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Because Canada: Justin Trudeau kayaks over to a family to discuss climate change





Kevin O'Leary: Just Visiting.

Supposedly he'll be involved during the 2019 campaign but in what capacity is currently unknown.

He'll be campaigning in Quebec, obviously.

"Bonjure, I suis Kevin L'Oreal, et je think que Scheer c'est the meilleure choixe!"
so much NDP salt in here

It took a spin from being great to be supporting the provincial NDP to only half as great. If Wynne steps down, and they keep these promises, they will win a minority next year.

As for Trudeau, he is very hard to dislike. I, being a member of the NDP, find NDP'ers sound like a jealous sibling when they describe Justin Trudeau. He has done a pretty good job so far and clearly understand both optics and how to sell himself.
Personally I prefer Governments to have mandates and be able to act on them. I don't want to spend a year without Government like Spain did. I'm not in favour of changing the voting system just to keep a certain party out of power. I think that's a particularly rich position for the 3rd place party to take.

I'm also not in favour of changing a voting system to keep a certain party out of power. I am in favour of changing a voting system so that a democracy is more representative of the wishes of its citizens.


i like Trudeau. but these little "spontaneous" PR stunts are looking a bit obvious these days.

guys getting so many free points from simply not being a monster.

he hasn't actually done very much this far.
I'm also not in favour of changing a voting system to keep a certain party out of power. I am in favour of changing a voting system so that a democracy is more representative of the wishes of its citizens.

Being rewarded with extra MPs in Alberta because you killed it in downtown Toronto isn't more representative to me. I'll take stable government without fringe parties any day.


He's really bad at improvising coherent or gramatically correct sentences, especially in French. He makes Donald sound like a gifted and intelligent public speaker.


Trudeau isn't an amazing public speaker but he is nowhere near as bad as Trump.




Some people don't pick up on Trump being super dumb because words, no matter how simple they are, flow naturally from his mouth. He can ramble incoherently and it sounds alright.

Trudeau has the opposite problem. He almost has a speech impediment, which makes people believe that he's dumber than he is.


I'm a Green and even I know that we can't switch to renewables overnight. The best we can do at this point is invest in R&D, subsidize infrastructure, and to minimize the negative effects of oil and gas.

And that require pipelines, period. Lest we forget what happens when a tanker car full of petroleum derails.


He is amazing. Does he even have any flaws?

Comparisons to his father and a friendship with Tony Stark.

In all seriousness, his government has been inadequate in terms of Aboriginal relations and the dropping of electoral reform, however minor it may be an issue to the general populace, is still an issue given the horrendous FPTP system we currently have.

He's really bad at improvising coherent or gramatically correct sentences, especially in French. He makes Donald sound like a gifted and intelligent public speaker.

Are we talking about the same Prime Minister?


Black Canada Mafia
I just like that

1. Canadian's are still being critical of our leadership on issues that

2. are at least SOMEWHAT reasonable and worth debating (election reform and it's lack of support from the general public, oil and what the best way to wean off it would be)

People can get really heated and go into extremes with politics (ie, Trudeau is the worst who literally does nothing but take pictures all day! Demonstrably untrue) - but I think it's normal that it happens, and the quantity in which it does, and the usually reasonable discussion you can eventually tease out of these people is a reflection of a somewhat healthy political state.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Why does every story make this guy seem more and more like some kind of Utopian character from a sitcom?
Being rewarded with extra MPs in Alberta because you killed it in downtown Toronto isn't more representative to me. I'll take stable government without fringe parties any day.

That's one way to look at it. If political parties were to be regionally centralized, then it would simply be a matter of the ratio of the percentage of each city voting that would indicate any kind of "spillover". Mind you, your example may paint a bit of a false picture, as this spillover effect will actually be distributed across all candian cities, at a very marginal rate. Not only that, but the representatives for that area, would still come from that area. Again, I still think what you point out is a valid issue, just not the extent that may be gleamed from an off-hand "extra MPs in Alberta because you killed it in downtown Toronto"

There is a very strong argument however, for ensuring the party ideology which gets elected is what in proportion to what the people want. If a society votes 60% a and 40% b, you should want the government to be as close to 60% a and 40% b as possible. If the level of variance is such that b can actually hold power in this situation, that may be a much more valid concern given the relative merits of both voting systems.


That's how they get oil in Alberta. It's not a pretty little oil well that you see in places like Texas.
A student from Toronto giving input on the oil industry in Alberta... Quell surprise!

I'm actually shocked pr0cs hasn't showed up yet to rag on Trudeau, always good fun
You rang?

Truedope is a tool, but I can't fault his pr stunts, the man knows how to keep his face in the media.. Too bad he doesn't actually work at all.
I very much doubt that unless the NDP warms up to ranked ballots or STV
The NDP doesn't care what form of Proportional Representation wins out as long as its a form of Proportional Representation. Yes they campaign with and show a preference for MMP, but if STV was put on the table they would jump on it immediately because their main priority is Proportionality.

Being rewarded with extra MPs in Alberta because you killed it in downtown Toronto isn't more representative to me.
Nobody is proposing this. The forms of Proportional Representation being proposed is to do it proportionally using each provinces vote. Eg. Ontario Votes are only proportional within Ontario, Alberta Votes are only proportional within Alberta.

I'll take stable government without fringe parties any day.
A heavy supermajority of First World Democracies utilize a form of Proportional Representation and while Fringe parties are within their parliaments in small numbers, they never are given a chance to govern because the governing coalitions coalition with the other sane parties which hold more seats.


Unconfirmed Member
The point is that at least Trump isn't a hypocrite. He's just evil. lol

But that point is wrong Trump literally is a hypocrite as well. He complained/attacked about several things his opposition did, while now doing the same thing and his complaints don't apply. Examples anything with Hillary being under investigation vs now him himself being possibly under investigation.
I must be super cynical. I find all of these stories really dumb. I guess I'm a curmudgeon now.

Not the only one. Who gives a shit if he kayaks to a family, photobombs a prom, plays with his kid, etc, etc? These stories are nothing more than distractions to hide his incompetence, if you ask me.
Given what Rob Ford was, this will never not be a dumb comparison pretending that he was even in the same ballpark as the malice and stupidity that Trump governs with

Agreed. The analogy is in the followers. I definitely see the parallel between fake news, and those who doubted pretty much every bad story that came out about him.
That's one way to look at it. If political parties were to be regionally centralized, then it would simply be a matter of the ratio of the percentage of each city voting that would indicate any kind of "spillover". Mind you, your example may paint a bit of a false picture, as this spillover effect will actually be distributed across all candian cities, at a very marginal rate. Not only that, but the representatives for that area, would still come from that area. Again, I still think what you point out is a valid issue, just not the extent that may be gleamed from an off-hand "extra MPs in Alberta because you killed it in downtown Toronto"

Ultimately the outcome is the same though, the party that runs up big wins in noncompetitive regions gets rewarded with extra MPs. Urban areas with many ridings are going dwarf rural areas even more when it comes to representation in the house. I like our system of regional representation. I'm untroubled that somebody commands a majority without having to have 50+% of the vote - I see that as a necessary trade off between having three major parties and having stable Governments.

Stability and the ability to execute a mandate are, to me, more important than precise representation. People are much more frustrated with a Government that is incapable of doing anything than a Government that does the wrong thing (when it comes to representative systems).

There is a very strong argument however, for ensuring the party ideology which gets elected is what in proportion to what the people want. If a society votes 60% a and 40% b, you should want the government to be as close to 60% a and 40% b as possible. If the level of variance is such that b can actually hold power in this situation, that may be a much more valid concern given the relative merits of both voting systems.

That's a pretty different scenario in Canada though, isn't it? A person voting Liberal in BC and a person voting Liberal in NB aren't really voting for the same thing. We don't have parties that go "all the way down the stack" except for the NDP (and that's not really working out tremendously right now). Provincial and Federal parties are in most cases at odds with each other even when they're technically on the "same team", and we don't even have political parties at the municipal level. I personally don't think the political system in Canada would benefit tremendously from PR, I really don't. Obviously that's just one jerks opinion.

The NDP doesn't care what form of Proportional Representation wins out as long as its a form of Proportional Representation. Yes they campaign with and show a preference for MMP, but if STV was put on the table they would jump on it immediately because their main priority is Proportionality.

If we're talking realpolitik, the NDP should have known that PR would be a non-starter in the committee. They swung for the fences and whiffed. Had they thrown their weight behind something like STV we would be having a different conversation. Rather than make them an offer that was difficult to refuse, they made one that was easy to reject.

Nobody is proposing this. The forms of Proportional Representation being proposed is to do it proportionally using each provinces vote. Eg. Ontario Votes are only proportional within Ontario, Alberta Votes are only proportional within Alberta.

I admit I phrased that poorly, I think my answer above more or less covers what I meant by that.

A heavy supermajority of First World Democracies utilize a form of Proportional Representation and while Fringe parties are within their parliaments in small numbers, they never are given a chance to govern because the governing coalitions coalition with the other sane parties which hold more seats.

Seems like an expensive exercise in making people feel good? If fringe parties can never matter than what are we really losing by not including them? I don't really want to pay for Jhonny Racists pension because he managed to pick up 3% of 45 ridings. I realize you can set limits to how much support someone has to get before they qualify, but again why?

I've harped on this before, but I'm also deeply uncomfortable with giving MP jobs to people who either didn't win one (and thus were rejected by the electorate they stood in front of), or didn't try to win one. That's just me, but I can't see any way these 'extra MPs' aren't just also-rans and party cronies.

Given what Rob Ford was, this will never not be a dumb comparison pretending that he was even in the same ballpark as the malice and stupidity that Trump governs with

Stop the Gravy Train and a subway to nowhere isn't super different than #MAGA and build a wall. Ford wasn't able to do anything in his mandate after his first year. We'll see how Donald fairs, but my suspicion is similarly.


He implemented a carbon tax, which is more than what most so-called leaders in the world are willing to do. It will be the steepest carbon tax in the world once it's entirely phased in.

All the NDPers/leftists getting outraged and acting as if they'll get some LEAP Manifesto person in government are being unreasonable.

The Leap Manifesto is a failed document as it exists inside of its own information bubble. There's zero reconciliation between the objectives listed within and how the world actually works.


He implemented a carbon tax, which is more than what most so-called leaders in the world are willing to do. It will be the steepest carbon tax in the world once it's entirely phased in.

All the NDPers/leftists getting outraged and acting as if they'll get some LEAP Manifesto person in government are being unreasonable.

Oh yes, a politician implemented a new tax, how original.

Luckily, solar panels are cheap as chips and sun is abundant here in Canada, EVs are everywhere and cost next to nothing compared to their gasoline counterparts. Of course there are numerous government incentives in all provinces so that we can grid-tie our homes and take advantage of it all. Oh wait, it's just a tax and none of that revenue will go towards any of those things. The only thing that will happen is that EVERYTHING will get even more expensive. After this, surely Canada will surpass Australia as one of the most expensive places on earth to live.
Oh yes, a politician implemented a new tax, how original.

Luckily, solar panels are cheap as chips and sun is abundant here in Canada, EVs are everywhere and cost next to nothing compared to their gasoline counterparts. Of course there are numerous government incentives in all provinces so that we can grid-tie our homes and take advantage of it all. Oh wait, it's just a tax and none of that revenue will go towards any of those things. The only thing that will happen is that EVERYTHING will get even more expensive. After this, surely Canada will surpass Australia as one of the most expensive places on earth to live.

I'm all for revenue-neutral carbon tax where the revenue is returned back to the people. You should take that up with your provincial government.

As it is, polluters need to pay up for the damage that they're causing. It's more than fair.


Not the only one. Who gives a shit if he kayaks to a family, photobombs a prom, plays with his kid, etc, etc? These stories are nothing more than distractions to hide his incompetence, if you ask me.

Then good thing we don't ask you. You literally believe in some nut conspiracy theory in the other thread.


Lol. ok there suzuki.
What does Suzuki have to do with my post 🤔

You didn't, though. Which is fine. Respond however you'd like. But I saw that someone responded to my post and was disappointed that I didn't get an answer to any of my questions.
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