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Is Switch potentially becoming the main console for many now?


The Switch has become the main console for me. My PS4 has become the device for Blu-ray and Vue in my household.

The reason is partly because Zelda is so good, and partly because it is so convenient. I don't have to claim the TV from the rest of the family to play my games. The Switch just works better in a household with a wife and kids.

I have not purchased any PS4 games since I bought my Switch as I am less likely to play them. There are some games though that if they come to Switch I will pick up.


my wiiu is officially a Metroid Prime trilogy/Mario Maker machine,
my ps4 is darksouls3,
my switch is literally everything else.
I would gladly play stuffs like Hollow Knight or Salt&Sanctuary but I'll even more gladly wait for Switch versions if it's digital anyway.
As for AAA gaming? I don't think there's any announced right now that would interest me beyond the initial release period so I'll fall back to the setup mentioned at the beginning of this post.
Oh yeah I also watch Blurays and stuffs but my tv has youtube and netflix so most of my watch time is just the tv.


Considering how PS4 sales doesn't seem to be affected by the Switch, I'd say no. If you mean gaming time between the two, then that's impossible to quantify.

I was just going to post something like this. Maybe it is under some segment of the population, but I don't think that group is large enough to matter.


i'm sorry but this is fanboy BS. yeah its a hit system but it has a long way to go before people start shelving their ps4s and xboxs en mass


I was just going to post something like this. Maybe it is under some segment of the population, but I don't think that group is large enough to matter.

There is just a segment of super dedicated Switch posters on gaf. I have a switch, and a decent amount of games on it, but even then the evangelizing is a bit much for me.

Even though Mario Odyssey looks great, I predict the onslaught of AAA games this fall will only serve to further prove OP wrong. Switch not having any part of that pie can't really help it. Stock issues can't help either.

In the end, even though the conversation revolves around Nintendo titles a lot on GAF, the games that sell the most copies are things like Ghost Recon: Wildlands, For Honor, Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc. That audience is just too strong to overthrow and those games not being on the platform will inherently limit it.
I've found I spend more time with my Switch because it's more convenient for me and my lifestyle, but that doesn't mean I'm not still interested in PS4 games. I still buy them and play them, just less than I was.
It's temporarily diverted a lot of time away from my PS4, but that's mainly because Nintendo's software output for the previous two calendar years was so dire that I barely played anything on a Nintendo platform during that timeframe. It's been nice to finally have some great Nintendo games to play again.

Thing is, 2018 is looking like a banner year for me and the PS4.

Ninja Dom

Exactly this. I haven't seen a single instance of anyone going Switch-only. I've seen plenty of people mentioning they're getting/have a Switch in addition to other consoles.

"Diverting" is completely the wrong word for what is happening... I've been a dual-console owner since SNES/Genesis... I've never noticed a diversionary effect that OP mentioned.

I'm Switch only.

I never sold a PS4 or Xbox One for the Switch as I never had those consoles to begin with.


I don't want to downplay the success of the Switch, but it really is too early to tell. It's off to an amazing start, and it seems like Nintendo is working hard on its first-party library. It just feels like it's going to be another Dreamcast to me, albeit manufactured by a company not launching a product with $4 to its name.

It has caught on with more than the blind fanboys though, and that's a good sign. Where I foresee issues is once the supply lines become straightened out and everyone who wants one has one. I don't think it'll catch the Xbox One over their respective lifespans and it'll start to have relevancy issues once the PS5 (or whatever) is announced in the coming years.

Another Wii will never happen. It was a fluke with so many factors randomly working in its favour at the time. The sad part about that is the Wii totally not deserving its popularity relative to the quality of the GC, Wii U, and Switch (IMO). I would not go as far as to call the Switch a fad, because I think it will be profitable and will have earned it, but Nintendo lives and dies by fad dynamics ever since the PS1 stole a lot of its thunder. It's not a threat to MS or Sony, honestly.


No? Tv games are disgusting to me. Its extremely uncomfortable and I start hurting within 20 minutes, and it makes my room so much hotter, i'm glad I've finally just gave up on them. Past couple months have felt so good. It basically ruins any playthrough/replay of a game so considering most games I want to play are on portables now I'm fine if I miss out on some PS4 games or never replay Mario Galaxy/other Wii/WiiU games if they never come to Switch. Just won't deal with the pain anymore even if I miss out on some great PS4 games. The day Nintendo officially confirmed that they were going all portable was the best day in my gaming life.
Holy crap - are you alright?
I can understand opting to play exclusively on portables, but that particular mindset doesn't seem healthy.


Its not. Can't I have my own opinion? Tv games are always a pain to play no matter how much I love the game I'm playing so I'm happy to be done with them. Whats so shocking about that?

Its the repeated 'disgusting tv' part that had me rolling my eyes and thinking it was a joke. Then again, theres some people who apparently prefer to consume films and tv on their phones, which I also find brainbreaking aside as a fallback.
Personally? No. I still prefer to be immersed in front of huge tv. The switch doesn't provide what I want anyways in a console but it's good handheld that packs a decent punch for what it does.
To clarify my point I don't necessarily mean affecting hardware sales, moreso how often people are playing games these days.

For many, playing massive games on a portable seems more compelling
How many "massive" games does the Switch have at this point? I can only think of Zelda ATM. Most of the games are quick pick up and put down experiences like Mario Kart and ARMS. I think that it's easy to come to that impression if you spend lots of time in Switch related threads on NeoGAF, but even though the Switch has been getting countless threads (X game would be good on Switch, My mind is blown by being able to do [standard handheld feature] with the Switch, Do you prefer X mode of play, etc., etc.), it's more likely that Switch threads are inundated with such sentiments while the forum at large is not.

Edit: in short, selection bias.


Maybe I guess? Right now I'm going back and forth between my Switch and XB1. Primarily the switch. But I use it as a console, as a handheld and standing up (I actually finished Zelda that way).

The Switch has definitely taken all of my indie interest from every other console, and PC. I love being able to plays these smaller games with the joycon in various setups.
I don't know if I would buy larger third part games on the Switch. It might be my double dip system.

For larger 3rd party games I'd still prefer XB1 or PC. PS4 I try to avoid because I hate that controller.
I had been waiting to buy a PS4 this holiday but picked up a switch instead. That's at least one case, but I don't think many would do the same. Plus, PS4 and Xbox could have a price drop soon, so I doubt the switch would be in much direct competition.


With no third party releases? Doubtful.

No Grand Theft Auto, no Destiny 2, no Call of Duty, no Overwatch, no Madden, no Assassin's Creed...the list just goes on and on.

The Switch is great if you like Nintendo's offerings but I don't see much of a reason for the average gamer to pick it up otherwise.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I have a Switch and love it. Still play more on PC and PS4 Pro.



But if there was a game where there was a Switch version, you bet your sweet as I'd get that one and play it fucking anywhere.

I'll never willingly choose to shackle myself to just a console if I don't have to
My opinion is that the Switch isn't as successful as many of you might think and no there aren't that many people who move from other console to mainly play on the Switch.


I'm honestly slightly annoyed I can't play every game comfortably from bed or the toilet. PS4 remote play is aaaalmost there, but not as good as the Switch.

I also have a decent PC at work so I often find myself getting PC games just to play at lunch, even though my home PC isn't great.


Handhelds > home consoles


Anecdotally, all the Switch owners I know completely under-estimated how the portable nature of the Switch would consume their gaming time. It happened to me at first too. I was super happy to have the Switch and BOTW 2nd day of launch but I had no idea how much handheld mode in particular would cause the Switch to eat into all my gaming time.

As long as the games keep coming, I think this hook will continue.


Because I'm a father now. There is no time for gaming on home consoles. Switch is my only chance to game it all. Gaming on TV is only a thing of max 30 min starting from 10pm. Which I rarely do. So Switch it is while I'm commuting or when the wife uses the TV.


I'd rather buy a game on Switch than PS4 simply because I like the option of taking it with me on the train if want to. The closest I can get to this on PS4 is games that feature cross save with Vita.


Yes I'm what OP describes (though obviously I'm not 100% Switch, I'm not an idiot), and yes I think you'll definitely see a pretty big impact on sales... But only after Switch reaches 10M.

The reason is that the Switch fits into my current overbusy 30+ life much, much, much better than traditional consoles, or handhelds, ever have. And as the average gamer is apparently 35, that gamer will also have little to no time to game between juggling career, marriage, kids, mortgage and chores. There's a possibility Switch will coexist and not negatively influence the other consoles because it largely consists of people that dropped out of gaming otherwise due to having no time. But some impact definitely still.


Without any opinion poll to support it I'd say Switch and PS4/XB1 are targeting different audiences for the most part. There are people who will own all three but I think that most buying a Switch isn't choosing it over the PS4. Switch is first and foremost a handheld. It's more like comparing PS4 and 3DS.


Yep, if there's anything that's also on Switch you bet that's the version I'm getting. Like others have already said, Switch is perfect for gamers who have actual lives and cannot sit infront of the TV for hours, or gamers with family that needs to share screens with others.


I haven't seen anyone even remotely acting like the OP said.
Hell, I have yet to see anyone even mention the Nintendo Switch or ever seen one in public.

I guess the premise might hold up in Nintendo circles, but the average gamer is still going to want to play the big AAA games so I doubt Switch is a realistic option for those people.
It's a (very) vocal minority that prefers playing their games handheld or don't have much free time at home, so they play during lunch break or commutes. It hasn't been having an impact on sales of other consoles/games.
Its the repeated 'disgusting tv' part that had me rolling my eyes and thinking it was a joke. Then again, theres some people who apparently prefer to consume films and tv on their phones, which I also find brainbreaking aside as a fallback.

It might as well have been a jokepost. The references to TV being disgusting and the idea that playing a PS4/X1 game on a television is stiff and rigid where as a Switch is fluid and liberating is absolutely absurd. Yea you can play it while on the go, but 90% of that time is going to be people sitting down just as they would with a PS4/X1, or rather in a car/bus/train. Unless you're some kind of maniac going for a jog with your Switch, it's likely you're in the same position playing--or possibly even more uncomfortable.


It's a (very) vocal minority that prefers playing their games handheld or don't have much free time at home, so they play during lunch break or commutes. It hasn't been having an impact on sales of other consoles/games.
As you can see, Switch sales are holding steady, with each shipment apparently selling out. In comparison, the PS4 sales were declining during the same window.


It kind of has for me. I've been wanting a Switch for a while now. The portability and exclusives are so damn alluring. My primary console is Xbox One but, since exclusives are also heading to PC from Xbox, I'm going to sell my Xbox to a buddy and try to find a Switch.
Like most people already said, no. 3rd party games are the biggest sellers for a reason. Switch is still missing most of those.


I have reluctance to play/buy games when I think a Switch port might happen.

I've skipped out on a lot of steam sales this week because I'd rather pay more to play it on my switch.

I just like the options it gives me. Most of my time in Zelda was spent with the grip controller as a regular console. But I also spent time in handheld mode, and even more time in stand up mode. I played it at home, at work and at the girlfriend's. If the switch was just a regular console, I don't think I would have finished Zelda already. I wouldn't have finished wonderboy in a day. Wouldn't play Mario Kart so much.
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