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The honeymoon period is over.....What game did you once love, but now hate?


Probably multiplayer games. I get addicted for several reasons but when my head comes back into reality and see how many hours I have sunk… I start to hate them.

I have many games that I love that I will never replay, but still love them.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Some of them did not play The Witcher 3, Warframe or Rainbow Six: Siege (very different games, but all of them vastly superior to Destiny IMHO), for example, just because Destiny demanded too much gaming time from them and left them without options. Somewhat of an addiction.
A lot of people blindly preordered D2 without even playing the beta, also.

Just to address this one thing, I'll never understand when someone says that Destiny demanded too much gaming time. All of the best loot was from raid and nightfall, and you could knock out the raid and nightfall on three different characters in a few hours total per week. At my peak I think I was doing the triple raid and NF run in about 3 hours.
Definitely doesn't appear to be trending that way so far, compared to at release.

Sure it is.

Read recent Amazon reviews, all by verified buyers. Its reputation is as strong as ever, if not stronger. And as NPD and Media Create shows, the game continues to have legs four months after launch. It'll likely remain high on the charts for the remainder of the year and into 2018.
Hate is a strong word I would not consider to use for this, but I loved Persona 5 in the early 10-20h. It went worse over the time and after finishing it, I'm thinking it's on of the most overhyped games in the last couple of years. Don't get me wrong, it's still a good or even very good game, but by no means a masterpeace. There are even better games in the Persona series.

Same goes for Bioshock Infinite (And Bioshock in general). It was something special at the beginning (by comparison), and I thought this could be one of the best shooters in years. But at the end it was a disappointing experience with really weak gameplay mechanics and a pretentious story.

All Bioshock games are miles away from the perfection of System Shock (2).


Sure it is.

Read recent Amazon reviews, all by verified buyers.


How would this show a positive change in regard, as opposed to at launch?... Were the Amazon reviews bad at launch?

You said it yourself, you're surprised at all the BOTW mentions. The reason why is because at launch there was basically nothing other than unanimous praise and proclamations of it being the best game ever.

You're looking at what you want to look for.
Game is still receiving rave reviews.


No, looking at something like these Amazon reviews is looking at what you want to look for. I didn't say it wouldn't be regarded highly in the future... but his argument is that it would be regarded even more highly than today. I'm just saying that today as opposed to release isn't showing that to be the case.
Adding to the many uses of "hate is a strong word" for this thread because I don't think I've ever had a game go from love to hate, that's pretty dang extreme.

But Persona 4 Golden is an interesting one in that I remember enjoying it a lot when playing through it, a time eater and a half that game.
Then after the dust had settled I realised that I didn't actually feel too strongly about it on the whole, dungeons were naff, the intriguing plot slowly derails towards the end of its excessive 80 odd hour run, the characters managed to get retroactively made worse in my mind because I played about half of P4Arena's story mode where they double down on the one note aspects.
And perhaps most importantly I realised that Yosuke was a bit of a knob.

Funny thing is I can see the same logic apply itself to Persona 5 as well, though in this case the improved (yet still sloggy) dungeons, overall aesthetics and such have me holding it in a bit more positive light.

That was quick, OP

Probably Ace Attorney 5 - Dual Destinies. I was taken in by the 3D visuals and the fact it'd been a while since the last Ace Attorney. But the more I dwelled on it, the more disappointed I was in the direction they went in. It has a few things I like, but the story is honestly pretty terrible. it's now my least favourite game in the entire series.

I have a similar relationship with Ace Attorney 6, but I'm still a big fan of the individual chapters. I just don't think they come together as well as they could have if some stuff was set up better. But maybe in the long run that's another issue with 5
Ah yes and here's another solid choice.

In general almost all Yamazaki directed games have this issue for me.
This isn't to say that Takumi was/is infallible with his writing (lord knows there's one heck of mess in Apollo's third case) but even in his weaker moments the overall writing just strikes a lot stronger.
By comparison the games directed by Yamazaki meander around, go for pointless convolution to stretch cases out (how many times can we move corpses around?), tend to drag, have characters turn excessively one note (Gumshoe is a dope, Wright is a bluffing bluff man) and beat you over the head with concepts they never deliver with (how about that dark age of the law guys?).

Dual Destinies was a nice ride at the time just for having a more traditional AA game back with a shiny new coat of paint but the sheen wore off that's for sure.


BioShock Infinite, though I wouldn't call it hate. It was a 9.5 or even 10/10 game when I first played it, but after a subsequent run or two, and several years later, my love for it has severely cooled. I still find it an enjoyable 7/10 game, but it seems I find more and more to criticise after each run. It doesn't come close to the original BioShock to me in terms of overall experience, and not close to BioShock 2's gameplay mechanics improvements.

N° 2048

No, looking at something like these Amazon reviews is looking at what you want to look for. I didn't say it wouldn't be regarded highly in the future... but his argument is that it would be regarded even more highly than today. I'm just saying that today as opposed to release isn't showing that to be the case.

Show me.
Ah sry, got the quote history mixed up a little.

But yea, same deal. The mentions of it in a thread like this are more negative than anything it had at launch. Even if reception is 98.9% positive right now, it's less than the essentially 100% glowing reception it had at release.

No, pre-launch it had a 98 on MC. It's never been at 100.

The discussion in this thread for one.

You're literally in a thread with a negative premise. One of the biggest games of the year is obviously going to be mentioned, as lots of people played it and not everyone is going to universally love something. It happens to every big release, such as Bloodborne and Uncharted 4, GAF's two most recent GotY winners.

In contrast, there was a thread a couple weeks back regarding the best games of 2017 so far and BotW had its mark all over it.


BotW is the first thing that comes to mind. It was in GOAT territory before falling to my bottom 5 Zelda games and I don't ever feel like replaying it.

Other than that I guess Third Strike fits the bill. I was hugely dedicated to it competitively and considered it one of the finest games ever made and now I can't stand it and never play it.


Tales of Phantasia. I loved it when I first played it, but I was a fanboy of the series. Slow combat, pausing for spells, high random encounter rate, horrible AI. Game just isn't fun.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I see this view expressed a lot, and not just about BoTw. It's extremely strange to me.

"I spent hundreds of hours on this game, enjoyed every second, but now I've seen everything so it's not fun to return to"

Well, obviously. Did you expect it to last forever?

To be, it doesn't matter if a game is fun to go back to (though it's nice when it is), the main thing is about whether that first play through was enjoyable or not.

Not sure why there always has to be a BOTW defense force in every thread. It's literally the only game being defended in this thread against people's own personal opinions.

Anyways, IMO, BOTW is probably the least repayable Zelda game. Other Zelda games, you can replay for the story, with BOTW once you've exhausted the core gameplay, there's nothing else to play the game for(because the story is pretty much non-existent).


I wouldn't call it a honeymoon, but FFXIII I guess. I played it for about 70 hours and completed it, which seems like I like the game, but it was more that I love FF in general and I wasnlt just gonna pass up a mainline game. It's more like an impulse wedding where you go "eh I'll give it a go and we'll see", but all the while you're like "this...can't really be all there is can there?" In the end I did finish it, but I can safely say I hate that game and you probably couldn't pay me enough to play it ever again.
Overwatch. Played TF2 for years and though I admit Overwatch is a good game after that first week of hitting it hard I started playing it less and less and now I barely even touch it.

I waited for it, already in my thirties, like if I was a ten-year old kid. I hoped for it to showcase the post-Reach (my favorite Halo and in my All-Time Top 25) Bungie, the mythic developers who escaped from Microsoft´s grasp in order to achieve full creative freedom. I played for it a lot (about 250 hours on each platform) both on Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

Eventually I saw it from another perspective. Not only the story was almost non-existant, but the lore didn´t take itself seriously... one of the elements I loved from Reach, which was the most dramatic Halo.

The gameplay is ultimately very shallow, relying on the solid shooting mechanics and the fabled 30-seconds loop to make you grind to exhaustion in order to get a new gun... which will become obsolete with the following DLC.

Some of the social aspects were innovative for a console game, but I didn´t like what I saw: Destiny became so popular than say half of my thirty-something gaming friends, who now have limited time to play because of family / work / adult life, spend it almost entirely doing raids or customizing their guardians. Some of them did not play The Witcher 3, Warframe or Rainbow Six: Siege (very different games, but all of them vastly superior to Destiny IMHO), for example, just because Destiny demanded too much gaming time from them and left them without options. Somewhat of an addiction.
A lot of people blindly preordered D2 without even playing the beta, also.

Lots of the promises were not fulfilled, and Bungie left Microsoft in order to produce a colorful space shooter for another gargantuan company.

I feel the exact same way. I bought the PS4 LE copy of Destiny 1, played it for a while but realized it was very light on content and got very repetitive. Soured me on the game and franchise entirely. I have the white PS4 Pro bundle with Destiny 2 coming but I'm honestly going to sell the game and expansion pass because I do not want to play it.
Not sure why there always has to be a BOTW defense force in every thread. It's literally the only game being defended in this thread against people's own personal opinions.

Nah, I have no problem with personal opinions. I simply responded to this:

Tho I did say that, in time, it won't be as highly thought of as it was at release ;)

'Cause it's not going to be true. If you don't like the game, that's fine. I'll continue to shout from the rooftops that the Bioshock series is garbage. Doesn't change the fact that it's a beloved, influential franchise.


I definitely expected BotW to be here with the climate of the board. There were several threads that poped up something along the lines of why BotW isn't that good or some such soon after the release. I dissagree with all of you on it btw. :p

Personally I can't really think of a game that I hated after buying right now. I can talk about games that I thought would be like this though.

I thought FFXV was going to suck but I actually like the gameplay and the focus on positioning and movement, point warping away from the brawl either reorient your self or bait the enemy into approaching you was fun. Getting perfect dodges feel GREAT with the hit stop and the bright blue effect on Noctis. I only wish it had XII's gambit system so I can tell Prompto to stay the heck out of the way so he doesn't get steamrolled. Story could be better but the battle system is a great start and I want it refined for XVI.

Then there's Star Ocean 3 which story wise is a cliche fest for the first half, but the gameplay is superfun (200% combo bonus :D) and the music is SSS tier.



Initial feeling - wow! such a great RPG.
4 hours later -- if I have to click R3 and pick up one more f'ing flower I'm going to smash my controller

It didn't help that combat didn't fulfill the promises of Origins.... it was tap X repeatedly, and AI didn't even stay in position if you tried to be tactical about it.

I still don't know if I like rogue Galaxy or not

It's been like 11 years

Heh. That's me. I've even tried playing it three times. Each time I -LOVE- the game.

1) Burnt out early running around in circles trying to do the hunting licenses in the forest region.
2) Burnt out in the prison area doing hunting licenses.
3) Got through the prison! Unlocked the mf'ing 'crafting factory', and noped the hell out of the game.

Then it came out on PS4 w/ trophies and I -still- consider buying it. It's the perfect example of me -wanting- to love a game, but just not being able to.

There's just so much stuff to burn out on. Hunting licenses, bug collecting, factory crafting... it's got everything and the kitchen sink and, if you let it, everything can be a grind. [I will forever love the upgrade system, though... I really feel like I'm making choices when I find a rare item that I can use in various ways on different characters]


Silent Hill 2 and Shattered Memories

I still like 2 but the constant jerk off of it while ignoring the superior 3(imo lol) makes me spiteful

Shattered Memories was neat at first but literally any amount of thought put into what the story is breaks it. Sam Barlow is an awful writer. It's also:
Not scary
Only cool monster designs are ones you have to actively not play the game right to get
Baby puzzles
Really unrealistic psychiatrist for being the only real part of the game
Punishes you for examining things IE wondering what this thing in a cup is so you examine it and WHOOPS IT WAS A CONDOM you're now a pervert
The tiger in space


FFXIII. Loved all I saw pre-release. Jumped right in. But the character switching and nonsense story turned me right off. I don't like the game at all now. I did enjoy the one open area and hunts but I enjoy all FF Hunts.


The Uncharted games. They have incredibly mediocre Gameplay. Uncharted 4 though was a huge improvement on all fronts but still not as much as i would have liked. Once the graphics lose the wow factor it becomes really apparent how mediocre these games actually are.


Not "hate," but feeling cold towards Breath of the Wild approximately 4 months after the fact.

I can't think of any specific moment in the game that sticks out in my mind other than pulling the Master Sword from the stone and my trek towards Zora's Domain accompanied wity my first time encountering a Lynel (or whatever it's called).

Dungeons in this game were a joke and looking back on it, there was far too much busywork with no payoff in the end.

The story was a joke compared to Wind Waker HD, which I also played at the beginning of this year and truly enjoyed. Without any hesitation I think Wind Waker was the better game, with BotW only exceeding it in the obvious areas like the added rpg elements.

I think Zelda in open world can be great but they've got a lot of work to do if they want the sequel to come close to the masterpieces of Nintendo past.
I don't hate or even have a problem with BotW. I know I'll finish it soon enough.
Then trade it in if the second DLC doesn't look interesting.


The Uncharted games. They have incredibly mediocre Gameplay. Uncharted 4 though was a huge improvement on all fronts but still not as much as i would have liked. Once the graphics lose the wow factor it becomes really apparent how mediocre these games actually are.

This is basically my experience of all recent ND games. Visually stunning, well written, but the gameplay is sooo bad in comparison. You might as well watch someone else play and you'll get the same experience.
There isn't any.

I suppose the closest one would be Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. I loved it the first playtrough but my opinion of it has gone down a lot. The writing is terrible in many places, game balance is all over the place and it has some of the worst bossfights in the series.

Still like it fine tho.
The Uncharted games. They have incredibly mediocre Gameplay. Uncharted 4 though was a huge improvement on all fronts but still not as much as i would have liked. Once the graphics lose the wow factor it becomes really apparent how mediocre these games actually are.

Uncharted 4 has horrible pacing. Which sucks, because the actual gameplay is the best it's ever been in a ND game .
The honeymoon period can be short lived in some games, while others slowly but surely eat away at you.

What game did you once love but now absolutely hate, and why?

I went on quite a high with Splatoon 2 but now the little things are beginning to annoy me. Why can't I exit a damn lobby inbetween matches, yes I can choose to quit immediately after match, but sometimes you end up stuck in a lobby for ages with no simple way to exit.

Why can't I change weapons inbetween matches? "The game has a matchmaking system to ensure an equal spread of weapons in teams". It fucking doesn't, I'm seeing teams full of the same weapons.

Why can I not pick my weapon in Salmon Run? I don't want to use a fucking bucket.

Oh nearly forgot about that one.

"Man the freedom is so great" has gone to "I can't be fucked anymore"

It feels as though I can spend 4 hours in the game and achieve absolutely nothing of worth.

True you might get lumbered in matches like that, but it's no worse than when you're on the final wave with 10 seconds to go, and the last guy remaining decides to go on a suicide run instead of reviving team mates or at least staying alive and...."It's a wrap"

Nintendo Depressed Force?


Breath if the Wild.
At first I really enjoyed wandering around and exploring, but after a while I just got sick of it, even though I kept playing trying to see it through I eventually got so sick of it I gave up and went to fight Ganon with half of the map unexplored.


You're literally in a thread with a negative premise. One of the biggest games of the year is obviously going to be mentioned, as lots of people played it and not everyone is going to universally love something. It happens to every big release, such as Bloodborne and Uncharted 4, GAF's two most recent GotY winners.

In contrast, there was a thread a couple weeks back regarding the best games of 2017 so far and BotW had its mark all over it.

I don't think the game is ever going to not be considered hall of fame material. And yes, this does happen to pretty much every big release to varying extents (and if someone had posted Uncharted 4 or Bloodborne would be better regarded a decade from now, than they are today, I'd be making the same argument).

This thread is inherently for negative opinions yes... but they have a filter. It's for games you originally held in higher regard. It's not a static opinion... but one taking time into account. If the inverse of this thread were to be created, then there would probably be posts citing BotW as a game some people initially didn't like, but grew to love. I wouldn't imagine it being as many people though, as there were extremely few negative impressions to begin with.

Notice how nobody understands wtf you're talking about.

What are you going on about? Just stop.

Nah, you can just stop replying to me. I'm not on some anti-BotW shit here. You could replace it with the vast overwhelming majority of games (stuff like Mario 64/Galaxy, Halo CE, DooM etc), and I'd argue that whilst they're still considered stone cold classics, they're not regarded better than they would have been held as at launch. They weren't GotY tier then. they were singular best game of all time tier then.

The game's that go against this pattern are typically those that either gain updates that change the perception over time (Diablo 3, Driveclub, Final Fantasy XIV), or those that are somewhat misunderstood at launch, and later impressions come mostly from people that have different expectations going in (GodHand, Vanquish). Almost nothing with unanimous praise sees their star shine brighter than it does initially. History just remember how bright it once shone.

I mean, if you want to argue its reputation isn't higher, I wouldn't be all that opposed to conceding with that point. But it's definitely not lower.

Heh, I would on the other hand wouldn't be opposed to conceding its reputation isn't lower (a least not meaningfully beyond anecdotal evidence)... but it's definitely not higher. :p

I apologise for the rather flippant "oh, ffs" response btw. I should have just explained the issue I had with it. I'm not referring to the metascore. Think how a movie can have a 90%+ "fresh" rottentomatoes score without being anywhere near 90 on metacritic. I can give a movie a good score without it being a perfect score, and so it's possible to receive good scores from everyone (100% approval) without the perfect scores from everyone that would be required for a 100 metascore (which will almost certainly never happen at any point in time ever).

Aren't you arguing that BotW is considered now worse than on release because 1.2% of Amazon reviews aren't 5/5? I honestly don't know what you're trying to say.

No. I was arguing that the Amazon scores are completely irrelevant as they were always great. They don't show any sort of improvements to how the game is or will be regarded.


There are a bunch of games i had to go back to in order to finish. Actually, i seldom finished long games without a break. The ones i did finish in one flow (playing daily until i beat it) are the really great ones. Breath of the Wild, Xenoblade Chronicles (1), Deus Ex HR, Bayonetta 1, Pikmin 3,SC Blacklist, Eternal Darkness, The Last Story... i think that's about it. Even great games such as Metroid Prime, Windwaker, Tales of Symphonia... i needed to take a break of a couple of weeks or even months.

Games i came back to, with little motivation, were Assassins Creed 3, Rebel Strike, and a couple more, just to be able to say i finished them.

Good games i never finished but might try to finish yet: Wonderful 101, Pandora's Tower, Little King's Story, Bayonetta 2, Windwaker HD, Blob, Mass Effect 3.

Games i started hating after a while or lost all interest in rather soon, with zero interest of ever going back: Super Paper Mario, AC Black Flag, Okami, Kirby Epic Yarn, Cursed Mountain, Freedom Fighters, Metal Arms, Red Steel 2, Xenoblade CX...
There are a lot of choices here but Persona 5 is probably the one that stings the most. In the beginning, it felt like an almost perfected version of Persona 4 and pretty much constantly impressed me. But then... the little things started to add up and eat away at me. More and more I was upset with the game, occasionally disgusted by it. I began to obsess over fantasies of an indie Persona-like that got everything right that the real Persona had gotten wrong. By the end of 165 hours I was just glad to be done.

That's not to say it didn't have good moments through the end or that I wasn't enjoying it at all, but unlike completely Persona 4 Golden, where I cried and felt as though I had made, like, actual friends with these fictional characters... I finished 5 and I was empty. I could go on but it's not worth all the details.

I don't hate Persona 5 but it certainly extinguished the love I had for that franchise.


Nintendo Depressed Force?

lol that did make me laugh to be fair.

I've noticed reading through the replies that some people say hate and love are too strong. I wasn't being literal. Games are never that serious that I'd actually have emotions that strong.

What I was trying to get across was, which games have gone from real good to real bad, really fast?
I don't think the game is ever going to not be considered hall of fame material. And yes, this does happen to pretty much every big release to varying extents (and if someone had posted Uncharted 4 or Bloodborne would be better regarded a decade from now, than they are today, I'd be making the same argument).

This thread is inherently for negative opinions yes... but they have a filter. It's for games you originally held in higher regard. It's not a static opinion... but one taking time into account. If the inverse of this thread were to be created, then there would probably be posts citing BotW as a game some people initially didn't like, but grew to love. I wouldn't imagine it being as many people though, as there were extremely few negative impressions to begin with.

Nah, you can just stop replying to me. I'm not on some anti-BotW shit here. You could replace it with the vast overwhelming majority of games (stuff like Mario 64/Galaxy, Halo CE, DooM etc), and I'd argue that whilst they're still considered stone cold classics, they're not regarded better than they would have been held as at launch. They weren't GotY tier then. they were singular best game of all time tier then.

The game's that go against this pattern are typically those that either gain updates that change the perception over time (Diablo 3, Driveclub, Final Fantasy XIV), or those that are somewhat misunderstood at launch, and later impressions come mostly from people that have different expectations going in (GodHand, Vanquish). Almost nothing with unanimous praise sees their star shine brighter than it does initially. History just remember how bright it once shone.

Heh, I would on the other hand wouldn't be opposed to conceding its reputation isn't lower (a least not meaningfully beyond anecdotal evidence)... but it's definitely not higher. :p

I apologise for the rather flippant "oh, ffs" response btw. I should have just explained the issue I had with it. I'm not referring to the metascore. Think how a movie can have a 90%+ "fresh" rottentomatoes score without being anywhere near 90 on metacritic. I can give a movie a good score without it being a perfect score, and so it's possible to receive good scores from everyone (100% approval) without the perfect scores from everyone that would be required for a 100 metascore (which will almost certainly never happen at any point in time ever).

No. I was arguing that the Amazon scores are completely irrelevant as they were always great. They don't show any sort of improvements to how the game is or will be regarded.

Hey, fair enough! You made lots of good points here.
Fallout 4. First few hours it was nice to be back. Then it just became a snooze fest. I don't even think I got halfway through.

Ooooo, this one for me too. Although I went into that game kind of damp. Still, I was ready to be blown away again!

I turned on it hard. Really can't stand Fallout 4 and I'm no longer excited for Bethesda games.


I guess Bioshock Infinite for me.

Loved it on release, tried to replay it last year and I could't get past the first hour...
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