no matter how fed. I even had one 11/4. cost me games when on my team. just me a cc jungler please like hec, zac, sej, amu, ivern.

16-4 MF run in the last 20 outings. Carried sometimes, got carried sometimes. As is the custom, I suppose.

What I learned tonight: Gailo is really, really fucking strong. Will purchase with my IP immediately. The only time he didn't destroy my team (or destroy the other team when he was on my team) is when he was played as support. Didn't feel like a good role for him. Galio mid and top though? Tank or AP? Ridiculous game impact. Very scary hero right now.

Playing flex by myself for the season was an interesting experience, particularly the last few days. Team balance is really strange, but based on solo rank, my teams were almost always at a disadvantage. I'd have something like 2 plats and 3 silvers vs a diamond, 2 plats and 2 high golds. It was really weird. I'm really curious about how they're balancing elo in Flex.

Edit: as an example, I lost to this guy once https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=cozign

While I appreciate the opportunity to play against someone in the top .1% of the game...I mean I'm just trying to get to gold, not Masters. Chill out with this shit, Riot.
Congrats! I literally just made gold myself a couple days ago. Pushed through a six game win streak to get there. (Then immediately lost like 7 games in a row at 0 LP and still ongoing @_@)

I'm not familiar with flex because I only play that when my cousin wants to play with me, but I've heard similar sentiment. Still lots to learn for me. I started playing league maybe three years ago but I'm more interested in it now than I ever have been. I just have this big desire to get good lol.


I have two questions of two champions I started playing.

How do I do stuff with Syndra? I mean, it takes practice but I do at most 10 opponents defeated and can just stay for one team fight cause I start running out of mana, and still only weak targets like MF and Lux go down.
Build is: Rabadon, Void staff, the Mana book and Magic pen boots, the other two items change depending on match, but mostly the white mask, forgot the name.

Also how can I be a better support with Janna, all her skills are AP but if I up AP with Rabadon (for example) people would complain that I'm not supporting. How many supo items and AP items are optimal?



I have two questions of two champions I started playing.

How do I do stuff with Syndra? I mean, it takes practice but I do at most 10 opponents defeated and can just stay for one team fight cause I start running out of mana, and still only weak targets like MF and Lux go down.
Build is: Rabadon, Void staff, the Mana book and Magic pen boots, the other two items change depending on match, but mostly the white mask, forgot the name.

Also how can I be a better support with Janna, all her skills are AP but if I up AP with Rabadon (for example) people would complain that I'm not supporting. How many supo items and AP items are optimal?


For Syndra the best build is:
Morello > Liandries (or Banshees if they have a strong ap threat on the other team like Leblanc) > Void Staff (unless they haven't built Magic Resist, then you can just go into Rabadons.) > and if you manage to get to six items you can just go a Ludens or Zhonyas if you need the survivability (although you should get Zhonyas first/second item if they have an ad assassin mid laner like Talon or Zed on their team).

You don't go ap on Janna really, you go supportive items with Sightstone being the first item you should buy, then into items like Ardent Censer, Redemption, and Locket.


I am 5-1 with my duo adc. He has a lot of potential but you can tell this man has no basics. Like his backing, farming, and knowing when to go all in are weak


Is playing flex q good way of improving?
any mode is good for improving, it mostly depends on your mentality.

you can have a really shitty mentality in ranked and get nothing out of it, and you can be really critical of your play in blind pick normals and play meaningfully in a way that leads you to learn and improve

that being said, ranked has better matchmaking and is generally more competitive, specially with the new dynamic q thing cos people get their roles more often and play more seriously

it's still a shit show but you don't get an adc chogath challenger player quite that often

I have two questions of two champions I started playing.

How do I do stuff with Syndra? I mean, it takes practice but I do at most 10 opponents defeated and can just stay for one team fight cause I start running out of mana, and still only weak targets like MF and Lux go down.
Build is: Rabadon, Void staff, the Mana book and Magic pen boots, the other two items change depending on match, but mostly the white mask, forgot the name.
rush morellos every game, that way you won't run out of mana

follow talents' build, that's the good one


Thank you for your replies!

I will keep practicing,still used to Velkoz and Aurelion's R range. It funny that in all MMOs I have played I always go melee and LoL is the first game where the "nukers" are my comfort zone.
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