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The honeymoon period is over.....What game did you once love, but now hate?

I was really enjoying Nioh for about 10 or so hours but by that time you've seen everything the game has to offer and you got like 50 hours of content left.
NIoh. I love the Soulsbourne series, played all of those to Platinum trophy. Liked the beta/alpha for Nioh too. The game came out, and I played roughly 5 hours before burning out on it.


Alright, time for a GAF vacation.
It's probably for the best.

Back to OP. So from my point of view I'm actually the opposite when it comes to BotW. I've finished the main story, so I thought I was done, but I keep getting urges to play again. I definitely have fonder thoughts of it looking back than I did whilst actually playing (well at least the first half, I loved the second half). I've got insta nostalgia for the game.
lol that did make me laugh to be fair.

I've noticed reading through the replies that some people say hate and love are too strong. I wasn't being literal. Games are never that serious that I'd actually have emotions that strong.

What I was trying to get across was, which games have gone from real good to real bad, really fast?

Are Splatoon 2 and BotW real bad? Your complaints about Splatoon 2 in particular seem like nitpicks, which is not to say that they're not valid, but I don't see how they can impact the enjoyment of the whole game.

I guess an example for me would be Snipperclips. It started out really clever and original, but quickly became a bit of a chore to play. It's the only Switch game I haven't even put five hours into.
Every single modern Blizzard game.

How they never seem to care to write interesting stories for their games anymore, it all has to be pulpy with memes or cross-game references.

The way they balance their games with an never ending rotation of buffs and nerfs, leaving obvious imbalances for months only to come back next patch and repeat the same mistake with different buffs and nerfs.

Their two-faced personality between claiming to care about the players while simultaneously having some of the most overpriced micro-transactions/pricing schemes in gaming.


Not sure if Ive ever loved a game and then hated it. That seems weird to me conceptually. Got tired of? Yeah sure maybe, but the things I loved are still there and are usually easy to return to.


Dokkan Battle, it's a gutter trash Gacha game. Everythung is built around grinding, you grind to grind so you can grind to grind.


Destiny is a big one for me. Initially I loved it but the daily grind the game made you go through if you wanted to advance eventually soured me on the game completely. I lasted about 5-6 weeks until it hit me how pointless it all felt. I did come back for the first expansion but just for the new raid. Loved Destiny initially though but I won't be coming back for 2, the grind really was that much of a joy kill.

Kaji AF16

Just to address this one thing, I'll never understand when someone says that Destiny demanded too much gaming time. All of the best loot was from raid and nightfall, and you could knock out the raid and nightfall on three different characters in a few hours total per week. At my peak I think I was doing the triple raid and NF run in about 3 hours.

There are so many things that I´ll never understand...
But what I said was mainly related to the social aspects of Destiny. Of course, having well equiped guardians and doing the elementary missions could only represent some weekly hours if you planned and executed it intensively. But chatting, hanging out in the Tower / Reef / Felwinter Peak and doing general, relatively mundane tasks dominated the gaming time of many. I spent hundred of hours myself in Destiny, but once it burned me out I could clearly see how it became an addiction to some of my closest gaming friends (who couldn´t keep up, because of that reason, with which I considered much richer experiences than to do old raids for the eleventh time).

On the other hand, I celebrate that such a lasting investment with a single game could be achieved on consoles.

True Fire

The Last of Us felt revolutionary at the time, but now it just feels predictable and repetitive. The gameplay is very limited. The story and graphics technology really anchored it.
Absolutely fuck Overwatch. Once you move from love to hate, it's hard to believe that before you had positive feelings for that game.


Breath of the Wild for me.

Like many, I sunk hundreds of hours into the game because the itch to explore was unrelenting. I had to get back to the game so I could see what was out there. So I could find the next secret, or see the next view, and meet the next character.

This phenomenon relied greatly on the game's greatest strength: mystery. But after completing the game, the mystery is gone. There are no more surprises. You know where everything is. You'll never be surprised to land on Eventide Island for the first time again, or find the Guardian graveyard in Akkala, or bring together strangers and watch a village grow, or find a Lynel by accident. All these things only work once.

Once they're known, and done before, the appeal of retread is greatly diminished. The first time I played, I would lose hours and hours wandering because you never knew what was out there. My subsequent replay attempts have asked me "what's the point?"

I don't hate it or anything like that. I'll make one final go of it when the DLC finishes. But chances of me ever feeling the same way as I did the first round are pretty low.

not every game is mean to be replayed, how is this a knock on it?


Well, I only played the demo but I dislike hearing about the game and I've grown to hate it: Gravity Rush 2

Some dumb fuck on here posted _the_ huge spoiler in an entirely unrelated thread not even a month after the game came out. And I'm reminded of it every time I see someone with a GR2 avatar and whenever the game is mentioned in unrelated threads. If I met them in person I'd punch them in the face.


Yes, I have anger issues. Yes, video games are serious business.
Breath of the Wild for me.

Like many, I sunk hundreds of hours into the game because the itch to explore was unrelenting. I had to get back to the game so I could see what was out there. So I could find the next secret, or see the next view, and meet the next character.

This phenomenon relied greatly on the game's greatest strength: mystery. But after completing the game, the mystery is gone. There are no more surprises. You know where everything is. You'll never be surprised to land on Eventide Island for the first time again, or find the Guardian graveyard in Akkala, or bring together strangers and watch a village grow, or find a Lynel by accident. All these things only work once.

Once they're known, and done before, the appeal of retread is greatly diminished. The first time I played, I would lose hours and hours wandering because you never knew what was out there. My subsequent replay attempts have asked me "what's the point?"

I don't hate it or anything like that. I'll make one final go of it when the DLC finishes. But chances of me ever feeling the same way as I did the first round are pretty low.

That's like every game though

New game + is meh, it's just the same game
Definitely WoW. Went from this magical world full of quests and exploration to an utterly toxic grindfest. The Honour Decay system has to be the craziest thing ever implemented in a game ever.

They had a great chance to sort everything with The Burning Crusade, and if they'd drip fed the material in, instead of one big expansion pack, it would have been great.
Dark Souls 3 - I couldn't wait to jump back into the series and see the conclusion. The references, the nods to the first game - the new spells and more fluid combat, I was in heaven.

After beating the DLC however...I have to say I prefer DS2. DS3's references without payoff are infuriating, and the second phase nature of the bosses, while a pleasing aspect of Bloodborne, only increase frustration for DS3. Top that off with the lackluster build variety (again, faith is useless), the uninspired weapons and armor (I like maybe one set in the entire game), and the simplified upgrade system...it just feels diminished somehow. Maybe that's the point (insert gameplay fitting the narrative of the world slowly winding down supposition here), but I just didn't feel it.
Splatoon 2 is a fantastic game and a brilliant twist on the genre but holy hell, Nintendo's archaic online functionality is holding the game back from its full potential.


The quickest reversal for me was The Division. Awesome for a few weeks, dreadful after that time... A lot of early 3D games (PS1/N64) have not aged well for me either. Silent Hill makes my eyes bleed in 1080p.
MGSV - It felt new and interesting but after a while it felt boring and stale and very sloggish just to get to the end. Maybe the game going open world wasn't a good idea, because you're replaying the same two areas far too often. I came into this expecting another epic like MGS1-4.

Fallout 4 - Really, REALLY wanted to like this game but there's just too much going on that I keep losing interest every time I try to go back. I don't hate it, but it felt like a sim game set in the apocalypse. I'd like to turn the settlements off so I don't have to worry about the invasions every time I'm knee deep into a dungeon. Also, companions don't feel like they pull their own weight like the NV ones. I'd take Cass or Boone over any of these. Though the detective guy is actually cool.


Are Splatoon 2 and BotW real bad? Your complaints about Splatoon 2 in particular seem like nitpicks, which is not to say that they're not valid, but I don't see how they can impact the enjoyment of the whole game.


No to be honest neither are bad games. A bad game for me is a game that I'd give up on after a very short time (talking maybe a couple of hours). Some games I just know aren't for me in a short space of time.

The issue with Splatoon 2 is I love the gameplay, and initially my gripes weren't really a big deal, as I was just focusing on how much I was enjoying the gameplay during the match. But the more I've played it, the bigger deal they're becoming, the things I mentioned take away the shine from what would otherwise be an amazing game.

Yes they can be patched out, but these things were apparently in Splatoon 1 so the chances of Nintendo making those changes are unlikely.

Breath of the Wild initially for me was quite positive, part of that was the "shiny new toy" effect of a new console. But the shine has worn off very quickly, and I've come to the realization that I'm spending hours doing not a great deal, with no real sense of progression, and I'm not enjoying it.

I guess for many, the big draw in Breath of the Wild is the very fact that it's so open, but I'd have preferred a bit more structure.

hao chi


Loved the beta, but very quickly fell off when it released

This is a good one. The game has some issues that only became noticeable after I started fighting more competent players. I saw the patch addressed at least two things I found to be pretty annoying, so I need to give it another try whenever I can stop myself from jumping straight into Splatoon 2 every time I play my Switch.

Killzone 3 is in the same situation as ARMS. I really enjoyed the beta, then barely played the full version.


Hearthstone for me, been playing it less and less but still kept spending money on it. With the most recent expansion I only played day one and then got bored of it.


I can't really think of any. Maybe I hadn't played in twenty years or so. I recently played Pandemonium on the PS1 which I loved back in the day but it was complete wank.


I have cooled down on some games, but I don't hate them. Chrono Cross used to be one of my favorite games of all time back when I was a teenager, nowadays it wouldn't even make the top 50. I tried replaying it recently but the starting hours are so slow I didn't stick with it, a stark contrast with Chrono Trigger, one of the few games I can replay indefinitely. So yeah, I don't hate it, I don't even dislike it, but I don't hold CC nearly as high as I used to.

I also want to say Bloodborne. The more I look back on it, the more I realize I don't really feel like coming back to it, even though I still have the Old Hunters DLC to go through. I don't know why I feel that way as I greatly enjoyed my time with it and even got the platinum trophy, but I don't really feel attached to the game and the prospect of a sequel doesn't excite me. I think I might feel the same way about DS 3. Meanwhile, whenever I think back on Demon's Souls and Dark Souls or listen to their OSTs, I feel nostalgic and I always want to go back to them.


Probably Overwatch.
Over a hundred hours, and Blizzards handling of balancing and updates just keeps getting worse.


Bioshock Infinite, when I first finished that game, I thought that shit was amazing. Like 10/10 GOATG amazing. It was only after the first few playthroughs I saw the flaws for what they were and I realized my own idealized perception of the game is what made me like it so much, not necessarily the final product itself.
Should've stopped after your first playthrough :)

You get your ass back to the RL OT damn you!


Metal Gear Solid 4 easily. Loved the first two chapters, come third chapter, and it becomes more movie than game.

Mind you, that was the first MGS game I played, but he tried to explain everything to me. And since he seemed so enthusiastic about it, I thought MGS4 would be an awesome game too.

To be honest though, only MGS I loved were GZ and V. Tried to play 3 in my Vita and didn't like it either.
I'd say Hearthstone. It's a blast initially but I feel once you become familiar with the end game meta the massive flaws in the game structure become apparent. I've been disappointed with their post game support as well and lack of any sort of meaningful new mode or classes.


Destiny for sure.
Played the alpha/beta and loved it. Was amazing. Felt like a next gen game and truly felt excited for the release.

Then it came out and I really enjoyed it for about 10 hours. Then it just became a grind and the same content over and over again. I even bought the LE for the expansion's and they didn't really inspire more either. What a shame


The original Smash Bros for the N64

Because my friend keeps beating me at it. I don't care what he says, he's still a cheater!


MGSV kind of sort of.

The gameplay's still good but the structure and lack of payoff is such that I won't be playing it again.


Neo Member
Gonna be Fallout 4 for me. Loved it for a long time, but it's faults really started to wear down on me. By the time I got close to the ending, I felt insulted by the writing. Never happened to me before. And then I reached 'Kid in a Fridge.' That was the final straw.

I'll go back once I've built my pc and can saturate the game with all sorts of mods, but nothing can help the piss poor writing.


GTA 4 + 5
After a couple of hours you think it's finally a good Rockstar game*, then everything goes to unlimited boringness.

Fallout 3+4
Bad gameplay and boring quests. Nope, never again!

*Table Tennis was the best!


Hate is such a strong word. Any game that I'm very excited about is a game I always end up loving or enjoying.

I can end up thinking it could've been more than what it was and I can end up with some dissapointments, but if I really want a game, I get it because I'm confident. I also don't put games to such high standard that I end up hating games I once was excited about.


Surprised so few mentioning The Division. Loved it at first, but it's Post-Game and DZ really soured me on it fast.


Most MMO.
Loved it while playing, regret it once I realized how much time I waste on it.
Also most competitive MP, loved it when everyone fresh and noob, hate it when everyone improved and I'm still a noob.
Runescape is the only one that manages to remain fresh and enjoyable to play after all these years. Admittedly, I never wasted my time grinding and instead went straight into the meat of the game.
Hate is a really strong word. Bored is similar, depending on how you describe it. I wouldn't say I hated games after trying to come back to them or think about them. More so....had my fill?


Not hate, but still dislike it a bit now compared to at the beginning, the game mode City trial in kirby air ride, what basicly made me kinda dislike it was that the strategy of going for the legendary machines are "reliable" sometimes and completly breaks the game (but i guess is a strat against the sverwe star or what that machine that stops before turning was called).
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