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The honeymoon period is over.....What game did you once love, but now hate?


Never though I'd feel this way about the game. I've got 340 hours played and voted it no. 1 GOTY on GAF last year.
Now, even after taking breaks I just can't enjoy it anymore and hate the direction Blizz took with the game.
I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate it, but Breath of the Wild is something I don't even think about anymore. I tried jumping back in and within minutes, I realized I didn't care.

Was waiting for this. I'm in the same boat. The game is great but it doesn't interest me anymore and even while playing it, around the 3rd dungeon maybe, I was already not feeling it.


Neo Member
Maybe not hate, but my game is Nioh, I mean the game at first was pretty fun, a great soulsborne like game, but 20 hours later the game got repetitive and I felt that I wasn't progressing at all.

Nier Automata was awesome as hell, but I hated the boredom that was path B, although pushing myself to get the final ending was worth it.
Dark Souls 3 - I couldn't wait to jump back into the series and see the conclusion. The references, the nods to the first game - the new spells and more fluid combat, I was in heaven.

After beating the DLC however...I have to say I prefer DS2. DS3's references without payoff are infuriating, and the second phase nature of the bosses, while a pleasing aspect of Bloodborne, only increase frustration for DS3. Top that off with the lackluster build variety (again, faith is useless), the uninspired weapons and armor (I like maybe one set in the entire game), and the simplified upgrade system...it just feels diminished somehow. Maybe that's the point (insert gameplay fitting the narrative of the world slowly winding down supposition here), but I just didn't feel it.
I get ya, I still like the game but my main takeaway from it was that I ended up looking back more fondly on the often overly maligned DS2.

Initially the idea of a Souls game with Bloodborne esque combat pace was neato but I grew to dislike it more when I started noticing that certain mechanics (healing in particular), styles of play and boss damage output were thrown out of wack as a result.
That's like every game though

New game + is meh, it's just the same game

I have thought this myself with some of the posts taking this angle
I suppose it could be different in the case of BotW where the initial mystery of the vast world is part of the early wow factor, even so I don't actually see how it fares worse than any other Zelda one would replay where you know the dungeon puzzles, what few story beats are coming up .....and that the great sea is in fact anything but.


Valkyria Chronicles. At first I thought it was one of the greatest TRPGs, but after Barious Desert or so it just turned into gimmicks.

Ill give that the
tank and smoke maps were great, but the selvaria/train/max seriously put me off a NG+
Madden every year. I'll play the hell out of it for 2 months at the start of the season when I'm hungry for all things football, then i remember I don't really like Madden like that lol


Valkyria Chronicles. At first I thought it was one of the greatest TRPGs, but after Barious Desert or so it just turned into gimmicks.

Ill give that the
tank and smoke maps were great, but the selvaria/train/max seriously put me off a NG+

I honestly never got why people liked that game so much. It's "World War Anime" in the most insulting manner, while having fairly shallow TRPG gameplay. No honeymoon for me!


Most MMO.
Loved it while playing, regret it once I realized how much time I waste on it.

This is my answer.

There are only 2 MMOs I haven't regretted playing: Final Fantasy XIV and Phantasy Star Universe.
They're the only 2 subscription-based MMOs I've played too.

Looking back on all the free to play MMOs I've played, they just seem to waste your time so you pay money to get something faster.


The Last of Us. Originally I really enjoyed it but I've never been able to get through it a second time due to how shallow the gameplay feels.
Fallout 4 had a pretty huge post-honeymoon falling out for me.

I loved so much about that game, the weapons mods and the crafting systems, the improved shooting and even the settlements.

But man, it all services an incredibly weak story, non-existent choice in quests and one of the worst dialogue systems ever.

A string of quest breaking glitches put the nail in the coffin for me. So disappointing.


There are only 2 MMOs I haven't regretted playing: Final Fantasy XIV and Phantasy Star Universe.


God I miss that game. Even the buff parties.
Didn't expect to see so many Botw mentions. Yikes. Tho I did say that, in time, it won't be as highly thought of as it was at release ;)

For me, the most recent game was the new Echoes Fire Emblem game. Loved it at first but the terrible gameplay wore me out.

It's Zelda's cycle. It's the best game ever when it releases, wait a couple of months and opinions shifts to the game isn't really the best game ever, the older entries are actually better.
And after the new one has been announced, the last one rises up again in ranking.

Fwiw, BotW is the entry I've enjoyed the most.


The honeymoon period can be short lived in some games, while others slowly but surely eat away at you.

What game did you once love but now absolutely hate, and why?

I went on quite a high with Splatoon 2 but now the little things are beginning to annoy me. Why can't I exit a damn lobby inbetween matches, yes I can choose to quit immediately after match, but sometimes you end up stuck in a lobby for ages with no simple way to exit.

This was a thing they really should have addressed after the first game. No idea why they didn't.

Why can't I change weapons inbetween matches? "The game has a matchmaking system to ensure an equal spread of weapons in teams". It fucking doesn't, I'm seeing teams full of the same weapons.

This one was stupid, and I never understood why they didn't fix this from the first game.

Why can I not pick my weapon in Salmon Run? I don't want to use a fucking bucket.

Because it would be very gamebreaking to just pick sniper or roller against some of the minibosses here, and have an entire team of them.

I think the real question about Salmon Run is "Why is it only available at certain times?" There's literally no reason to do that, and even then I'm pretty sure you can play it locally at any time. The map and ranked mode rotation is fine, I'm okay with that and it's actually a good system, but having Salmon Run like that really makes no sense.


Uncharted series for me. I absolutely love playing them the first time, but I've never had a desire to play the again due to the bullet sponge enemies.


Overwatch, if we can count 600+ hours as a honeymoon.

Hate is strong, but I feel okay saying that. I wasn't even having fun when I won for the last few weeks I played it.


Andromeda. I was really into it for half the game, but then I got to a point where I no longer cared, pulled out the disc and sold it. I didn't even bother to Wikipedia the story to find out what happens.


FF XV. During the first few weeks of playing it I was telling my friends that this is the best game I've played this year etc. Was absolutely enamored.

By the end I just wanted it to end. Started hating the battle system and the pacing of the story started shitting the bed. Went from in love to one of my least favorite FFs. Decent ending though.

Another one was No Mans Sky. Once I recognized the cracks in the way the game worked and the illusion fell apart, I just beelined towards the quick and easy platinum and uninstalled it right away.
I don't hate it but Dark Souls 2. Loved it at launch, didn't hold up later on when compared to other games in the series. Not bad just not great.


XCOM2. It's not that i HATE the game(I don't) but after replaying it, and especially modding it--meaning I looked behind the curtains and saw the game code--the replay value was kinda killed for me. I loved replaying EW/LW1, but can't do the same with 2. Just doesn't work the way I want it to, which is a bummer.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I wouldn't say hate but more like I felt "gross" after fully completing it. Here are a few:

- Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth - It was OK at the start, but it felt toxic towards the end.
- Persona 5
- Gravity Rush 2


Witcher 3, I'm sorry to say. I'm twenty hours into it and completely unengaged by the main story. Couple that with a lot of filler sidequests, stiff controls/combat and it's hard to keep pushing. I'm not sure why I'm bothering, honestly. Maybe because everyone else claims its great.


Witcher 3, I'm sorry to say. I'm twenty hours into it and completely unengaged by the main story. Couple that with a lot of filler sidequests, stiff controls/combat and it's hard to keep pushing. I'm not sure why I'm bothering, honestly. Maybe because everyone else claims its great.

Unless you played the Witcher 3 and loved it the first go round, it sounds like there wasn't a honeymoon period to begin with.

Battlefront - day one was star wars awesomeness, played all weekend. Turned it on the following weekend and it was a mess of jump packs and levelled up people spawn camping and generally murdering anyone that hadn't played it 12 hours a day for the whole previous week.

This. I couldn't think of an example but this is exactly what happened to me with Battlefront.


Fire Emblem Awakening might be closest thing I could think of. I loved playing all the missions. Even bought DLC, but as days went by I started seeing the cracks. I hate a lot of the things awakening did, like the dual pair mechanic or the fanservice.

Wood Man

Never want to play MGSV ever again.

Same here. I watched that badass trailer so many times. I went to the midnight launch and came back so hyped. Had a 6 pack of beer ready and the next day off. My interest only lasted a few days, then I was forcing myself to play. I tried getting back into it several times but I just couldn't. I finally gave up after 2 weeks.


Probably just World of Warcraft, the last two expansions have been completely miserable. The current development team was bad enough as is but the director shakeup during Legion also has me even less interested in the next one to the point where I purged all of my assets and gold into battle.net balance and will simply not return.

I've been more subdued with MMOs after I burnt my progression racing days in Classic and BC but I really can't even enjoy the little things in WoW anymore.

I mean the majority of my time in Legion was spent leveling because I couldn't find a single class I actually wanted to play. Whereas with Stormblood, I keep leveling jobs because there are too many I want to play.

It's a shame that Mythic+ is so poorly maintained and no dungeons are ever added anyway, it's a good system but like most things with WoW it's like you can *feel* the developer apathy circling around it.
Friday The 13th.

I went to bat for the developers because I loved the core gameplay and I am a major fan of the franchise but there is really just no excuse for the game operating as it does today. It's still fundamentally broken on two of the three platforms it released on and the developers have taken a "good enough" stance on it.

I deleted it from my PC and consoles and probably won't be returning. I don't support broken games and developers who are unable to fix them.


Gold Member
I can't think of any actually. A game I love, stays loved.

Most people who have a honeymoon period are always those who get caught up in the hype.
Mass effect andromeda, put in 100 hours 95% completion

Ehh...I guess the only reason I was able to power through was because I'm a fan of the OG trilogy

Also Zelda BOTW( put in 55 hours and found all cracks , never returned


not me
Hate is a strong term, but I don't think Metal Gear Solid 1 holds up in the gameplay department at all. It used to be top five for me, but after a recent replay isn't even hovering the top twenty.


I wouldn't say hate but more like I felt "gross" after fully completing it. Here are a few:

- Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth - It was OK at the start, but it felt toxic towards the end.
- Persona 5
- Gravity Rush 2
Out of curiosity, what was gross about Gravity Rush 2?


Fire Emblem Awakening might be closest thing I could think of. I loved playing all the missions. Even bought DLC, but as days went by I started seeing the cracks. I hate a lot of the things awakening did, like the dual pair mechanic or the fanservice.
Yeah, this is the first that came to mind, and for the same reasons. Really dislike the reclassing, the pair up mechanic and how the marriage system made almost every interaction between members of the opposite gender very formulaic, because they all have to abruptly end in a ring being presented.

Wouldn't say I hate it, but I do hate the direction it has taken the series. Granted, without it the series wouldn't be taking directions at all so I guess I can't be too annoyed.


for me it'd be the Animal Crossing series.

i used to enjoy these games but, after ACNL, i feel i couldn't stomach to start another one of these from the start. i even regret owning these games now.

the honeymoon lasted years but it's over now.


Unconfirmed Member
Recently, I think Yooka Laylee. I still think it's a good game that I really enjoyed up to a point, but the controls of a few specific challenges almost completely soured the experience for me (e.g. the mini game of World 4,
the phase of the final boss where you have the rockets that you have to manipulate with the flying power. Actually, just fuck the flying power entirely

Still like it though, so no hate here.


The Last of Us. After getting the Platinum on PS3 I thought I'd go back to the remaster with no problems to do it again. Once I started, the passion was gone and I just couldn't care about it ever again. Loved it so much for those months though.


I feel like a lot of people here just had their fill.

I agree, if you fully finish a game I dont see how that is considered apart of the "honeymoon" period.

I thought this topic was referring to a game you started and got halfway through and then just lost interest and never bothered to finish.


The Uncharted series.

Loved 1 and 2 when they were brand new but now I find the gunplay and the climbing unbearably dull.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Out of curiosity, what was gross about Gravity Rush 2?

Getting the platinum mostly, that was my major beef. To note, I platinumed those 3 games, so my beef is the way to the platinum mostly.

It's a good game overall but it felt a bit way too long, kinda like Okami.
I don't think I've ever had that kind of experience for games that I managed to finish. If I managed to finish one, then I surely love every second of it.

Though I did drop lots of games midway, maybe that counts as having my honeymoon period over.
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